2# #!/usr/bin/sh
4# dtruss - print process system call time details.
5#          Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
7# 17-Jun-2005, ver 0.80         (check for newer versions)
9# USAGE: dtruss [-acdeflhoLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }
11#          -p PID          # examine this PID
12#          -n name         # examine this process name
13#          -t syscall      # examine this syscall only
14#          -a              # print all details
15#          -c              # print system call counts
16#          -d              # print relative timestamps (us)
17#          -e              # print elapsed times (us)
18#          -f              # follow children as they are forked
19#          -l              # force printing of pid/lwpid per line
20#          -o              # print on cpu times (us)
21#          -s              # print stack backtraces
22#          -L              # don't print pid/lwpid per line
23#          -b bufsize      # dynamic variable buf size (default is "4m")
24#  eg,
25#       dtruss df -h       # run and examine the "df -h" command
26#       dtruss -p 1871     # examine PID 1871
27#       dtruss -n tar      # examine all processes called "tar"
28#       dtruss -f test.sh  # run test.sh and follow children
30# The elapsed times are interesting, to help identify syscalls that take
31#  some time to complete (during which the process may have context
32#  switched off the CPU). 
34# SEE ALSO: procsystime    # DTraceToolkit
35#           dapptrace      # DTraceToolkit
36#           truss
38# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
42#  The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
43#  Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
44#  (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
45#  with the License.
47#  You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
48#  or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
49#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions
50#  and limitations under the License.
54# Author: Brendan Gregg  [Sydney, Australia]
56# TODO: Track signals, more output formatting.
58# 29-Apr-2005   Brendan Gregg   Created this.
59# 09-May-2005      "      " 	Fixed evaltime (thanks Adam L.)
60# 16-May-2005	   "      "	Added -t syscall tracing.
61# 17-Jun-2005	   "      "	Added -s stack backtraces.
66# --- Process Arguments ---
69### Default variables
70opt_pid=0; opt_name=0; pid=0; pname="."
71opt_elapsed=0; opt_cpu=0; opt_counts=0; 
72opt_relative=0; opt_printid=0; opt_follow=0
73opt_command=0; command=""; opt_buf=0; buf="4m"
74opt_trace=0; trace="."; opt_stack=0;
76### Process options
77while getopts ab:cdefhln:op:st:L name
79        case $name in
80	b)	opt_buf=1; buf=$OPTARG ;;
81        p)      opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
82        n)      opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
83        t)      opt_trace=1; trace=$OPTARG ;;
84	a)	opt_counts=1; opt_relative=1; opt_elapsed=1; opt_follow=1
85		opt_printid=1; opt_cpu=1 ;;
86	c)	opt_counts=1 ;;
87	d)	opt_relative=1 ;;
88	e)	opt_elapsed=1 ;;
89	f)	opt_follow=1 ;;
90	l)	opt_printid=1 ;;
91	o)	opt_cpu=1 ;;
92	L)	opt_printid=-1 ;;
93	s)	opt_stack=-1 ;;
94        h|?)    cat <<-END >&2
95		USAGE: dtruss [-acdefholLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }
97		          -p PID          # examine this PID
98		          -n name         # examine this process name
99		          -t syscall      # examine this syscall only
100		          -a              # print all details
101		          -c              # print syscall counts
102		          -d              # print relative times (us)
103		          -e              # print elapsed times (us)
104		          -f              # follow children
105		          -l              # force printing pid/lwpid
106		          -o              # print on cpu times
107		          -s              # print stack backtraces
108		          -L              # don't print pid/lwpid
109		          -b bufsize      # dynamic variable buf size
110		   eg,
111		       dtruss df -h       # run and examine "df -h"
112		       dtruss -p 1871     # examine PID 1871
113		       dtruss -n tar      # examine all processes called "tar"
114		       dtruss -f test.sh  # run test.sh and follow children
115		END
116		exit 1
117        esac
119shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
121### Option logic
122if [ $opt_pid -eq 0 -a $opt_name -eq 0 ]; then
123	opt_command=1
124	if [ "$*" = "" ]; then
125		$0 -h
126		exit
127	fi
128	command="$*"	# yes, I meant $*!
130if [ $opt_follow -eq 1 -o $opt_name -eq 1 ]; then
131	if [ $opt_printid -ne -1 ]; then
132		opt_printid=1
133	else
134		opt_printid=0
135	fi
138### Option translation
139## if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="exece"; fi
140if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="execve"; fi
144# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
147### Define D Script
149 #pragma D option quiet
151 /*
152  * Command line arguments
153  */
154 inline int OPT_command   = '$opt_command';
155 inline int OPT_follow    = '$opt_follow';
156 inline int OPT_printid   = '$opt_printid';
157 inline int OPT_relative  = '$opt_relative';
158 inline int OPT_elapsed   = '$opt_elapsed';
159 inline int OPT_cpu       = '$opt_cpu';
160 inline int OPT_counts    = '$opt_counts';
161 inline int OPT_pid       = '$opt_pid';
162 inline int OPT_name      = '$opt_name';
163 inline int OPT_trace     = '$opt_trace';
164 inline int OPT_stack     = '$opt_stack';
165 inline int PID           = '$pid';
166 inline string NAME       = "'$pname'";
167 inline string TRACE      = "'$trace'";
169 dtrace:::BEGIN 
170 {
171	/* print header */
172	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%-8s  ","PID/LWP") : 1; */
173	OPT_printid  ? printf("\t%-8s  ","PID/THRD") : 1;
174	OPT_relative ? printf("%8s ","RELATIVE") : 1;
175	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7s ","ELAPSD") : 1;
176	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6s ","CPU") : 1;
177	printf("SYSCALL(args) \t\t = return\n");
179	/* globals */
180	trackedpid[pid] = 0;
181	self->child = 0;
182	this->type = 0;
183 }
185 /*
186  * Save syscall entry info
187  */
189 /* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child from fork. Its parent
190    fires syscall::*fork:return in the ususal way (see below) */
191 syscall:::entry
192 /OPT_follow && trackedpid[ppid] == -1 && 0 == self->child/
193 {
194	/* set as child */
195	self->child = 1;
197	/* print output */
198	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
199	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
200	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
201	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d:  ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
202	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d:  ",0) : 1;
203	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",0) : 1;
204	printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n","fork",
205	    0,self->code,(int)errno);
206 }
208 /* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child and parent from vfork */
209 syscall:::entry
210 /OPT_follow && trackedpid[ppid] > 0 && 0 == self->child/
211 {
212	/* set as child */
213	this->vforking_tid = trackedpid[ppid];
214	self->child = (this->vforking_tid == tid) ? 0 : 1;
216	/* print output */
217	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
218	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
219	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",(this->vforking_tid == tid) ? ppid : pid,tid) : 1;
220	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d:  ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
221	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d:  ",0) : 1;
222	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",0) : 1;
223	printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n","vfork",
224	    (this->vforking_tid == tid) ? pid : 0,self->code,(int)errno);
225 }
227 syscall:::entry
228 /(OPT_command && pid == $target) || 
229  (OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
230  (OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
231  (OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
232  (self->child)/
233 {
234	/* set start details */
235	self->start = timestamp;
236	self->vstart = vtimestamp;
237	self->arg0 = arg0;
238	self->arg1 = arg1;
239	self->arg2 = arg2;
241	/* count occurances */
242	OPT_counts == 1 ? @Counts[probefunc] = count() : 1;
243 }
245/* 5 and 6 arguments */
246 syscall::select:entry,
247 syscall::mmap:entry,
248 syscall::pwrite:entry,
249 syscall::pread:entry
250 /(OPT_command && pid == $target) || 
251  (OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
252  (OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
253  (OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
254  (self->child)/
255 {
256	self->arg3 = arg3;
257	self->arg4 = arg4;
258	self->arg5 = arg5;
259 }
261 /*
262  * Follow children
263  */
264 syscall::fork:entry
265 /OPT_follow && self->start/
266 {
267	/* track this parent process */
268	trackedpid[pid] = -1;
269 }
271 syscall::vfork:entry
272 /OPT_follow && self->start/
273 {
274	/* track this parent process */
275	trackedpid[pid] = tid;
276 }
278 /* syscall::rexit:entry */
279 syscall::exit:entry
280 {
281	/* forget child */
282	self->child = 0;
283	trackedpid[pid] = 0;
284 }
286 /*
287  * Check for syscall tracing
288  */
289 syscall:::entry
290 /OPT_trace && probefunc != TRACE/
291 {
292	/* drop info */
293	self->start = 0;
294	self->vstart = 0;
295	self->arg0 = 0;
296	self->arg1 = 0;
297	self->arg2 = 0;
298	self->arg3 = 0;
299	self->arg4 = 0;
300	self->arg5 = 0;
301 }
303 /*
304  * Print return data
305  */
307 /*
308  * NOTE:
309  *  The following code is written in an intentionally repetetive way.
310  *  The first versions had no code redundancies, but performed badly during
311  *  benchmarking. The priority here is speed, not cleverness. I know there
312  *  are many obvious shortcuts to this code, Ive tried them. This style has
313  *  shown in benchmarks to be the fastest (fewest probes, fewest actions).
314  */
316 /* print 3 args, return as hex */
317 syscall::sigprocmask:return
318 /self->start/
319 {
320	/* calculate elapsed time */
321	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
322	self->start = 0;
323	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
324	self->vstart = 0;
325	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
327	/* print optional fields */
328	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
329	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
330	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
331	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
332	OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
334	/* print main data */
335	printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,
336	    (int)self->arg0,self->arg1,self->arg2,(int)arg0,
337	    self->code,(int)errno);
338	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
339	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
340	self->arg0 = 0;
341	self->arg1 = 0;
342	self->arg2 = 0;
343 }
345 /* print 3 args, arg0 as a string */
346 syscall::execve:return,
347 syscall::stat:return, 
348 syscall::stat64:return, 
349 syscall::lstat:return, 
350 syscall::lstat64:return, 
351 syscall::access:return,
352 syscall::mkdir:return,
353 syscall::chdir:return,
354 syscall::chroot:return,
355 syscall::getattrlist:return, /* XXX 5 arguments */
356 syscall::chown:return,
357 syscall::lchown:return,
358 syscall::chflags:return,
359 syscall::readlink:return,
360 syscall::utimes:return,
361 syscall::pathconf:return,
362 syscall::truncate:return,
363 syscall::getxattr:return,
364 syscall::setxattr:return,
365 syscall::removexattr:return,
366 syscall::unlink:return,
367 syscall::open:return,
368 syscall::open_nocancel:return
369 /self->start/
370 {
371	/* calculate elapsed time */
372	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
373	self->start = 0;
374	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
375	self->vstart = 0;
376	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
378	/* print optional fields */
379	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
380	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
381	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
382	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
383	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
385	/* print main data */
386	printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
387	    copyinstr(self->arg0),self->arg1,self->arg2,(int)arg0,
388	    self->code,(int)errno);
389	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
390	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
391	self->arg0 = 0;
392	self->arg1 = 0;
393	self->arg2 = 0;
394 }
396 /* print 3 args, arg1 as a string */
397 syscall::write:return,
398 syscall::write_nocancel:return,
399 syscall::read:return,
400 syscall::read_nocancel:return
401 /self->start/
402 {
403	/* calculate elapsed time */
404	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
405	self->start = 0;
406	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
407	self->vstart = 0;
408	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
410	/* print optional fields */
411	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
412	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
413	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
414	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
415	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
417	/* print main data */
418	printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
419	    arg0 == -1 ? "" : stringof(copyin(self->arg1,arg0)),self->arg2,(int)arg0,
420	    self->code,(int)errno);
421	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
422	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
423	self->arg0 = 0;
424	self->arg1 = 0;
425	self->arg2 = 0;
426 }
428 /* print 2 args, arg0 and arg1 as strings */
429 syscall::rename:return,
430 syscall::symlink:return,
431 syscall::link:return
432 /self->start/
433 {
434	/* calculate elapsed time */
435	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
436	self->start = 0;
437	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
438	self->vstart = 0;
439	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
441	/* print optional fields */
442	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
443	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
444	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
445	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
446	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
448	/* print main data */
449	printf("%s(\"%S\", \"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
450	    copyinstr(self->arg0), copyinstr(self->arg1),
451	    (int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
452	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
453	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
454	self->arg0 = 0;
455	self->arg1 = 0;
456	self->arg2 = 0;
457 }
459 /* print 0 arg output */
460 syscall::*fork:return
461 /self->start/
462 {
463	/* calculate elapsed time */
464	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
465	self->start = 0;
466	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
467	self->vstart = 0;
468	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
470	/* print optional fields */
471	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
472	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
473	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
474	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
475	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
477	/* print main data */
478	printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
479	    (int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
480	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
481	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
482	self->arg0 = 0;
483	self->arg1 = 0;
484	self->arg2 = 0;
485 }
487 /* print 1 arg output */
488 syscall::close:return,
489 syscall::close_nocancel:return
490 /self->start/
491 {
492	/* calculate elapsed time */
493	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
494	self->start = 0;
495	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
496	self->vstart = 0;
497	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
499	/* print optional fields */
500	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
501	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
502	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
503	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
504	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
506	/* print main data */
507	printf("%s(0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
508	    (int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
509	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
510	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
511	self->arg0 = 0;
512	self->arg1 = 0;
513	self->arg2 = 0;
514 }
516 /* print 2 arg output */
517 syscall::utimes:return,
518 syscall::munmap:return
519 /self->start/
520 {
521	/* calculate elapsed time */
522	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
523	self->start = 0;
524	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
525	self->vstart = 0;
526	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
528	/* print optional fields */
529	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
530	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
531	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
532	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
533	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
535	/* print main data */
536	printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
537	    self->arg1,(int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
538	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
539	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
540	self->arg0 = 0;
541	self->arg1 = 0;
542	self->arg2 = 0;
543 }
545 /* print pread/pwrite with 4 arguments */
546 syscall::pread*:return,
547 syscall::pwrite*:return
548 /self->start/
549 {
550	/* calculate elapsed time */
551	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
552	self->start = 0;
553	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
554	self->vstart = 0;
555	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
557	/* print optional fields */
558	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
559	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
560	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
561	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
562	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
564	/* print main data */
565	printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
566	    stringof(copyin(self->arg1,self->arg2)),self->arg2,self->arg3,(int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
567	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
568	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
569	self->arg0 = 0;
570	self->arg1 = 0;
571	self->arg2 = 0;
572	self->arg3 = 0;
573 }
575 /* print select with 5 arguments */
576 syscall::select:return
577 /self->start/
578 {
579	/* calculate elapsed time */
580	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
581	self->start = 0;
582	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
583	self->vstart = 0;
584	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
586	/* print optional fields */
587	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
588	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
589	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
590	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
591	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
593	/* print main data */
594	printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
595	    self->arg1,self->arg2,self->arg3,self->arg4,(int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
596	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
597	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
598	self->arg0 = 0;
599	self->arg1 = 0;
600	self->arg2 = 0;
601	self->arg3 = 0;
602	self->arg4 = 0;
603 }
605 /* mmap has 6 arguments */
606 syscall::mmap:return
607 /self->start/
608 {
609	/* calculate elapsed time */
610	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
611	self->start = 0;
612	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
613	self->vstart = 0;
614	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
616	/* print optional fields */
617	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
618	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
619	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
620	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
621	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
623	/* print main data */
624	printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
625	    self->arg1,self->arg2,self->arg3,self->arg4,self->arg5, arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
626	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
627	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
628	self->arg0 = 0;
629	self->arg1 = 0;
630	self->arg2 = 0;
631	self->arg3 = 0;
632	self->arg4 = 0;
633	self->arg5 = 0;
634 }
636 /* print 3 arg output - default */
637 syscall:::return
638 /self->start/
639 {
640	/* calculate elapsed time */
641	this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
642	self->start = 0;
643	this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
644	self->vstart = 0;
645	self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
647	/* print optional fields */
648	/* OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/%d:  ",pid,tid) : 1; */
649	OPT_printid  ? printf("%5d/0x%x:  ",pid,tid) : 1;
650	OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
651	OPT_elapsed  ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
652	OPT_cpu      ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
654	/* print main data */
655	printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
656	    self->arg1,self->arg2,(int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
657	OPT_stack ? ustack()    : 1;
658	OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
659	self->arg0 = 0;
660	self->arg1 = 0;
661	self->arg2 = 0;
662 }
664 /* print counts */
665 dtrace:::END
666 {
667	OPT_counts == 1 ? printf("\n%-32s %16s\n","CALL","COUNT") : 1;
668	OPT_counts == 1 ? printa("%-32s %@16d\n",@Counts) : 1;
669 }
672### Run DTrace
673#if [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
674#	/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=exec -n "$dtrace" \
675#	    -c "$command" >&2
677#	/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" >&2
680### Run DTrace (Mac OS X)
681# Redirect the output to /dev/stderr so that it doesn't mingle with
682# data going to the target's stdout
683if [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
684	/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=exec -n "$dtrace" \
685	    -c "$command" -o /dev/stderr
687	/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" -o /dev/stderr