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acconfig.hH A D04-May-2010312

acinclude.m4H A D04-May-2010776

aclocal.m4H A D04-May-201035 KiB

AUTHORSH A D04-May-2010208


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catalog.cH A D04-May-201096.7 KiB

ChangeLogH A D04-May-2010731.2 KiB

check-relaxng-test-suite.pyH A D04-May-20109.8 KiB

check-relaxng-test-suite2.pyH A D04-May-201010.3 KiB

check-xinclude-test-suite.pyH A D04-May-20105.2 KiB

check-xml-test-suite.pyH A D04-May-20109.4 KiB

check-xsddata-test-suite.pyH A D04-May-201010.4 KiB

chvalid.cH A D04-May-201012 KiB

config.guessH A D04-May-201043.9 KiB

config.h.inH A D04-May-20107.5 KiB

config.subH A D04-May-201033.6 KiB

configureH A D04-May-2010463.3 KiB

configure.inH A D04-May-201037.1 KiB

COPYINGH A D04-May-20101.5 KiB

CopyrightH A D04-May-20101.5 KiB

dbgen.plH A D04-May-20101.3 KiB

dbgenattr.plH A D04-May-20101.3 KiB

debugXML.cH A D04-May-201094.4 KiB

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dict.cH A D04-May-201025.8 KiB

DOCBparser.cH A D04-May-20108.6 KiB

elfgcchack.hH A D04-May-2010648.5 KiB

encoding.cH A D04-May-2010123 KiB

entities.cH A D04-May-201026.6 KiB

error.cH A D04-May-201026.6 KiB


gentest.pyH A D04-May-201029 KiB

genUnicode.pyH A D04-May-201012.7 KiB

globals.cH A D04-May-201028.9 KiB

hash.cH A D04-May-201028.2 KiB

HTMLparser.cH A D04-May-2010199.8 KiB

HTMLtree.cH A D04-May-201031.6 KiB


INSTALLH A D04-May-201015.2 KiB

install-shH A D04-May-201013.3 KiB

legacy.cH A D04-May-201037.9 KiB

libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.inH A D04-May-2010286

libxml-2.0.pc.inH A D04-May-2010336

libxml.3H A D04-May-20101.6 KiB

libxml.hH A D04-May-20102.2 KiB

libxml.m4H A D04-May-20107.7 KiB

libxml.spec.inH A D04-May-20103.9 KiB

libxml2.symsH A D04-May-201043 KiB

list.cH A D04-May-201016 KiB

ltmain.shH A D04-May-2010237.5 KiB



Makefile.amH A D04-May-201055.3 KiB

Makefile.inH A D05-Oct-2010114.4 KiB

Makefile.testsH A D04-May-2010912

missingH A D04-May-201011.2 KiB

mkinstalldirsH A D04-May-20103.5 KiB

nanoftp.cH A D04-May-201050.2 KiB

nanohttp.cH A D04-May-201046.3 KiB

NEWSH A D04-May-201093.6 KiB

parser.cH A D04-May-2010399.6 KiB

parserInternals.cH A D04-May-201062.3 KiB

pattern.cH A D04-May-201062.2 KiB


READMEH A D04-May-20101.2 KiB

ReadMe.PyObjCH A D04-May-2010556

README.testsH A D04-May-20101.2 KiB

regressions.pyH A D04-May-201012.1 KiB

regressions.xmlH A D04-May-20106.2 KiB

relaxng.cH A D04-May-2010355.6 KiB

runsuite.cH A D04-May-201031.6 KiB

runtest.cH A D04-May-2010112.3 KiB

runxmlconf.cH A D04-May-201016.1 KiB

SAX.cH A D04-May-20105.4 KiB

SAX2.cH A D04-May-201081.3 KiB

schematron.cH A D04-May-201047.1 KiB

testapi.cH A D04-May-20101.4 MiB

testAutomata.cH A D04-May-20107.5 KiB

testC14N.cH A D04-May-20109.5 KiB

testchar.cH A D04-May-201015.7 KiB

testdict.cH A D04-May-201011.4 KiB

testdso.cH A D04-May-2010166

testHTML.cH A D04-May-201020.7 KiB

testModule.cH A D04-May-20101.8 KiB

testReader.cH A D04-May-20103.2 KiB

testrecurse.cH A D04-May-201024.5 KiB

testRegexp.cH A D04-May-201010.1 KiB

testRelax.cH A D04-May-20104.5 KiB

testSAX.cH A D04-May-201027 KiB

testSchemas.cH A D04-May-20104.2 KiB

testThreads.cH A D04-May-20104.8 KiB

testThreadsWin32.cH A D04-May-20103.3 KiB

testURI.cH A D04-May-20102.9 KiB

testXPath.cH A D04-May-20105.8 KiB

threads.cH A D04-May-201026.2 KiB

TODOH A D04-May-201011.1 KiB

TODO_SCHEMASH A D04-May-2010922

tree.cH A D04-May-2010248 KiB

trio.cH A D04-May-2010155.8 KiB

trio.hH A D04-May-20107 KiB

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trionan.cH A D04-May-201022.6 KiB

trionan.hH A D04-May-20102 KiB

triop.hH A D04-May-20105.6 KiB

triostr.cH A D04-May-201041.1 KiB

triostr.hH A D04-May-20108 KiB

uri.cH A D04-May-201066 KiB

valid.cH A D04-May-2010188.2 KiB




xinclude.cH A D04-May-201066.4 KiB

xlink.cH A D04-May-20104.5 KiB

xml2-config.1H A D04-May-20101.2 KiB

xml2-config.inH A D04-May-20101.6 KiB

xml2Conf.sh.inH A D04-May-2010191

xmlcatalog.cH A D04-May-201014.6 KiB

xmlIO.cH A D04-May-201099.8 KiB

xmllint.cH A D04-May-201094.7 KiB

xmlmemory.cH A D04-May-201025.5 KiB

xmlmodule.cH A D04-May-20109.7 KiB

xmlreader.cH A D04-May-2010158.9 KiB

xmlregexp.cH A D04-May-2010214.7 KiB

xmlsave.cH A D04-May-201069.9 KiB

xmlschemas.cH A D04-May-2010801.2 KiB

xmlschemastypes.cH A D04-May-2010172.6 KiB

xmlstring.cH A D04-May-201024.5 KiB

xmlunicode.cH A D04-May-2010100.5 KiB

xmlwriter.cH A D04-May-2010121.8 KiB

xpath.cH A D04-May-2010410.4 KiB

xpointer.cH A D04-May-201075.5 KiB



2                  XML toolkit from the GNOME project
4Full documentation is available on-line at
5    http://xmlsoft.org/
7This code is released under the MIT Licence see the Copyright file.
9To build on an Unixised setup:
10   ./configure ; make ; make install
11To build on Windows:
12   see instructions on win32/Readme.txt
14To assert build quality:
15   on an Unixised setup:
16      run make tests
17   otherwise:
18       There is 3 standalone tools runtest.c runsuite.c testapi.c, which
19       should compile as part of the build or as any application would.
20       Launch them from this directory to get results, runtest checks 
21       the proper functionning of libxml2 main APIs while testapi does
22       a full coverage check. Report failures to the list.
24To report bugs, follow the instructions at: 
25  http://xmlsoft.org/bugs.html
27A mailing-list xml@gnome.org is available, to subscribe:
28    http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/xml
30The list archive is at:
31    http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/
33All technical answers asked privately will be automatically answered on
34the list and archived for public access unless pricacy is explicitely
35required and justified.
37Daniel Veillard


1                       README.tests
3   Instructions for standalone test regressions of libxml2
5libxml2-tests-$version.tar.gz contains 3 standalone C programs as well
6as a large amount of tests and results coming from libxml2 itself and
7from W3C, NIST, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft and James Clark. Each C
8program has a different testing purpose:
10  runtest.c : runs libxml2 basic internal regression tests
11  runsuite.c: runs libxml2 against external regression tests
12  testapi.c : exercises the library public entry points
13  testchar.c: exercise the check of character ranges and UTF-8 validation
15The command:
17  make -f Makefile.tests check
19should be sufficient on an Unix system to build and exercise the tests
20for the version of the library installed on the system. Note however
21that there isn't backward compatibility provided so if the installed
22version is older to the testsuite one, failing to compile or run the tests
23is likely. In any event this won't work with an installed libxml2 older
24than 2.6.20.
25Building on other platfroms should be a matter of compiling the C files
26like any other program using libxml2, running the test should be done
27simply by launching the resulting executables.
29Daniel Veillard
30Thu Jul 24 2008