2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 *
19 */
21    auto_gdb_interface.cpp
22    Routines called by gdb to implement its info gc-references and gc-roots commands.
23    Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
24 */
26#include <vector>
27#include <deque>
28#include "auto_gdb_interface.h"
29#include "auto_impl_utilities.h"
30#include "Zone.h"
31#include "BlockIterator.h"
32#include "ReferenceIterator.h"
34namespace Auto {
35    template <typename ReferenceIterator> class GDBPendingStack {
36        typedef std::vector<uintptr_t, AuxAllocator<uintptr_t> > uintptr_vector;
37        uintptr_vector _small_stack, _large_stack;
38    public:
39        const PendingStackHint hints() { return PendingStackWantsEagerScanning; }
41        void push(Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) {
42            assert(q <= 65536);
43            assert(uintptr_t(subzone) == (uintptr_t(subzone) & ~0x1FFFF));
44            _small_stack.push_back(uintptr_t(subzone) | q); // 1024 * 1024 / 16 == 65536 == 0x10000
45        }
47        void push(Large *large) {
48            _large_stack.push_back(uintptr_t(large));
49        }
51        static bool mark(Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) { return subzone->test_and_set_mark(q); }
52        static bool mark(Large *large) { return large->test_and_set_mark(); }
54        static bool is_marked(Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) { return subzone->is_marked(q); }
55        static bool is_marked(Large *large) { return large->is_marked(); }
57        void scan(ReferenceIterator &scanner) {
58            for (;;) {
59                // prefer scanning small blocks to large blocks, to keep the stacks shallow.
60                if (_small_stack.size()) {
61                    uintptr_t back = _small_stack.back();
62                    _small_stack.pop_back();
63                    Subzone *subzone = reinterpret_cast<Subzone *>(back & ~0x1FFFF);
64                    usword_t q = back & 0x1FFFF;
65                    scanner.scan(subzone, q);
66                } else if (_large_stack.size()) {
67                    Large *large = reinterpret_cast<Large*>(_large_stack.back());
68                    _large_stack.pop_back();
69                    scanner.scan(large);
70                } else {
71                    return;
72                }
73            }
74        }
76        template <typename U> struct rebind { typedef GDBPendingStack<U> other; };
77    };
79    template <typename ReferenceIterator> class GDBScanningStrategy : public FullScanningStrategy<ReferenceIterator> {
80    public:
81        // provide a way to rebind this template type to another just like STL allocators can do.
82        template <typename U> struct rebind { typedef GDBScanningStrategy<U> other; };
84        // Could use this to customize the scanning strategy. For now, it could just as easily be a typedef.
85    };
87    typedef std::vector<auto_memory_reference_t, AuxAllocator<auto_memory_reference_t> > RefVector;
89    class GDBReferenceRecorder {
90    private:
91        Zone *_zone;
92        void *_block;
93        void *_stack_bottom;
94        RefVector _refs;
96        struct Configuration;
97        typedef ReferenceIterator<Configuration> GDBReferenceIterator;
99        struct Configuration {
100            typedef GDBReferenceRecorder ReferenceVisitor;
101            typedef GDBPendingStack<GDBReferenceIterator> PendingStack;
102            typedef GDBScanningStrategy<GDBReferenceIterator> ScanningStrategy;
103        };
105    public:
106        GDBReferenceRecorder(Zone *zone, void *block, void *stack_bottom) : _zone(zone), _block(block), _stack_bottom(stack_bottom) {}
108        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, void *block) {
109            if (block == _block) {
110                auto_memory_reference_t ref = { NULL };
111                switch (info.kind()) {
112                case kRootReference:
113                    ref.address = slot;
114                    ref.offset = 0;
115                    ref.kind = auto_memory_block_global;
116                    break;
117                case kStackReference:
118                    ref.address = info.thread().stack_base();
119                    ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
120                    ref.kind = auto_memory_block_stack;
121                    break;
122                case kConservativeHeapReference:
123                case kAllPointersHeapReference:
124                    ref.address = _zone->block_start((void*)slot);
125                    ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
126                    ref.kind = auto_memory_block_bytes;
127                    ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)_zone,ref.address);
128                    break;
129                case kExactHeapReference:
130                    ref.address = _zone->block_start((void*)slot);
131                    ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
132                    ref.kind = auto_memory_block_object;
133                    ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)_zone,ref.address);
134                    break;
135                case kAssociativeReference:
136                    ref.address = info.object();
137                    ref.offset = (intptr_t)info.key();
138                    ref.kind = auto_memory_block_association;
139                    ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)_zone,ref.address);
140                    break;
141                default:
142                    break;
143                }
144                if (ref.address) _refs.push_back(ref);
145            }
146        }
148        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) {
149            visit(info, slot, subzone->quantum_address(q));
150        }
152        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, Large *large) {
153            visit(info, slot, large->address());
154        }
156        void scan() {
157            Configuration::PendingStack stack;
158            GDBReferenceIterator scanner(_zone, *this, stack, _stack_bottom);
159            scanner.scan();
160        }
162        auto_memory_reference_list_t *copy_refs() {
163            uint32_t count = _refs.size();
164            auto_memory_reference_list_t *result = (auto_memory_reference_list_t *) aux_malloc(sizeof(auto_memory_reference_list_t) + count * sizeof(auto_memory_reference_t));
165            result->count = count;
166            std::copy(_refs.begin(), _refs.end(), result->references);
167            return result;
168        }
169    };
171    class GDBRootFinder {
172    private:
173        struct Configuration;
174        typedef ReferenceIterator<Configuration> GDBRootIterator;
175        struct Configuration {
176            typedef GDBRootFinder ReferenceVisitor;
177            typedef GDBPendingStack<GDBRootIterator> PendingStack;
178            typedef GDBScanningStrategy<GDBRootIterator> ScanningStrategy;
179        };
181        struct Node;
182        typedef std::vector<Node *, AuxAllocator<Node *> > NodeVector;
183        typedef std::deque<Node *, AuxAllocator<Node *> > NodeQueue;
184        typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<void *, Node*, AuxPointerHash, AuxPointerEqual, AuxAllocator<void *> > NodeSet;
185        typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<Node *, auto_memory_reference_t, AuxPointerHash, AuxPointerEqual, AuxAllocator<Node *> > NodeRefMap; // Node * -> auto_memory_reference_t
187        //
188        // Node - Represents each object in the roots sub-graph. Contains a set that represents all of the unique pointers FROM other nodes to
189        // this node. Currently, only one reference from a given node is represented; this is sufficient for nodes that represent stack
190        // and global references, because there can be only from a given Node. On the other hand, since an object may contain multiple pointers
191        // we might want to change the represention to be a set of pair<ref, Node>, where there is a unique entry for every distinct reference
192        // to an object. This will provide a more comprehensive set of references, and may be necessary for understanding the complete picture
193        // of a root set.
194        //
195        struct Node {
196            void *_address;                         // base address of this node.
197            Node *_target;                          // used by shortest path algorithm.
198            NodeRefMap _references;                 // references to THIS Node, keyed by slotNode addresses.
199            enum Color { White = 0, Gray, Black };  // states a Node can be in during predecessor discovery.
200            Color _color : 2;
201            char _is_thread_local : 1;              // true if this node is thread local.
202            char _is_retained : 1;                  // true if this node has a retain count.
204            Node(void *address) : _address(address), _target(NULL), _references(), _color(White), _is_thread_local(0), _is_retained(0) {}
206            Color darken() { if (_color < Black) _color = (Color)(_color + 1); return _color; }
208            void addRef(Zone *zone, Node *slotNode, const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot) {
209                if (_references.find(slotNode) == _references.end()) {
210                    auto_memory_reference_t ref = { NULL };
211                    switch (info.kind()) {
212                    case kRootReference:
213                        ref.address = slotNode->_address;
214                        ref.offset = 0;
215                        ref.kind = auto_memory_block_global;
216                        break;
217                    case kStackReference:
218                        ref.address = info.thread().stack_base();
219                        ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
220                        ref.kind = auto_memory_block_stack;
221                        break;
222                    case kConservativeHeapReference:
223                    case kAllPointersHeapReference:
224                        ref.address = slotNode->_address;
225                        ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
226                        ref.kind = auto_memory_block_bytes;
227                        ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)zone,ref.address);
228                        break;
229                    case kExactHeapReference:
230                        ref.address = slotNode->_address;
231                        ref.offset = (intptr_t)slot - (intptr_t)ref.address;
232                        ref.kind = auto_memory_block_object;
233                        ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)zone,ref.address);
234                        break;
235                    case kAssociativeReference:
236                        ref.address = slotNode->_address;
237                        ref.offset = (intptr_t)info.key();
238                        ref.kind = auto_memory_block_association;
239                        ref.retainCount = auto_zone_retain_count((auto_zone_t *)zone,ref.address);
240                        break;
241                    default:
242                        return;
243                    }
244                    _references[slotNode] = ref;
245                }
246            }
248            typedef void (^ref_visitor_t) (Node *targetNode, Node* slotNode, auto_memory_reference_t &ref);
250            void visitRefs(ref_visitor_t visitor) {
251                NodeQueue queue;
252                queue.push_back(this);
253                this->_color = Black;
254                while (!queue.empty()) {
255                    Node *node = queue.front();
256                    queue.pop_front();
257                    for (NodeRefMap::iterator i = node->_references.begin(), end = node->_references.end(); i != end; ++i) {
258                        Node *child = i->first;
259                        if (child->_color == White) {
260                            child->_color = Black;
261                            visitor(node, child, i->second);
262                            queue.push_back(child);
263                        }
264                    }
265                }
266            }
267        };
269        Zone *_zone;
270        Node *_blockNode;
271        auto_memory_reference_t _blockRef;
272        void *_stack_bottom;
273        NodeSet _nodes;
274        NodeSet _nodesToExplore;
276    public:
277        GDBRootFinder(Zone *zone, void *block, void* stack_bottom) : _zone(zone), _blockNode(new Node(block)), _stack_bottom(stack_bottom) {
278            _nodes[_blockNode->_address] = _blockNode;
279            _nodesToExplore[_blockNode->_address] = _blockNode;
281            auto_block_info_sieve<AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_REFCOUNT|AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_LAYOUT> block_info(_zone, _blockNode->_address);
282            _blockRef = (auto_memory_reference_t) { _blockNode->_address, 0, is_object(block_info.layout()) ? auto_memory_block_object : auto_memory_block_bytes, block_info.refcount() };
283        }
285        ~GDBRootFinder() {
286            for (NodeSet::iterator i = _nodes.begin(), end = _nodes.end(); i != end; ++i) {
287                delete i->second;
288            }
289        }
291        Node *nodeForSlot(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot) {
292            Node *node = NULL;
293            NodeSet::iterator i;
294            switch (info.kind()) {
295            case kRootReference:
296            case kStackReference:
297                i = _nodes.find(slot);
298                if (i != _nodes.end()) {
299                    node = i->second;
300                } else {
301                    node = new Node(slot);
302                    _nodes[slot] = node;
303                }
304                break;
305            case kAssociativeReference:
306                i = _nodes.find(slot);
307                if (i != _nodes.end()) {
308                    node = i->second;
309                } else {
310                    node = new Node(slot);
311                    _nodes[slot] = node;
312                    _nodesToExplore[slot] = node;
313                }
314                break;
315            case kConservativeHeapReference:
316            case kAllPointersHeapReference:
317            case kExactHeapReference:
318                {
319                    void *start = _zone->block_start(slot);
320                    i = _nodes.find(start);
321                    if (i != _nodes.end()) {
322                        node = i->second;
323                    } else {
324                        node = new Node(start);
325                        _nodes[start] = node;
326                        _nodesToExplore[start] = node;
327                    }
328                }
329                break;
330            default:
331                break;
332            }
333            return node;
334        }
336        // New algorithm idea:  build a sub-graph starting from the specified object connected to all of its roots. The sub-graph is built effectively in parallel, by considering more
337        // than one node at a time. When a new node is added to the tree, the current pass through the heap won't necessarily visit all of the children of the new node, so
338        // subsequent passes will be neeeded if new nodes are added. A node is known to be have been fully explored once it has been around through a complete pass, and it can be
339        // removed from the set of nodes still being explored. When this set goes empty, the subgraph is complete.
341        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, void *block) {
342            NodeSet::iterator i = _nodesToExplore.find(block);
343            if (i != _nodesToExplore.end()) {
344                Node *node = i->second;
345                switch (info.kind()) {
346                case kThreadLocalReference:
347                    node->_is_thread_local = 1;
348                    break;
349                case kRetainedReference:
350                    node->_is_retained = 1;
351                    break;
352                case kAssociativeReference:
353                    // slot points into the associations table.
354                    slot = (void**)info.object();
355                default:
356                    // otherwise, this is a reference that comes from a slot in memory.
357                    Node *slotNode = nodeForSlot(info, slot);
358                    if (slotNode) node->addRef(_zone, slotNode, info, slot);
359                }
360            }
361        }
363        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) {
364            visit(info, slot, subzone->quantum_address(q));
365        }
367        void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **slot, Large *large) {
368            visit(info, slot, large->address());
369        }
371        bool darkenExploredNodes() {
372            __block NodeVector blackNodes;
373            std::for_each(_nodesToExplore.begin(), _nodesToExplore.end(), ^(NodeSet::value_type &value) {
374                if (value.second->darken() == Node::Black) blackNodes.push_back(value.second);
375            });
376            std::for_each(blackNodes.begin(), blackNodes.end(), ^(Node *node) { _nodesToExplore.erase(node->_address); });
377            return (_nodesToExplore.size() != 0);
378        }
380        void scan() {
381            Configuration::PendingStack stack;
382            GDBRootIterator scanner(_zone, *this, stack, _stack_bottom);
383            while (darkenExploredNodes()) {
384                scanner.scan();
385                _zone->reset_all_marks();
386            }
387            // NodeSet::value_type is a std::pair<void *, Node *>.
388            std::for_each(_nodes.begin(), _nodes.end(), ^(NodeSet::value_type &value) { value.second->_color = Node::White; });
389        }
391        typedef std::vector<RefVector, AuxAllocator<RefVector> > PathsVector;
393        void addPath(PathsVector &paths, Node *rootNode) {
394            paths.resize(paths.size() + 1);
395            RefVector &path = paths.back();
396            Node *slotNode = rootNode;
397            while (slotNode != _blockNode) {
398                Node *targetNode = slotNode->_target;
399                assert(targetNode != NULL);
400                auto_memory_reference_t &ref = targetNode->_references[slotNode];
401                path.push_back(ref);
402                slotNode = targetNode;
403            }
404            path.push_back(_blockRef);
405        }
407        auto_root_list_t *copy_roots() {
408            auto_root_list_t *result = NULL;
410            // use Djikstra's algorithm (breadth-first search) to discover the shortest path to each root.
411            __block PathsVector paths;
412            __block bool considerThreadLocalGarbage = false;
414            Node::ref_visitor_t visitor = ^(Node *targetNode, Node *slotNode, auto_memory_reference_t &ref) {
415                assert(slotNode->_target == NULL);
416                slotNode->_target = targetNode;
417                switch (ref.kind) {
418                case auto_memory_block_global:
419                case auto_memory_block_stack:
420                    // these are both roots.
421                    addPath(paths, slotNode);
422                    break;
423                case auto_memory_block_bytes:
424                case auto_memory_block_object:
425                    // retained  and thread local blocks are roots too.
426                    if (slotNode->_is_retained) {
427                        addPath(paths, slotNode);
428                    } else if (considerThreadLocalGarbage && slotNode->_is_thread_local) {
429                        addPath(paths, slotNode);
430                    }
431                    break;
432                case auto_memory_block_association:
433                    // include associations with non-blocks as roots.
434                    if (!_zone->is_block(slotNode->_address) || slotNode->_is_retained) {
435                        addPath(paths, slotNode);
436                    }
437                    break;
438                default:
439                    break;
440                }
441            };
442            _blockNode->visitRefs(visitor);
444            // <rdar://problem/6426033>:  If block is retained, it roots itself.
445            if (_blockRef.retainCount) addPath(paths, _blockNode);
447            // <rdar://problem/8026966>:  If no roots were found, consider thread local garbage.
448            if (paths.empty()) {
449                // reset all nodes to run another search, collecting paths from thread-local objects.
450                std::for_each(_nodes.begin(), _nodes.end(), ^(NodeSet::value_type &value) {
451                    value.second->_color = Node::White;
452                    value.second->_target = NULL;
453                });
454                considerThreadLocalGarbage = true;
455                _blockNode->visitRefs(visitor);
456            }
458            size_t count = paths.size();
459            size_t list_size = sizeof(auto_root_list_t) + count * sizeof(auto_memory_reference_list_t);
460            for (usword_t i = 0; i < count; i++) list_size += paths[i].size() * sizeof(auto_memory_reference_t);
461            result = (auto_root_list_t *)aux_malloc(list_size);
462            result->count = count;
463            auto_memory_reference_list_t *list = result->roots;
464            for (usword_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
465                const RefVector &refs = paths[i];
466                list->count = refs.size();
467                std::copy(refs.begin(), refs.end(), list->references);
468                list = (auto_memory_reference_list_t *)displace(list, sizeof(auto_root_list_t) + list->count * sizeof(auto_memory_reference_t));
469            }
470            return result;
471        }
472   };
475using namespace Auto;
477// <rdar://problem/6614079> - To avoid deadlocks with malloc stack logging, this class inhibits the logger when called
478// from the debugger.
480struct MallocLoggerInhibitor {
481    malloc_logger_t *_old_logger;
482    static void inhibited_logger(uint32_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uint32_t) {}
483    MallocLoggerInhibitor() : _old_logger(malloc_logger) { if (_old_logger) malloc_logger = &inhibited_logger; }
484    ~MallocLoggerInhibitor() { if (_old_logger) malloc_logger = _old_logger; }
487auto_memory_reference_list_t *auto_gdb_enumerate_references(auto_zone_t *zone, void *address, void *stack_base) {
488    auto_memory_reference_list_t *result = NULL;
489    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
490    if (azone && azone->block_collector()) {
491        MallocLoggerInhibitor inhibitor;
492        GDBReferenceRecorder recorder(azone, address, stack_base);
493        recorder.scan();
494        azone->reset_all_marks();
495        result = recorder.copy_refs();
496        azone->unblock_collector();
497    }
498    return result;
501auto_root_list_t *auto_gdb_enumerate_roots(auto_zone_t *zone, void *address, void *stack_base) {
502    auto_root_list_t *result = NULL;
503    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
504    if (azone && azone->block_collector()) {
505        MallocLoggerInhibitor inhibitor;
506        GDBRootFinder finder(azone, address, stack_base);
507        finder.scan();
508        result = finder.copy_roots();
509        azone->unblock_collector();
510    }
511    return result;
514extern "C" bool gdb_is_local(void *address) {
515    Zone *azone = (Zone *)auto_zone_from_pointer(address);
516    if (azone && azone->in_subzone_memory(address)) {
517        Subzone *subzone = Subzone::subzone(address);
518        return subzone->is_live_thread_local(subzone->quantum_index(address));
519    }
520    return false;
523#if DEBUG
525extern "C" void gdb_refs(void *address) {
526    auto_zone_t *zone = auto_zone_from_pointer(address);
527    if (zone) {
528        auto_memory_reference_list_t *refs = auto_gdb_enumerate_references(zone, address, (void *)auto_get_sp());
529        if (refs) aux_free(refs);
530    }
533extern "C" void gdb_roots(void *address) {
534    auto_zone_t *zone = auto_zone_from_pointer(address);
535    if (zone) {
536        auto_root_list_t *roots = auto_gdb_enumerate_roots(zone, address, (void *)auto_get_sp());
537        if (roots) aux_free(roots);
538    }
541extern "C" bool gdb_is_root(auto_zone_t *zone, void *address) {
542    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
543    return azone->is_root(address);
546// Prototype of Template-Based Heap Scanner.
547// This is basically sample code showing how the template-based scanner works.
549struct RetainedBlocksVisitor {
550    Zone *_zone;
552    struct Configuration;
553    typedef ReferenceIterator<Configuration> Iterator;
554    struct Configuration {
555        typedef RetainedBlocksVisitor ReferenceVisitor;
556        typedef GDBPendingStack<Iterator> PendingStack;
557        typedef FullScanningStrategy<Iterator> ScanningStrategy;
558    };
560    RetainedBlocksVisitor(Zone *zone) : _zone(zone) {}
562    void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **ref, Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) {
563        if (subzone->has_refcount(q)) {
564            void *block = subzone->quantum_address(q);
565            SubzoneBlockRef blockRef(subzone, q);
566            printf("small/medium block %p (sz = %ld, rc = %d)\n", block, subzone->size(q), (int)blockRef.refcount());
567        }
568    }
570    void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **ref, Large *large) {
571        if (large->refcount()) {
572            printf("large block %p (sz = %ld, rc = %lu)\n", large->address(), large->size(), large->refcount());
573        } else if (info.kind() == kAssociativeReference) {
574            printf("large block %p associatively referenced\n", large->address());
575        }
576    }
579extern "C" void gdb_print_retained_blocks(auto_zone_t *zone) {
580    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
581    if (azone->block_collector()) {
582        RetainedBlocksVisitor visitor(azone);
583        RetainedBlocksVisitor::Configuration::PendingStack pending_stack;
584        RetainedBlocksVisitor::Iterator scanner(azone, visitor, pending_stack, (void *)auto_get_sp());
585        scanner.scan();
586        azone->reset_all_marks();
587        azone->unblock_collector();
588    }
591struct NewBlocksVisitor {
592    struct Configuration;
593    typedef ReferenceIterator<Configuration> Iterator;
594    struct Configuration {
595        typedef NewBlocksVisitor ReferenceVisitor;
596        typedef GDBPendingStack<Iterator> PendingStack;
597        typedef GenerationalScanningStrategy<Iterator> ScanningStrategy;
598    };
599    size_t _small_count, _large_count;
601    NewBlocksVisitor() : _small_count(0), _large_count(0) {}
603    void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **ref, Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) {
604        if (subzone->is_new(q)) {
605            ++_small_count;
606            // printf("small/medium block %p (sz = %lu, age = %lu)\n", subzone->quantum_address(q), subzone->size(q), subzone->age(q));
607        }
608    }
610    void visit(const ReferenceInfo &info, void **ref, Large *large) {
611        if (large->is_new()) {
612            ++_large_count;
613            // printf("large block %p (sz = %lu, age = %lu)\n", large->address(), large->size(), large->age());
614        }
615    }
618extern "C" void gdb_print_new_blocks(auto_zone_t *zone) {
619    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
620    if (azone->block_collector()) {
621        NewBlocksVisitor visitor;
622        NewBlocksVisitor::Configuration::PendingStack pending_stack;
623        NewBlocksVisitor::Iterator scanner(azone, visitor, pending_stack, (void *)auto_get_sp());
624        scanner.scan();
625        printf("new blocks:  %lu small/medium, %ld large\n", visitor._small_count, visitor._large_count);
627        azone->reset_all_marks();
628        azone->unblock_collector();
629    }
632extern "C" void gdb_print_large_blocks(auto_zone_t *zone) {
633    Zone *azone = (Zone *)zone;
634    SpinLock lock(azone->large_lock());
635    if (azone->large_list()) {
636        printf("global large blocks:\n");
637        for (Large *large = azone->large_list(); large != NULL; large = large->next()) {
638            printf("large block %p: size = %ld, rc = %lu\n", large->address(), large->size(), large->refcount());
639        }
640    }