2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 *
19 */
21    Subzone.h
22    Quantized Memory Allocation
23    Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
24 */
26#pragma once
27#ifndef __AUTO_SUBZONE__
28#define __AUTO_SUBZONE__
30#include "Admin.h"
31#include "Definitions.h"
32#include "Bitmap.h"
33#include "FreeList.h"
34#include "WriteBarrier.h"
35#include "Region.h"
36#import "auto_tester/auto_tester.h"
37#include "auto_zone.h"
38#include "auto_trace.h"
39#include "auto_dtrace.h"
40#include <cassert>
42namespace Auto {
44    // Forward declarations
45    class Region;
46    class Thread;
49    //----- Subzone -----//
51    //
52    // A subzone is a region in vm memory managed by automatic garbage collection.  The base address of the subheap is
53    // aligned to the subzone quantum size such that the containing subzone can be quickly determined from any refererence
54    // into the subzone.
55    // A C++ Subzone object is constructed at this aligned address.  The first chunk of memory are the write-barrier cards
56    // that keep track of write-barrier-quantum ranges of objects that have been stored into.
57    // Next are the instance variables including a back pointer to the "admin" that contains the free lists.
58    // Fleshing out the rest are the "admin" data, one per quantum, indicating if its the start of a block etc.
59    // Quantum numbers are used for most operations - the object with quantum 0 starts just after the end of the admin data
60    // at the first quantum boundary opportunity.
61    // There are two quantum sizes that a Subzone can be configured to manage - small and medium.  We keep a "bias" so that
62    // in a bitmap of all subzones we can quickly keep it as dense as possible.
63    //
66    class Subzone : public Preallocated {
68    private:
69        unsigned char  _write_barrier_cards[subzone_write_barrier_max];
70        WriteBarrier   _write_barrier;
71                                        // write barrier for subzone - must be first
72        usword_t       _quantum_log2;   // ilog2 of the quantum used in this admin
73        Region         *_region;        // region owning this subzone (with bitmaps for these quanta)
74        Admin          *_admin;         // admin for this subzone (reflecting appropriate quanta size)
75        Subzone        *_nextSubzone;   // used by admin's _purgeable_subzones list.
76        bool           _is_purgeable;   // true if this subzone is in admin's _purgeable_subzones list.
77        bool           _is_purged;      // true if uncommit_memory() was called on the inactive range.
78        usword_t       _quantum_bias;   // the value added to subzone quantum numbers to get a globally
79                                        // unique quantum (used to index region pending/mark bits)
80        void           *_allocation_address; // base address for allocations
81        usword_t       _in_use;         // high water mark
82        unsigned char * volatile _checking_counts; // collection checking counts, by quantum index
83        volatile int32_t _pending_count;
84        bool           _is_being_scanned;
85        unsigned char  _side_data[1];   // base for side data
87        enum {
88            /*
89             A quantum with start_bit set indicates the beginning of a block, which may be either allocated or free.
90             The block is allocated if any of the remaining bits are nonzero. If all are zero then the block is free.
91             Minimally, if a block is allocated either global_bit, or alloc_local_bit, or the garbage bit will be set.
92             The block size for an allocated block beginning at quanta q is determined by examining the side data at quanta q+1.
93             If the start bit at q+1 is set then the block size is 1 quanta. If the start bit at q+1 is not set then the remaining
94             bits hold the block size (in units of quanta.)
95             The block size for a unallocated block can be inferred from the free list it is on.
96             */
98            start_bit_log2 = 7,
99            start_bit = 0x1 << start_bit_log2,                  // indicates beginning of block
101            /*
102             The layout indicates whether the block is an object and whether it is scanned.  Even when a block is marked
103             as garbage the scanned bit is important because the background collector needs to scan through even local garbage
104             to find references - otherwise it might win a race and deallocate something that will be referenced in a finalize
105             run by the local collector.
106            */
107            layout_log2 = 4,
108            layout_mask = 0x7 << layout_log2,                   // indicates block organization
110            /*
111             The global bit is consulted in order to determine the interpretation of all remaining bits.
112             When global bit == 1, the age and refcount bits are valid.
113             When global bit == 0, alloc_local_bit and garbage_bit are valid.
114             When garbage_bit == 1, refcount bit is again valid since blocks may be marked external in a finalize method.
115             When garbage_bit == 0, scan_local_bit is valid.
116            */
117            global_bit_log2 = 0,
118            global_bit = 0x1 << global_bit_log2,                // indicates thread locality of block. 0 -> thread local, 1 -> global
120            garbage_bit_log2 = 2,
121            garbage_bit = 0x1 << garbage_bit_log2,              // iff global == 0.  marks garbage, alloc_local_bit marks if local.
123            alloc_local_bit_log2 = 1,
124            alloc_local_bit = 0x1 << alloc_local_bit_log2,      // iff global == 0. marks that a block is thread local
126            scan_local_bit_log2 = 3,
127            scan_local_bit = 0x1 << scan_local_bit_log2,        // iff global == 0, alloc_local == 1. marks thread local to be scanned
129            refcount_log2 = 3,
130            refcount_bit = 0x1 << refcount_log2,                // if global_bit == 1 else garbage_bit == 1. holds inline refcount
132            age_mask_log2 = 1,
133            age_mask = 0x3 << age_mask_log2,                    // iff global_bit == 1. block age bits for background collector
135            /* Interesting age values. */
136            youngest_age = 3,
137            eldest_age = 0,
139            quanta_size_mask = 0x7f,                            // quanta size mask for blocks of quanta size 2+
140        };
142        // Does a side data value represent the youngest age (includes thread local)?
143        static inline bool is_youngest(unsigned char sd) { return ((sd & age_mask)>>age_mask_log2) == youngest_age; }
145        // Does a side data value represent the eldest age?
146        static inline bool is_eldest(unsigned char sd) { return ((sd & age_mask)>>age_mask_log2) == eldest_age; }
148        //
149        // subzone_side_data_max
150        //
151        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
152        // the maximum number of quantum in the subzone.
153        //
154        static inline usword_t subzone_side_data_max(usword_t quantum_log2) {
155            // size of subzone data (non quantum) less size of side data
156            usword_t header_size = sizeof(Subzone) - sizeof(unsigned char);
157            // quantum size plus one byte for side data
158            usword_t bytes_per_quantum = (1LL << quantum_log2) + 1;
159            // round up the maximum number quantum (max out side data)
160            return (subzone_quantum - header_size + bytes_per_quantum - 1) / bytes_per_quantum;
161        }
164        //
165        // subzone_base_data_size
166        //
167        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
168        // the size of the non quantum data rounded up to a the nearest quantum.
169        //
170        static inline usword_t subzone_base_data_size(usword_t quantum_log2) {
171            return align2(sizeof(Subzone) - sizeof(unsigned char) + subzone_side_data_max(quantum_log2), quantum_log2);
172        }
175        //
176        // subzone_allocation_size
177        //
178        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
179        // the size of the area available for allocating quantum.
180        //
181        static inline usword_t subzone_allocation_size(usword_t quantum_log2) {
182            return subzone_quantum - subzone_base_data_size(quantum_log2);
183        }
186        //
187        // subzone_allocation_limit
188        //
189        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
190        // the number of the quantum that can be allocated.
191        //
192        static inline usword_t subzone_allocation_limit(usword_t quantum_log2) {
193            return partition2(subzone_allocation_size(quantum_log2), quantum_log2);
194        }
197      public:
200        //
201        // Constructor
202        //
203        Subzone(Region *region, Admin *admin, usword_t quantum_log2, usword_t quantum_bias)
204            : _write_barrier(_write_barrier_cards, _write_barrier_cards, WriteBarrier::bytes_needed(subzone_quantum)),
205              _quantum_log2(quantum_log2), _region(region), _admin(admin), _nextSubzone(NULL), _is_purgeable(false), _is_purged(false),
206              _quantum_bias(quantum_bias), _allocation_address(NULL), _in_use(0), _pending_count(0), _is_being_scanned(false)
207        {
208            usword_t base_data_size = is_small() ?
209                                        subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
210                                        subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
211            _allocation_address = (void *)displace(this, base_data_size);
212        }
215        //
216        // Destructor
217        //
218        ~Subzone();
221        // pack/unpack a subzone/quantum index pair into a single pointer sized value
222        inline uintptr_t pack(usword_t q) {
223            assert(q <= 65536);
224            assert(uintptr_t(this) == (uintptr_t(this) & ~0x1FFFF));
225            return (uintptr_t)this | q;
226        }
227        static Subzone *unpack(uintptr_t packed, usword_t &q) {
228            q = ((usword_t)packed & 0x1FFFF);
229            return (reinterpret_cast<Subzone *>(packed & ~0x1FFFF));
230        }
233        //
234        // Accessors
235        //
236        usword_t quantum_log2()                const { return _quantum_log2; }
237        Region *region()                       const { return _region; }
238        Admin *admin()                         const { return _admin; }
240        Subzone *nextSubzone()                 const { return _nextSubzone; }
241        void setNextSubzone(Subzone *subzone)        { _nextSubzone = subzone; }
242        bool is_purgeable()                    const { return _is_purgeable; }
243        void set_purgeable(bool purgeable)           { _is_purgeable = purgeable; }
244        bool is_purged()                       const { return _is_purged; }
245        void set_purged(bool purged)                 { _is_purged = purged; }
247        //
248        // purgeable_range
249        //
250        // Returns the page aligned range of memory that is free at the end of the subzone.
251        // This range can be passed to madvise() to return the memory to the system.
252        //
253        Range purgeable_range() const {
254            usword_t unused = allocation_limit() - _in_use;
255            usword_t size = quantum_size(unused);
256            if (size >= page_size) {
257                void *address = quantum_address(_in_use);
258                return Range(align_up(address, page_size_log2), align_down(displace(address, size), page_size_log2));
259            } else {
260                return Range();
261            }
262        }
264        usword_t quantum_bias()                const { return _quantum_bias; }
266        bool has_pending()                     const { return _pending_count != 0; }
267        int32_t add_pending_count(int32_t count)     { return OSAtomicAdd32(count, &_pending_count); }
268        int32_t pending_count() const                { return _pending_count; } // note that this queries a volatile value in an unsynchronized manner
269        bool is_being_scanned()                     const { return _is_being_scanned; }
270        void set_is_being_scanned(bool p)                 { _is_being_scanned = p; }
272        //
273        // subzone
274        //
275        // Return the subzone of an arbitrary memory address.
276        //
277        static inline Subzone *subzone(void *address) { return (Subzone *)((uintptr_t)address & ~mask(subzone_quantum_log2)); }
280        //
281        // is_small
282        //
283        // Return true if it is a small admin.
284        //
285        inline bool is_small() const { return _quantum_log2 == allocate_quantum_small_log2; }
288        //
289        // is_medium
290        //
291        // Return true if it is a medium admin.
292        //
293        inline bool is_medium() const { return _quantum_log2 == allocate_quantum_medium_log2; }
296        //
297        // allocation_address
298        //
299        // Return the first allocation address in the subzone.
300        //
301        inline void *allocation_address() const { return _allocation_address; }
304        //
305        // allocation_end
306        //
307        // Return the last allocation address in the subzone.
308        //
309        inline void *allocation_end() { return displace(this, subzone_quantum); }
312        //
313        // base_data_size
314        //
315        // Return the size of the base data space in the subzone.
316        //
317        inline usword_t base_data_size() const {
318             return is_small() ? subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2):
319                                 subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
320        }
323        //
324        // base_data_quantum_count
325        //
326        // Return the number quantum of the base data space occupies.
327        //
328        inline usword_t base_data_quantum_count(usword_t quantum_log2) const {
329             return subzone_base_data_size(quantum_log2) >> quantum_log2;
330        }
333        //
334        // allocation_size
335        //
336        // Return the size of the allocation space in the subzone.
337        //
338        inline usword_t allocation_size() const {
339             return is_small() ? subzone_allocation_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
340                                 subzone_allocation_size(allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
341        }
344        //
345        // allocation_limit
346        //
347        // Return the number quantum in the subzone.
348        //
349        inline usword_t allocation_limit() const {
350             return is_small() ? subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
351                                 subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
352        }
355        //
356        // quantum_index
357        //
358        // Returns a quantum index for a arbitrary pointer.
359        // Unless running DEBUG this could be bogus if the pointer refers to the admin (write-barrier) area of a subzone.
360        // Callers must have already done a successful is_start or be prepared to validate against quantum_limit.
361        //
362        inline usword_t quantum_index(void *address, usword_t quantum_log2) const {
363            ASSERTION(quantum_log2 == _quantum_log2);
364            usword_t result = (((uintptr_t)address & mask(subzone_quantum_log2)) >> quantum_log2) - base_data_quantum_count(quantum_log2);
365#if DEBUG
366            if (result > allocation_limit()) { printf("bad quantum index\n"); __builtin_trap(); }
368            return result;
369        }
370        inline usword_t quantum_index(void *address) const {
371            return is_small() ? quantum_index(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
372                                quantum_index(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
373        }
376        //
377        // quantum_index_unchecked
378        //
379        // Returns a quantum index for a arbitrary pointer.  Might be bogus if the address is in the admin (writebarrier) area.
380        //
381        inline usword_t quantum_index_unchecked(void *address, usword_t quantum_log2) const {
382            ASSERTION(quantum_log2 == _quantum_log2);
383            return (((uintptr_t)address & mask(subzone_quantum_log2)) >> quantum_log2) - base_data_quantum_count(quantum_log2);
384         }
385        inline usword_t quantum_index_unchecked(void *address) const {
386            return is_small() ? quantum_index_unchecked(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
387                                quantum_index_unchecked(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
388        }
391        //
392        // allocation_count
393        //
394        // High water count for this subzone
395        //
396        inline usword_t allocation_count() const { return _in_use; }
398        //
399        // add_allocation_count
400        //
401        // High water count for this subzone
402        //
403        inline void raise_allocation_count(usword_t q)  { _in_use += q; }
405        //
406        // subtract_allocation_count
407        //
408        // High water count for this subzone
409        //
410        inline void lower_allocation_count(usword_t q)  { _in_use -= q; }
412        //
413        // quantum_count
414        //
415        // Returns the number of quantum for a given size.
416        //
417        inline const usword_t quantum_count(const size_t size) const {
418            return partition2(size, _quantum_log2);
419        }
422        //
423        // quantum_size
424        //
425        // Returns the size in bytes of n quantum.
426        //
427        inline const usword_t quantum_size(const usword_t n) const { return n << _quantum_log2; }
430        //
431        // quantum_address
432        //
433        // Returns the address if a specified quantum.
434        //
435        inline void *quantum_address(const usword_t q) const { return displace(_allocation_address, quantum_size(q)); }
438        //
439        // quantum_range
440        //
441        // Return the range for the block at q.
442        //
443        inline void quantum_range(const usword_t q, Range &range) const {
444            range.set_range(quantum_address(q), size(q));
445        }
447        //
448        // Side data accessors
449        //
450        inline bool is_free(usword_t q)              const { return (_side_data[q] & ~start_bit) == 0; }
452        inline bool is_start(usword_t q)             const { return (_side_data[q] & start_bit) != 0 && !is_free(q); }
453        inline bool block_is_start(usword_t q)       const { return q < allocation_limit() && (_side_data[q] & start_bit) != 0 && !is_free(q); }
454        inline bool block_is_start(void *address, usword_t *q)    const {
455            return (is_small() ? is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
456                                 is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) &&
457                   block_is_start(*q = quantum_index_unchecked(address));
458        }
460        inline usword_t length(usword_t q)           const {
461            usword_t result;
462            if (q == allocation_limit()-1 || (_side_data[q+1] & start_bit))
463                result = 1;
464            else {
465                // ASSERTION(_side_data[q + 1] != 0);
466                result = _side_data[q+1] & quanta_size_mask;
467            }
468            return result;
469        }
471        inline usword_t size(usword_t q)             const { return quantum_size(length(q)); }
473        inline bool is_new(usword_t q)               const { ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q)); return !is_eldest(_side_data[q]); }
475        inline bool is_newest(usword_t q)            const { ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q)); return is_youngest(_side_data[q]); }
478        inline usword_t age(usword_t q)              const { ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q)); return (_side_data[q] & age_mask) >> age_mask_log2; }
480        inline void set_age(usword_t q, usword_t age)      {
481            ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q));
482            unsigned char data = _side_data[q];
483            data &= ~age_mask;
484            data |= (age << age_mask_log2);
485            _side_data[q] = data;
486        }
488        inline usword_t sideData(void *address) const { return _side_data[quantum_index(address)]; }
490        inline void mature(usword_t q) {
491            if (!is_thread_local(q)) {
492                unsigned char data = _side_data[q];
493                unsigned char current = (data & age_mask) >> age_mask_log2;
494                if (current > eldest_age) {
495                    data &= ~age_mask;
496                    data |= ((current-1) << age_mask_log2);
497                    _side_data[q] = data;
498                    AUTO_PROBE(auto_probe_mature(quantum_address(q), current-1));
499                }
500            }
501        }
503        /* Test if the block is marked as thread local in the side data. Note that a true result does not necessarily mean it is local to the calling thread. */
504        inline bool is_thread_local(usword_t q)     const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|alloc_local_bit|global_bit)) == (start_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
506        /* Test if the block is thread local and not garbage. Note that a true result does not necessarily mean it is local to the calling thread. */
507        inline bool is_live_thread_local(usword_t q)     const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit | alloc_local_bit | global_bit|garbage_bit)) == (start_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
510        void update_block_escaped_stats();
513        // mark a thread-local object as a global one
514        // NOTE:  this must be called BEFORE the object can be retained, since it starts the object with rc=0, age=youngest.
515        inline void make_global(usword_t q) {
516            ASSERTION(is_live_thread_local(q));
517            unsigned char data = _side_data[q];
518            data &= ~(refcount_bit | age_mask);
519            data |= global_bit | (youngest_age << age_mask_log2);
520            _side_data[q] = data;
521            AUTO_PROBE(auto_probe_make_global(quantum_address(q), youngest_age));
522            GARBAGE_COLLECTION_AUTO_BLOCK_LOST_THREAD_LOCALITY(quantum_address(q), size(q));
524            update_block_escaped_stats();
526        }
528        /*
529         Mark a block as garbage.
530         For global data mark global_bit 0 and garbage_bit 1
531         For local data merely mark the garbage_bit 1 (keeping global_bit 0)
532         When marking garbage also clear the refcount bits since they may get used during finalize, even for local garbage.
533         As is, the full layout is preserved.
534         */
535        // Theoretically we should be able to assert !is_thread_local(q) here. But due to the way the bits
536        // are encoded the assertion also triggers for a block that was previously marked garbage which was resurrected.
537        // Removing the assertion for sake of the unit tests.
538        inline void mark_global_garbage(usword_t q)          { /* ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q)); */ _side_data[q] = (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|layout_mask)) | garbage_bit; }
539        inline bool is_garbage(usword_t q)           const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|garbage_bit|global_bit)) == (start_bit|garbage_bit); }
540        inline bool is_global_garbage(usword_t q)     const { return !is_thread_local(q) && is_garbage(q); }
542        inline void mark_local_garbage(usword_t q)          { ASSERTION(is_live_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] = (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|layout_mask)) | garbage_bit | alloc_local_bit; }
543        inline bool is_local_garbage(usword_t q)      const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|garbage_bit|alloc_local_bit)) == (start_bit|garbage_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
545        inline bool is_marked(usword_t q)            const { return q < allocation_limit() && _region->marks().bit(_quantum_bias + q); }
547        inline usword_t layout(usword_t q)           const { return (_side_data[q] & layout_mask) >> layout_log2; }
549        inline bool is_scanned(usword_t q)           const { return !(layout(q) & AUTO_UNSCANNED); }
551        inline bool has_refcount(usword_t q)         const { return !is_live_thread_local(q) && (_side_data[q] & refcount_bit) != 0; }
552        inline void set_has_refcount(usword_t q)           { ASSERTION(!is_live_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] |= refcount_bit; }
553        inline void clear_has_refcount(usword_t q)         { ASSERTION(!is_live_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] &= ~refcount_bit; }
555        inline void set_scan_local_block(usword_t q)        { ASSERTION(is_live_thread_local(q)); if (is_scanned(q)) _side_data[q] |= scan_local_bit; }
557        inline void clear_scan_local_block(usword_t q)        { ASSERTION(is_live_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] &= ~scan_local_bit; }
559        inline bool should_scan_local_block(usword_t q)     { ASSERTION(is_live_thread_local(q)); return (_side_data[q] & scan_local_bit); }
561        // mark (if not already marked)
562        // return already-marked
563        inline bool test_and_set_mark(usword_t q)              { return _region->test_and_set_mark(_quantum_bias + q); }
565        // Used to mark objects ineligible for compaction.
566        inline bool test_and_set_pinned(usword_t q)         { return _region->pinned().test_set_bit_atomic(_quantum_bias + q); }
567        inline void mark_pinned(usword_t q)                 { _region->pinned().set_bit_atomic(_quantum_bias + q); }
568        inline bool is_pinned(usword_t q)                   { return _region->pinned().bit(_quantum_bias + q); }
570        inline bool is_compactable(usword_t q) const {
571            usword_t biased_q = q + _quantum_bias;
572            return _region->marks().bit(biased_q) && !_region->pinned().bit(biased_q);
573        }
575        // Used to mark objects that have been forwarded during compaction.
576        inline void mark_forwarded(usword_t q)              { _region->pending().set_bit(_quantum_bias + q); }
577        inline void clear_forwarded(usword_t q)             { _region->pending().clear_bit(_quantum_bias + q); }
578        inline bool is_forwarded(usword_t q)                { return _region->pending().bit(_quantum_bias + q); }
580        inline bool test_and_clear_mark(usword_t q)            { return _region->test_and_clear_mark(_quantum_bias + q); }
582        inline void set_layout(usword_t q, usword_t layout) {
583            unsigned d = _side_data[q];
584            d &= ~layout_mask;
585            d |= (layout << layout_log2);
586            _side_data[q] = d;
587        }
589        inline bool test_and_set_pending(usword_t q, bool adjust_pending_count)                {
590            bool result = _region->pending().test_set_bit_atomic(_quantum_bias + q);
591            if (!result && adjust_pending_count) add_pending_count(1);
592            return result;
593        }
595        inline bool test_and_clear_pending(usword_t q)              { return _region->pending().test_clear_bit_atomic(_quantum_bias + q); }
597        inline Bitmap::AtomicCursor pending_cursor() { return Bitmap::AtomicCursor(_region->pending(), _quantum_bias, allocation_limit()); }
599        //
600        // is_used
601        //
602        // Return true if the quantum is in a used quantum.
603        //
604        inline bool is_used(usword_t q) const {
605            // any data indicates use
606            if (!is_free(q)) return true;
608            // otherwise find the prior start
609            for (usword_t s = q; true; s--) {
610                if (is_start(s)) {
611                    usword_t n = length(s);
612                    // make sure q is in range
613                    return (q - s) < n;
614                }
615                if (!s) break;
616            }
617            return false;
618        }
620        //
621        // next_quantum
622        //
623        // Returns the next q for block or free node.
624        //
625        inline usword_t next_quantum(usword_t q = 0) const {
626            usword_t nq;
627            if (is_start(q)) {
628                nq = q + length(q);
629            } else {
630                // FIXME:  accessing the free list without holding the allocation lock is a race condition.
631                // SpinLock lock(_admin->lock());
632                // FreeListNode *node = (FreeListNode *)quantum_address(q);
633                // q = quantum_index(node->next_block());
634                // Instead, we simply search for the next block start. Note, this means we no longer
635                // return quanta for free blocks.
636                usword_t n = allocation_limit();
637                nq = q + 1;
638                while (nq < n && !is_start(nq)) ++nq;
639            }
640            // Until <rdar://problem/6404163> is fixed, nq can equal q. This is mostly harmless, because the
641            // caller will keep looping over the same q value, until _side_data[q + 1] is updated.
642            ASSERTION(nq >= q);
643            return nq;
644        }
646        inline usword_t next_quantum(usword_t q, MemoryReader & reader) const {
647            return next_quantum(q);
648        }
650        //
651        // previous_quantum
652        //
653        // Returns the previous q for block or free node.
654        //
655        inline usword_t previous_quantum(usword_t q) {
656            // find a prior start before the specified q.
657            ASSERTION(q <= allocation_limit());
658            while (q--) {
659                if (is_start(q))
660                    return q;
661            }
662            return not_found;
663        }
665        //
666        // block_start
667        //
668        // Return the start address for the given address.
669        // All clients must (and do) check for NULL return.
670        //
671        inline void * block_start(void *address, usword_t &startq) const {
672            usword_t q = quantum_index_unchecked(address), s = q;
673            // an arbitrary address in our admin area will return a neg (very large) number
674            if (q > allocation_limit()) return NULL;
675            do {
676                if (is_start(s)) {
677                    usword_t n = length(s);
678                    // make sure q is in range
679                    if ((q - s) < n) {
680                        startq = s;
681                        return quantum_address(s);
682                    }
683                    return NULL;
684                }
685            } while (s--);
686            return NULL;
687        }
689        //
690        // allocate
691        //
692        // Initialize side data for a new block.
693        //
694        inline void allocate(usword_t q, const usword_t n, const usword_t layout, const bool refcount_is_one, const bool is_local) {
695            ASSERTION(n <= maximum_quanta && n > 0);
696            unsigned char sd;
697            sd =    start_bit
698                | (layout << layout_log2)
699                | (is_local ?  alloc_local_bit : (global_bit | (youngest_age << age_mask_log2)))
700                //| (is_local ?  alloc_local_bit : global_bit) // hides allocation microbenchmark issues
701                | (refcount_is_one ? refcount_bit : 0);
703            _side_data[q] = sd;
704            if (n > 1) {
705                _side_data[q + 1] = n;
706                _side_data[q + n - 1] = n;
707            }
708            // Only touch the next block if it is zero (free)
709            // Other threads can touching that block's side data (global/local/garbage)
710            if (q+n < allocation_limit() && _side_data[q + n] == 0)
711                _side_data[q + n] |= start_bit;
712        }
714        //
715        // cache
716        //
717        // Initialize side data for a cached block.
718        //
719        inline void cache(usword_t q, const usword_t n) {
720            ASSERTION(n <= maximum_quanta && n > 0);
721            _side_data[q] = (start_bit | alloc_local_bit | (AUTO_MEMORY_UNSCANNED << layout_log2) | garbage_bit);
722            if (n > 1) {
723                _side_data[q + 1] = n;
724                _side_data[q + n - 1] = n;
725            }
726            // Only touch the next block if it is zero (free)
727            // Other threads can touching that block's side data (global/local/garbage)
728            if (q+n < allocation_limit() && _side_data[q + n] == 0)
729                _side_data[q + n] |= start_bit;
730        }
732        //
733        // deallocate
734        //
735        // Clear side data for an existing block.
736        //
737        inline void deallocate(usword_t q, usword_t len) {
738            bool prev_quanta_allocated = (q > 0 ? (_side_data[q-1] != 0) : false);
740            _side_data[q] = prev_quanta_allocated ? start_bit : 0;
741            if (len > 1) {
742                _side_data[q+1] = 0;
743                _side_data[q+len-1] = 0;
744            }
745            if (q+len < allocation_limit()) {
746                if (_side_data[q+len] == start_bit)
747                    _side_data[q+len] = 0;
748            }
749        }
750        inline void deallocate(usword_t q) { deallocate(q, length(q)); }
753        //
754        // write_barrier
755        //
756        // Returns accessor for this subzone's write barrier.
757        //
758        inline WriteBarrier& write_barrier() {
759            return _write_barrier;
760        }
762        //
763        // collection_checking_count
764        //
765        // retrieve the collection checking count for a quanta
766        //
767        inline uint32_t collection_checking_count(usword_t q) const {
768            // make a copy of the volatile buffer pointer on the stack so it won't be freed while we are using it
769            unsigned char *counts = _checking_counts;
770            return counts ? counts[q] : 0;
771        }
774        //
775        // set_collection_checking_count
776        //
777        // set the collection checking count for a quanta, allocates the counts buffer if needed
778        //
779        inline void set_collection_checking_count(usword_t q, uint32_t count) {
780            // if this is the first time checking has been requested then we need to allocate a a buffer to hold the counts
781            // but don't allocate just to clear the count to zero
782            if (_checking_counts == NULL && count != 0) {
783                // Use a collectable buffer to store the check counts. This enables unsynchronized cleanup if/when checking is turned off.
784                // Note that we only get here via a collection checking request from a user thread, never from the collector internally.
785                void *tmp = auto_zone_allocate_object((auto_zone_t *)_admin->zone(), allocation_limit() * sizeof(unsigned char), AUTO_UNSCANNED, true, true);
786                if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(NULL, tmp, (void * volatile *)(void *)&_checking_counts))
787                    auto_zone_release((auto_zone_t *)_admin->zone(), tmp);
788            }
790            // make a copy of the volatile buffer pointer on the stack so it won't be freed while we are using it
791            unsigned char *counts = _checking_counts;
792            if (counts != NULL) {
793                counts[q] = count < 255 ? count : 255;
794            }
795        }
798        //
799        // reset_collection_checking
800        //
801        // frees the memory buffer used for collection checking
802        //
803        inline void reset_collection_checking() {
804            unsigned char *counts = _checking_counts;
805            if (OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(counts, NULL, (void * volatile *)(void *)&_checking_counts))
806                auto_zone_release((auto_zone_t *)_admin->zone(), counts);
807        }
811        //
812        // PendingCountAccumulator
813        //
814        // PendingCountAccumulator is a per-thread buffer to accumulate updates to the subzone pending count.
815        // The accumulator is used during threaded scanning to reduce the total number of atomic updates.
816        //
817        class PendingCountAccumulator {
818            Thread &_thread;
819            Subzone *_last_pended_subzone;
820            usword_t _pended_count;
822        public:
823            PendingCountAccumulator(Thread &thread);
825            ~PendingCountAccumulator();
827            inline void flush_count() {
828                if (_last_pended_subzone && _pended_count) {
829                    _last_pended_subzone->add_pending_count(_pended_count);
830                    _pended_count = 0;
831                }
832            }
834            inline void pended_in_subzone(Subzone *sz) {
835                if (_last_pended_subzone != sz) {
836                    if (_pended_count) {
837                        flush_count();
838                    }
839                    _last_pended_subzone = sz;
840                }
841                _pended_count++;
842            }
843        };
845    };
848    //----- SubzoneRangeIterator -----//
850    //
851    // Iterate over a range of memory
852    //
854    class SubzoneRangeIterator : public Range {
856      public:
858        //
859        // Constructors
860        //
861        SubzoneRangeIterator(void *address, const usword_t size) : Range(address, size) {}
862        SubzoneRangeIterator(void *address, void *end) : Range(address, end) {}
863        SubzoneRangeIterator(Range range) : Range(range) {}
866        //
867        // iteration_complete
868        //
869        // returns true if the iteration has reached the end and no more entries are available
870        //
871        inline boolean_t iteration_complete() { return !(address() < end()); }
873        //
874        // next
875        //
876        // Returns next subzone in the range or NULL if no more entries available.
877        //
878        inline Subzone *next() {
879            // if cursor is still in range
880            if (address() < end()) {
881                // capture cursor position
882                Subzone *subzone = (Subzone *)address();
883                // advance for next call
884                set_address(displace(subzone, subzone_quantum));
885                // return captured cursor position
886                return subzone;
887            }
889            // at end
890            return NULL;
891        }
893        //
894        // previous
895        //
896        // Returns previous subzone in the range or NULL if no more entries available.
897        //
898        inline Subzone *previous() {
899            if (end() > address()) {
900                Subzone *prev = (Subzone *)displace(end(), -subzone_quantum);
901                set_end(prev);
902                return prev;
903            }
904            return NULL;
905        }
906    };
911#endif // __AUTO_SUBZONE__