1Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2Contributed by the AriC and Caramel projects, INRIA.
4This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library.
6The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
9option) any later version.
11The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
14License for more details.
16You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER.  If not, see
18http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
1951 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21Table of contents:
221. Documentation
232. Installation
243. Changes in existing functions
254. New functions to implement
265. Efficiency
276. Miscellaneous
287. Portability
311. Documentation
34- add a description of the algorithms used + proof of correctness
372. Installation
40- if we want to distinguish GMP and MPIR, we can check at configure time
41  the following symbols which are only defined in MPIR:
43  #define __MPIR_VERSION 0
44  #define __MPIR_VERSION_MINOR 9
47  There is also a library symbol mpir_version, which should match VERSION, set
48  by configure, for example 0.9.0.
513. Changes in existing functions
54- export mpfr_overflow and mpfr_underflow as public functions
56- many functions currently taking into account the precision of the *input*
57  variable to set the initial working precison (acosh, asinh, cosh, ...).
58  This is nonsense since the "average" working precision should only depend
59  on the precision of the *output* variable (and maybe on the *value* of
60  the input in case of cancellation).
61  -> remove those dependencies from the input precision.
63- mpfr_can_round:
64   change the meaning of the 2nd argument (err). Currently the error is
65   at most 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err), i.e. err is the relative shift wrt the
66   most significant bit of the approximation. I propose that the error
67   is now at most 2^err ulps of the approximation, i.e.
68   2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-MPFR_PREC(b)+err).
70- mpfr_set_q first tries to convert the numerator and the denominator
71  to mpfr_t. But this convertion may fail even if the correctly rounded
72  result is representable. New way to implement:
73  Function q = a/b.  nq = PREC(q) na = PREC(a) nb = PREC(b)
74    If na < nb
75       a <- a*2^(nb-na)
76    n <- na-nb+ (HIGH(a,nb) >= b)
77    if (n >= nq)
78       bb <- b*2^(n-nq)
79       a  = q*bb+r     --> q has exactly n bits.
80    else
81       aa <- a*2^(nq-n)
82       aa = q*b+r      --> q has exactly n bits.
83  If RNDN, takes nq+1 bits. (See also the new division function).
874. New functions to implement
90- implement mpfr_q_sub, mpfr_z_div, mpfr_q_div?
91- implement functions for random distributions, see for example
92  https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/mpfr/2010-01/msg00034.html
93  (suggested by Charles Karney <ckarney@Sarnoff.com>, 18 Jan 2010):
94   * a Bernoulli distribution with prob p/q (exact)
95   * a general discrete distribution (i with prob w[i]/sum(w[i]) (Walker
96     algorithm, but make it exact)
97   * a uniform distribution in (a,b)
98   * exponential distribution (mean lambda) (von Neumann's method?)
99   * normal distribution (mean m, s.d. sigma) (ratio method?)
100- wanted for Magma [John Cannon <john@maths.usyd.edu.au>, Tue, 19 Apr 2005]:
101  HypergeometricU(a,b,s) = 1/gamma(a)*int(exp(-su)*u^(a-1)*(1+u)^(b-a-1),
102                                    u=0..infinity)
103  JacobiThetaNullK
104  PolylogP, PolylogD, PolylogDold: see http://arxiv.org/abs/math.CA/0702243
105    and the references herein.
106  JBessel(n, x) = BesselJ(n+1/2, x)
107  IncompleteGamma [also wanted by <keith.briggs@bt.com> 4 Feb 2008: Gamma(a,x),
108    gamma(a,x), P(a,x), Q(a,x); see A&S 6.5, ref. [Smith01] in algorithms.bib]
109  KBessel, KBessel2 [2nd kind]
110  JacobiTheta
111  LogIntegral
112  ExponentialIntegralE1
113    E1(z) = int(exp(-t)/t, t=z..infinity), |arg z| < Pi
114    mpfr_eint1: implement E1(x) for x > 0, and Ei(-x) for x < 0
115    E1(NaN)  = NaN
116    E1(+Inf) = +0
117    E1(-Inf) = -Inf
118    E1(+0)   = +Inf
119    E1(-0)   = -Inf
120  DawsonIntegral
121  GammaD(x) = Gamma(x+1/2)
122- functions defined in the LIA-2 standard
123  + minimum and maximum (5.2.2): max, min, max_seq, min_seq, mmax_seq
124    and mmin_seq (mpfr_min and mpfr_max correspond to mmin and mmax);
125  + rounding_rest, floor_rest, ceiling_rest (5.2.4);
126  + remr (5.2.5): x - round(x/y) y;
127  + error functions from 5.2.7 (if useful in MPFR);
128  + power1pm1 ( (1 + x)^y - 1;
129  + logbase ( \log_x(y);
130  + logbase1p1p ( \log_{1+x}(1+y);
131  + rad ( x - round(x / (2 pi)) 2 pi = remr(x, 2 pi);
132  + axis_rad ( if useful in MPFR;
133  + cycle ( rad(2 pi x / u) u / (2 pi) = remr(x, u);
134  + axis_cycle ( if useful in MPFR;
135  + sinu, cosu, tanu, cotu, secu, cscu, cossinu, arcsinu, arccosu,
136    arctanu, arccotu, arcsecu, arccscu (5.3.10.{2..14}):
137    sin(x 2 pi / u), etc.;
138    [from which sinpi(x) = sin(Pi*x), ... are trivial to implement, with u=2.]
139  + arcu ( arctan2(y,x) u / (2 pi);
140  + rad_to_cycle, cycle_to_rad, cycle_to_cycle (5.3.11.{1..3}).
141- From GSL, missing special functions (if useful in MPFR):
142  (cf http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref.html#Special-Functions)
143  + The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) defined by the integral representations:
144   * Ai(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty \cos((1/3) t^3 + xt) dt
145   * Bi(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty (e^(-(1/3) t^3) + \sin((1/3) t^3 + xt)) dt
146   * Derivatives of Airy Functions
147  + The Bessel functions for n integer and n fractional:
148   * Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions I_n
149   * Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions K_n
150   * Regular Spherical Bessel Functions j_n: j_0(x) = \sin(x)/x,
151     j_1(x)= (\sin(x)/x-\cos(x))/x & j_2(x)= ((3/x^2-1)\sin(x)-3\cos(x)/x)/x
152     Note: the "spherical" Bessel functions are solutions of
153     x^2 y'' + 2 x y' + [x^2 - n (n+1)] y = 0 and satisfy
154     j_n(x) = sqrt(Pi/(2x)) J_{n+1/2}(x). They should not be mixed with the
155     classical Bessel Functions, also noted j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn in C99
156     and mpfr.
157     Cf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessel_function#Spherical_Bessel_functions
158   *Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions y_n: y_0(x) = -\cos(x)/x,
159     y_1(x)= -(\cos(x)/x+\sin(x))/x &
160     y_2(x)= (-3/x^3+1/x)\cos(x)-(3/x^2)\sin(x)
161   * Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions i_n:
162     i_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} I_{l+1/2}(x)
163   * Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions:
164     k_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} K_{l+1/2}(x).
165  + Clausen Function:
166     Cl_2(x) = - \int_0^x dt \log(2 \sin(t/2))
167     Cl_2(\theta) = \Im Li_2(\exp(i \theta)) (dilogarithm).
168  + Dawson Function: \exp(-x^2) \int_0^x dt \exp(t^2).
169  + Debye Functions: D_n(x) = n/x^n \int_0^x dt (t^n/(e^t - 1))
170  + Elliptic Integrals:
171   * Definition of Legendre Forms:
172    F(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/\sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
173    E(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt   \sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
174    P(\phi,k,n) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/((1 + n \sin^2(t))\sqrt(1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
175   * Complete Legendre forms are denoted by
176    K(k) = F(\pi/2, k)
177    E(k) = E(\pi/2, k)
178   * Definition of Carlson Forms
179    RC(x,y) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1)
180    RD(x,y,z) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-3/2)
181    RF(x,y,z) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2)
182    RJ(x,y,z,p) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt
183                          (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2) (t+p)^(-1)
184  + Elliptic Functions (Jacobi)
185  + N-relative exponential:
186     exprel_N(x) = N!/x^N (\exp(x) - \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} x^k/k!)
187  + exponential integral:
188     E_2(x) := \Re \int_1^\infty dt \exp(-xt)/t^2.
189     Ei_3(x) = \int_0^x dt \exp(-t^3) for x >= 0.
190     Ei(x) := - PV(\int_{-x}^\infty dt \exp(-t)/t)
191  + Hyperbolic/Trigonometric Integrals
192     Shi(x) = \int_0^x dt \sinh(t)/t
193     Chi(x) := Re[ \gamma_E + \log(x) + \int_0^x dt (\cosh[t]-1)/t]
194     Si(x) = \int_0^x dt \sin(t)/t
195     Ci(x) = -\int_x^\infty dt \cos(t)/t for x > 0
196     AtanInt(x) = \int_0^x dt \arctan(t)/t
197     [ \gamma_E is the Euler constant ]
198  + Fermi-Dirac Function:
199     F_j(x)   := (1/r\Gamma(j+1)) \int_0^\infty dt (t^j / (\exp(t-x) + 1))
200  + Pochhammer symbol (a)_x := \Gamma(a + x)/\Gamma(a) : see [Smith01] in
201          algorithms.bib
202    logarithm of the Pochhammer symbol
203  + Gegenbauer Functions
204  + Laguerre Functions
205  + Eta Function: \eta(s) = (1-2^{1-s}) \zeta(s)
206    Hurwitz zeta function: \zeta(s,q) = \sum_0^\infty (k+q)^{-s}.
207  + Lambert W Functions, W(x) are defined to be solutions of the equation:
208     W(x) \exp(W(x)) = x.
209    This function has multiple branches for x < 0 (2 funcs W0(x) and Wm1(x))
210  + Trigamma Function psi'(x).
211    and Polygamma Function: psi^{(m)}(x) for m >= 0, x > 0.
213- from gnumeric (www.gnome.org/projects/gnumeric/doc/function-reference.html):
214  - beta
215  - betaln
216  - degrees
217  - radians
218  - sqrtpi
220- mpfr_inp_raw, mpfr_out_raw (cf mail "Serialization of mpfr_t" from Alexey
221  and answer from Granlund on mpfr list, May 2007)
222- [maybe useful for SAGE] implement companion frac_* functions to the rint_*
223  functions. For example mpfr_frac_floor(x) = x - floor(x). (The current
224  mpfr_frac function corresponds to mpfr_rint_trunc.)
225- scaled erfc (https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/mpfr/2009-05/msg00054.html)
226- asec, acsc, acot, asech, acsch and acoth (mail from Björn Terelius on mpfr
227  list, 18 June 2009)
2305. Efficiency
233- implement a mpfr_sqrthigh algorithm based on Mulders' algorithm, with a
234  basecase variant
235- use mpn_div_q to speed up mpfr_div. However mpn_div_q, which is new in
236  GMP 5, is not documented in the GMP manual, thus we are not sure it
237  guarantees to return the same quotient as mpn_tdiv_qr.
238  Also mpfr_div uses the remainder computed by mpn_divrem. A workaround would
239  be to first try with mpn_div_q, and if we cannot (easily) compute the
240  rounding, then use the current code with mpn_divrem.
241- compute exp by using the series for cosh or sinh, which has half the terms
242  (see Exercise 4.11 from Modern Computer Arithmetic, version 0.3)
243  The same method can be used for log, using the series for atanh, i.e.,
244  atanh(x) = 1/2*log((1+x)/(1-x)).
245- improve mpfr_gamma (see http://code.google.com/p/fastfunlib/). A possible
246  idea is to implement a fast algorithm for the argument reconstruction
247  gamma(x+k). One could also use the series for 1/gamma(x), see for example
248  http://dlmf.nist.gov/5/7/ or formula (36) from
249  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GammaFunction.html
250- fix regression with mpfr_mpz_root (from Keith Briggs, 5 July 2006), for
251   example on 3Ghz P4 with gmp-4.2, x=12.345:
252   prec=50000    k=2   k=3   k=10  k=100
253   mpz_root      0.036 0.072 0.476 7.628
254   mpfr_mpz_root 0.004 0.004 0.036 12.20
255   See also mail from Carl Witty on mpfr list, 09 Oct 2007.
256- implement Mulders algorithm for squaring and division
257- for sparse input (say x=1 with 2 bits), mpfr_exp is not faster than for
258        full precision when precision <= MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD. The reason is
259        that argument reduction kills sparsity. Maybe avoid argument reduction
260        for sparse input?
261- speed up const_euler for large precision [for x=1.1, prec=16610, it takes
262        75% of the total time of eint(x)!]
263- speed up mpfr_atan for large arguments (to speed up mpc_log)
264        [from Mark Watkins on Fri, 18 Mar 2005]
265  Also mpfr_atan(x) seems slower (by a factor of 2) for x near from 1.
266  Example on a Athlon for 10^5 bits: x=1.1 takes 3s, whereas 2.1 takes 1.8s.
267  The current implementation does not give monotonous timing for the following:
268  mpfr_random (x); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) mpfr_atan (y, x, MPFR_RNDN);
269  for precision 300 and k=1000, we get 1070ms, and 500ms only for p=400!
270- improve mpfr_sin on values like ~pi (do not compute sin from cos, because
271  of the cancellation). For instance, reduce the input modulo pi/2 in
272  [-pi/4,pi/4], and define auxiliary functions for which the argument is
273  assumed to be already reduced (so that the sin function can avoid
274  unnecessary computations by calling the auxiliary cos function instead of
275  the full cos function). This will require a native code for sin, for
276  example using the reduction sin(3x)=3sin(x)-4sin(x)^3.
277  See https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/mpfr/2007-08/msg00001.html and
278  the following messages.
279- improve generic.c to work for number of terms <> 2^k
280- rewrite mpfr_greater_p... as native code.
282- mpf_t uses a scheme where the number of limbs actually present can
283  be less than the selected precision, thereby allowing low precision
284  values (for instance small integers) to be stored and manipulated in
285  an mpf_t efficiently.
287  Perhaps mpfr should get something similar, especially if looking to
288  replace mpf with mpfr, though it'd be a major change.  Alternately
289  perhaps those mpfr routines like mpfr_mul where optimizations are
290  possible through stripping low zero bits or limbs could check for
291  that (this would be less efficient but easier).
293- try the idea of the paper "Reduced Cancellation in the Evaluation of Entire
294  Functions and Applications to the Error Function" by W. Gawronski, J. Mueller
295  and M. Reinhard, to be published in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis: to
296  avoid cancellation in say erfc(x) for x large, they compute the Taylor
297  expansion of erfc(x)*exp(x^2/2) instead (which has less cancellation),
298  and then divide by exp(x^2/2) (which is simpler to compute).
300- replace the *_THRESHOLD macros by global (TLS) variables that can be
301  changed at run time (via a function, like other variables)? One benefit
302  is that users could use a single MPFR binary on several machines (e.g.,
303  a library provided by binary packages or shared via NFS) with different
304  thresholds. On the default values, this would be a bit less efficient
305  than the current code, but this isn't probably noticeable (this should
306  be tested). Something like:
307    long *mpfr_tune_get(void) to get the current values (the first value
308      is the size of the array).
309    int mpfr_tune_set(long *array) to set the tune values.
310    int mpfr_tune_run(long level) to find the best values (the support
311      for this feature is optional, this can also be done with an
312      external function).
314- better distinguish different processors (for example Opteron and Core 2)
315  and use corresponding default tuning parameters (as in GMP). This could be
316  done in configure.ac to avoid hacking config.guess, for example define
318  Note (VL): the effect on cross-compilation (that can be a processor
319  with the same architecture, e.g. compilation on a Core 2 for an
320  Opteron) is not clear. The choice should be consistent with the
321  build target (e.g. -march or -mtune value with gcc).
322  Also choose better default values. For instance, the default value of
323  MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD is 40, while the best values that have been found
324  are between 11 and 19 for 32 bits and between 4 and 10 for 64 bits!
326- during the Many Digits competition, we noticed that (our implantation of)
327  Mulders short product was slower than a full product for large sizes.
328  This should be precisely analyzed and fixed if needed.
3316. Miscellaneous
334- [suggested by Tobias Burnus <burnus(at)net-b.de> and
335   Asher Langton <langton(at)gcc.gnu.org>, Wed, 01 Aug 2007]
336  support quiet and signaling NaNs in mpfr:
337  * functions to set/test a quiet/signaling NaN: mpfr_set_snan, mpfr_snan_p,
338    mpfr_set_qnan, mpfr_qnan_p
339  * correctly convert to/from double (if encoding of s/qNaN is fixed in 754R)
341- check again coverage: on 2007-07-27, Patrick Pelissier reports that the
342  following files are not tested at 100%: add1.c, atan.c, atan2.c,
343  cache.c, cmp2.c, const_catalan.c, const_euler.c, const_log2.c, cos.c,
344  gen_inverse.h, div_ui.c, eint.c, exp3.c, exp_2.c, expm1.c, fma.c, fms.c,
345  lngamma.c, gamma.c, get_d.c, get_f.c, get_ld.c, get_str.c, get_z.c,
346  inp_str.c, jn.c, jyn_asympt.c, lngamma.c, mpfr-gmp.c, mul.c, mul_ui.c,
347  mulders.c, out_str.c, pow.c, print_raw.c, rint.c, root.c, round_near_x.c,
348  round_raw_generic.c, set_d.c, set_ld.c, set_q.c, set_uj.c, set_z.c, sin.c,
349  sin_cos.c, sinh.c, sqr.c, stack_interface.c, sub1.c, sub1sp.c, subnormal.c,
350  uceil_exp2.c, uceil_log2.c, ui_pow_ui.c, urandomb.c, yn.c, zeta.c, zeta_ui.c.
352- check the constants mpfr_set_emin (-16382-63) and mpfr_set_emax (16383) in
353  get_ld.c and the other constants, and provide a testcase for large and
354  small numbers.
356- from Kevin Ryde <user42@zip.com.au>:
357   Also for pi.c, a pre-calculated compiled-in pi to a few thousand
358   digits would be good value I think.  After all, say 10000 bits using
359   1250 bytes would still be small compared to the code size!
360   Store pi in round to zero mode (to recover other modes).
362- add a new rounding mode: round to nearest, with ties away from zero
363  (this is roundTiesToAway in 754-2008, could be used by mpfr_round)
364- add a new roundind mode: round to odd. If the result is not exactly
365        representable, then round to the odd mantissa. This rounding
366        has the nice property that for k > 1, if:
367        y = round(x, p+k, TO_ODD)
368        z = round(y, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN), then
369        z = round(x, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN)
370  so it avoids the double-rounding problem.
372- add tests of the ternary value for constants
374- When doing Extensive Check (--enable-assert=full), since all the
375  functions use a similar use of MACROS (ZivLoop, ROUND_P), it should
376  be possible to do such a scheme:
377    For the first call to ROUND_P when we can round.
378    Mark it as such and save the approximated rounding value in
379    a temporary variable.
380    Then after, if the mark is set, check if:
381      - we still can round.
382      - The rounded value is the same.
383  It should be a complement to tgeneric tests.
385- in div.c, try to find a case for which cy != 0 after the line
386        cy = mpn_sub_1 (sp + k, sp + k, qsize, cy);
387  (which should be added to the tests), e.g. by having {vp, k} = 0, or
388  prove that this cannot happen.
390- add a configure test for --enable-logging to ignore the option if
391  it cannot be supported. Modify the "configure --help" description
392  to say "on systems that support it".
394- add generic bad cases for functions that don't have an inverse
395  function that is implemented (use a single Newton iteration).
397- add bad cases for the internal error bound (by using a dichotomy
398  between a bad case for the correct rounding and some input value
399  with fewer Ziv iterations?).
401- add an option to use a 32-bit exponent type (int) on LP64 machines,
402  mainly for developers, in order to be able to test the case where the
403  extended exponent range is the same as the default exponent range, on
404  such platforms.
405  Tests can be done with the exp-int branch (added on 2010-12-17, and
406  many tests fail at this time).
408- test underflow/overflow detection of various functions (in particular
409  mpfr_exp) in reduced exponent ranges, including ranges that do not
410  contain 0.
412- add an internal macro that does the equivalent of the following?
413    MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_GET_EXP(x) <= value
415- check whether __gmpfr_emin and __gmpfr_emax could be replaced by
416  a constant (see README.dev). Also check the use of MPFR_EMIN_MIN
417  and MPFR_EMAX_MAX.
4217. Portability
424- add a web page with results of builds on different architectures
426- support the decimal64 function without requiring --with-gmp-build
428- [Kevin about texp.c long strings]
429  For strings longer than c99 guarantees, it might be cleaner to
430  introduce a "tests_strdupcat" or something to concatenate literal
431  strings into newly allocated memory.  I thought I'd done that in a
432  couple of places already.  Arrays of chars are not much fun.
434- use http://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/trunk/config/stdint.m4 for mpfr-gmp.h