2 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
5 *)
7theory Tcb_AC
8imports Finalise_AC
11context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
13(* FIXME-NTFN: The 'NotificationControl' case of the following definition needs to be changed. *)
16  authorised_tcb_inv :: "'a PAS \<Rightarrow> Invocations_A.tcb_invocation \<Rightarrow>  bool"
18 "authorised_tcb_inv aag ti \<equiv> case ti of
19     tcb_invocation.Suspend t \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag t
20   | tcb_invocation.Resume t \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag t
21   | tcb_invocation.ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf
22          \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag t \<and>
23            (\<forall>(cap, slot) \<in> (set_option croot \<union> set_option vroot \<union>
24                            (case_option {} (set_option \<circ> snd) buf)).
25                      pas_cap_cur_auth aag cap \<and> is_subject aag (fst slot))
26   | tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag t \<and>
27         case_option True (\<lambda>a. \<forall>auth \<in> {Receive, Reset}.
28                                 (pasSubject aag, auth, pasObjectAbs aag a) \<in> pasPolicy aag) ntfn
29   | tcb_invocation.ReadRegisters src susp n arch \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag src
30   | tcb_invocation.WriteRegisters dest res values arch \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag dest
31   | tcb_invocation.CopyRegisters dest src susp res frame int_regs arch \<Rightarrow>
32         is_subject aag src \<and> is_subject aag dest
33   | tcb_invocation.SetTLSBase tcb tls_base \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag tcb"
37lemma setup_reply_master_respects:
38  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
39     setup_reply_master t
40   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
41  apply (simp add: setup_reply_master_def)
42  apply (wp get_cap_wp set_cap_integrity_autarch[unfolded K_def pred_conj_def]
43            set_original_integrity_autarch)+
44  apply simp
45  done
47crunch eintegrity[wp]: possible_switch_to "integrity aag X st"
48  (ignore: tcb_sched_action)
50lemma restart_integrity_autarch:
51  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and K (is_subject aag t) and einvs
52           and tcb_at t
53           and pas_refined aag\<rbrace>
54     restart t
55   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
56  apply (simp add: restart_def)
57  apply (wp set_thread_state_integrity_autarch setup_reply_master_respects
58            hoare_drop_imps
59        | simp add: if_apply_def2)+
60  done
62crunch integrity_autarch: option_update_thread "integrity aag X st"
64crunch arch_state [wp]: cap_swap_for_delete "\<lambda>s. P (arch_state s)"
66lemma schematic_lift_tuple3_l:
67  "P (fst (a, b, c)) (fst (snd (a, b, c))) (snd (snd (a, b, c))) \<and> Q \<Longrightarrow> P a b c" by simp
69lemma schematic_lift_tuple3_r:
70  "Q \<and> P (fst (a, b, c)) (fst (snd (a, b, c))) (snd (snd (a, b, c))) \<Longrightarrow> P a b c" by simp
72(* FIXME: MOVE *)
73lemma invoke_tcb_cases:
74  "invoke_tcb ti = (case ti of
75     tcb_invocation.Suspend t \<Rightarrow> invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.Suspend t)
76   | tcb_invocation.Resume t \<Rightarrow> invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.Resume t)
77   | tcb_invocation.ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf \<Rightarrow>
78         invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf)
79   | tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn \<Rightarrow>
80         invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn)
81   | tcb_invocation.ReadRegisters src susp n arch \<Rightarrow>
82         invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.ReadRegisters src susp n arch)
83   | tcb_invocation.WriteRegisters dest res values arch \<Rightarrow>
84         invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.WriteRegisters dest res values arch)
85   | tcb_invocation.CopyRegisters dest src susp res frame int_regs arch \<Rightarrow>
86         invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.CopyRegisters dest src susp res frame int_regs arch)
87   | tcb_invocation.SetTLSBase tcb tls_base \<Rightarrow> invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.SetTLSBase tcb tls_base))"
88  by (cases ti, simp_all)
90lemmas itr_wps = restart_integrity_autarch as_user_integrity_autarch thread_set_integrity_autarch
91              option_update_thread_integrity_autarch thread_set_pas_refined
92              cap_insert_integrity_autarch cap_insert_pas_refined
93              hoare_vcg_all_liftE hoare_weak_lift_impE hoare_weak_lift_imp hoare_vcg_all_lift
94              check_cap_inv[where P="valid_cap c" for c]
95              check_cap_inv[where P="tcb_cap_valid c p" for c p]
96              check_cap_inv[where P="cte_at p0" for p0]
97              check_cap_inv[where P="tcb_at p0" for p0]
98              check_cap_inv[where P="ex_cte_cap_wp_to P p" for P p]
99              check_cap_inv[where P="ex_nonz_cap_to p" for p]
100              check_cap_inv2[where Q="\<lambda>_. integrity aag X st" for aag X st]
101              check_cap_inv2[where Q="\<lambda>_. pas_refined aag" for aag]
102              checked_insert_no_cap_to cap_insert_ex_cap
103              cap_delete_valid_cap cap_delete_deletes
104              hoare_case_option_wp thread_set_valid_cap
105              thread_set_tcb_ipc_buffer_cap_cleared_invs
106              thread_set_invs_trivial[OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
107              thread_set_cte_wp_at_trivial[where Q="\<lambda>x. x", OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
108              thread_set_no_cap_to_trivial[OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
110(*FIXME MOVE *)
112lemma aag_cap_auth_master_Reply:
113  "\<lbrakk>pas_refined aag s ; AllowGrant \<in> R\<rbrakk>
114     \<Longrightarrow>  pas_cap_cur_auth aag (cap.ReplyCap tcb True R) = is_subject aag tcb"
115  unfolding aag_cap_auth_def
116  by (fastforce intro: aag_wellformed_refl aag_wellformed_control_is_owns[THEN iffD1]
117                 simp: pas_refined_def cli_no_irqs clas_no_asid cap_auth_conferred_def
118                       reply_cap_rights_to_auth_def)
122(* FIXME MOVE *)
123lemma cdt_NullCap:
124  "valid_mdb s \<Longrightarrow> caps_of_state s src = Some NullCap \<Longrightarrow> cdt s src = None"
125  by (rule ccontr) (force dest: mdb_cte_atD simp: valid_mdb_def2)
128lemma setup_reply_master_pas_refined:
129  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and valid_mdb and K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
130     setup_reply_master t
131   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
132  apply (simp add: setup_reply_master_def)
133  apply (wp get_cap_wp set_cap_pas_refined set_original_wp)+
134  by (force dest: cdt_NullCap simp: aag_cap_auth_master_Reply cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
136crunches possible_switch_to
137  for tcb_domain_map_wellformed[wp]: " tcb_domain_map_wellformed aag"
139lemma restart_pas_refined:
140  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and invs and tcb_at t and K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace> restart t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
141  apply (simp add: restart_def get_thread_state_def)
142  apply (wp set_thread_state_pas_refined setup_reply_master_pas_refined thread_get_wp'
143         | strengthen invs_mdb
144         | simp)+
145  done
147lemma option_update_thread_set_safe_lift:
148  "\<lbrakk> \<And>v. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> thread_set (f v) t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace> \<rbrakk>
149     \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> option_update_thread t f v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
150  by (simp add: option_update_thread_def split: option.split)
152lemmas option_update_thread_pas_refined
153    = option_update_thread_set_safe_lift [OF thread_set_pas_refined]
155crunch integrity_autarch[wp]: thread_set_priority "integrity aag X st"
156  (ignore: tcb_sched_action)
158lemma set_priority_integrity_autarch[wp]:
159 "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag tptr)\<rbrace>
160    set_priority tptr prio \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
161  by (simp add: set_priority_def | wp)+
163lemma set_priority_pas_refined[wp]:
164  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag\<rbrace>
165    set_priority tptr prio \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
166  apply (simp add: set_priority_def thread_set_priority_def ethread_set_def set_eobject_def get_etcb_def
167         | wp hoare_vcg_imp_lift')+
168   apply (simp add: tcb_sched_action_def | wp)+
169  apply (clarsimp simp: etcb_at_def pas_refined_def tcb_domain_map_wellformed_aux_def
170                 split: option.splits)
171  apply (erule_tac x="(a, b)" in ballE)
172   apply simp
173  apply (erule domains_of_state_aux.cases)
174  apply (force intro: domtcbs split: if_split_asm)
175  done
177lemma gts_test[wp]: "\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> get_thread_state t \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. test rv = st_tcb_at test t s\<rbrace>"
178  apply (simp add: get_thread_state_def thread_get_def)
179  apply wp
180  apply (clarsimp simp add: st_tcb_def2)
181  done
183crunch exst[wp]: option_update_thread "\<lambda>s. P (exst s)"
185lemma out_valid_sched: "(\<And>x a. tcb_state (f a x) = tcb_state x) \<Longrightarrow>
186  \<lbrace>valid_sched\<rbrace> option_update_thread tptr f v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_sched\<rbrace>"
187  apply (simp add: option_update_thread_def)
188  apply (rule hoare_pre)
189  apply (wp thread_set_not_state_valid_sched | wpc | simp)+
190  done
193definition "safe_id x \<equiv> x"
195lemma use_safe_id: "safe_id x \<Longrightarrow> x"
196  by (simp add: safe_id_def)
198lemma simplify_post:
199  "\<lbrakk>\<And>r s. x r s \<Longrightarrow> safe_id (Q' r s) \<Longrightarrow> Q r s; \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. x r s \<and> Q' r s\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace> \<rbrakk>
200    \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace>"
201  apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
202  apply assumption
203  apply (clarsimp simp add: safe_id_def)+
204  done
208lemma (in is_extended') valid_cap_syn[wp]: "I (\<lambda>s. valid_cap_syn s a)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
210lemma (in is_extended') no_cap_to_obj_dr_emp[wp]: "I (no_cap_to_obj_dr_emp a)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
212lemma (in is_extended') cte_wp_at[wp]: "I (cte_wp_at P a)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
214crunch pas_refined[wp]: set_mcpriority "pas_refined aag"
216crunch integrity_autarch: set_mcpriority "integrity aag X st"
218context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
220lemma checked_insert_pas_refined:
221  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and valid_mdb and
222       K(\<not> is_master_reply_cap new_cap \<and> is_subject aag target \<and>
223       is_subject aag (fst src_slot) \<and> pas_cap_cur_auth aag new_cap)\<rbrace>
224     check_cap_at new_cap src_slot (
225     check_cap_at (ThreadCap target) slot(
226     cap_insert new_cap src_slot (target, ref)))
227   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
228  apply (unfold check_cap_at_def)
229  apply (wp cap_insert_pas_refined_same_object_as get_cap_wp)
230  by (fastforce simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
232(* FIXME MOVE *)
233lemma update_cdt_wp:
234  "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (s\<lparr>cdt := m (cdt s)\<rparr>)\<rbrace> update_cdt m \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
235  by (simp add: update_cdt_def set_cdt_def) wp
237(* FIXME MOVE *)
238lemma parent_ofD: "m \<Turnstile> src \<leadsto> x \<Longrightarrow> m x = Some src"
239  by (simp add: cdt_parent_of_def)
242crunch tcb_states_of_state[wp]: set_untyped_cap_as_full "\<lambda>s. P (tcb_states_of_state s)"
245(* FIXME MOVE *)
246lemma map_le_to_rtrancl:
247  "m \<subseteq>\<^sub>m m' \<Longrightarrow> m \<Turnstile> pptr \<rightarrow>* ptr \<Longrightarrow> m' \<Turnstile> pptr \<rightarrow>* ptr"
248  apply (erule subsetD[rotated])
249  apply (rule rtrancl_mono)
250  apply (fastforce simp:cdt_parent_of_def map_le_def dom_def)
251  done
253lemma map_le_to_cca:
254  "m \<subseteq>\<^sub>m m' \<Longrightarrow> cdt_change_allowed aag subjects m tcbsts ptr
255   \<Longrightarrow> cdt_change_allowed aag subjects m' tcbsts ptr"
256  apply (elim cdt_change_allowedE cdt_change_allowedI[rotated])
257  by (rule map_le_to_rtrancl)
259lemma cap_insert_cdt_change_allowed[wp]:
260  "\<lbrace> valid_mdb and cdt_change_allowed' aag slot\<rbrace>
261     cap_insert new_cap src_slot dest_slot
262  \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. cdt_change_allowed' aag slot \<rbrace>"
263  apply (rule hoare_pre, unfold cap_insert_def)
264   apply (wp add: dxo_wp_weak update_cdt_wp | simp)+
265        apply (rule hoare_post_imp[of
266        "\<lambda>_. cdt_change_allowed' aag slot and (\<lambda>s. cdt s dest_slot = None)"])
267         apply (fastforce elim: map_le_to_cca[rotated] simp:map_le_def dom_def)
268        apply (wps|wp get_cap_wp)+
269  apply (clarsimp)
270  apply (drule valid_mdb_mdb_cte_at)
271  apply (subst not_Some_eq[symmetric])
272  apply (intro allI notI)
273  apply (drule(1) mdb_cte_atD[rotated])
274  apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
275  done
278lemma invoke_tcb_tc_respects_aag:
279  "\<lbrace> integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag
280         and einvs and simple_sched_action
281         and tcb_inv_wf (ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf)
282         and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag (ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf))\<rbrace>
283     invoke_tcb (ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf)
284   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
285  apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)+
286  apply (subst invoke_tcb.simps)
287  apply (subst set_priority_extended.dxo_eq)
288  apply (rule hoare_vcg_precond_imp)
289   apply (rule_tac P="case ep of Some v \<Rightarrow> length v = word_bits | _ \<Rightarrow> True"
290                 in hoare_gen_asm)
291   apply (simp only: split_def)
292  apply ((simp add: conj_comms del: hoare_True_E_R,
293                  strengthen imp_consequent[where Q="x = None" for x], simp cong: conj_cong)
294        | rule wp_split_const_if wp_split_const_if_R
295                   hoare_vcg_all_lift_R
296                   hoare_vcg_E_elim hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift_R
297                   hoare_vcg_R_conj
298        | wp
299             restart_integrity_autarch set_mcpriority_integrity_autarch
300             as_user_integrity_autarch thread_set_integrity_autarch
301             option_update_thread_integrity_autarch
302             out_valid_sched static_imp_wp
303             cap_insert_integrity_autarch checked_insert_pas_refined
304             cap_delete_respects' cap_delete_pas_refined'
305             check_cap_inv2[where Q="\<lambda>_. integrity aag X st"]
306             as_user_pas_refined restart_pas_refined
307             thread_set_pas_refined
308             option_update_thread_pas_refined
309             out_invs_trivial case_option_wpE cap_delete_deletes
310             cap_delete_valid_cap cap_insert_valid_cap out_cte_at
311             cap_insert_cte_at cap_delete_cte_at out_valid_cap out_tcb_valid
312             hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift_R hoare_vcg_all_lift_R
313             thread_set_tcb_ipc_buffer_cap_cleared_invs
314             thread_set_invs_trivial[OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
315             hoare_vcg_all_lift thread_set_valid_cap out_emptyable
316             check_cap_inv[where P="valid_cap c" for c]
317             check_cap_inv[where P="tcb_cap_valid c p" for c p]
318             check_cap_inv[where P="cte_at p0" for p0]
319             check_cap_inv[where P="tcb_at p0" for p0]
320             check_cap_inv[where P="simple_sched_action"]
321             check_cap_inv[where P="valid_list"]
322             check_cap_inv[where P="valid_sched"]
323             thread_set_cte_at
324             thread_set_cte_wp_at_trivial[where Q="\<lambda>x. x", OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
325             thread_set_no_cap_to_trivial[OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
326             checked_insert_no_cap_to
327             out_no_cap_to_trivial[OF ball_tcb_cap_casesI]
328             thread_set_ipc_tcb_cap_valid
329             cap_delete_pas_refined'[THEN valid_validE_E] thread_set_cte_wp_at_trivial
330        | simp add: ran_tcb_cap_cases dom_tcb_cap_cases[simplified]
331                    emptyable_def a_type_def partial_inv_def
332               del: hoare_True_E_R
333        | wpc
334        | strengthen invs_mdb use_no_cap_to_obj_asid_strg
335                     tcb_cap_always_valid_strg[where p="tcb_cnode_index 0"]
336                     tcb_cap_always_valid_strg[where p="tcb_cnode_index (Suc 0)"]
337        )+
338  apply (clarsimp simp: authorised_tcb_inv_def)
339  apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_at_cte_at_0 tcb_at_cte_at_1[simplified]
340                        is_cap_simps is_valid_vtable_root_def
341                        is_cnode_or_valid_arch_def tcb_cap_valid_def
342                        tcb_at_st_tcb_at[symmetric] invs_valid_objs
343                        cap_asid_def vs_cap_ref_def
344                        clas_no_asid cli_no_irqs
345                        emptyable_def
346       | rule conjI | erule pas_refined_refl)+
347  done
349lemma invoke_tcb_unbind_notification_respects:
350  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag and simple_sched_action
351       and einvs and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t None)
352       and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t None))\<rbrace>
353     invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t None)
354   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
355  apply (clarsimp)
356  apply (wp unbind_notification_respects)
357  apply (clarsimp simp: authorised_tcb_inv_def tcb_at_def pred_tcb_def2)
358  apply (clarsimp split: option.split)
359  apply (frule(1) bound_tcb_at_implies_reset[unfolded pred_tcb_def2, OF _ exI, OF _ conjI])
360   apply simp
361  apply simp
362  done
364lemma sbn_bind_respects:
365  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and bound_tcb_at ((=) None) t
366    and K ((pasSubject aag, Receive, pasObjectAbs aag ntfn) \<in> pasPolicy aag \<and> is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
367       set_bound_notification t (Some ntfn)
368   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st \<rbrace>"
369  apply (simp add: set_bound_notification_def)
370  apply (wpsimp wp: set_object_wp)
371  apply (erule integrity_trans)
372  apply (clarsimp simp: integrity_def obj_at_def pred_tcb_at_def)
373  done
376lemma bind_notification_respects:
377  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag and bound_tcb_at ((=) None) t
378      and K ((pasSubject aag, Receive, pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag \<and>
379             is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
380     bind_notification t ntfnptr
381   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
382  apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
383  apply (clarsimp simp: bind_notification_def)
384  apply (rule hoare_seq_ext[OF _ get_simple_ko_sp])
385  apply (wp set_ntfn_respects hoare_vcg_imp_lift sbn_bind_respects | wpc | clarsimp)+
386  apply fastforce
387  done
389lemma invoke_tcb_bind_notification_respects:
390  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag
391      and einvs and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t (Some ntfn))
392      and simple_sched_action
393      and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t (Some ntfn)))\<rbrace>
394     invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t (Some ntfn))
395   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
396  apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
397  apply (clarsimp)
398  apply (wp bind_notification_respects)
399  apply (clarsimp simp: authorised_tcb_inv_def)
400  done
402lemma invoke_tcb_ntfn_control_respects[wp]:
403  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag
404      and einvs and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn)
405      and simple_sched_action
406      and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn))\<rbrace>
407     invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn)
408   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
409  apply (case_tac ntfn, simp_all del: invoke_tcb.simps Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf.simps K_def)
410   apply (wp invoke_tcb_bind_notification_respects invoke_tcb_unbind_notification_respects | simp)+
411  done
413lemma invoke_tcb_respects:
414  "\<lbrace>integrity aag X st and pas_refined aag
415         and einvs and simple_sched_action and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf ti
416         and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag ti)\<rbrace>
417     invoke_tcb ti
418   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
419  apply (cases ti, simp_all add: hoare_conjD1 [OF invoke_tcb_tc_respects_aag [simplified simp_thms]]
420                            del: invoke_tcb.simps Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf.simps K_def)
421  apply (safe intro!: hoare_gen_asm)
422  apply ((wp itr_wps mapM_x_wp' | simp add: if_apply_def2 split del: if_split
423            | wpc | clarsimp simp: authorised_tcb_inv_def arch_get_sanitise_register_info_def
424            | rule conjI | subst(asm) idle_no_ex_cap)+)
425  done
427subsubsection\<open>@{term "pas_refined"}\<close>
429lemmas ita_wps = as_user_pas_refined restart_pas_refined cap_insert_pas_refined
430                 thread_set_pas_refined cap_delete_pas_refined' check_cap_inv2 hoare_vcg_all_liftE
431                 hoare_weak_lift_impE hoare_weak_lift_imp hoare_vcg_all_lift
433lemma hoare_st_refl:
434  "\<lbrakk>\<And>st. \<lbrace>P st\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q st\<rbrace>; \<And>r s st. Q st r s \<Longrightarrow> Q' r s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P s s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
435  apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_def)
436  apply (drule_tac x=s in meta_spec)
437  apply force
438  done
440lemma bind_notification_pas_refined[wp]:
441  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag
442      and K (\<forall>auth \<in> {Receive, Reset}.
443                   (pasObjectAbs aag t, auth, pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag)\<rbrace>
444     bind_notification t ntfnptr
445   \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
446  apply (clarsimp simp: bind_notification_def)
447  apply (wp set_simple_ko_pas_refined | wpc | simp)+
448  done
450lemma invoke_tcb_ntfn_control_pas_refined[wp]:
451  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn)
452     and einvs  and simple_sched_action
453     and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn))\<rbrace>
454     invoke_tcb (tcb_invocation.NotificationControl t ntfn)
455   \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
456  apply (case_tac ntfn, simp_all del: K_def)
457   apply (safe intro!: hoare_gen_asm)
458   apply (wp | simp add: authorised_tcb_inv_def)+
459  done
461lemma invoke_tcb_pas_refined:
462  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and Tcb_AI.tcb_inv_wf ti and einvs and simple_sched_action
463       and K (authorised_tcb_inv aag ti)\<rbrace>
464     invoke_tcb ti
465   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
466  apply (cases "\<exists>t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf.
467              ti = tcb_invocation.ThreadControl t sl ep mcp priority croot vroot buf")
468   apply safe
469   apply (rule hoare_chain, rule_tac Q'="\<lambda>_. pas_refined aag" and st1="\<lambda>x. x" in
470                                     hoare_st_refl[OF invoke_tcb_tc_respects_aag])
471     apply force
472    apply fastforce
473   apply assumption
474  apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
475  apply (cases ti, simp_all add: authorised_tcb_inv_def)
476        apply (wp ita_wps hoare_drop_imps mapM_x_wp'
477              | simp add: emptyable_def if_apply_def2 authorised_tcb_inv_def
478                          arch_get_sanitise_register_info_def
479              | rule ball_tcb_cap_casesI
480              | wpc
481              | fastforce intro: notE[rotated,OF idle_no_ex_cap,simplified]
482                           simp: invs_valid_global_refs invs_valid_objs)+
483  done
485subsection\<open>TCB / decode\<close>
487lemma decode_registers_authorised:
488  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace> decode_read_registers msg (cap.ThreadCap t) \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
489  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace> decode_write_registers msg (cap.ThreadCap t) \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
490  "\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>(cap, slot) \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag cap \<and> is_subject aag (fst slot)))\<rbrace>
491     decode_copy_registers msg (cap.ThreadCap t) (map fst excaps)
492   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
493  unfolding decode_read_registers_def decode_write_registers_def decode_copy_registers_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
494  by (rule hoare_pre, simp cong: list.case_cong, (wp | wpc)+, clarsimp simp: cap_auth_conferred_def pas_refined_all_auth_is_owns aag_cap_auth_def)+
497lemma stupid_strg:
498  "cap_links_asid_slot aag (pasObjectAbs aag (fst y)) x \<longrightarrow>
499  (x = cap \<and> (\<exists>b. y = (a, b)) \<longrightarrow> cap_links_asid_slot aag (pasObjectAbs aag a) cap)"
500  by auto
502lemma decode_set_ipc_buffer_authorised:
503  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
504                      \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x))) \<rbrace>
505    decode_set_ipc_buffer msg (cap.ThreadCap t) slot excaps
506   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
507  unfolding decode_set_ipc_buffer_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
508  apply (cases "excaps ! 0")
509  apply (clarsimp cong: list.case_cong split del: if_split)
510  apply (rule hoare_pre)
511  apply (clarsimp simp: ball_Un aag_cap_auth_def split del: if_split split: prod.split
512       | strengthen stupid_strg
513       | wp (once) derive_cap_obj_refs_auth derive_cap_untyped_range_subset derive_cap_clas derive_cap_cli
514                 hoare_vcg_all_lift_R whenE_throwError_wp slot_long_running_inv
515       | wpc)+
516  apply (cases excaps, simp)
517  apply fastforce
518  done
520lemma decode_set_space_authorised:
521  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
522                      \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x))) \<rbrace>
523     decode_set_space ws (cap.ThreadCap t) slot excaps
524   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
525  unfolding decode_set_space_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
526  apply (rule hoare_pre)
527  apply (simp cong: list.case_cong split del: if_split)
528  apply (clarsimp simp: ball_Un split del: if_split
529       | wp (once) derive_cap_obj_refs_auth derive_cap_untyped_range_subset derive_cap_clas derive_cap_cli
530                 hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift_R hoare_vcg_all_lift_R whenE_throwError_wp slot_long_running_inv)+
531  apply (clarsimp simp: not_less all_set_conv_all_nth dest!: P_0_1_spec)
532  apply (auto simp: aag_cap_auth_def update_cap_cli intro: update_cap_obj_refs_subset dest!: update_cap_untyped_range_subset update_cap_cap_auth_conferred_subset)
533  done
535(* grot: this is from the bowels of decode_tcb_configure_authorised. *)
536lemma decode_tcb_configure_authorised_helper:
537  "\<lbrace>K True and K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
538                      \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x))
539                      \<and> authorised_tcb_inv aag set_param \<and> is_thread_control set_param)\<rbrace>
540     decode_set_space ws (cap.ThreadCap t) slot excaps
541   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag (tcb_invocation.ThreadControl t slot (tc_new_fault_ep rv)
542                                    None None (tc_new_croot rv)
543                                    (tc_new_vroot rv) (tc_new_buffer set_param))\<rbrace>, -"
544  apply (rule hoare_gen_asmE)
545  apply (cases set_param)
546  apply (simp_all add: is_thread_control_def decode_set_space_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
547                 cong: list.case_cong option.case_cong prod.case_cong
548                split: prod.split_asm split del: if_split)
549  apply (cases "excaps!0")
550  apply (cases "excaps!Suc 0")
551  apply (rule hoare_pre)
552   apply (clarsimp simp: ball_Un split del: if_split split: prod.split
553        | strengthen stupid_strg
554        | wp (once) derive_cap_obj_refs_auth derive_cap_untyped_range_subset derive_cap_clas derive_cap_cli
555                  hoare_vcg_all_lift_R whenE_throwError_wp slot_long_running_inv)+
556  apply (clarsimp cong: list.case_cong option.case_cong prod.case_cong split: prod.split_asm)
557  apply (clarsimp simp: not_less all_set_conv_all_nth dest!: P_0_1_spec)
558  apply (auto simp: aag_cap_auth_def update_cap_cli intro: update_cap_untyped_range_subset update_cap_obj_refs_subset dest!: update_cap_cap_auth_conferred_subset elim: bspec)
559  done
561lemma decode_tcb_configure_authorised:
562  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
563                      \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x))) \<rbrace>
564    decode_tcb_configure msg (cap.ThreadCap t) slot excaps
565   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
566  apply (wpsimp simp: decode_tcb_configure_def
567                wp: whenE_throwError_wp decode_tcb_configure_authorised_helper
568                    decode_set_ipc_buffer_authorised)
569  apply (auto dest: in_set_takeD)
570  done
572lemma decode_set_priority_authorised:
573  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
574    decode_set_priority msg (ThreadCap t) slot excs
575   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
576  by (wpsimp simp: decode_set_priority_def check_prio_def authorised_tcb_inv_def)
578lemma decode_set_mcpriority_authorised:
579  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
580    decode_set_mcpriority msg (ThreadCap t) slot excs
581   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
582  by (wpsimp simp: decode_set_mcpriority_def check_prio_def authorised_tcb_inv_def)
584lemma decode_set_sched_params_authorised:
585  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
586    decode_set_sched_params msg (ThreadCap t) slot excs
587   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
588  by (wpsimp simp: decode_set_sched_params_def check_prio_def authorised_tcb_inv_def)
590lemma decode_unbind_notification_authorised:
591  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
592    decode_unbind_notification (cap.ThreadCap t)
593   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
594  unfolding decode_unbind_notification_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
595  apply clarsimp
596  apply (wp gbn_wp, clarsimp)
597  done
599lemma decode_bind_notification_authorised:
600  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
601                      \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x)) )\<rbrace>
602    decode_bind_notification (cap.ThreadCap t) excaps
603   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
604  unfolding decode_bind_notification_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
605  apply clarsimp
606  apply (wp gbn_wp get_simple_ko_wp whenE_throwError_wp | wpc | simp add:)+
607  apply (clarsimp dest!: hd_in_set)
608  apply (drule_tac x="hd excaps"  in bspec, simp)+
609  apply (auto simp: aag_cap_auth_def cap_auth_conferred_def cap_rights_to_auth_def AllowRecv_def)
610  done
612lemma decode_set_tls_base_authorised:
613  "\<lbrace>K (is_subject aag t)\<rbrace>
614    decode_set_tls_base msg (cap.ThreadCap t)
615   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>, -"
616  unfolding decode_set_tls_base_def authorised_tcb_inv_def
617  apply clarsimp
618  apply (wpsimp wp: gbn_wp)
619  done
621lemma decode_tcb_invocation_authorised:
622  "\<lbrace>invs and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))
623                                  \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x)))\<rbrace>
624     decode_tcb_invocation label msg (cap.ThreadCap t) slot excaps
625   \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. authorised_tcb_inv aag rv\<rbrace>,-"
626  unfolding decode_tcb_invocation_def
627  apply (rule hoare_pre)
628   apply wpc
629  apply (wp decode_registers_authorised decode_tcb_configure_authorised
630            decode_set_priority_authorised decode_set_mcpriority_authorised
631            decode_set_sched_params_authorised
632            decode_set_ipc_buffer_authorised decode_set_space_authorised
633            decode_bind_notification_authorised
634            decode_unbind_notification_authorised
635            decode_set_tls_base_authorised)+
636  by (auto iff: authorised_tcb_inv_def)
640@{term "decode_tcb_invocation"} preserves all invariants, so no need
641to show @{term "integrity"} or @{term "pas_refined"}.