2# Copyright 2018, Data61
3# Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
4# ABN 41 687 119 230.
6# This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
7# the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
8# See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
10# @TAG(DATA61_BSD)
13cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)
17# /*? macros.generated_file_notice() ?*/
19# Define names for tools we will use
22# Declare our 'core' CAmkES libraries. These are the libraries that are considered minimal for the
23# glue code that is linked to camkes applications to run
24set(CAMKES_CORE_LIBS "sel4;sel4runtime;muslc;sel4camkes;sel4sync;utils;sel4vka;sel4utils;sel4bench;sel4platsupport;platsupport;sel4vspace;sel4muslcsys;sel4camkes_Config;sel4runtime_Config;sel4_autoconf")
26# The main function generated by CAmkES does not conform to the standard main
27# signatures, so disable warnings for this.
28set(CAMKES_C_FLAGS "-Wno-main")
30/*- set instances = composition.instances -*/
31/*- set connections = composition.connections -*/
33/*# The terms 'group' and 'address space' are currently synonymous. We can
34 *# derive the groups by collecting all the instances' address spaces.
35  #*/
36/*- set groups = set(map(lambda('x: x.address_space'), filter(lambda('x: not x.type.hardware'), instances))) -*/
38# We build up a list of all the generated items that we want to construct a single
39# camkes invocation
40set(item_list "")
41set(outfile_list "")
42set(template_list "")
43set(reflow_commands "")
44set(deps_list "")
45set(camkes_ver_opts "")
47macro(ParentListAppend list)
48    set(local_list_value "${${list}}")
49    list(APPEND local_list_value ${ARGN})
50    set(${list} "${local_list_value}" PARENT_SCOPE)
51endmacro(ParentListAppend list)
53# Helper function for declaring a generated file
54function(CAmkESGen output item template)
57        message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments to CAmkESGen: ${CAMKES_GEN_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}")
58    endif()
59    # generate command
60    get_filename_component(out_dir "${output}" DIRECTORY)
61    # Reflow generated files if requested
63        ParentListAppend(reflow_commands COMMAND sh -c
64            "${CAMKES_C_FMT_INVOCATION} ${output} | ${CAMKES_SPONGE_INVOCATION} ${output}")
65    elseif(CAMKES_GEN_THY_STYLE)
66        ParentListAppend(reflow_commands COMMAND sh -c
67            "${TPP_TOOL} ${output} | ${CAMKES_SPONGE_INVOCATION} ${output}")
68    endif()
69    # Append the item and outfile
70    ParentListAppend(item_list "${item}")
71    ParentListAppend(outfile_list "${output}")
72    ParentListAppend(template_list "${template}")
73    ParentListAppend(deps_list "${CAMKES_GEN_DEPENDS}")
74    # Pass along base name for verification templates
76        ParentListAppend(camkes_ver_opts "--verification-base-name=${CAMKES_GEN_VER_BASE_NAME}")
77    endif()
78    # Add to the sources list if it's a source file
81            ParentListAppend("${CAMKES_GEN_SOURCES_VAR}" "${output}")
82        else ()
83            ParentListAppend(gen_sources "${output}")
84        endif()
85    endif()
86    # Always add to the list of generated files
87    ParentListAppend(gen_files "${output}")
90# Generate all the files declared previously. object_state_op is either
91# load- or save-object-state, depending on whether the object state has
92# already been built.
93function(CAmkESOutputGenCommand object_state_op object_state_file)
94    if ("${item_list}" STREQUAL "")
95        return()
96    endif()
97    list(LENGTH outfile_list outfile_list_count)
98    # Calculate the string length of ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + 1 to do a hacky relative
99    # path calculation when editing our generated depfile.  This is because, we need
100    # to calculate the depfile path depending on the top level build directory, but
101    # the tool generating the depfile only knows the current subdirectory and doesn't
102    # get told the top level one.
103    string(LENGTH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} strlen)
104    math(EXPR strlen "${strlen} + 1")
105    set(depfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${object_state_op}moredeps)
106    string(COMPARE EQUAL ${object_state_op} "load-object-state" load_object_state)
107    set(object_file_depends)
108    set(object_file_output)
109    if(load_object_state)
110        set(object_file_depends ${object_state_file})
111    else()
112        set(object_file_output ${object_state_file})
113    endif()
114    add_custom_command(
115        OUTPUT ${outfile_list} ${object_file_output}
116        COMMAND
117            ${CAMKES_TOOL}
118                "--item;$<JOIN:${item_list},;--item;>"
119                "--outfile;$<JOIN:${outfile_list},;--outfile;>"
120                "--template;$<JOIN:${template_list},;--template;>"
121                "--load-ast=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ast.pickle"
122                "--${object_state_op}=${object_state_file}"
123                "--object-sizes=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>"
124                --makefile-dependencies "${depfile}"
125                ${camkes_ver_opts}
126                ${CAMKES_FLAGS} ${CAMKES_RENDER_FLAGS}
127        # For some reason, ninja only accepts relative targets.
128        # We truncate the first `strlen` chars which takes off the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR from the depfile.
129        COMMAND sh -c "dd if=${depfile} of=${depfile}.truncated bs=${strlen} skip=1 2> /dev/null && mv ${depfile}.truncated ${depfile}"
130        ${reflow_commands}
131        DEPENDS
132            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ast.pickle
133            # This pulls in miscellaneous dependencies
134            # which is used by the camkes tool
136            # Any additional dependencies from the files
137            ${deps_list}
138            ${object_file_depends}
139            object_sizes
140        VERBATIM
141        DEPFILE "${depfile}"
144        COMMENT "Performing CAmkES generation for ${outfile_list_count} files"
145    )
146    set(reflow_commands "" PARENT_SCOPE)
147    set(item_list "" PARENT_SCOPE)
148    set(deps_list "" PARENT_SCOPE)
149    set(outfile_list "" PARENT_SCOPE)
150    set(template_list "" PARENT_SCOPE)
151    set(camkes_ver_opts "" PARENT_SCOPE)
155# Helper for constructing a generator expression that evalutes to the provided value if it exists,
156# or to a default value.
157# if maybe_value is the empty string
158#  evaluate to the contents of default
159# else
160#  evaluate to the contents of maybe_value
161# Both 'default' and 'maybe_value' can themselves be generator expressions, allow for chaining usages of
162# this together to build nested ORs.
163function(GeneratorValueOrDefault output default maybe_value)
164    set(new_output "$<IF:$<STREQUAL:${maybe_value},>,${default},${maybe_value}>")
165    set(${output} "${new_output}" PARENT_SCOPE)
168CAmkESGen("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/graph.dot" assembly/ graph.dot)
170RequireFile(CONFIGURE_FILE_SCRIPT configure_file.cmake PATHS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH})
172# A target for each binary that we need to build
173/*- for i in instances if not i.type.hardware -*/
174    # Variable for collecting generated files
175    set(gen_files "")
176    set(gen_sources "")
177    set(cakeml_sources "")
178    # If no instance target exists declare it to simplify the logic of the generator expressions
179    set (instance_target "CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/_instance_/*? i.name ?*/")
180    if (NOT (TARGET ${instance_target}))
181        add_custom_target(${instance_target})
182    endif()
183    if (NOT (TARGET CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/))
184        add_custom_target(CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/)
185    endif()
186    # Retrieve the static sources for the component
187    set(static_sources "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_SOURCES>")
188    list(APPEND static_sources "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_SOURCES>")
189    set(extra_c_flags "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_C_FLAGS>")
190    list(APPEND extra_c_flags "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_C_FLAGS>")
191    set(extra_ld_flags "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_LD_FLAGS>")
192    list(APPEND extra_ld_flags "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_LD_FLAGS>")
193    set(extra_libs "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_LIBS>")
194    list(APPEND extra_libs "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_LIBS>")
195    # Retrieve the static headers for the component. Ensure instance headers are placed first
196    set(includes "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_INCLUDES>")
197    list(APPEND includes "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_INCLUDES>")
198    set(generated_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}//*? i.name ?*/")
199    # Generated different entry points for the instance
200    CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkes.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.common.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
201    # Generate camkes header
204    CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.in" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.template.h)
206    /*- if configuration[i.name].get('environment', 'c').lower() == 'c' -*/
207        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkes.environment.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.environment.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
208    /*- elif configuration[i.name].get('environment').lower() == 'cakeml' -*/
209        set(cakeml_sources "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_CAKEML_SOURCES>")
210        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkesStartScript.sml" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.environment.start.cakeml SOURCE SOURCES_VAR cakeml_sources)
211        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkesConstants.sml" component//*? i.name ?*/ camkesConstants.sml SOURCE SOURCES_VAR cakeml_sources)
212        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkesEndScript.sml" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.environment.end.cakeml SOURCE SOURCES_VAR cakeml_sources)
213    /*- else -*/
214        /*? raise(TemplateError('Unknown environment')) ?*/
215    /*- endif -*/
217    # Generate our linker script
218    set(linker_file "${generated_dir}/linker.lds")
219    CAmkESGen("${linker_file}" component//*? i.name ?*/ linker.lds)
221    # Generate connectors for this instance
222    /*- for c in connections -*/
223        /*- for id, e in enumerate(c.from_ends) -*/
224            set(unique_name /*? e.interface.name ?*/_/*? c.type.name ?*/_/*? id ?*/)
225            /*- if e.instance.name == i.name -*/
226                set(connector_target CAmkESConnector_/*? c.type.name ?*/)
227                get_property(c_from_template TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_FROM)
228                CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/${unique_name}.c" connector//*? c.name ?*//from//*? id ?*/ ${c_from_template} SOURCE C_STYLE)
229                get_property(c_from_template_header TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_FROM_HEADER)
230                if (NOT "${c_from_template_header}" STREQUAL "")
231                    CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/include/${unique_name}.h" connector//*? c.name ?*//from//*? id ?*/ ${c_from_template_header} C_STYLE)
232                    set(CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES}#include <${unique_name}.h>\n")
233                endif()
234                get_property(c_from_libs TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_FROM_LIBS)
235                list(APPEND extra_libs ${c_from_libs})
237            /*- endif -*/
238        /*- endfor -*/
239        /*- for id, e in enumerate(c.to_ends) -*/
240            set(unique_name /*? e.interface.name ?*/_/*? c.type.name ?*/_/*? id ?*/)
241            /*- if e.instance.name == i.name -*/
242                set(connector_target CAmkESConnector_/*? c.type.name ?*/)
244                /*- if configuration[i.name].get('environment', 'c').lower() == 'cakeml' -*/
245                    get_property(cake_to_template TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_CAKEML_TO)
246                    if (NOT "${cake_to_template}" STREQUAL "")
247                        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/connectorScript.sml" connector//*? c.name ?*//to//*? id ?*/ ${cake_to_template} SOURCE SOURCES_VAR cakeml_sources)
248                    else()
249                        get_property(c_to_template TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_TO)
250                        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/${unique_name}.c" connector//*? c.name ?*//to//*? id ?*/ ${c_to_template} SOURCE C_STYLE)
251                    endif()
252                /*- else -*/
253                    get_property(c_to_template TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_TO)
254                    CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/${unique_name}.c" connector//*? c.name ?*//to//*? id ?*/ ${c_to_template} SOURCE C_STYLE)
255                    get_property(c_to_template_header TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_TO_HEADER)
256                    if (NOT "${c_to_template_header}" STREQUAL "")
257                        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/include/${unique_name}.h" connector//*? c.name ?*//to//*? id ?*/ ${c_to_template_header} C_STYLE)
258                        set(CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES}#include <${unique_name}.h>\n")
259                    endif()
261                /*- endif -*/
262                get_property(c_to_libs TARGET ${connector_target} PROPERTY CONNECTOR_TO_LIBS)
263                list(APPEND extra_libs ${c_to_libs})
264            /*- endif -*/
265        /*- endfor -*/
266    /*- endfor -*/
267    get_target_property(template_sources CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/ COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_SOURCES)
268    if (NOT "${template_sources}" STREQUAL "template_sources-NOTFOUND")
269        foreach(template_file IN LISTS template_sources)
270            get_filename_component(filename ${template_file} NAME)
271            CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/${filename}" component//*? i.name ?*/ ${template_file} SOURCE C_STYLE)
272        endforeach()
273    endif()
274    get_target_property(template_headers CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/ COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_HEADERS)
275    if (NOT "${template_headers}" STREQUAL "template_headers-NOTFOUND")
276        foreach(template_file IN LISTS template_headers)
277            get_filename_component(filename ${template_file} NAME)
278            CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/include/${filename}" component//*? i.name ?*/ ${template_file} C_STYLE)
279            set(CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES}#include <${filename}>\n")
280        endforeach()
281    endif()
282    /*- if configuration[i.name].get('single_threaded') -*/
283        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/seL4SingleThreadedComponent.template.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ seL4SingleThreadedComponent.template.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
284        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/include/seL4SingleThreadedComponent.template.h" component//*? i.name ?*/ seL4SingleThreadedComponent.template.h SOURCE C_STYLE)
285        set(CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_INTERFACE_INCLUDES}#include <seL4SingleThreadedComponent.template.h>\n")
286    /*- endif -*/
288    /*- if configuration[i.name].get('debug') -*/
289        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkes.debug.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.debug.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
290    /*- endif -*/
291    /*- if configuration[i.name].get('simple') -*/
292        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkes.simple.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.simple.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
293    /*- endif -*/
294    /*- if configuration[i.name].get('rump_config') -*/
295        CAmkESGen("${generated_dir}/camkes.rumprun.c" component//*? i.name ?*/ component.rumprun.c SOURCE C_STYLE)
296    /*- endif -*/
298    # Add interface header files to camkes.h
299    file(WRITE "${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.cmd" "${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCONFIGURE_INPUT_FILE=\"${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.in\" \
301    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h
302        COMMAND sh "${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.cmd"
303        DEPENDS "${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.in" "${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h.cmd"
304        )
305    set_property(SOURCE /*? i.name ?*//camkes.c PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS ${generated_dir}/include/camkes.h)
307    # Create a target for all our generated files
308    set(gen_target /*? i.name ?*/_generated)
309    add_custom_target(${gen_target} DEPENDS ${gen_files})
310    # Build the actual binary
311    set(target /*? i.name ?*/.instance.bin)
312    add_executable(${target} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL
313        ${static_sources}
314        ${gen_sources}
316    )
317    # If COMPONENT_LINKER_LANGUAGE is set on the component target, set the LINKER_LANGUAGE of the executable
318    get_property(link_language TARGET CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/ PROPERTY COMPONENT_LINKER_LANGUAGE)
319    if (NOT "${link_language}" STREQUAL "")
320        set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE ${link_language})
321    endif()
322    # Build any CakeML library
323    if (NOT ("${cakeml_sources}" STREQUAL ""))
324        # Pull heap/stack size from component expression OR instances expression OR default to an arbitrary 50
325        # The order here is important as we want the instance property to be able to override the component property
326        GeneratorValueOrDefault(heap 50 $<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_CAKEML_HEAP_SIZE>)
327        GeneratorValueOrDefault(heap "${heap}" $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_CAKEML_HEAP_SIZE>)
328        GeneratorValueOrDefault(stack 50 $<TARGET_PROPERTY:CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/,COMPONENT_CAKEML_STACK_SIZE>)
329        GeneratorValueOrDefault(stack "${stack}" $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${instance_target},COMPONENT_CAKEML_STACK_SIZE>)
330        # Additional directories for the HOL build to depend on
331        get_property(cakeml_includes TARGET CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/ PROPERTY COMPONENT_CAKEML_INCLUDES)
332        get_property(cakeml_depends TARGET CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/ PROPERTY COMPONENT_CAKEML_DEPENDS)
333        DeclareCakeMLLib(/*? i.name ?*/_camkescakeml_contents
334            SOURCES "${cakeml_sources}"
335            TRANSLATION_THEORY "camkesEnd"
336            HEAP_SIZE "${heap}"
337            STACK_SIZE "${stack}"
338            RUNTIME_ENTRY "component_control_main"
339            CAKEML_ENTRY "camkes_entry"
340            INCLUDES ${cakeml_includes}
341            DEPENDS "${gen_target}" "${cakeml_depends}"
342        )
343        target_link_libraries(${target} camkescakeml /*? i.name ?*/_camkescakeml_contents)
344    endif()
345    target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE ${includes} "${generated_dir}/include")
346    # Depend upon core camkes libraries
347    target_link_libraries(${target} ${CAMKES_CORE_LIBS})
348    # Depend upon additional libraries
349    target_link_libraries(${target} ${extra_libs})
350    # Depend upon target that creates the generated source files
351    add_dependencies(${target} ${gen_target} CAmkESComponent_/*? i.type.name ?*/)
352    # Set our CAmkES specific additional link flags
353    set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS
354        " -static -nostdlib -u _camkes_start -e _camkes_start ")
355    # Add extra flags specified by the user
356    target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE ${extra_c_flags} ${CAMKES_C_FLAGS})
357    set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS ${extra_ld_flags})
358    # Only incrementally link if this instance is going on to become part of a
359    # group.
360    # TODO: we care about being grouped elsewhere as well. generalize this
361    /*- set grouped = [False] -*/
362    /*- for inst in instances if not i.type.hardware -*/
363        /*- if id(i) != id(inst) and inst.address_space == i.address_space -*/
364            /*- do grouped.__setitem__(0, True) -*/
365        /*- endif -*/
366    /*- endfor -*/
367    /*- if grouped[0] -*/
368        set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -Wl,--relocatable ")
369    /*- endif -*/
370    set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -Wl,--script=${linker_file} ")
371/*- endfor -*/
373# We need to apply objcopy to each component instance's ELF before we link them
374# into a flattened binary in order to avoid symbol collision. Note that when we
375# mangle symbols, we use the prefix 'camkes ' to avoid colliding with any
376# user-provided symbols.
377/*- set instancelist = set() -*/
378/*- for i in instances if not i.type.hardware -*/
379    set(input_target /*? i.name ?*/.instance.bin)
380    set(output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}//*? i.name ?*/.instance-copy.bin)
381    set(output_target /*? i.name ?*/_instance_copy_target)
382    set(input $<TARGET_FILE:${input_target}>)
383    add_custom_command(
384        OUTPUT "${output}"
385        COMMAND
386        # Brace yourself. This is going to be a bumpy ride.
387        ${OBJCOPY}
388            /*# Use a dummy impossible symbol of the empty string here, because
389             *# marking one symbol as 'keep global' causes all others to be demoted
390             *# to local. This allows us to avoid symbol collisions from
391             *# user-provided symbols.
392              #*/
393            --keep-global-symbol ""
395            /*# Rename the entry point to avoid symbol conflicts when we are
396             *# colocated with other components. Note that we will still use this as
397             *# the entry point.
398              #*/
399            --redefine-sym "_camkes_start=/*? "camkes %s _camkes_start" % i.name ?*/"
401            /*- for c in connections -*/
402                /*- if c.type.name == 'seL4DirectCall' -*/
403                    /*# For all 'from' connection ends (calls to unresolved symbols),
404                     *# rename the symbols so they will correctly link to the
405                     *# implementations provided by the 'to' side.
406                      #*/
407                    /*- for e in c.from_ends -*/
408                        /*- if id(e.instance) == id(i) -*/
409                            /*- for m in e.interface.type.methods -*/
410                                --redefine-sym "/*? e.interface.name ?*/_/*? m.name ?*/=camkes connection /*? e.parent.name ?*/_/*? m.name ?*/"
411                            /*- endfor -*/
412                        /*- endif -*/
413                    /*- endfor -*/
414                    /*# For all 'to' connection ends (implementations of procedures),
415                     *# rename the symbols so they will be found during the next
416                     *# linking stage. Note we need to mark them as 'keep global' or
417                     *# they will not be visible during the next link.
418                      #*/
419                    /*- for e in c.to_ends -*/
420                        /*- if id(e.instance) == id(i) -*/
421                            /*- if '%s_%s' % (i.name, e.interface.name) in instancelist -*/
422                                /*- continue -*/
423                            /*- endif -*/
424                            /*- do instancelist.add('%s_%s' % (i.name, e.interface.name)) -*/
425                            /*- for m in e.interface.type.methods -*/
426                                --redefine-sym "/*? e.interface.name ?*/_/*? m.name ?*/=camkes connection /*? e.parent.name ?*/_/*? m.name ?*/"
427                                --keep-global-symbol "camkes connection /*? e.parent.name ?*/_/*? m.name ?*/"
428                            /*- endfor -*/
429                        /*- endif -*/
430                    /*- endfor -*/
431                /*- endif -*/
432            /*- endfor -*/
433            "${input}" "${output}"
434        COMMAND
435            # Some toolchains insert exception handling infrastructure whether we ask
436            # for it or not. The preceding `objcopy` step breaks references in
437            # implicit `.eh_frame`s and friends, which then goes on to cause a linker
438            # warning. Rather than attempt some complicated gymnastics to repair these
439            # references, we just strip the exception handling pieces. To further
440            # complicate the process, some architectures require an `.eh_frame` and
441            # attempting to remove it causes errors. To handle this we just blindly
442            # try to remove it and mask errors. We can't do this unconditionally in
443            # the preceding `objcopy` because it fails when our toolchain has *not*
444            # inserted exception handling pieces or when we're targeting an
445            # architecture that requires `.eh_frame`.
446            bash -c "${OBJCOPY} --remove-section .eh_frame --remove-section .eh_frame_hdr \
447                --remove-section .rel.eh_frame --remove-section .rela.eh_frame ${output} \
448                >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"
449        VERBATIM
450        DEPENDS ${input_target}
451    )
452    add_custom_target(/*? i.name ?*/_instance_copy_target DEPENDS "${output}")
453    # TODO target for dependencies
454/*- endfor -*/
456# Define the linker we used for instances groups. This is just C linking but without crt objects
457# or any other libraries, we just want the flags to generate the correct binary type
459# Finally link together the instances in the different groups */
460/*- for g in groups -*/
461    /*- set elf_name = "%s_group_bin" % g -*/
462    list(APPEND key_names /*? g ?*/)
463    # Find all the instances that are part of this group */
464    set(instances "")
465    set(instance_targets "")
466    /*- for i in instances if not i.type.hardware -*/
467        /*- set other_elf_name = "%s_group_bin" % i.address_space -*/
468        /*- if elf_name == other_elf_name -*/
469            list(APPEND instances "/*? i.name ?*/.instance-copy.bin")
470            list(APPEND instance_targets "/*? i.name ?*/_instance_copy_target")
471            # Define the copies as objects in case we need to link them into a group and
472            # we would like cmake to not attempt to compile them
473            set_property(SOURCE "/*? i.name ?*/.instance-copy.bin" PROPERTY EXTERNAL_OBJECT TRUE)
474        /*- endif -*/
475    /*- endfor -*/
476    set(target ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}//*? elf_name ?*/)
477    list(LENGTH instances instances_len)
478    if (${instances_len} GREATER 1)
479        add_executable(/*? elf_name ?*/ EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${instances})
480        add_dependencies(/*? elf_name ?*/ ${instance_targets})
481        # Use a custom linker definition that will not include crt objects
482        set_property(TARGET /*? elf_name ?*/ PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE INSTANCE_GROUP)
483        # Note that we deliberately give groups a
484        # broken entry point so that, if they are incorrectly loaded without correct
485        # initial instruction pointers, threads will immediately fault
486        set_property(TARGET /*? elf_name ?*/ APPEND PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -static -nostdlib --entry=0x0 -Wl,--build-id=none -T${TLS_LINKER_LDS}")
487    else()
488        add_custom_command(
489            OUTPUT ${target}
490            COMMAND
491                cp "${instances}" "${target}"
492            DEPENDS
493                ${instances}
494                ${instance_targets}
495        )
496    endif()
497    add_custom_target(/*? elf_name ?*/_group_target DEPENDS "${target}")
498/*- endfor -*/
500# Generate our targets up to this point
501CAmkESOutputGenCommand(save-object-state ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object.pickle)
503# CapDL generation. Aside from depending upon the CAmkES specifications themselves, it
504# depends upon the copied instance binaries and (optionally) the bootinfo untyped list.
506# First, find all instance binaries
507set(capdl_elf_depends "")
508set(capdl_elf_targets "")
509/*- for g in groups -*/
510    /*- set elf_name = "%s_group_bin" % g -*/
511    list(APPEND capdl_elfs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}//*? elf_name ?*/")
512    list(APPEND capdl_elf_targets "/*? elf_name ?*/_group_target")
513/*- endfor -*/
515# Generate boot untyped info for capDL allocator (if applicable)
517    add_custom_command(
518        OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/untyped.yaml
519        COMMAND
520            ${CAPDL_UNTYPED_GEN}
521                "--input=${platform_yaml}"
522                "--output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/untyped.yaml"
523                "--linker=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/linker.lds"
524                --architecture ${KernelSel4Arch}
525                "--object-sizes=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>"
526                --dtb-size ${KernelDTBSize}
527                --kernel-elf "$<TARGET_FILE:kernel.elf>"
528                "$<$<BOOL:${capdl_elfs}>:--elffile$<SEMICOLON>>$<JOIN:${capdl_elfs},$<SEMICOLON>--elffile$<SEMICOLON>>"
529        DEPENDS
530            # This pulls in miscellaneous dependencies
531            # which is used by the camkes tool
533            object_sizes
534            ${platform_yaml}
535            ${capdl_elfs}
536        VERBATIM
539        COMMENT "Generating untyped list"
540    )
541    add_custom_target(untyped_capdl_target DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/untyped.yaml")
544    add_custom_target(untyped_capdl_target)
548# Now, define the capDL spec generation from CAmkES
550    set(CAPDL_LINKER_ALLOC_OPT "--static-alloc")
553    set(CAPDL_LINKER_ALLOC_OPT "--dynamic-alloc")
558    COMMAND
559        ${CAPDL_LINKER}
560            "--object-sizes=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>"
561            --architecture ${KernelSel4Arch}
562            gen_cdl
563            "--manifest-in=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object.pickle"
564            "--save-object-state=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object-final.pickle"
565            ${CAPDL_LINKER_ALLOC_OPT}
566            ${CAPDL_LINKER_UNTYPED_OPT}
567            "$<$<BOOL:${capdl_elfs}>:--elffile$<SEMICOLON>>$<JOIN:${capdl_elfs},$<SEMICOLON>--elffile$<SEMICOLON>>"
568            "$<$<BOOL:${key_names}>:--key$<SEMICOLON>>$<JOIN:${key_names},$<SEMICOLON>--key$<SEMICOLON>>"
569            --outfile ${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}
570    DEPENDS
571        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ast.pickle
572        # This pulls in miscellaneous dependencies
573        # which is used by the camkes tool
575        # Any additional dependencies from the files
576        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object.pickle
577        object_sizes
578        untyped_capdl_target
580        ${capdl_elfs}
581        ${capdl_elf_targets}
585    COMMENT "Generating final \"${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}\" file"
587add_custom_target(camkes_capdl_target DEPENDS "${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object-final.pickle")
588add_dependencies(camkes_capdl_target object_sizes ${capdl_elf_targets})
590# Invoke the parse-capDL tool to turn the CDL spec into a C spec
591CapDLToolCFileGen(capdl_c_spec_target capdl_spec.c ${CAmkESCapDLStaticAlloc} "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>" "${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}" "${CAPDL_TOOL_BINARY}"
592    DEPENDS camkes_capdl_target install_capdl_tool "${CAPDL_TOOL_BINARY}")
594# Ask the CapDL tool to generate an image with our given copied/mangled instances
596    C_SPEC "capdl_spec.c"
597    /*- for g in groups -*/
598        ELF "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}//*? "%s_group_bin" % g ?*/"
599    /*- endfor -*/
600    DEPENDS
601        # Dependency on the C_SPEC and ELFs are added automatically, we just have to add the target
602        # dependencies
603        capdl_c_spec_target
604        ${capdl_elf_targets}
605    OUTPUT "capdl-loader"
610# Generate Isabelle theory scripts if needed
611if (CAmkESCapDLVerification)
612    # Base name for Isabelle theories. We derive this from the top-level ADL name,
613    # but mangled to ensure that it is a valid identifier.
614    get_filename_component(VER_BASE_NAME "${adl}" NAME_WE)
617    # Generated theory names. These must be consistent with the templates.
619    set(CAMKES_ADL_THY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cdl-refine/${VER_BASE_NAME}_Arch_Spec.thy")
623    # ROOT file
624    CAmkESGen("${CAMKES_VER_ROOT}" assembly/ "root.thy" THY_STYLE VER_BASE_NAME ${VER_BASE_NAME})
625    add_custom_target(isabelle_root DEPENDS "${CAMKES_VER_ROOT}")
627    # Generate these theory files as part of overall build
628    # FIXME: hack?
629    add_dependencies("capdl-loader" isabelle_root)
631    # Isabelle capDL spec
632    add_custom_command(
633        OUTPUT "${CAMKES_CDL_THY}"
634        COMMAND
635            ${CAPDL_TOOL_BINARY}
636                --isabelle "${CAMKES_CDL_THY}"
637                --object-sizes "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>"
638                "${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}"
639        DEPENDS
640            "${CAMKES_CDL_TARGET}"
641            camkes_capdl_target
642            "${CAPDL_TOOL_BINARY}"
643            install_capdl_tool
644            "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:object_sizes,FILE_PATH>"
645    )
646    add_custom_target(camkes_cdl_thy DEPENDS "${CAMKES_CDL_THY}")
647    add_dependencies(isabelle_root camkes_cdl_thy)
649    # ADL spec
650    CAmkESGen("${CAMKES_ADL_THY}" assembly/ "arch-definitions.thy" THY_STYLE VER_BASE_NAME ${VER_BASE_NAME})
651    add_custom_target(camkes_adl_thy DEPENDS "${CAMKES_ADL_THY}")
652    add_dependencies(isabelle_root camkes_adl_thy)
654    # CDL refinement proof
655    CAmkESGen("${CAMKES_CDL_REFINE_THY}" assembly/ "cdl-refine.thy" THY_STYLE VER_BASE_NAME ${VER_BASE_NAME}
656              DEPENDS camkes_capdl_target)
657    add_custom_target(camkes_cdl_refine_thy DEPENDS "${CAMKES_CDL_REFINE_THY}")
658    add_dependencies(isabelle_root camkes_cdl_refine_thy)
660    CAmkESOutputGenCommand(load-object-state ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/object-final.pickle)
663# Ensure we generated all the files we intended to, this is just sanity checking
664if (NOT ("${item_list}" STREQUAL ""))
665    message(FATAL_ERROR "Items added through CAmkESGen not generated")