revision 971:c93b6091b11e
2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime;
28import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.PropertyHashMap.EMPTY_HASHMAP;
29import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.ArrayIndex.getArrayIndex;
30import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.ArrayIndex.isValidArrayIndex;
36import java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint;
37import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
38import java.util.Arrays;
39import java.util.BitSet;
40import java.util.Collection;
41import java.util.HashMap;
42import java.util.Iterator;
43import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
44import java.util.WeakHashMap;
45import jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO;
48 * Map of object properties. The PropertyMap is the "template" for JavaScript object
49 * layouts. It contains a map with prototype names as keys and {@link Property} instances
50 * as values. A PropertyMap is typically passed to the {@link ScriptObject} constructor
51 * to form the seed map for the ScriptObject.
52 * <p>
53 * All property maps are immutable. If a property is added, modified or removed, the mutator
54 * will return a new map.
55 */
56public final class PropertyMap implements Iterable<Object>, Serializable {
57    /** Used for non extensible PropertyMaps, negative logic as the normal case is extensible. See {@link ScriptObject#preventExtensions()} */
58    public static final int NOT_EXTENSIBLE        = 0b0000_0001;
59    /** Does this map contain valid array keys? */
60    public static final int CONTAINS_ARRAY_KEYS   = 0b0000_0010;
62    /** Map status flags. */
63    private int flags;
65    /** Map of properties. */
66    private transient PropertyHashMap properties;
68    /** Number of fields in use. */
69    private int fieldCount;
71    /** Number of fields available. */
72    private final int fieldMaximum;
74    /** Length of spill in use. */
75    private int spillLength;
77    /** Structure class name */
78    private String className;
80    /** {@link SwitchPoint}s for gets on inherited properties. */
81    private transient HashMap<String, SwitchPoint> protoGetSwitches;
83    /** History of maps, used to limit map duplication. */
84    private transient WeakHashMap<Property, SoftReference<PropertyMap>> history;
86    /** History of prototypes, used to limit map duplication. */
87    private transient WeakHashMap<PropertyMap, SoftReference<PropertyMap>> protoHistory;
89    /** property listeners */
90    private transient PropertyListeners listeners;
92    private transient BitSet freeSlots;
94    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7041836752008732533L;
96    /**
97     * Constructor.
98     *
99     * @param properties   A {@link PropertyHashMap} with initial contents.
100     * @param fieldCount   Number of fields in use.
101     * @param fieldMaximum Number of fields available.
102     * @param spillLength  Number of spill slots used.
103     * @param containsArrayKeys True if properties contain numeric keys
104     */
105    private PropertyMap(final PropertyHashMap properties, final String className, final int fieldCount,
106                        final int fieldMaximum, final int spillLength, final boolean containsArrayKeys) {
107   = properties;
108        this.className    = className;
109        this.fieldCount   = fieldCount;
110        this.fieldMaximum = fieldMaximum;
111        this.spillLength  = spillLength;
112        if (containsArrayKeys) {
113            setContainsArrayKeys();
114        }
116        if (Context.DEBUG) {
117            count++;
118        }
119    }
121    /**
122     * Cloning constructor.
123     *
124     * @param propertyMap Existing property map.
125     * @param properties  A {@link PropertyHashMap} with a new set of properties.
126     */
127    private PropertyMap(final PropertyMap propertyMap, final PropertyHashMap properties) {
128   = properties;
129        this.flags        = propertyMap.flags;
130        this.spillLength  = propertyMap.spillLength;
131        this.fieldCount   = propertyMap.fieldCount;
132        this.fieldMaximum = propertyMap.fieldMaximum;
133        // We inherit the parent property listeners instance. It will be cloned when a new listener is added.
134        this.listeners    = propertyMap.listeners;
135        this.freeSlots    = propertyMap.freeSlots;
137        if (Context.DEBUG) {
138            count++;
139            clonedCount++;
140        }
141    }
143    /**
144     * Cloning constructor.
145     *
146     * @param propertyMap Existing property map.
147      */
148    private PropertyMap(final PropertyMap propertyMap) {
149        this(propertyMap,;
150    }
152    private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
153        out.defaultWriteObject();
154        out.writeObject(properties.getProperties());
155    }
157    private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
158        in.defaultReadObject();
160        final Property[] props = (Property[]) in.readObject();
161 = EMPTY_HASHMAP.immutableAdd(props);
163        assert className != null;
164        final Class<?> structure = Context.forStructureClass(className);
165        for (final Property prop : props) {
166            prop.initMethodHandles(structure);
167        }
168    }
170    /**
171     * Public property map allocator.
172     *
173     * <p>It is the caller's responsibility to make sure that {@code properties} does not contain
174     * properties with keys that are valid array indices.</p>
175     *
176     * @param properties   Collection of initial properties.
177     * @param className    class name
178     * @param fieldCount   Number of fields in use.
179     * @param fieldMaximum Number of fields available.
180     * @param spillLength  Number of used spill slots.
181     * @return New {@link PropertyMap}.
182     */
183    public static PropertyMap newMap(final Collection<Property> properties, final String className, final int fieldCount, final int fieldMaximum,  final int spillLength) {
184        final PropertyHashMap newProperties = EMPTY_HASHMAP.immutableAdd(properties);
185        return new PropertyMap(newProperties, className, fieldCount, fieldMaximum, spillLength, false);
186    }
188    /**
189     * Public property map allocator. Used by nasgen generated code.
190     *
191     * <p>It is the caller's responsibility to make sure that {@code properties} does not contain
192     * properties with keys that are valid array indices.</p>
193     *
194     * @param properties Collection of initial properties.
195     * @return New {@link PropertyMap}.
196     */
197    public static PropertyMap newMap(final Collection<Property> properties) {
198        return properties == null || properties.isEmpty()? newMap() : newMap(properties, JO.class.getName(), 0, 0, 0);
199    }
201    /**
202     * Return a sharable empty map.
203     *
204     * @return New empty {@link PropertyMap}.
205     */
206    public static PropertyMap newMap() {
207        return new PropertyMap(EMPTY_HASHMAP, JO.class.getName(), 0, 0, 0, false);
208    }
210    /**
211     * Return number of properties in the map.
212     *
213     * @return Number of properties.
214     */
215    public int size() {
216        return properties.size();
217    }
219    /**
220     * Get the listeners of this map, or null if none exists
221     *
222     * @return the listeners
223     */
224    public PropertyListeners getListeners() {
225        return listeners;
226    }
228    /**
229     * Add {@code listenerMap} as a listener to this property map for the given {@code key}.
230     *
231     * @param key the property name
232     * @param listenerMap the listener map
233     */
234    public void addListener(final String key, final PropertyMap listenerMap) {
235        if (listenerMap != this) {
236            // We need to clone listener instance when adding a new listener since we share
237            // the listeners instance with our parent maps that don't need to see the new listener.
238            listeners = PropertyListeners.addListener(listeners, key, listenerMap);
239        }
240    }
242    /**
243     * A new property is being added.
244     *
245     * @param property The new Property added.
246     */
247    public void propertyAdded(final Property property) {
248        invalidateProtoGetSwitchPoint(property);
249        if (listeners != null) {
250            listeners.propertyAdded(property);
251        }
252    }
254    /**
255     * An existing property is being deleted.
256     *
257     * @param property The property being deleted.
258     */
259    public void propertyDeleted(final Property property) {
260        invalidateProtoGetSwitchPoint(property);
261        if (listeners != null) {
262            listeners.propertyDeleted(property);
263        }
264    }
266    /**
267     * An existing property is being redefined.
268     *
269     * @param oldProperty The old property
270     * @param newProperty The new property
271     */
272    public void propertyModified(final Property oldProperty, final Property newProperty) {
273        invalidateProtoGetSwitchPoint(oldProperty);
274        if (listeners != null) {
275            listeners.propertyModified(oldProperty, newProperty);
276        }
277    }
279    /**
280     * The prototype of an object associated with this {@link PropertyMap} is changed.
281     */
282    public void protoChanged() {
283        invalidateAllProtoGetSwitchPoints();
284        if (listeners != null) {
285            listeners.protoChanged();
286        }
287    }
289    /**
290     * Return a SwitchPoint used to track changes of a property in a prototype.
291     *
292     * @param key Property key.
293     * @return A shared {@link SwitchPoint} for the property.
294     */
295    public synchronized SwitchPoint getSwitchPoint(final String key) {
296        if (protoGetSwitches == null) {
297            protoGetSwitches = new HashMap<>();
298        }
300        SwitchPoint switchPoint = protoGetSwitches.get(key);
301        if (switchPoint == null) {
302            switchPoint = new SwitchPoint();
303            protoGetSwitches.put(key, switchPoint);
304        }
306        return switchPoint;
307    }
309    /**
310     * Indicate that a prototype property has changed.
311     *
312     * @param property {@link Property} to invalidate.
313     */
314    synchronized void invalidateProtoGetSwitchPoint(final Property property) {
315        if (protoGetSwitches != null) {
317            final String key = property.getKey();
318            final SwitchPoint sp = protoGetSwitches.get(key);
319            if (sp != null) {
320                protoGetSwitches.remove(key);
321                if (Context.DEBUG) {
322                    protoInvalidations++;
323                }
324                SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] { sp });
325            }
326        }
327    }
329    /**
330     * Indicate that proto itself has changed in hierarchy somewhere.
331     */
332    synchronized void invalidateAllProtoGetSwitchPoints() {
333        if (protoGetSwitches != null && !protoGetSwitches.isEmpty()) {
334            if (Context.DEBUG) {
335                protoInvalidations += protoGetSwitches.size();
336            }
337            SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(protoGetSwitches.values().toArray(new SwitchPoint[protoGetSwitches.values().size()]));
338            protoGetSwitches.clear();
339        }
340    }
342    /**
343     * Add a property to the map, re-binding its getters and setters,
344     * if available, to a given receiver. This is typically the global scope. See
345     * {@link ScriptObject#addBoundProperties(ScriptObject)}
346     *
347     * @param property {@link Property} being added.
348     * @param bindTo   Object to bind to.
349     *
350     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with {@link Property} added.
351     */
352    PropertyMap addPropertyBind(final AccessorProperty property, final Object bindTo) {
353        // No need to store bound property in the history as bound properties can't be reused.
354        return addPropertyNoHistory(new AccessorProperty(property, bindTo));
355    }
357    // Get a logical slot index for a property, with spill slot 0 starting at fieldMaximum.
358    private int logicalSlotIndex(final Property property) {
359        final int slot = property.getSlot();
360        if (slot < 0) {
361            return -1;
362        }
363        return property.isSpill() ? slot + fieldMaximum : slot;
364    }
366    // Update boundaries and flags after a property has been added
367    private void updateFlagsAndBoundaries(final Property newProperty) {
368        if(newProperty.isSpill()) {
369            spillLength = Math.max(spillLength, newProperty.getSlot() + 1);
370        } else {
371            fieldCount = Math.max(fieldCount, newProperty.getSlot() + 1);
372        }
373        if (isValidArrayIndex(getArrayIndex(newProperty.getKey()))) {
374            setContainsArrayKeys();
375        }
376    }
378    // Update the free slots bitmap for a property that has been deleted and/or added.
379    private void updateFreeSlots(final Property oldProperty, final Property newProperty) {
380        // Free slots bitset is possibly shared with parent map, so we must clone it before making modifications.
381        boolean freeSlotsCloned = false;
382        if (oldProperty != null) {
383            final int slotIndex = logicalSlotIndex(oldProperty);
384            if (slotIndex >= 0) {
385                final BitSet newFreeSlots = freeSlots == null ? new BitSet() : (BitSet)freeSlots.clone();
386                assert !newFreeSlots.get(slotIndex);
387                newFreeSlots.set(slotIndex);
388                freeSlots = newFreeSlots;
389                freeSlotsCloned = true;
390            }
391        }
392        if (freeSlots != null && newProperty != null) {
393            final int slotIndex = logicalSlotIndex(newProperty);
394            if (slotIndex > -1 && freeSlots.get(slotIndex)) {
395                final BitSet newFreeSlots = freeSlotsCloned ? freeSlots : ((BitSet)freeSlots.clone());
396                newFreeSlots.clear(slotIndex);
397                freeSlots = newFreeSlots.isEmpty() ? null : newFreeSlots;
398            }
399        }
400    }
402    /**
403     * Add a property to the map without adding it to the history. This should be used for properties that
404     * can't be shared such as bound properties, or properties that are expected to be added only once.
405     *
406     * @param property {@link Property} being added.
407     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with {@link Property} added.
408     */
409    public PropertyMap addPropertyNoHistory(final Property property) {
410        if (listeners != null) {
411            listeners.propertyAdded(property);
412        }
413        final PropertyHashMap newProperties = properties.immutableAdd(property);
414        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
415        newMap.updateFlagsAndBoundaries(property);
416        newMap.updateFreeSlots(null, property);
418        return newMap;
419    }
421    /**
422     * Add a property to the map.  Cloning or using an existing map if available.
423     *
424     * @param property {@link Property} being added.
425     *
426     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with {@link Property} added.
427     */
428    public PropertyMap addProperty(final Property property) {
429        if (listeners != null) {
430            listeners.propertyAdded(property);
431        }
432        PropertyMap newMap = checkHistory(property);
434        if (newMap == null) {
435            final PropertyHashMap newProperties = properties.immutableAdd(property);
436            newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
437            addToHistory(property, newMap);
438            newMap.updateFlagsAndBoundaries(property);
439            newMap.updateFreeSlots(null, property);
440        }
442        return newMap;
443    }
445    /**
446     * Remove a property from a map. Cloning or using an existing map if available.
447     *
448     * @param property {@link Property} being removed.
449     *
450     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with {@link Property} removed or {@code null} if not found.
451     */
452    public PropertyMap deleteProperty(final Property property) {
453        if (listeners != null) {
454            listeners.propertyDeleted(property);
455        }
456        PropertyMap newMap = checkHistory(property);
457        final String key = property.getKey();
459        if (newMap == null && properties.containsKey(key)) {
460            final PropertyHashMap newProperties = properties.immutableRemove(key);
461            final boolean isSpill = property.isSpill();
462            final int slot = property.getSlot();
463            // If deleted property was last field or spill slot we can make it reusable by reducing field/slot count.
464            // Otherwise mark it as free in free slots bitset.
465            if (isSpill && slot >= 0 && slot == spillLength - 1) {
466                newMap = new PropertyMap(newProperties, className, fieldCount, fieldMaximum, spillLength - 1, containsArrayKeys());
467                newMap.freeSlots = freeSlots;
468            } else if (!isSpill && slot >= 0 && slot == fieldCount - 1) {
469                newMap = new PropertyMap(newProperties, className, fieldCount - 1, fieldMaximum, spillLength, containsArrayKeys());
470                newMap.freeSlots = freeSlots;
471            } else {
472                newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
473                newMap.updateFreeSlots(property, null);
474            }
475            addToHistory(property, newMap);
476        }
478        return newMap;
479    }
481    /**
482     * Replace an existing property with a new one.
483     *
484     * @param oldProperty Property to replace.
485     * @param newProperty New {@link Property}.
486     *
487     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with {@link Property} replaced.
488     */
489    PropertyMap replaceProperty(final Property oldProperty, final Property newProperty) {
490        if (listeners != null) {
491            listeners.propertyModified(oldProperty, newProperty);
492        }
493        // Add replaces existing property.
494        final PropertyHashMap newProperties = properties.immutableReplace(oldProperty, newProperty);
495        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
496        /*
497         * See ScriptObject.modifyProperty and ScriptObject.setUserAccessors methods.
498         *
499         * This replaceProperty method is called only for the following three cases:
500         *
501         *   1. To change flags OR TYPE of an old (cloned) property. We use the same spill slots.
502         *   2. To change one UserAccessor property with another - user getter or setter changed via
503         *      Object.defineProperty function. Again, same spill slots are re-used.
504         *   3. Via ScriptObject.setUserAccessors method to set user getter and setter functions
505         *      replacing the dummy AccessorProperty with null method handles (added during map init).
506         *
507         * In case (1) and case(2), the property type of old and new property is same. For case (3),
508         * the old property is an AccessorProperty and the new one is a UserAccessorProperty property.
509         */
511        final boolean sameType = oldProperty.getClass() == newProperty.getClass();
512        assert sameType ||
513                oldProperty instanceof AccessorProperty &&
514                newProperty instanceof UserAccessorProperty :
515            "arbitrary replaceProperty attempted " + sameType + " oldProperty=" + oldProperty.getClass() + " newProperty=" + newProperty.getClass() + " [" + oldProperty.getCurrentType() + " => " + newProperty.getCurrentType() + "]";
517        newMap.flags = flags;
519        /*
520         * spillLength remains same in case (1) and (2) because of slot reuse. Only for case (3), we need
521         * to add spill count of the newly added UserAccessorProperty property.
522         */
523        if (!sameType) {
524            newMap.spillLength = Math.max(spillLength, newProperty.getSlot() + 1);
525            newMap.updateFreeSlots(oldProperty, newProperty);
526        }
527        return newMap;
528    }
530    /**
531     * Make a new UserAccessorProperty property. getter and setter functions are stored in
532     * this ScriptObject and slot values are used in property object. Note that slots
533     * are assigned speculatively and should be added to map before adding other
534     * properties.
535     *
536     * @param key the property name
537     * @param propertyFlags attribute flags of the property
538     * @return the newly created UserAccessorProperty
539     */
540    public UserAccessorProperty newUserAccessors(final String key, final int propertyFlags) {
541        return new UserAccessorProperty(key, propertyFlags, getFreeSpillSlot());
542    }
544    /**
545     * Find a property in the map.
546     *
547     * @param key Key to search for.
548     *
549     * @return {@link Property} matching key.
550     */
551    public Property findProperty(final String key) {
552        return properties.find(key);
553    }
555    /**
556     * Adds all map properties from another map.
557     *
558     * @param other The source of properties.
559     *
560     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with added properties.
561     */
562    public PropertyMap addAll(final PropertyMap other) {
563        assert this != other : "adding property map to itself";
564        final Property[] otherProperties =;
565        final PropertyHashMap newProperties = properties.immutableAdd(otherProperties);
567        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
568        for (final Property property : otherProperties) {
569            // This method is only safe to use with non-slotted, native getter/setter properties
570            assert property.getSlot() == -1;
571            if (isValidArrayIndex(getArrayIndex(property.getKey()))) {
572                newMap.setContainsArrayKeys();
573            }
574        }
576        return newMap;
577    }
579    /**
580     * Return an array of all properties.
581     *
582     * @return Properties as an array.
583     */
584    public Property[] getProperties() {
585        return properties.getProperties();
586    }
588    /**
589     * Prevents the map from having additional properties.
590     *
591     * @return New map with {@link #NOT_EXTENSIBLE} flag set.
592     */
593    PropertyMap preventExtensions() {
594        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this);
595        newMap.flags |= NOT_EXTENSIBLE;
596        return newMap;
597    }
599    /**
600     * Prevents properties in map from being modified.
601     *
602     * @return New map with {@link #NOT_EXTENSIBLE} flag set and properties with
603     * {@link Property#NOT_CONFIGURABLE} set.
604     */
605    PropertyMap seal() {
606        PropertyHashMap newProperties = EMPTY_HASHMAP;
608        for (final Property oldProperty :  properties.getProperties()) {
609            newProperties = newProperties.immutableAdd(oldProperty.addFlags(Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE));
610        }
612        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
613        newMap.flags |= NOT_EXTENSIBLE;
615        return newMap;
616    }
618    /**
619     * Prevents properties in map from being modified or written to.
620     *
621     * @return New map with {@link #NOT_EXTENSIBLE} flag set and properties with
622     * {@link Property#NOT_CONFIGURABLE} and {@link Property#NOT_WRITABLE} set.
623     */
624    PropertyMap freeze() {
625        PropertyHashMap newProperties = EMPTY_HASHMAP;
627        for (final Property oldProperty : properties.getProperties()) {
628            int propertyFlags = Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE;
630            if (!(oldProperty instanceof UserAccessorProperty)) {
631                propertyFlags |= Property.NOT_WRITABLE;
632            }
634            newProperties = newProperties.immutableAdd(oldProperty.addFlags(propertyFlags));
635        }
637        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this, newProperties);
638        newMap.flags |= NOT_EXTENSIBLE;
640        return newMap;
641    }
643    /**
644     * Check for any configurable properties.
645     *
646     * @return {@code true} if any configurable.
647     */
648    private boolean anyConfigurable() {
649        for (final Property property : properties.getProperties()) {
650            if (property.isConfigurable()) {
651               return true;
652            }
653        }
655        return false;
656    }
658    /**
659     * Check if all properties are frozen.
660     *
661     * @return {@code true} if all are frozen.
662     */
663    private boolean allFrozen() {
664        for (final Property property : properties.getProperties()) {
665            // check if it is a data descriptor
666            if (!(property instanceof UserAccessorProperty)) {
667                if (property.isWritable()) {
668                    return false;
669                }
670            }
671            if (property.isConfigurable()) {
672               return false;
673            }
674        }
676        return true;
677    }
679    /**
680     * Check prototype history for an existing property map with specified prototype.
681     *
682     * @param parentMap New prototype object.
683     *
684     * @return Existing {@link PropertyMap} or {@code null} if not found.
685     */
686    private PropertyMap checkProtoHistory(final PropertyMap parentMap) {
687        final PropertyMap cachedMap;
688        if (protoHistory != null) {
689            final SoftReference<PropertyMap> weakMap = protoHistory.get(parentMap);
690            cachedMap = (weakMap != null ? weakMap.get() : null);
691        } else {
692            cachedMap = null;
693        }
695        if (Context.DEBUG && cachedMap != null) {
696            protoHistoryHit++;
697        }
699        return cachedMap;
700    }
702    /**
703     * Add a map to the prototype history.
704     *
705     * @param parentMap Prototype to add (key.)
706     * @param newMap   {@link PropertyMap} associated with prototype.
707     */
708    private void addToProtoHistory(final PropertyMap parentMap, final PropertyMap newMap) {
709        if (protoHistory == null) {
710            protoHistory = new WeakHashMap<>();
711        }
713        protoHistory.put(parentMap, new SoftReference<>(newMap));
714    }
716    /**
717     * Track the modification of the map.
718     *
719     * @param property Mapping property.
720     * @param newMap   Modified {@link PropertyMap}.
721     */
722    private void addToHistory(final Property property, final PropertyMap newMap) {
723        if (history == null) {
724            history = new WeakHashMap<>();
725        }
727        history.put(property, new SoftReference<>(newMap));
728    }
730    /**
731     * Check the history for a map that already has the given property added.
732     *
733     * @param property {@link Property} to add.
734     *
735     * @return Existing map or {@code null} if not found.
736     */
737    private PropertyMap checkHistory(final Property property) {
739        if (history != null) {
740            final SoftReference<PropertyMap> ref = history.get(property);
741            final PropertyMap historicMap = ref == null ? null : ref.get();
743            if (historicMap != null) {
744                if (Context.DEBUG) {
745                    historyHit++;
746                }
748                return historicMap;
749            }
750        }
752        return null;
753    }
755    /**
756     * Returns true if the two maps have identical properties in the same order, but allows the properties to differ in
757     * their types. This method is mostly useful for tests.
758     * @param otherMap the other map
759     * @return true if this map has identical properties in the same order as the other map, allowing the properties to
760     * differ in type.
761     */
762    public boolean equalsWithoutType(final PropertyMap otherMap) {
763        if (properties.size() != {
764            return false;
765        }
767        final Iterator<Property> iter      = properties.values().iterator();
768        final Iterator<Property> otherIter =;
770        while (iter.hasNext() && otherIter.hasNext()) {
771            if (! {
772                return false;
773            }
774        }
776        return true;
777    }
779    @Override
780    public String toString() {
781        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
783        sb.append(;
784        sb.append(" = {\n");
786        for (final Property property : getProperties()) {
787            sb.append('\t');
788            sb.append(property);
789            sb.append('\n');
790        }
792        sb.append('}');
794        return sb.toString();
795    }
797    @Override
798    public Iterator<Object> iterator() {
799        return new PropertyMapIterator(this);
800    }
802    /**
803     * Check if this map contains properties with valid array keys
804     *
805     * @return {@code true} if this map contains properties with valid array keys
806     */
807    public final boolean containsArrayKeys() {
808        return (flags & CONTAINS_ARRAY_KEYS) != 0;
809    }
811    /**
812     * Flag this object as having array keys in defined properties
813     */
814    private void setContainsArrayKeys() {
815        flags |= CONTAINS_ARRAY_KEYS;
816    }
818    /**
819     * Test to see if {@link PropertyMap} is extensible.
820     *
821     * @return {@code true} if {@link PropertyMap} can be added to.
822     */
823    boolean isExtensible() {
824        return (flags & NOT_EXTENSIBLE) == 0;
825    }
827    /**
828     * Test to see if {@link PropertyMap} is not extensible or any properties
829     * can not be modified.
830     *
831     * @return {@code true} if {@link PropertyMap} is sealed.
832     */
833    boolean isSealed() {
834        return !isExtensible() && !anyConfigurable();
835    }
837    /**
838     * Test to see if {@link PropertyMap} is not extensible or all properties
839     * can not be modified.
840     *
841     * @return {@code true} if {@link PropertyMap} is frozen.
842     */
843    boolean isFrozen() {
844        return !isExtensible() && allFrozen();
845    }
847    /**
848     * Return a free field slot for this map, or {@code -1} if none is available.
849     *
850     * @return free field slot or -1
851     */
852    int getFreeFieldSlot() {
853        if (freeSlots != null) {
854            final int freeSlot = freeSlots.nextSetBit(0);
855            if (freeSlot > -1 && freeSlot < fieldMaximum) {
856                return freeSlot;
857            }
858        }
859        if (fieldCount < fieldMaximum) {
860            return fieldCount;
861        }
862        return -1;
863    }
865    /**
866     * Get a free spill slot for this map.
867     *
868     * @return free spill slot
869     */
870    int getFreeSpillSlot() {
871        if (freeSlots != null) {
872            final int freeSlot = freeSlots.nextSetBit(fieldMaximum);
873            if (freeSlot > -1) {
874                return freeSlot - fieldMaximum;
875            }
876        }
877        return spillLength;
878    }
880    /**
881     * Return a property map with the same layout that is associated with the new prototype object.
882     *
883     * @param newProto New prototype object to replace oldProto.
884     * @return New {@link PropertyMap} with prototype changed.
885     */
886    public PropertyMap changeProto(final ScriptObject newProto) {
888        final PropertyMap parentMap = newProto == null ? null : newProto.getMap();
889        final PropertyMap nextMap = checkProtoHistory(parentMap);
890        if (nextMap != null) {
891            return nextMap;
892        }
894        if (Context.DEBUG) {
895            setProtoNewMapCount++;
896        }
898        final PropertyMap newMap = new PropertyMap(this);
899        addToProtoHistory(parentMap, newMap);
901        return newMap;
902    }
905    /**
906     * {@link PropertyMap} iterator.
907     */
908    private static class PropertyMapIterator implements Iterator<Object> {
909        /** Property iterator. */
910        final Iterator<Property> iter;
912        /** Current Property. */
913        Property property;
915        /**
916         * Constructor.
917         *
918         * @param propertyMap {@link PropertyMap} to iterate over.
919         */
920        PropertyMapIterator(final PropertyMap propertyMap) {
921            iter = Arrays.asList(;
922            property = iter.hasNext() ? : null;
923            skipNotEnumerable();
924        }
926        /**
927         * Ignore properties that are not enumerable.
928         */
929        private void skipNotEnumerable() {
930            while (property != null && !property.isEnumerable()) {
931                property = iter.hasNext() ? : null;
932            }
933        }
935        @Override
936        public boolean hasNext() {
937            return property != null;
938        }
940        @Override
941        public Object next() {
942            if (property == null) {
943                throw new NoSuchElementException();
944            }
946            final Object key = property.getKey();
947            property =;
948            skipNotEnumerable();
950            return key;
951        }
953        @Override
954        public void remove() {
955            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
956        }
957    }
959    /*
960     * Debugging and statistics.
961     */
963    /**
964     * Debug helper function that returns the diff of two property maps, only
965     * displaying the information that is different and in which map it exists
966     * compared to the other map. Can be used to e.g. debug map guards and
967     * investigate why they fail, causing relink
968     *
969     * @param map0 the first property map
970     * @param map1 the second property map
971     *
972     * @return property map diff as string
973     */
974    public static String diff(final PropertyMap map0, final PropertyMap map1) {
975        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
977        if (map0 != map1) {
978           sb.append(">>> START: Map diff");
979           boolean found = false;
981           for (final Property p : map0.getProperties()) {
982               final Property p2 = map1.findProperty(p.getKey());
983               if (p2 == null) {
984                   sb.append("FIRST ONLY : [" + p + "]");
985                   found = true;
986               } else if (p2 != p) {
987                   sb.append("DIFFERENT  : [" + p + "] != [" + p2 + "]");
988                   found = true;
989               }
990           }
992           for (final Property p2 : map1.getProperties()) {
993               final Property p1 = map0.findProperty(p2.getKey());
994               if (p1 == null) {
995                   sb.append("SECOND ONLY: [" + p2 + "]");
996                   found = true;
997               }
998           }
1000           //assert found;
1002           if (!found) {
1003                sb.append(map0).
1004                    append("!=").
1005                    append(map1);
1006           }
1008           sb.append("<<< END: Map diff\n");
1009        }
1011        return sb.toString();
1012    }
1014    // counters updated only in debug mode
1015    private static int count;
1016    private static int clonedCount;
1017    private static int historyHit;
1018    private static int protoInvalidations;
1019    private static int protoHistoryHit;
1020    private static int setProtoNewMapCount;
1022    /**
1023     * @return Total number of maps.
1024     */
1025    public static int getCount() {
1026        return count;
1027    }
1029    /**
1030     * @return The number of maps that were cloned.
1031     */
1032    public static int getClonedCount() {
1033        return clonedCount;
1034    }
1036    /**
1037     * @return The number of times history was successfully used.
1038     */
1039    public static int getHistoryHit() {
1040        return historyHit;
1041    }
1043    /**
1044     * @return The number of times prototype changes caused invalidation.
1045     */
1046    public static int getProtoInvalidations() {
1047        return protoInvalidations;
1048    }
1050    /**
1051     * @return The number of times proto history was successfully used.
1052     */
1053    public static int getProtoHistoryHit() {
1054        return protoHistoryHit;
1055    }
1057    /**
1058     * @return The number of times prototypes were modified.
1059     */
1060    public static int getSetProtoNewMapCount() {
1061        return setProtoNewMapCount;
1062    }