SplitIntoFunctions.java revision 1426:751ada854e5a
2 * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen;
28import static jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node.NO_FINISH;
29import static jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node.NO_LINE_NUMBER;
30import static jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node.NO_TOKEN;
32import java.util.ArrayDeque;
33import java.util.ArrayList;
34import java.util.Arrays;
35import java.util.Collections;
36import java.util.Deque;
37import java.util.List;
38import java.util.Objects;
39import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.AccessNode;
40import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BinaryNode;
41import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Block;
42import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BlockLexicalContext;
43import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BreakNode;
44import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CallNode;
45import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CaseNode;
46import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ContinueNode;
47import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Expression;
48import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ExpressionStatement;
49import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode;
50import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.GetSplitState;
51import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IdentNode;
52import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IfNode;
53import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.JumpStatement;
54import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.JumpToInlinedFinally;
55import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode;
56import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node;
57import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ReturnNode;
58import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SetSplitState;
59import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SplitNode;
60import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SplitReturn;
61import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Statement;
62import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SwitchNode;
63import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.VarNode;
64import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeVisitor;
65import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Token;
66import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType;
69 * A node visitor that replaces {@link SplitNode}s with anonymous function invocations and some additional constructs
70 * to support control flow across splits. By using this transformation, split functions are translated into ordinary
71 * JavaScript functions with nested anonymous functions. The transformations however introduce several AST nodes that
72 * have no JavaScript source representations ({@link GetSplitState}, {@link SetSplitState}, and {@link SplitReturn}),
73 * and therefore such function is no longer reparseable from its source. For that reason, split functions and their
74 * fragments are serialized in-memory and deserialized when they need to be recompiled either for deoptimization or
75 * for type specialization.
76 * NOTE: all {@code leave*()} methods for statements are returning their input nodes. That way, they will not mutate
77 * the original statement list in the block containing the statement, which is fine, as it'll be replaced by the
78 * lexical context when the block is left. If we returned something else (e.g. null), we'd cause a mutation in the
79 * enclosing block's statement list that is otherwise overwritten later anyway.
80 */
81final class SplitIntoFunctions extends NodeVisitor<BlockLexicalContext> {
82    private static final int FALLTHROUGH_STATE = -1;
83    private static final int RETURN_STATE = 0;
84    private static final int BREAK_STATE = 1;
85    private static final int FIRST_JUMP_STATE = 2;
87    private static final String THIS_NAME = CompilerConstants.THIS.symbolName();
88    private static final String RETURN_NAME = CompilerConstants.RETURN.symbolName();
89    // Used as the name of the formal parameter for passing the current value of :return symbol into a split fragment.
90    private static final String RETURN_PARAM_NAME = RETURN_NAME + "-in";
92    private final Deque<FunctionState> functionStates = new ArrayDeque<>();
93    private final Deque<SplitState> splitStates = new ArrayDeque<>();
94    private final Namespace namespace;
96    private boolean artificialBlock = false;
98    // -1 is program; we need to use negative ones
99    private int nextFunctionId = -2;
101    public SplitIntoFunctions(final Compiler compiler) {
102        super(new BlockLexicalContext() {
103            @Override
104            protected Block afterSetStatements(final Block block) {
105                for(Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
106                    assert !(stmt instanceof SplitNode);
107                }
108                return block;
109            }
110        });
111        namespace = new Namespace(compiler.getScriptEnvironment().getNamespace());
112    }
114    @Override
115    public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) {
116        functionStates.push(new FunctionState(functionNode));
117        return true;
118    }
120    @Override
121    public Node leaveFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) {
122        functionStates.pop();
123        return functionNode;
124    }
126    @Override
127    protected Node leaveDefault(final Node node) {
128        if (node instanceof Statement) {
129            appendStatement((Statement)node);
130        }
131        return node;
132    }
134    @Override
135    public boolean enterSplitNode(final SplitNode splitNode) {
136        getCurrentFunctionState().splitDepth++;
137        splitStates.push(new SplitState(splitNode));
138        return true;
139    }
141    @Override
142    public Node leaveSplitNode(final SplitNode splitNode) {
143        // Replace the split node with an anonymous function expression call.
145        final FunctionState fnState = getCurrentFunctionState();
147        final String name = splitNode.getName();
148        Block body = splitNode.getBody();
149        final int firstLineNumber = body.getFirstStatementLineNumber();
150        final long token = body.getToken();
151        final int finish = body.getFinish();
153        final FunctionNode originalFn = fnState.fn;
154        assert originalFn == lc.getCurrentFunction();
155        final boolean isProgram = originalFn.isProgram();
157        // Change SplitNode({...}) into "function () { ... }", or "function (:return-in) () { ... }" (for program)
158        final long newFnToken = Token.toDesc(TokenType.FUNCTION, nextFunctionId--, 0);
159        final FunctionNode fn = new FunctionNode(
160                originalFn.getSource(),
161                body.getFirstStatementLineNumber(),
162                newFnToken,
163                finish,
164                newFnToken,
165                NO_TOKEN,
166                namespace,
167                createIdent(name),
168                originalFn.getName() + "$" + name,
169                isProgram ? Collections.singletonList(createReturnParamIdent()) : Collections.<IdentNode>emptyList(),
170                FunctionNode.Kind.NORMAL,
171                // We only need IS_SPLIT conservatively, in case it contains any array units so that we force
172                // the :callee's existence, to force :scope to never be in a slot lower than 2. This is actually
173                // quite a horrible hack to do with CodeGenerator.fixScopeSlot not trampling other parameters
174                // and should go away once we no longer have array unit handling in codegen. Note however that
175                // we still use IS_SPLIT as the criteria in CompilationPhase.SERIALIZE_SPLIT_PHASE.
176                FunctionNode.IS_ANONYMOUS | FunctionNode.USES_ANCESTOR_SCOPE | FunctionNode.IS_SPLIT,
177                body,
178                null
179        )
180        .setCompileUnit(lc, splitNode.getCompileUnit());
182        // Call the function:
183        //     either "(function () { ... }).call(this)"
184        //     or     "(function (:return-in) { ... }).call(this, :return)"
185        // NOTE: Function.call() has optimized linking that basically does a pass-through to the function being invoked.
186        // NOTE: CompilationPhase.PROGRAM_POINT_PHASE happens after this, so these calls are subject to optimistic
187        // assumptions on their return value (when they return a value), as they should be.
188        final IdentNode thisIdent = createIdent(THIS_NAME);
189        final CallNode callNode = new CallNode(firstLineNumber, token, finish, new AccessNode(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, fn, "call"),
190                isProgram ? Arrays.<Expression>asList(thisIdent, createReturnIdent())
191                          : Collections.<Expression>singletonList(thisIdent),
192                false);
194        final SplitState splitState = splitStates.pop();
195        fnState.splitDepth--;
197        final Expression callWithReturn;
198        final boolean hasReturn = splitState.hasReturn;
199        if (hasReturn && fnState.splitDepth > 0) {
200            final SplitState parentSplit = splitStates.peek();
201            if (parentSplit != null) {
202                // Propagate hasReturn to parent split
203                parentSplit.hasReturn = true;
204            }
205        }
206        if (hasReturn || isProgram) {
207            // capture return value: ":return = (function () { ... })();"
208            callWithReturn = new BinaryNode(Token.recast(token, TokenType.ASSIGN), createReturnIdent(), callNode);
209        } else {
210            // no return value, just call : "(function () { ... })();"
211            callWithReturn = callNode;
212        }
213        appendStatement(new ExpressionStatement(firstLineNumber, token, finish, callWithReturn));
215        Statement splitStateHandler;
217        final List<JumpStatement> jumpStatements = splitState.jumpStatements;
218        final int jumpCount = jumpStatements.size();
219        // There are jumps (breaks or continues) that need to be propagated outside the split node. We need to
220        // set up a switch statement for them:
221        // switch(:scope.getScopeState()) { ... }
222        if (jumpCount > 0) {
223            final List<CaseNode> cases = new ArrayList<>(jumpCount + (hasReturn ? 1 : 0));
224            if (hasReturn) {
225                // If the split node also contained a return, we'll slip it as a case in the switch statement
226                addCase(cases, RETURN_STATE, createReturnFromSplit());
227            }
228            int i = FIRST_JUMP_STATE;
229            for (final JumpStatement jump: jumpStatements) {
230                addCase(cases, i++, enblockAndVisit(jump));
231            }
232            splitStateHandler = new SwitchNode(NO_LINE_NUMBER, token, finish, GetSplitState.INSTANCE, cases, null);
233        } else {
234            splitStateHandler = null;
235        }
237        // As the switch statement itself is breakable, an unlabelled break can't be in the switch statement,
238        // so we need to test for it separately.
239        if (splitState.hasBreak) {
240            // if(:scope.getScopeState() == Scope.BREAK) { break; }
241            splitStateHandler = makeIfStateEquals(firstLineNumber, token, finish, BREAK_STATE,
242                    enblockAndVisit(new BreakNode(NO_LINE_NUMBER, token, finish, null)), splitStateHandler);
243        }
245        // Finally, if the split node had a return statement, but there were no external jumps, we didn't have
246        // the switch statement to handle the return, so we need a separate if for it.
247        if (hasReturn && jumpCount == 0) {
248            // if (:scope.getScopeState() == Scope.RETURN) { return :return; }
249            splitStateHandler = makeIfStateEquals(NO_LINE_NUMBER, token, finish, RETURN_STATE,
250                    createReturnFromSplit(), splitStateHandler);
251        }
253        if (splitStateHandler != null) {
254            appendStatement(splitStateHandler);
255        }
257        return splitNode;
258    }
260    private static void addCase(final List<CaseNode> cases, final int i, final Block body) {
261        cases.add(new CaseNode(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, intLiteral(i), body));
262    }
264    private static LiteralNode<Number> intLiteral(final int i) {
265        return LiteralNode.newInstance(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, i);
266    }
268    private static Block createReturnFromSplit() {
269        return new Block(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, createReturnReturn());
270    }
272    private static ReturnNode createReturnReturn() {
273        return new ReturnNode(NO_LINE_NUMBER, NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, createReturnIdent());
274    }
276    private static IdentNode createReturnIdent() {
277        return createIdent(RETURN_NAME);
278    }
280    private static IdentNode createReturnParamIdent() {
281        return createIdent(RETURN_PARAM_NAME);
282    }
284    private static IdentNode createIdent(final String name) {
285        return new IdentNode(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, name);
286    }
288    private Block enblockAndVisit(final JumpStatement jump) {
289        artificialBlock = true;
290        final Block block = (Block)new Block(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, jump).accept(this);
291        artificialBlock = false;
292        return block;
293    }
295    private static IfNode makeIfStateEquals(final int lineNumber, final long token, final int finish,
296            final int value, final Block pass, final Statement fail) {
297        return new IfNode(lineNumber, token, finish,
298                new BinaryNode(Token.recast(token, TokenType.EQ_STRICT),
299                        GetSplitState.INSTANCE, intLiteral(value)),
300                pass,
301                fail == null ? null : new Block(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, fail));
302    }
304    @Override
305    public boolean enterVarNode(final VarNode varNode) {
306        if (!inSplitNode()) {
307            return super.enterVarNode(varNode);
308        }
309        assert !varNode.isBlockScoped(); //TODO: we must handle these too, but we currently don't
311        final Expression init = varNode.getInit();
313        // Move a declaration-only var statement to the top of the outermost function.
314        getCurrentFunctionState().varStatements.add(varNode.setInit(null));
315        // If it had an initializer, replace it with an assignment expression statement. Note that "var" is a
316        // statement, so it doesn't contribute to :return of the programs, therefore we are _not_ adding a
317        // ":return = ..." assignment around the original assignment.
318        if (init != null) {
319            final long token = Token.recast(varNode.getToken(), TokenType.ASSIGN);
320            new ExpressionStatement(varNode.getLineNumber(), token, varNode.getFinish(),
321                    new BinaryNode(token, varNode.getName(), varNode.getInit())).accept(this);
322        }
324        return false;
325    }
327    @Override
328    public Node leaveBlock(final Block block) {
329        if (!artificialBlock) {
330            if (lc.isFunctionBody()) {
331                // Prepend declaration-only var statements to the top of the statement list.
332                lc.prependStatements(getCurrentFunctionState().varStatements);
333            } else if (lc.isSplitBody()) {
334                appendSplitReturn(FALLTHROUGH_STATE, NO_LINE_NUMBER);
335                if (getCurrentFunctionState().fn.isProgram()) {
336                    // If we're splitting the program, make sure every shard ends with "return :return" and
337                    // begins with ":return = :return-in;".
338                    lc.prependStatement(new ExpressionStatement(NO_LINE_NUMBER, NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH,
339                            new BinaryNode(Token.toDesc(TokenType.ASSIGN, 0, 0), createReturnIdent(), createReturnParamIdent())));
340                }
341            }
342        }
343        return block;
344    }
346    @Override
347    public Node leaveBreakNode(final BreakNode breakNode) {
348        return leaveJumpNode(breakNode);
349    }
351    @Override
352    public Node leaveContinueNode(final ContinueNode continueNode) {
353        return leaveJumpNode(continueNode);
354    }
356    @Override
357    public Node leaveJumpToInlinedFinally(final JumpToInlinedFinally jumpToInlinedFinally) {
358        return leaveJumpNode(jumpToInlinedFinally);
359    }
361    private JumpStatement leaveJumpNode(final JumpStatement jump) {
362        if (inSplitNode()) {
363            final SplitState splitState = getCurrentSplitState();
364            final SplitNode splitNode = splitState.splitNode;
365            if (lc.isExternalTarget(splitNode, jump.getTarget(lc))) {
366                appendSplitReturn(splitState.getSplitStateIndex(jump), jump.getLineNumber());
367                return jump;
368            }
369        }
370        appendStatement(jump);
371        return jump;
372    }
374    private void appendSplitReturn(final int splitState, final int lineNumber) {
375        appendStatement(new SetSplitState(splitState, lineNumber));
376        if (getCurrentFunctionState().fn.isProgram()) {
377            // If we're splitting the program, make sure every fragment passes back :return
378            appendStatement(createReturnReturn());
379        } else {
380            appendStatement(SplitReturn.INSTANCE);
381        }
382    }
384    @Override
385    public Node leaveReturnNode(final ReturnNode returnNode) {
386        if(inSplitNode()) {
387            appendStatement(new SetSplitState(RETURN_STATE, returnNode.getLineNumber()));
388            getCurrentSplitState().hasReturn = true;
389        }
390        appendStatement(returnNode);
391        return returnNode;
392    }
394    private void appendStatement(final Statement statement) {
395        lc.appendStatement(statement);
396    }
398    private boolean inSplitNode() {
399        return getCurrentFunctionState().splitDepth > 0;
400    }
402    private FunctionState getCurrentFunctionState() {
403        return functionStates.peek();
404    }
406    private SplitState getCurrentSplitState() {
407        return splitStates.peek();
408    }
410    private static class FunctionState {
411        final FunctionNode fn;
412        final List<Statement> varStatements = new ArrayList<>();
413        int splitDepth;
415        FunctionState(final FunctionNode fn) {
416            this.fn = fn;
417        }
418    }
420    private static class SplitState {
421        final SplitNode splitNode;
422        boolean hasReturn;
423        boolean hasBreak;
425        final List<JumpStatement> jumpStatements = new ArrayList<>();
427        int getSplitStateIndex(final JumpStatement jump) {
428            if (jump instanceof BreakNode && jump.getLabelName() == null) {
429                // Unlabelled break is a special case
430                hasBreak = true;
431                return BREAK_STATE;
432            }
434            int i = 0;
435            for(final JumpStatement exJump: jumpStatements) {
436                if (jump.getClass() == exJump.getClass() && Objects.equals(jump.getLabelName(), exJump.getLabelName())) {
437                    return i + FIRST_JUMP_STATE;
438                }
439                ++i;
440            }
441            jumpStatements.add(jump);
442            return i + FIRST_JUMP_STATE;
443        }
445        SplitState(final SplitNode splitNode) {
446            this.splitNode = splitNode;
447        }
448    }