2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 *
19 */
21    BlockRef.h
22    Block sieve helper classes.
23    Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
24 */
26#include "Subzone.h"
27#include "Large.h"
28#include "Zone.h"
29#include "Admin.h"
31namespace Auto {
33    class SubzoneBlockRef {
34        Subzone * const _subzone;
35        const usword_t _q;
37    public:
38        SubzoneBlockRef(Subzone *subzone, usword_t q) : _subzone(subzone), _q(q) {}
39        SubzoneBlockRef(void *ptr) : _subzone(Subzone::subzone(ptr)), _q(_subzone->quantum_index_unchecked(ptr)) {}
41        inline Subzone *    subzone()       const { return _subzone; }
42        inline usword_t     q()             const { return _q; }
44        inline Zone *       zone()          const { return subzone()->admin()->zone(); }
45        inline usword_t     size()          const { return subzone()->size(q()); }
46        inline void *       address()       const { return subzone()->quantum_address(q()); }
47        inline bool         has_refcount()  const { return subzone()->has_refcount(q()); }
48        inline bool         is_garbage()    const { return subzone()->is_garbage(q()); }
49        inline bool         is_scanned()    const { return ::is_scanned(layout()); }
50        inline bool         is_object()     const { return ::is_object(layout()); }
51        inline auto_memory_type_t layout()  const { return subzone()->layout(q()); }
52        inline bool         is_thread_local() const { return subzone()->is_thread_local(q()); }
53        inline bool         is_live_thread_local() const { return subzone()->is_live_thread_local(q()); }
54        inline bool         is_local_garbage() const { return subzone()->is_local_garbage(q()); }
55        inline bool         should_scan_local_block() const { return subzone()->should_scan_local_block(q()); }
56        inline void         set_scan_local_block() const { subzone()->set_scan_local_block(q()); }
57        inline void         mark_card(const void *addr) const { if (is_scanned()) subzone()->write_barrier().mark_card((void *)addr); }
58        inline bool         is_new()        const { return subzone()->is_new(q()); }
59        inline bool         is_marked()     const { return subzone()->is_marked(q()); }
60        inline void         get_description(char *buf, usword_t bufsz) const { snprintf(buf, bufsz, "Subzone=%p, q=%ld", subzone(), (long)q()); }
61        inline void         make_global()   const { subzone()->make_global(q()); }
62        inline void         set_layout(auto_memory_type_t layout) const { subzone()->set_layout(q(), layout); }
64        inline void         enliven()       const {
65            if (!subzone()->test_and_set_mark(q()) && subzone()->is_scanned(q()))
66                subzone()->test_and_set_pending(q(), true);
67        }
69        usword_t refcount()  const;
70        usword_t inc_refcount() const;
71        usword_t dec_refcount_no_lock() const;
72        usword_t dec_refcount() const;
73    };
75    class LargeBlockRef {
76        Large * const _large;
78    public:
79        LargeBlockRef(Large *large) : _large(large) {}
81        inline Large *      large()         const { return _large; }
83        inline Zone *       zone()          const { return _large->zone(); }
84        inline usword_t     size()          const { return large()->size(); }
85        inline bool         has_refcount()  const { return refcount() != 0; }
86        inline void *       address()       const { return _large->address(); }
87        inline bool         is_garbage()    const { return _large->is_garbage(); }
88        inline bool         is_scanned()    const { return _large->is_scanned(); }
89        inline bool         is_object()     const { return _large->is_object(); }
90        inline auto_memory_type_t layout()  const { return _large->layout(); }
91        inline bool         is_thread_local() const { return false; }
92        inline bool         is_live_thread_local() const { return false; }
93        inline bool         is_local_garbage() const { return false; }
94        inline bool         should_scan_local_block() const { return false; }
95        inline void         set_scan_local_block() const { }
96        inline void         mark_card(const void *addr) const { if (is_scanned()) _large->write_barrier().mark_card((void *)addr); }
97        inline bool         is_new()        const { return _large->is_new(); }
98        inline bool         is_marked()     const { return _large->is_marked(); }
99        inline void         get_description(char *buf, usword_t bufsz) const { snprintf(buf, bufsz, "Large=%p", _large); }
100        inline void         make_global()   const { }
101        inline void         set_layout(auto_memory_type_t layout) const { _large->set_layout(layout); }
103        inline void         enliven()       const {
104            if (!_large->test_and_set_mark() && _large->is_scanned())
105                _large->set_pending();
106        }
108        inline usword_t     refcount()      const { return _large->refcount(); }
109        usword_t inc_refcount() const;
110        usword_t dec_refcount_no_lock() const;
111        usword_t dec_refcount() const;
112    };
114    class sieve_base {
115    public:
116        //
117        // sieve_base_pointer
118        //
119        // This template function is used to determine whether an arbitrary pointer is a block start, and dispatches
120        // to a handler based on the type of block. The sieve must implement:
121        //     void processBlock(SubzoneBlockRef ref);
122        //     void processBlock(LargeBlockRef ref);
123        //     void nonBlock(void *ptr);
124        // The intended use of this function is to be a fast dispatcher based on the type of block. As such it is
125        // intended to be inlined, and all the sieve functions are intended to be inlined.
126        template <class Sieve> static inline void sieve_base_pointer(Zone *zone, const void *ptr, Sieve &sieve) TEMPLATE_INLINE {
127            if (auto_expect_true(zone->address_in_arena(ptr))) {
128                if (auto_expect_true(zone->in_subzone_bitmap((void *)ptr))) {
129                    Subzone *sz = Subzone::subzone((void *)ptr);
130                    usword_t q;
131                    if (auto_expect_true(sz->block_is_start((void *)ptr, &q))) {
132                        SubzoneBlockRef block(sz, q);
133                        sieve.processBlock(block);
134                    } else {
135                        sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
136                    }
137                } else if (auto_expect_true(zone->block_is_start_large((void *)ptr))) {
138                    LargeBlockRef block(Large::large((void *)ptr));
139                    sieve.processBlock(block);
140                } else {
141                    sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
142                }
143            } else {
144                sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
145            }
146        }
148        //
149        // auto_base_pointer_sieve
150        //
151        // This template function is used to determine whether an arbitrary pointer is a pointer into a block, and dispatches
152        // to a handler based on the type of block. The sieve must implement:
153        //     void processBlock(SubzoneBlockRef ref);
154        //     void processBlock(LargeBlockRef ref);
155        //     void nonBlock(void *ptr);
156        // The intended use of this function is to be a fast dispatcher based on the type of block. As such it is
157        // intended to be inlined, and all the sieve functions are intended to be inlined.
158        template <class Sieve> static inline void sieve_interior_pointer(Zone *zone, const void *ptr, Sieve &sieve) TEMPLATE_INLINE {
159            if (auto_expect_true(zone->address_in_arena(ptr))) {
160                if (auto_expect_true(zone->in_subzone_bitmap((void *)ptr))) {
161                    Subzone *sz = Subzone::subzone((void *)ptr);
162                    usword_t q;
163                    if (auto_expect_true(sz->block_start((void *)ptr, q) != NULL)) {
164                        SubzoneBlockRef block(sz, q);
165                        sieve.processBlock(block);
166                    } else {
167                        sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
168                    }
169                } else {
170                    // BlockRef FIXME: block_start_large contains a redundant check of the coverage
171                    Large *large = zone->block_start_large((void *)ptr);
172                    if (auto_expect_true(large != NULL)) {
173                        LargeBlockRef block(large);
174                        sieve.processBlock(block);
175                    } else {
176                        sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
177                    }
178                }
179            } else {
180                sieve.nonBlock(ptr);
181            }
182        }
184        inline void nonBlock(const void *ptr) {
185        }
186    };
188    // Sieve classes for use with auto_pointer_sieve and auto_base_pointer_sieve
190    enum {
191        AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_IS_BLOCK = 0, // we always record whether it is a block or not
192        AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_LAYOUT = 1,
193        AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_SIZE = 2,
196    };
198    // Sieve class that records information about a block.
199    // If AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_BASE_POINTER is specified then ptr may be an interior pointer.
200    template <int requested_info> class auto_block_info_sieve : public sieve_base {
201    private:
202        auto_memory_type_t _layout;
203        usword_t _refcount;
204        size_t _size;
205        boolean_t _is_block;
206        void *_base;
208    public:
209        auto_block_info_sieve(Zone *zone, const void *ptr) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
210            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_BASE_POINTER) {
211                sieve_interior_pointer(zone, ptr, *this);
212            } else {
213                sieve_base_pointer(zone, ptr, *this);
214            }
215        }
217        template <class BlockRef> void processBlock(BlockRef ref) TEMPLATE_INLINE {
218            _is_block = true;
219            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_LAYOUT)
220                _layout = ref.layout();
221            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_SIZE)
222                _size = ref.size();
223            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_REFCOUNT)
224                _refcount = ref.refcount();
225            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_BASE_POINTER)
226                _base = ref.address();
227        }
229        void nonBlock(const void *ptr) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
230            _is_block = false;
231            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_LAYOUT)
232                _layout = AUTO_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
233            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_SIZE)
234                _size = 0;
235            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_REFCOUNT)
236                _refcount = 0;
237            if (requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_BASE_POINTER)
238                _base = NULL;
239        }
241        inline boolean_t            is_block()  const { return _is_block; }
242        inline auto_memory_type_t   layout()    const { if (!(requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_LAYOUT)) __builtin_trap(); return _layout; }
243        inline size_t               size()      const { if (!(requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_SIZE)) __builtin_trap(); return _size; }
244        inline usword_t             refcount()  const { if (!(requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_REFCOUNT)) __builtin_trap(); return _refcount; }
245        inline void *               base()      const { if (!(requested_info & AUTO_BLOCK_INFO_BASE_POINTER)) __builtin_trap(); return _base; }
246    };
248    enum {
251    };
253    // Sieve class that deallocates a block.
254    template <int refcount_op> class auto_refcount_sieve : public sieve_base {
255    public:
256        Zone *zone;
257        usword_t refcount;
259        inline auto_refcount_sieve(Zone *z, const void *ptr) __attribute__((always_inline)) : zone(z), refcount(0) {
260            sieve_base_pointer(zone, ptr, *this);
261        }
263        template <class BlockRef> inline void processBlock(BlockRef ref) TEMPLATE_INLINE {
264            if (refcount_op == AUTO_REFCOUNT_INCREMENT) {
265                refcount = zone->block_increment_refcount(ref);
266            } else if (refcount_op == AUTO_REFCOUNT_DECREMENT) {
267                refcount = zone->block_decrement_refcount(ref);
268            } else {
269                __builtin_trap();
270            }
271        }
272    };