2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 *
19 */
21    Bitmap.cpp
22    High Performance Bitmap
23    Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
24 */
26#include "Definitions.h"
27#include "Bitmap.h"
30namespace Auto {
32    //----- Bitmap -----//
34    //
35    // Bitmaps (bit vectors) are a fast and lightweight means of showing set
36    // representation.  A single bit is used to indicate membership in the set; 1
37    // indicating membership and 0 indicating exclusion.  In this representation we use
38    // an array of unsigned long words. Each word represents a unit of bits_per_word members
39    // numbered from the least significant bit (endian representation is not
40    // important.)  Thus for any member k its word index would be equal to (k / bits_per_word) or
41    // (k >> ilog2(bits_per_word)) and its bit position would be equal to (k % bits_per_word).
42    //
45    //
46    // set_bits_large
47    //
48    // Set n bits in the bit map to 1 spanning more than one word.
49    // Assumes that range spans more than one word.
50    //
51    void Bitmap::set_bits_large(const usword_t bp, const usword_t n) const {
52        usword_t *cursor = bp_cursor(bp);                   // address of first word
53        const usword_t sh = shift(bp);                      // bit shift
55        // set first word bits
56        *cursor++ |= (all_ones << sh);
58        // calculate overflow
59        signed spill = sh + n - bits_per_word;
61        // fill in full words
62        for ( ; spill >= (sword_t)bits_per_word; spill -= bits_per_word) *cursor++ = all_ones;
64        // remaining bits
65        if (spill > 0) *cursor |= (all_ones >> (bits_per_word - spill));
66    }
69    //
70    // clear_bits_large
71    //
72    // Set n bits in the bit map to 0 spanning more than one word.
73    // Assumes that range spans more than one word.
74    //
75    void Bitmap::clear_bits_large(const usword_t bp, const usword_t n) const {
76        usword_t *cursor = bp_cursor(bp);                   // address of first word
77        const usword_t sh = shift(bp);                      // bit shift
79        // set first word bits
80        *cursor++ &= ~(all_ones << sh);
82        // calculate overflow
83        signed spill = sh + n - bits_per_word;
85        // fill in full words
86        for ( ; spill >= (sword_t)bits_per_word; spill -= bits_per_word) *cursor++ = all_zeros;
88        // remaining bits
89        if (spill > 0) *cursor &= ~(all_ones >> (bits_per_word - spill));
90    }
93    bool Bitmap::bits_are_clear_large(const usword_t bp, const usword_t n) const {
94        usword_t *cursor = bp_cursor(bp);                   // address of first word
95        const usword_t sh = shift(bp);                      // bit shift
97        // check first word bits
98        if (*cursor++ & (all_ones << sh)) return false;
100        // calculate overflow
101        signed spill = sh + n - bits_per_word;
103        // fill in full words
104        for ( ; spill >= (sword_t)bits_per_word; spill -= bits_per_word)
105            if (*cursor++) return false;
107        // check remaining bits
108        if (spill > 0) {
109            if (*cursor & (all_ones >> (bits_per_word - spill)))
110                return false;
111        }
113        return true;
114    }
117    //
118    // count_set
119    //
120    // Returns the number of bits set (one) in the bit map using
121    // a standard bit population algoirithm (ref. Hacker's Delight.)
122    // in 64 bit word treat bits array as 32 bit array.
123    //
124    usword_t Bitmap::count_set() const {
125        register const unsigned fives = 0x55555555;
126        register const unsigned threes = 0x33333333;
127        register const unsigned nibbles = 0x0f0f0f0f;
128        register const unsigned bytes = 0x00ff00ff;
129        register const unsigned shorts = 0x0000ffff;
130        register usword_t   count = 0;
131        register usword_t   size = this->size() >> sizeof(unsigned);
132        register unsigned   *bits = (unsigned *)address();
134         for (usword_t i = 0; i < size; i += 31)  {
135            usword_t lim = min(size, i + 31);
136            usword_t sum8 = 0;
138            for (usword_t j = i; j < lim; j++) {
139                usword_t x = bits[j];
140                x = x - ((x >> 1) & fives);
141                x = (x & threes) + ((x >> 2) & threes);
142                x = (x + (x >> 4)) & nibbles;
143                sum8 = sum8 + x;
144            }
146            usword_t y = (sum8 & bytes) + ((sum8 >> 8) & bytes);
147            y = (y & shorts) + (y >> 16);
148            count += y;
149        }
151        return count;
152    }
155    //
156    // previous_set
157    //
158    // Return the bit postion of the 1 that comes at or prior to the bit position 'bp'.
159    //
160    usword_t Bitmap::previous_set(const usword_t bp) const {
161        usword_t *cursor = bp_cursor(bp);                   // address of bit map data
162        usword_t *first = bp_cursor(0);                     // first address
163        usword_t sh = shift(bp);                            // bit shift
164        usword_t word = 0;                                  // bit map word
166        // read first word and eliminate following 1s if not first position
167        if (sh) word = *cursor & mask(sh);
169        // skip backward looking for set bit
170        if (is_all_zeros(word)) {
171            // skip through zeroes quickly
172            cursor = skip_backward_all_zeros(cursor - 1, first);
174            // get word if at end make sure
175            if ( cursor >= first)  word = *cursor;
176            else                   return not_found;
177        }
179        // return bit position of 1
180        return cursor_bp(cursor) + ilog2(word);
181    }
184    //
185    // next_set
186    //
187    // Return the bit postion of the 1 that comes at or after to the bit position 'bp'.
188    //
189    usword_t Bitmap::next_set(const usword_t bp) const {
190        usword_t *cursor = bp_cursor(bp);                   // address of bit map data
191        usword_t *end = end_cursor();                       // end address
192        usword_t sh = shift(bp);                            // bit shift
194        // may be at the last word
195        if (cursor >= end) return not_found;
197        // read first bit map word
198        usword_t word = *cursor;
200        // eliminate prior 1s if not first position
201        if (sh) word &= ~mask(sh);
203        // do we need to skip some words
204        if (is_all_zeros(word)) {
205            // skip through zeroes quickly
206            cursor = skip_all_zeros(cursor + 1, end);
208            // get next word
209            word = cursor < end ? *cursor : all_ones;
210        }
212        // return bit position of 1 (not_found if not found)
213        return cursor < end ? cursor_bp(cursor) + count_trailing_zeros(word) : not_found;
214    }
216    //
217    // fetch_clear_bits_atomic
218    //
219    // fetch and clear multiple bits at a time
220    // bp is the index of the first bit to fetch, max is the first index *not* to be fetched
221    // returns a word containing the fetched bits, and by reference in count the number of valid bits in the return
222    // returned bits start at bit 0, and bits higher than count are zeroed
223    //
224    usword_t Bitmap::AtomicCursor::fetch_clear_bits_atomic(const usword_t bp, const usword_t max, usword_t &count) {
225        usword_t result_shift = bp & mask(bits_per_word_log2);
226        count = bits_per_word - result_shift;
227        if (count > max - bp)
228            count = max - bp;
229        usword_t result_mask = mask(count);
230        usword_t result = _bitmap.atomic_and_return_orig(~(result_mask << result_shift), _bitmap.bp_cursor(bp));
231        result = (result >> result_shift) & result_mask;
232        return result;
233    }
235    //
236    // next_set_bit
237    //
238    // Returns the index of a set bit from the bitmap range. If no bits are set, returns -1.
239    // The returned value is the offset from the start index passed to the constructor.
240    // So if 5 is passed as the start bit to the constructor and bit 8 is the first set bit in the bitmap,
241    // the first callto next_set_bit() will return 3. (This is done because the cursor is used
242    // to enumerate subzone quanta, which are zero based.)
243    //
244    usword_t Bitmap::AtomicCursor::next_set_bit() {
245        usword_t result;
247        // May still have some valid bits from the last time. If they are zero then adjust index.
248        if (_copied_bits == 0) {
249            _index += _valid_bits;
250        }
252        // if there are no nonzero _copied_bits, this loop scans a word at a time until some nonzero bits are found
253        if (_copied_bits == 0 && _index < _max_index) {
254            ASSERTION((_index % bits_per_word) == 0);
255            usword_t *start = _bitmap.bp_cursor(_index);
256            usword_t *end = _bitmap.bp_cursor(_max_index);
257            usword_t *cursor = _bitmap.skip_all_zeros(start, end);
258            _index = _bitmap.cursor_bp(cursor);
259            if (_index < _max_index) {
260                // at this point we fetch either some nonzero bits or a partial word at the end of the range
261                _copied_bits = fetch_clear_bits_atomic(_index, _max_index, _valid_bits);
262            }
263        }
265        // there are either nonzero bits in _copied_bits or we are done
266        if (_copied_bits != 0) {
267            usword_t shift = count_trailing_zeros(_copied_bits);
268            result = _index + shift - _offset;
269            // Need to shift _copied_bits by (shift+1). But if shift+1 == bits_per_word then the bitwise shift is undefined.
270            // So just shift by shift and again by 1 rather than introduce a test/branch.
271            _copied_bits >>= shift;
272            _copied_bits >>= 1;
273            shift++;
274            _index += shift;
275            _valid_bits -= shift;
276        } else {
277            // no nonzero bits, so we are done
278            result = (usword_t)-1;
279            _index = _max_index;
280        }
281        return result;
282    }