1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright 2021, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
4# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
6# Authors:
7#   Alexander von Gluck IV <kallisti5@unixzen.com>
8from .Utils import info, warn
11	from pymongo import MongoClient
12except ImportError:
13	MongoClient = None
15class ReporterMongo(object):
16	def __init__(self, uri, branch, architecture):
17		self.uri = uri
18		self.branch = branch
19		self.architecture = architecture
20		if MongoClient:
21			self.client = MongoClient(uri)
22		else:
23			self.client = None
25	def connected(self):
26		if self.client == None:
27			warn('pymongo unavailable')
28			return False
29		try:
30			self.client.server_info()
31		except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as err:
32			warn('unable to connect to MongoDB @ ' + self.uri)
33			return False
34		info('connected to MongoDB @ ' + self.uri + ' for reporting')
35		return True
37	def updateBuildrun(self, buildNumber, status):
38		db = self.client[self.branch + '-' + self.architecture]
39		buildrunCollection = db.buildruns
40		mdbStatus = status.copy()
41		mdbStatus["_id"] = buildNumber
42		buildrunCollection.update_one({'_id': buildNumber}, {"$set": mdbStatus}, upsert=True)
43		self._updateBuilders(status);
44		return
46	def _updateBuilders(self, status):
47		db = self.client[self.branch + '-' + self.architecture]
48		builderCollection = db.builders
49		for state in status["builders"].keys():
50			for builder in status["builders"][state]:
51				bldStatus = builder.copy()
52				bldStatus["_id"] = builder["name"]
53				bldStatus["status"] = state
54				builderCollection.update_one({'_id': builder["name"]}, {"$set": bldStatus}, upsert=True)