11	czech	x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker	1124891868
2Created	ContainerWindow		Vytvo��eno
3Icon	AttributesView		Ikona
4Open and make preferred	OpenWithWindow		Otev��i a nastav preferovanou
5Kind	ContainerWindow		Druh
6Open with���	ContainerWindow		Otev����t v...
7Error moving \"%name\" to Trash. (%error)	FSUtils		Chyba p��esunu \"%name\" do ko��e. (%error)
8Or	FindPanel		Nebo
9MIME Description	AttributesView		Popis MIME
10before	FindPanel		p��ed
11Volume icons	TrackerSettingsWindow		Ikony svazk��
12Ignore case	SelectionWindow		Ignorovat velikost znak��
13Current folder	ContainerWindow		Sou��asn�� adres����
14Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Konec: %time - zb��v�� p��es %finishtime
15Mount all disks now	AutoMounterSettings		P��ipojit te�� v��echny disky
16Location:	InfoWindow		Um��stn��n��:
17Name	PoseView		Jm��no
18Kind:	InfoWindow		Druh:
19contains	FindPanel		obsahuje
20Open	FilePanelPriv		Otev����t
21Bitmap icon	AttributesView		Rastrov�� ikona
22You can't replace a folder with one of its sub-folders.	FSUtils		Nelze nahradit adres���� jedn��m z podadres������.
23Select���	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Vybrat���
24Name	Default Query Columns		Jm��no
25Unmount	ContainerWindow		Odpojit
26Eject when unmounting	AutoMounterSettings		Vysunout p��i odpojen��
27Searching for disks to mount���	StatusWindow		Vyhled��v��n�� disk�� pro p��ipojen��...
28Value	AttributesView		Hodnota
29Information	InfoWindow		Informace
30Error emptying Trash	FSUtils		Chyba p��i vysyp��v��n�� ko��e
31Opens with:	InfoWindow		Otev����t pomoc��:
32Size	QueryPoseView		Velikost
33Disk mount	TrackerSettingsWindow		P��ipojen�� disk��
34Type	AttributesView		Typ
35Prompt	FSUtils		V��zva
36Error in regular expression:\n\n'%errstring'	PoseView		Chyba v regul��rn��m v��razu:\n\n'%errstring'
37Small bitmap icon	AttributesView		Mal�� rastrov�� ikona
38Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file?	FSUtils		P��ejete si naj��t vhodnou aplikaci pro otev��en�� souboru?
39You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file.	FSUtils		Nelze nahradit adres���� nebo symbolick�� odkaz souborem.
40(unknown)	InfoWindow		(nezn��mo)
41{0, plural, other{<# dates>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, one{<# datum>} other{<# datumy>}}
42Trailing \\.	libtracker		\\ na konci.
43At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error	Email Query Columns		V %func \nfind_directory() selhalo. \nD��vod: %error
44Handles any file	OpenWithWindow		Obstar��v�� jak��koliv soubor
45save text	FilePanelPriv		ulo��it text
46Raw data	AttributesView		Surov�� data
47Preparing to move items���	StatusWindow		P��ipravuji p��esun polo��ek...
48Size	ContainerWindow		Velikost
49Select���	ContainerWindow		Vybrat...
50Show shared volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Zobrazit sd��len�� svazky na plo��e
51Size	PoseView		Velikost
52matches wildcard expression	SelectionWindow		Shoda s v��razem se z��stupn��mi znaky
53Title	Bookmark Query Columns		N��zev
54Identify	ContainerWindow		Rozpoznat
55Create link	ContainerWindow		Vytvo��it odkaz
56starts with	FindPanel		za����naj��c��
57Replace	FSUtils		Nahradit
58?+* follows nothing.	libtracker		?+* po ni��em.
59Rectangle	AttributesView		Obd��ln��k
60Move to	ContainerWindow		P��esunout do
61Status	Email Query Columns		Stav
62New folder	FSUtils		Nov�� slo��ka
63Junk on end.	libtracker		Sajrajt na konci.
64New Query	FindPanel		Nov�� dotaz
65system	B_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY		syst��m
66Preparing to delete items���	StatusWindow		P����prava odstran��n�� polo��ek...
67Open %name with:	OpenWithWindow		Otev����t %name v:
68\"%name\" is an unsupported executable.	FSUtils		\"%name\" je nepodporovan�� spustiteln�� soubor.
69You cannot copy or move the root directory.	FSUtils		Nelze kop��rovat ani p��esouvat ko��enov�� adres����.
70Plain text	AttributesView		Prost�� text
71Capacity:	InfoWindow		Kapacita:
72File	ContainerWindow		Soubor
73Relation	OpenWithWindow		Vztah
74Moving: 	StatusWindow		P��esouv��n��: 
75Select	SelectionWindow		Vybrat
76Select	InfoWindow		Vybrat
77OK	OpenWithWindow		OK
78Include trash	FindPanel		Za��lenit ko��
79Clean up	ContainerWindow		Vy��istit
80Modified	FindPanel		Upraven��
81 (block size: 	InfoWindow		 (velikost bloku: 
82Select all	QueryContainerWindow		Vybrat v��e
83Generate image thumbnails	SettingsView		Vytvo��it n��hledy
84Select���	FilePanelPriv		Vybrat...
85An item named '%filename%' already exists.	FSUtils		Polo��ka jm��nem '%filename%' u�� existuje.
86preferences	B_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY		p��edvolby
87Name	Person Query Columns		Jm��no
88Skip all	FSUtils		P��esko��it v��e
89Corrupted opcode.	libtracker		Po��kozen�� opera��n�� k��d.
90Atom	AttributesView		Atom
91%SizeProcessed of %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%SizeProcessed z %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s
92Preparing to restore items���	StatusWindow		P����prava obnovy polo��ek...
93Mount	ContainerWindow		P��ipojit
94{0, plural, other{<# rectangles>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, one{<# obd��ln��k>} few{<# obd��ln��ky>} other{<# obd��ln��k��>}}
96Corrupted pointers.	libtracker		Po��kozen�� ukazatele.
97Link to:	InfoWindow		Odkaz na:
98Copy here	ContainerWindow		Kop��rovat sem
99Character	AttributesView		Znak
100All disks	FindPanel		V��echny disky
101Affine transform	AttributesView		Afinn�� transformace
102Window	ContainerWindow		Okno
103%BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%BytesPerSecond/s
104Remove	FindPanel		Odebrat
105Company	Person Query Columns		Spole��nost
106Recent documents	FavoritesMenu		Ned��vn�� dokumenty
107Save as Query template:	FindPanel		Ulo��it jako ��ablonu Dotazu:
108Edit templates���	TemplatesMenu		Upravit ��ablony...
109{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}}	FSUtils		{0, plural, one{# bajt} few{# bajty} other{# bajt��}}
1108-bit integer	AttributesView		8 bitov�� cel�� ����slo
1118-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		8 bitov�� p��irozen�� ����slo
112%s info	InfoWindow	window title	%s informace
113%capacity (%used used -- %free free)	InfoWindow		%capacity (vyu��ito %used -- %free voln��ch)
114Hide dotfiles	SettingsView		Skr��t soubory za����naj��c�� te��kou
115Trash	Model		Ko��
116Enable type-ahead filtering	SettingsView		Povolit filtrov��n�� b��hem psan��
117copy	FSUtils	filename copy	kopie
118Location	OpenWithWindow		Um��stn��n��
119Resize to fit	QueryContainerWindow		P��izp��sobit velikost
120List folders first	SettingsView		Adres����e na za����tek
121Find	FSUtils		Naj��t
122An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating?	FSUtils		Polo��ka s n��zvem \"%name\" ji�� v t��to slo��ce existuje. P��ejete si ji nahradit symbolick��m odkazem, kter�� pr��v�� vytv������te?
123List view	ContainerWindow		Seznam
124Temporary	FindPanel		Do��asn��
125Modified	QueryPoseView		Zm��n��no
126Create relative link	ContainerWindow		Vytvo��it relativn�� odkaz
127Owner	FilePermissionsView		Vlastn��k
128Cancel	FSClipBoard		Zru��it
129Modified	PoseView		Upraveno
130Move to Trash	ContainerWindow		P��esunout do ko��e
131All files and folders	FindPanel		V��echny soubory a slo��ky
132Add-ons	ContainerWindow		Dopl��ky
133Too many parenthesis.	libtracker		P����li�� mnoho z��vorek.
134Increase size	ContainerWindow		Zv��t��it velikost
135\nShould this be fixed?	FSUtils		\nM�� to b��t opraveno?
136URL	Bookmark Query Columns		URL
137Move	PoseView		P��esunout
138Floating point number	AttributesView		����slo s plovouc�� ����dovou ����rkou
139Cancel	ContainerWindow		Zru��it
140Attributes	ContainerWindow		Atributy
141Error deleting items	FSUtils		Chyba p��i odstra��ov��n�� polo��ek
142Cut	ContainerWindow		Vyjmout
143Disks	Model		Disky
144Create a Query template	FindPanel		Vytvo��it ��ablonu Dotazu
145Size	FindPanel		Velikost
146Window	FilePanelPriv		Okno
147OK	Email Query Columns		OK
148Location	QueryPoseView		Um��stn��n��
149Edit query	ContainerWindow		Zm��nit dotaz
150{0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# bytes)}}	InfoWindow		{0, plural, one{# bajt} few{# bajty} other{# bajt��}}
151Previously mounted disks	AutoMounterSettings		V minulosti p��ipojovan�� disky
152You cannot replace a file with a folder or a symbolic link.	FSUtils		Nelze nahradit soubor adres����em nebo symbolick��m odkazem.
153The target disk does not support creating links.	FSUtils		C��lov�� disk nepodporuje vytv����en�� odkaz��.
15564-bit integer	AttributesView		64 bitov�� cel�� ����slo
156Cut more	ContainerWindow		Vyjmout v��ce
157The Tracker must be running to see Info windows.	PoseView		Pro zobrazen�� informa��n��ch oken mus�� b��t spu��t��n�� Tracker.
158Tracker preferences	TrackerSettingsWindow		Nastaven�� Trackeru
159Read	FilePermissionsView		��ten��
160There was an error writing the attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Do��lo k chyb�� b��hem z��pisu atributu.
161If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Pokud p��ejmenujete %target, %osName se nemus�� chovat spr��vn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?
162Filesystem:	InfoWindow		Syst��m soubor��:
163Could not open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%name\" (%error). 
164Media parameter group	AttributesView		Skupina multimedi��ln��ch parametr��
165%name info	InfoWindow	InfoWindow Title	%name info
166If you move the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\".	FSUtils		Pokud p��esunete domovskou slo��ku, %osName se m����e chovat nekorektn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?\n\nPokud trv��te na p��esunu domovsk�� slo��ky, podr��te kl��vesu Shift a klikn��te na \"P��esunout\".
167Property info	AttributesView		Vlastnost
168Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash.	PoseView		Bohu��el, nelze vytv����et odkazy v ko��i.
169From	Email Query Columns		Od
170Invert selection	QueryContainerWindow		Invertovat v��b��r
171Open selection with:	OpenWithWindow		Otev����t vybran�� v:
172Preferences���	ContainerWindow		Nastaven�����
173Could not open \"%document\" because application \"%app\" is in the Trash. 	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%document\" proto��e aplikace \"%app\" je v ko��i. 
174Work Phone	Person Query Columns		Telefon do pr��ce
175Close	ContainerWindow		Zav����t
176Get info	ContainerWindow		Z��skat info
177MIME Type	AttributesView		Typ MIME
178Show folder location in title tab	SettingsView		Zobraz um��st��n�� slo��ky v nadpisu panelu
179There was an error resolving the link.	Tracker		P��i na����t��n�� odkazu do��lo k chyb��.
180There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one.	FilePanelPriv		Ve v��mi vybran�� slo��ce do��lo b��hem pokusu o ulo��en�� k probl��mu. Zvolte, pros��m, n��jakou jinou.
181{0, plural, other{<# values>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, one{<# hodnota>} few{<# hodnoty>} other{<# hodnot>}}
182Desktop	TrackerSettingsWindow		Plocha
183Nested *?+.	libtracker		Vno��en�� *?+.
184Move	FSUtils	button label	P��esunout
185Clean up	DeskWindow		Vy��istit
186Group	FilePermissionsView		Skupina
187Could not find an application to open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nelze naj��t aplikaci k otev��en�� \"%name\" (%error). 
188Internal error.	libtracker		Vnit��n�� chyba.
189Mini icon view	DeskWindow		Zobrazen�� mal��ch ikon
190Geometric size	AttributesView		Geometrick�� velikost
191contains	SelectionWindow		obsahuje
192Replace	FilePanelPriv		Nahradit
193is not	FindPanel		nen��
194Icon view	DeskWindow		Zobrazen�� ikon
195Mount settings���	ContainerWindow		Nastaven�� p��ipojen��...
196Keywords	Bookmark Query Columns		Kl����ov�� slova
197Media parameter web	AttributesView		Adresa m��di��
198Copy more	ContainerWindow		Kop��rovat v��ce
199by name	FindPanel		podle jm��na
200Sorry, you can't save things at the root of your system.	FilePanelPriv		Bohu��el, nelze ukl��dat do ko��enu syst��mu.
201Restore	ContainerWindow		Obnovit
202Location	ContainerWindow		Um��stn��n��
203Warning space color	SettingsView		Barva upozorn��n��
204Skip	FSUtils		P��esko��it
205Text list	AttributesView		Textov�� seznam
206Used space color	SettingsView		Barva pou��it��ho m��sta
207Cancel	FSUtils		Zru��it
208Original name	ContainerWindow		P��vodn�� n��zev
209Unknown	WidgetAttributeText		Nezn��m��
21032-bit integer	AttributesView		32 bitov�� cel�� ����slo
211The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		Zadan�� n��zev je ji�� pou��it jako n��zev slo��ky. Zvolte jin�� n��zev.
212Modified	ContainerWindow		Upraveno
213Mini icon view	ContainerWindow		Zobrazen�� mal��ch ikon
214File	FilePanelPriv		Soubor
215Search	FindPanel		Vyhledat
216Modified:	InfoWindow		Upraveno:
217Cancel	FilePanelPriv		Zru��it
218Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Bohu��el, nelze zm��nit atribut.
219Memory pointer	AttributesView		Ukazatel
220Cancel	OpenWithWindow		Zru��it
221Select���	DeskWindow		Vybrat...
222Files cannot be moved or deleted from a read-only volume.	PoseView		Na svazku p��ipojen��ho pouze pro ��ten�� nelze p��esouvat ani odstra��ovat soubory.
223Edit name	FilePanelPriv		Upravit n��zev
224There was an error deleting \"%name\":\n\t%error	FSUtils		P��i odstra��ov��n�� \"%name\" do��lo k chyb��:\n\t%error
225Resize to fit	ContainerWindow		P��izp��sobit velikost
226Link \"%name\" to:	InfoWindow	File dialog title for new sym link	Odkaz \"%name\" do:
227Mount server error	AutoMounterSettings		Chyba p��ipojovac��ho serveru
228If you rename the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\".	FSUtils		Pokud p��ejmenujete domovskou slo��ku, %osName se m����e chovat nekorektn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?\n\nPokud trv��te na p��ejmenov��n�� domovsk�� slo��ky, podr��te kl��vesu Shift a klikn��te na \"P��ejmenovat\".
229Boolean	AttributesView		Booleovsk��
230Invert selection	FilePanelPriv		Invertovat v��b��r
231Memory size	AttributesView		Velikost pam��ti
232New folder	TemplatesMenu		Nov�� adres����
233 (broken)	InfoWindow		 (rozbit��)
234Replace all	FSUtils		Nehradit v��e
235The application \"%appname\" does not support the type of document you are about to open.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?\n\nIf you know that the application supports the document type, you should contact the publisher of the application and ask them to update their application to list the type of your document as supported.	OpenWithWindow		Aplikace \"%appname\" nepodporuje typ dokumentu, kter�� se pokou����te otev����t.\nOpravdu chcete pokra��ovat?\n\nPokud v��te, ��e aplikace tento typ dokumentu podporuje, m��li by jste d��t v��d��t v��voj������m, aby aktualizovali typ dokumentu v aplikaci.
236Reverse order	ContainerWindow		Opa��n�� po��ad��
237Copying: 	StatusWindow		Kop��rov��n��: 
238Show navigator	SettingsView		Zobrazit navigaci
239Select all	DeskWindow		Vybrat v��e
240Double-precision floating point number	AttributesView		Desetinn�� ����slo s dvojtou p��esnost��
241Decrease size	ContainerWindow		Zmen��it velikost
242Recent queries	FindPanel		Posledn�� dotazy
243Mount all	MountMenu		P��ipojit v��echny
244Size	Default Query Columns		Velikost
245Favorites	FavoritesMenu		Obl��ben��
246<No recent items>	FavoritesMenu		<����dn�� ��ast�� polo��ky>
247Formula %formula	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	Vzorec %formula
248Preparing to create links���	StatusWindow		P��ipravuji vytvo��en�� odkaz��...
249Tracker status	StatusWindow		Stav Trackeru
250Handles any %type	OpenWithWindow		Obstar��v�� jak��koliv %type
251The mount server could not be contacted.	AutoMounterSettings		Nelze kontaktovat p��ipojovac�� server.
252Query template	FindPanel		��ablona Dotazu
253ends with	SelectionWindow		kon����c��
254Open	OpenWithWindow		Otev����t
255You must have at least one attribute showing.	PoseView		Mus�� b��t zobrazen alespo�� jeden atribut.
256Cut	FilePanelPriv		Vyjmout
257Finish: after several years	StatusWindow		Dokon��en��: za n��kolik let
258Favorites	FilePanelPriv		Obl��ben��
259Point	AttributesView		Bod
260You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes.	PoseView		Na svazky jen pro ��ten�� nelze kop��rovat ��i p��esouvat polo��ky.
261home	B_USER_DIRECTORY		domov
262Tracker New Templates	B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY/Tracker/Tracker New Templates		Nov�� ��ablony Trackeru
263Disk mounting during boot	AutoMounterSettings		P��ipojen�� disku b��hem startu
264Don't automount	AutoMounterSettings		Nep��ipojovat automaticky
265Node ref	AttributesView		Reference uzlu
266Could not find application \"%appname\"	OpenWithWindow		Nelze naj��t aplikaci \"%appname\"
267Unmatched parenthesis.	libtracker		Nep��rov�� z��vorky.
268Extended attribute	AttributesView		Roz������en�� atribut
269Unmatched brackets.	libtracker		Nep��rov�� z��vorky.
270Error %error loading Add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Chyba %error p��i na����t��n�� dopl��ku %name.
271You are trying to replace the item:\n\t%name%dest\nwith:\n\t%name%src\n\nWould you like to replace it with the one you are %movemode?	FSUtils		Pokou����te se nahradit polo��ku:\n\t%name%dest\npolo��kou:\n\t%name%src\n\nP��ejete si ji nahradit tou, kterou pr��v�� %movemode?
272Empty Trash	ContainerWindow		Vysypat ko��
273no supporting apps	OpenWithWindow		����dn�� vhodn�� aplikace
27432-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		32 bitov�� p��irozen�� ����slo
275Preparing to empty Trash���	StatusWindow		P��iprava vysyp��n�� ko��e...
276Deleting: 	StatusWindow		Odstra��ov��n��: 
277the MIME settings	FSUtils		nastaven�� MIME
278You can't move or copy the trash.	FSUtils		Nelze p��esunout nebo kop��rovat ko��.
279label too long	PoseView		��t��tek je p����li�� dlouh��
280Error creating link to \"%name\".	FSUtils		Chyba p��i vytv����en�� odkazu na \"%name\".
281Unknown	FilePermissionsView		Nezn��m��
282Paste links	ContainerWindow		Vlo��it odkazy
283Restoring: 	StatusWindow		Obnovuji: 
284The Tracker must be running to set the default printer.	PoseView		Pro nastaven�� v��choz�� tisk��rny mus�� b����et Tracker.
285calculating���	InfoWindow		po����t��n��...
286Preferred for file	OpenWithWindow		Preferovan�� pro soubor
287OK	AutoMounterSettings		OK
288copying	FSUtils		kop��rov��n��
289Get info	FilePanelPriv		Z��skat info
290MIME String	AttributesView		MIME ��et��zec
291Delete	ContainerWindow		Odstranit
292Execute	FilePermissionsView		Spustit
293Show volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Zobrazit svazky na plo��e
294no	AttributesView		ne
295Recent folders	ContainerWindow		��ast�� slo��ky
296Desktop	Model		Plocha
297Select all	ContainerWindow		Vybrat v��e
298apps	B_APPS_DIRECTORY		aplikace
299Error calculating folder size.	InfoWindow		Chyba v��po��tu velikosti slo��ky.
300Delete	FSUtils		Odstranit
301Duplicate	FilePanelPriv		Duplikovat
302Edit name	ContainerWindow		Upravit jm��no
303Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		\"%document\" nelze otev����t (Chyb�� symbol: %symbol). \n
304ASCII Text	AttributesView		ASCII text
305Atom reference	AttributesView		Atomick�� reference
306config	B_USER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY		konfigurace
307Error moving \"%name\".	FSUtils		Chyba p��esunu \"%name\".
308Select���	QueryContainerWindow		Vybrat...
309Open	ContainerWindow		Otev����t
310Settings���	MountMenu		Nastaven��...
311You cannot put the selected item(s) into the trash.	FSUtils		Vybran�� polo��ky nelze p��esunout do ko��e.
312Increase size	DeskWindow		Zv��t��it velikost
313starts with	SelectionWindow		za����n��
314Any	AttributesView		Jak��koli
315New	DeskWindow		Nov��
316Invert	SelectionWindow		Obr��tit
317Would you like to find some other suitable application?	FSUtils		Chcete naj��t n��jakou jinou vhodnou aplikaci?
318*+? operand may be empty.	libtracker		operand *+? m����e b��t pr��zdn��.
319(unknown)	AttributesView		(nezn��m��)
320Recent folders	FavoritesMenu		Ned��vn�� adres����e
321Signed memory size	AttributesView		Velikost pam��ti se znam��nkem
322The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		Zadan�� n��zev je chybn��. Zvolte, pros��m, jin�� n��zev.
323of %items	StatusWindow		z %items
324MIME Path	AttributesView		Cesta MIME
325less than	FindPanel		m��ne ne��
326Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Chyba kop��rov��n�� souboru \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nP��ejete si pokra��ovat?
327Creating links: 	StatusWindow		Vytv����en�� odkaz��: 
328Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%document\" v aplikaci \"%app\" (%error). 
329Create %s clipping	PoseView		Vytvo��it %s v��st��i��ek
330Error moving \"%name\"	FSUtils		Chyba p��esunu \"%name\"
331To: %dir	StatusWindow		Do: %dir
332Paste layout	ContainerWindow		Vlo��it rozlo��en��
333Cancel	Tracker		Zru��it
334yes	AttributesView		ano
335Make active printer	ContainerWindow		Aktivovat tisk��rnu
336Copy to	ContainerWindow		Kop��rovat do
337Name	SelectionWindow		N��zev
338Location	Default Query Columns		Poloha
339by attribute	FindPanel		podle atributu
340Write	FilePermissionsView		Z��pis
341If you alter the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\".	FSUtils		Pokud zm��n��te syst��mov�� adres���� nebo jeho obsah, nep��jde nastartovat %osName!\n\nOpravdu to chcete?\n\nPokud i tak chcete zm��nit syst��mov�� adres���� nebo jeho obsah, dr��te kl��vesu Shift a klikn��te na \"V��m, co d��l��m\".
342Save	FilePanelPriv		Ulo��it
343Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%document\" aplikac�� \"%app\" (Chyb��j��c�� knihovny: %library). \n
344Finish: %time	StatusWindow		Dokon��eno: %time
345Messenger	AttributesView		Messenger
346after	FindPanel		po
347{0, plural, one{<# data byte>} other{<# bytes of data>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, one{<# bajt dat>} few{<# bajty dat>} other{<# bajt�� dat>}}
348Version	OpenWithWindow		Verze
349Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		N��kter�� vybran�� polo��ky nemohou b��t p��esunuty do Ko��e. P��ejete si je m��sto toho odstranit? (Tato operace je nevratn��.)
350The entered file name is too long.	FSUtils		Zvolen�� jm��no souboru je p����li�� dlouh��.
351Add printer���	ContainerWindow		P��idat tisk��rnu...
352On	FindPanel		Zapnuto
353Permissions	ContainerWindow		Opr��vn��n��
354Size:	InfoWindow		Velikost:
355The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		Vybran�� polo��ka nem����e b��t p��esunuta do Ko��e. P��ejete si ji m��sto toho odstranit? (Tato operace je nevratn��.)
356Copy	ContainerWindow		Kop��rovat
357Sorry, the 'Character' attribute cannot store a multi-byte glyph.	WidgetAttributeText		Bohu��el, atribut 'P��smeno' nem����e uchov��vat v��cebajtov�� znaky.
358Open parent	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Otev����t rodi��e
359And	FindPanel		A
360Palette-indexed picture	AttributesView		Obr��zek s indexovanou paletou
361multiple disks	FindPanel		v��ce disk��
362Drawing pattern	AttributesView		V��kresov�� vzor
363File offset	AttributesView		Ofset souboru
364Name = %name	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	Jm��no = %name
365Subject	Email Query Columns		P��edm��t
366Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Chyba kop��rov��n�� slo��ky \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nP��ejete si pokra��ovat?
367You cannot create a link to the root directory.	FSUtils		Nelze vytvo��it odkaz v ko��enov��m adres����i.
368Select all	FilePanelPriv		Vybrat v��e
369Other	FilePermissionsView		Ostatn��
370Automatic disk mounting	AutoMounterSettings		Automatick�� p��ipojen�� disku
371parent folder	NavMenu		nad��azen�� adres����
372Create link here	ContainerWindow		Vytvo��it odkaz zde
373Force identify	ContainerWindow		Nucen�� identita
374no items	CountView		����dn�� polo��ky
375Time	AttributesView		��as
376Disks	DirMenu		Disky
377Query name:	FindPanel		N��zev Dotazu:
378Open parent	ContainerWindow		Otev����t nad��azen��
379Find���	ContainerWindow		Vyhledat...
380moving	FSUtils		p��esun
381Single window navigation	SettingsView		Navigace v jednom okn��
382greater than	FindPanel		v��t���� ne��
383Add	FindPanel		P��idat
384Created:	InfoWindow		Vytvo��eno:
385Edit Query template	FindPanel		Zm��nit ��ablonu Dotazu
386Save query as template���	FindPanel		Ulo��it dotaz jako ��ablonu���
387All disks	AutoMounterSettings		V��echny disky
388link	FSUtils	filename link	odkaz
38916-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		16 bitov�� p��irozen�� ����slo
390Proceed	FSUtils		Pokra��ovat
391Edit favorites���	FilePanelPriv		Upravit obl��ben��...
392You can't move a folder into itself or any of its own sub-folders.	FSUtils		Adres���� nelze p��esunout do samo sebe, nebo do vlastn��ho podadres����e.
393New	ContainerWindow		Nov��
394You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	FSClipBoard		Polo��ky mus��te pustit na ikonu jednoho disku v okn�� \"Disky\".
395If you alter %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Pokud zm��n��te %target, %osName se m����e za����t chovat nekorektn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?
396Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	FSClipBoard		Bohu��el, nelze kop��rovat polo��ky do ko��e.
397Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one?	FSUtils		N��kter�� polo��ky ji�� existuj�� v tomto adres����i se stejn��mi n��zvy jako polo��ky, kter�� %verb.\n \nP��ejete si je nahradit t��mi %verb nebo se dot��zat pro ka��dou zvl������?
398When	Email Query Columns		Kdy��
399Object	AttributesView		Objekt
400Paste	ContainerWindow		Vlo��it
401An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder, and may contain\nitems with the same names. Would you like to replace them with those contained in the folder you are %verb?	FSUtils		Polo��ka jm��nem \"%name\" ji�� existuje v tomto adres����i a m����e obsahovat\npolo��ky se stejn��mi n��zvy. Chcete je nahradit polo��kami z adres����e, kter��ho se pokou����te %verb?
402Cannot unmount the boot volume \"%name\".	FSUtils		Nelze odpojit zav��d��c�� svazek \"%name\".
403Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		\"%document\" nelze aplikac�� \"%app\" otev����t (Chyb�� symbol: %symbol). \n
404New folder	ContainerWindow		Nov�� adres����
405Name	OpenWithWindow		Jm��no
406Get info	Tracker	Tracker's 'Get info' panel [ALT+I]	Informace
407There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy.	FSUtils		B��hem nahrazov��n�� \"%name\" do��lo k probl��mu. Polo��ka je otev��en�� nebo je s n�� pracov��no.
408Windows	TrackerSettingsWindow		Okna
409Show space bars on volumes	SettingsView		Zobrazit ukazatele voln��ho m��sta na svazc��ch
410Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error	FSUtils		Opr��vn��n�� souboru \"%name\" nebylo mo��n�� aktualizovat. %error
411Decrease size	DeskWindow		Zmen��it velikost
412Emptying Trash��� 	StatusWindow		Vyprazd��uji ko��... 
413{0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # files}}	InfoWindow		{0, plural, one{for # soubor} few{for # soubory} other{for # soubor��}}
414Revert	TrackerSettingsWindow		Vr��tit zp��t
415trash	B_TRASH_DIRECTORY		ko��
416%ld �� %ld	DeskWindow	The '��' is the Unicode multiplication sign U+00D7	%ld �� %ld
417If you move the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\".	FSUtils		Pokud p��esunete syst��mov�� adres���� nebo jeho obsah, nep��jde nastartovat %osName!\n\nOpravdu to chcete?\n\nPokud i tak chcete p��esunout syst��mov�� adres���� nebo jeho obsah, dr��te Shift a klikn��te na \"P��esunout\".
418Close all in workspace	ContainerWindow		Zav����t na v��ech ploch��ch
419Corrupted expression.	libtracker		Po��kozen�� v��raz.
420Network address	AttributesView		S����ov�� adresa
421Finish: %time - %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Dokon��en��: %time - zb��v�� %finishtime
422Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%document\" (Chyb�� knihovny: %library). \n
423Create relative link here	ContainerWindow		Vytvo��it relativn�� odkaz zde
424Copy	FilePanelPriv		Kop��rovat
425All Haiku disks	AutoMounterSettings		V��echny disky Haiku
426Close all	ContainerWindow		Uzav����t v��e
427Paused: click to resume or stop	StatusWindow		Pozastaveno: kliknut��m obnov��te nebo zastav��te
428Name	QueryPoseView		N��zev
429Error %error loading add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Chyba %error p��i na����t��n�� dopl��ku %name.
430Does not handle file	OpenWithWindow		Neobstar��v�� soubor
431E-mail	Person Query Columns		E-mail
432Arrange by	ContainerWindow		Uspo����dat podle
433Attributes	AttributesView		Atributy
434Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed.	FilePanelPriv		Bohu��el, ukl��d��n�� v��ce ne�� jedn�� polo��ky nen�� umo��n��no.
43564-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		64 bitov�� p��irozen�� ����slo
436Move here	ContainerWindow		P��esunout sem
437the config folder	FSUtils		konfigura��n�� adres����
438Sorry, could not create a new folder.	FSUtils		Bohu��el, novou slo��ku nelze vytvo��it.
439MIME Signature	AttributesView		Podpis MIME
440Select all	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Vybrat v��e
441%ld �� %ld	ContainerWindow	The '��' is the Unicode multiplication sign U+00D7	%ld �� %ld
442Rename	FSUtils	button label	P��ejmenovat
443Clean up all	ContainerWindow		Vy��istit v��e
444Add current folder	FilePanelPriv		P��idat aktu��ln�� adres����
445Description:	InfoWindow		Popis:
446Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted.	FSUtils		Opravdu si p��ejete vybran�� polo��ky odstranit? Tato operace je nevratn��.
447Grayscale picture	AttributesView		Obr��zek ve stupn��ch ��edi
448Mount	DeskWindow		P��ipojit
449ends with	FindPanel		kon����c��
450Show Disks icon	SettingsView		Zobrazit ikonu Disk��
451Outline selection rectangle only	SettingsView		Obt��hnout pouze r��me��ek v��b��ru
452by formula	FindPanel		podle vzoru
453Resize to fit	VirtualDirectoryWindow		P��izp��sobit velikost
454Move to Trash	FilePanelPriv		P��esun do Ko��e
455is	FindPanel		je
456If you rename the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\".	FSUtils		Pokud p��ejmenujete syst��movou slo��ku nebo jej�� obsah, nebudete s to spustit %osName!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?\n\nPokud trv��te na p��ejmenov��n�� syst��mov�� slo��ky nebo jej��ho obsahu, podr��te kl��vesu Shift a klikn��te na \"P��ejmenovat\".
457Permissions	FilePermissionsView		Opr��vn��n��
458\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application.	FSUtils		\"%name\" je zastaral�� spustiteln�� soubor. Se��e��te pros��m nov��j���� verzi nebo p��ekompilujte aplikaci.
459Only the boot disk	AutoMounterSettings		Pouze startovn�� disk
460Message	AttributesView		Zpr��va
461Modified	Default Query Columns		Zm��n��no
462Default application	InfoWindow		V��choz�� aplikace
463Untitled bitmap	PoseView		Nepojmenovan�� bitmapa
464matches regular expression	SelectionWindow		Shoda s ����dn��m v��razem
465Invert selection	ContainerWindow		Invertovat v��b��r
466Close	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Zav����t
467Monochrome picture	AttributesView		��ernob��l�� obr��zek
468Real name	ContainerWindow		Skute��n�� jm��no
469Could not open \"%name\". The file is mistakenly marked as executable. 	FSUtils		Nelze otev����t \"%name\". Soubor je chybn�� ozna��en jako spou��t��c��. 
470Go to parent	FilePanelPriv		P��ej��t na nad��azen��
471Save	FindPanel		Ulo��it
472Name	FindPanel		N��zev
473Cancel	WidgetAttributeText		Zru��it
474Memory corruption.	libtracker		Po��kozen�� pam��ti.
475Expression too long.	libtracker		V��raz je p����li�� dlouh��.
476Color	AttributesView		Barva
477Copy layout	ContainerWindow		Kop��rovat rozlo��en��
478Duplicate	ContainerWindow		Duplikovat
47916-bit integer	AttributesView		16 bitov�� cel�� ����slo
480Untitled clipping	PoseView		Nepojmenovan�� v��st��i��ek
481The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it?	FilePanelPriv		Soubor \"%name\" ji�� existuje ve zvolen�� slo��ce. P��ejete si ho nahradit?
482, indexed	InfoWindow		, indexov��no
483You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	PoseView		Polo��ky mus��te pustit na ikonu jednoho z disk�� v okn�� \"Disky\".
484Version:	InfoWindow		Verze:
485OK	PoseView		OK
486Add-ons	DeskWindow		Dopl��ky
487Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder?	PoseView		Opravdu chcete p��esunout nebo kop��rovat vybran�� polo��ky do t��to slo��ky?
488Find	FindPanel		Vyhledat
489Empty folder	NavMenu		Pr��zdn�� slo��ka
490Defaults	TrackerSettingsWindow		V��choz��
491Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection.	FSUtils		Bohu��el, nen�� dostatek voln��ho m��sta v c��lov��m svazku pro kop��rov��n�� vyb��ru.
492True-color picture	AttributesView		24 bitov�� obr��zek
493Add-ons	FilePanelPriv		Dopl��ky
494Alignment	AttributesView		Zarovn��n��
495Move to Trash	FSUtils		P��esunout do Ko��e
496Handles %type	OpenWithWindow		Obstar��v�� %type
497Cancel	PoseView		Zru��it
498Delete	PoseView		Odstranit
499Media parameter	AttributesView		Multimedi��ln�� parametr
500If you alter the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\".	FSUtils		Pokud zm��n��te domovsk�� adres����, %osName nemus�� fungovat spr��vn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete?\n\nPokud i tak chcete zm��nit domovsk�� adres����, dr��te Shift a klikn��te na \"V��m, co d��l��m\".
501Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	PoseView		Bohu��el, nelze kop��rovat polo��ky do ko��e.
502Invert selection	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Oto��it v��b��r
503New folder	FilePanelPriv		Nov�� adres����
504{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}}	CountView	Number of selected items: \"1 item\" or \"2 items\"	{0, plural, one{# polo��ka} few{# polo��ky} other{# polo��ek}}
505Name	AttributesView		N��zev
506Invalid bracket range.	libtracker		Nespr��vn�� rozsah z��vorek.
507the settings folder	FSUtils		slo��ka s nastaven��m
508If you move %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Pokud p��esunete %target, %osName se m����e za����t chovat nekorektn��!\n\nOpravdu to chcete ud��lat?
509Create a Query	FindPanel		Vytvo��it Dotaz
510Close	QueryContainerWindow		Zav����t
511I know what I'm doing	FSUtils	button label	V��m co d��l��m
512Preparing to copy items���	StatusWindow		P����prava kop��rov��n�� polo��ek...
513%lld B	WidgetAttributeText	The filesize symbol for byte	%lld B
514Entry ref	AttributesView		Reference polo��ky
515Icon view	ContainerWindow		Zobrazen�� ikon
516The entered folder name is too long.	FSUtils		Zvolen�� jm��no adres����e je p����li�� dlouh��.
517Name	ContainerWindow		Jm��no
518Preferred for %type	OpenWithWindow		Doporu��eno pro %type
519Free space color	SettingsView		Barva voln��ho m��sta
520OK	FSUtils		OK