11	slovak	x-vnd.Haiku-libbe	1136819888
2All Rights Reserved.	AboutWindow		V��etky pr��va vyhraden��.
3gold master	AboutWindow		gold master
4Undo	TextView		Sp����
5OK	PrintJob		OK
6OK	Dragger		OK
7gamma	AboutWindow		gama
8development	AboutWindow		v��voj
9Print Server is not responding.	PrintJob		Tla��ov�� server neodpoved��.
10About %app%	AboutMenuItem		O aplik��cii %app%
11Warning	Dragger		Upozornenie
12Green:	ColorControl		Zelen��:
13Redo	TextView		Opakova��
14No pages to print!	PrintJob		Nie je ��o tla��i��!
15beta	AboutWindow		beta
16OK	ZombieReplicantView		OK
17Cut	TextView		Vystrihn����
18Can't delete this replicant from its original application. Life goes on.	Dragger		Nemo��no zmaza�� tohto replikanta z jeho p��vodnej aplik��cie. C'est la vie.
19Error	ZombieReplicantView		Chyba
20Paste	TextView		Vlo��i��
21OK	AboutWindow		OK
22Special Thanks:	AboutWindow		Zvl����tne po��akovanie:
23Remove replicant	Dragger		Odstr��ni�� replikanta
24Version	AboutWindow		Verzia
25Red:	ColorControl		��erven��:
26<empty>	Menu		<pr��zdne>
27Copy	TextView		Kop��rova��
28Select all	TextView		Vybra�� v��etko
29alpha	AboutWindow		alfa
30Error	PrintJob		Chyba
31About %app���	Dragger		O aplik��cii %app���
32About %app%	AboutWindow		O aplik��cii %app%
33Version history:	AboutWindow		Hist��ria verzi��:
34Cannot locate the application for the replicant. No application signature supplied.\n%error	ZombieReplicantView		Nemo��no n��js�� aplik��ciu pre replikanta. Nebol dodan�� ��iaden podpis aplik��cie.\n%error
35Blue:	ColorControl		Modr��:
36Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error	ZombieReplicantView		Nemo��no vytvori�� replikanta pre ���%description���.\n%error
37Written by:	AboutWindow		Nap��sal: