1# # Read metrics from zpool_influxdb
3#   ## default installation location for zpool_influxdb command
4  command = ["/usr/local/libexec/zfs/zpool_influxdb", "--execd"]
6    ## Define how the process is signaled on each collection interval.
7    ## Valid values are:
8    ##   "none"    : Do not signal anything. (Recommended for service inputs)
9    ##               The process must output metrics by itself.
10    ##   "STDIN"   : Send a newline on STDIN. (Recommended for gather inputs)
11    ##   "SIGHUP"  : Send a HUP signal. Not available on Windows. (not recommended)
12    ##   "SIGUSR1" : Send a USR1 signal. Not available on Windows.
13    ##   "SIGUSR2" : Send a USR2 signal. Not available on Windows.
14  signal = "STDIN"
16  ## Delay before the process is restarted after an unexpected termination
17  restart_delay = "10s"
19    ## Data format to consume.
20    ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
21    ## more about them here:
22    ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md
23  data_format = "influx"