2251881Speter * @copyright
3251881Speter * ====================================================================
4251881Speter *    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5251881Speter *    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6251881Speter *    distributed with this work for additional information
7251881Speter *    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8251881Speter *    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9251881Speter *    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10251881Speter *    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11251881Speter *
12251881Speter *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13251881Speter *
14251881Speter *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15251881Speter *    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17251881Speter *    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18251881Speter *    specific language governing permissions and limitations
19251881Speter *    under the License.
20251881Speter * ====================================================================
21251881Speter * @endcopyright
22251881Speter *
23289180Speter * @file wc_db.h
24251881Speter * @brief The Subversion Working Copy Library - Metadata/Base-Text Support
25251881Speter *
26251881Speter * Requires:
27251881Speter *            - A working copy
28251881Speter *
29251881Speter * Provides:
30251881Speter *            - Ability to manipulate working copy's administrative files.
31251881Speter *
32251881Speter * Used By:
33251881Speter *            - The main working copy library
34251881Speter */
36251881Speter#ifndef SVN_WC_DB_H
37251881Speter#define SVN_WC_DB_H
39251881Speter#include "svn_wc.h"
41251881Speter#include "svn_types.h"
42251881Speter#include "svn_error.h"
43251881Speter#include "svn_config.h"
44251881Speter#include "svn_io.h"
46251881Speter#include "private/svn_skel.h"
47251881Speter#include "private/svn_sqlite.h"
48251881Speter#include "private/svn_wc_private.h"
50251881Speter#include "svn_private_config.h"
52251881Speter#ifdef __cplusplus
53251881Speterextern "C" {
54251881Speter#endif /* __cplusplus */
58251881Speter   "OUT" PARAMETERS
60251881Speter   There are numerous functions within this API which take a (large) number
61251881Speter   of "out" parameters. These are listed individually, rather than combined
62251881Speter   into a struct, so that a caller can be fine-grained about the which
63251881Speter   pieces of information are being requested. In many cases, only a subset
64251881Speter   is required, so the implementation can perform various optimizations
65251881Speter   to fulfill the limited request for information.
68251881Speter   POOLS
70251881Speter   wc_db uses the dual-pool paradigm for all of its functions. Any OUT
71251881Speter   parameter will be allocated within the result pool, and all temporary
72251881Speter   allocations will be performed within the scratch pool.
74251881Speter   The pool that DB is allocated within (the "state" pool) is only used
75251881Speter   for a few, limited allocations to track each of the working copy roots
76251881Speter   that the DB is asked to operate upon. The memory usage on this pool
77251881Speter   is O(# wcroots), which should normally be one or a few. Custom clients
78251881Speter   which hold open structures over a significant period of time should
79251881Speter   pay particular attention to the number of roots touched, and the
80251881Speter   resulting impact on memory consumption (which should still be minimal).
85251881Speter   * Parameter Order
86251881Speter     - any output arguments
87251881Speter     - DB
88251881Speter     - LOCAL_ABSPATH
89251881Speter     - any other input arguments
90251881Speter     - RESULT_POOL
91251881Speter     - SCRATCH_POOL
93251881Speter   * DB
94251881Speter     This parameter is the primary context for all operations on the
95251881Speter     metadata for working copies. This parameter is passed to almost every
96251881Speter     function, and maintains information and state about every working
97251881Speter     copy "touched" by any of the APIs in this interface.
99251881Speter   * *_ABSPATH
100251881Speter     All *_ABSPATH parameters in this API are absolute paths in the local
101251881Speter     filesystem, represented in Subversion internal canonical form.
103251881Speter   * LOCAL_ABSPATH
104251881Speter     This parameter specifies a particular *versioned* node in the local
105251881Speter     filesystem. From this node, a working copy root is implied, and will
106251881Speter     be used for the given API operation.
108251881Speter   * LOCAL_DIR_ABSPATH
109251881Speter     This parameter is similar to LOCAL_ABSPATH, but the semantics of the
110251881Speter     parameter and operation require the node to be a directory within
111251881Speter     the working copy.
113251881Speter   * WRI_ABSPATH
114251881Speter     This is a "Working copy Root Indicator" path. This refers to a location
115251881Speter     in the local filesystem that is anywhere inside a working copy. The given
116251881Speter     operation will be performed within the context of the root of that
117251881Speter     working copy. This does not necessarily need to refer to a specific
118251881Speter     versioned node or the root of a working copy (although it can) -- any
119251881Speter     location, existing or not, is sufficient, as long as it is inside a
120251881Speter     working copy.
121251881Speter     ### TODO: Define behaviour for switches and externals.
122251881Speter     ### Preference has been stated that WRI_ABSPATH should imply the root
123251881Speter     ### of the parent WC of all switches and externals, but that may
124251881Speter     ### not play out well, especially with multiple repositories involved.
127251881Speter/* Context data structure for interacting with the administrative data. */
128251881Spetertypedef struct svn_wc__db_t svn_wc__db_t;
131251881Speter/* Enumerated values describing the state of a node. */
132251881Spetertypedef enum svn_wc__db_status_t {
133251881Speter    /* The node is present and has no known modifications applied to it. */
134251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_normal,
136251881Speter    /* The node has been added (potentially obscuring a delete or move of
137251881Speter       the BASE node; see HAVE_BASE param [### What param? This is an enum
138251881Speter       not a function.] ). The text will be marked as
139251881Speter       modified, and if properties exist, they will be marked as modified.
141251881Speter       In many cases svn_wc__db_status_added means any of added, moved-here
142251881Speter       or copied-here. See individual functions for clarification and
143251881Speter       svn_wc__db_scan_addition() to get more details. */
144251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_added,
146251881Speter    /* This node has been added with history, based on the move source.
147251881Speter       Text and property modifications are based on whether changes have
148251881Speter       been made against their pristine versions. */
149251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_moved_here,
151251881Speter    /* This node has been added with history, based on the copy source.
152251881Speter       Text and property modifications are based on whether changes have
153251881Speter       been made against their pristine versions. */
154251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_copied,
156251881Speter    /* This node has been deleted. No text or property modifications
157251881Speter       will be present. */
158251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_deleted,
160251881Speter    /* This node was named by the server, but no information was provided. */
161251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_server_excluded,
163251881Speter    /* This node has been administratively excluded. */
164251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_excluded,
166251881Speter    /* This node is not present in this revision. This typically happens
167251881Speter       when a node is deleted and committed without updating its parent.
168251881Speter       The parent revision indicates it should be present, but this node's
169251881Speter       revision states otherwise. */
170251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_not_present,
172251881Speter    /* This node is known, but its information is incomplete. Generally,
173251881Speter       it should be treated similar to the other missing status values
174251881Speter       until some (later) process updates the node with its data.
176251881Speter       When the incomplete status applies to a directory, the list of
177251881Speter       children and the list of its base properties as recorded in the
178251881Speter       working copy do not match their working copy versions.
179251881Speter       The update editor can complete a directory by using a different
180251881Speter       update algorithm. */
181251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_incomplete,
183251881Speter    /* The BASE node has been marked as deleted. Only used as an internal
184251881Speter       status in wc_db.c and entries.c.  */
185251881Speter    svn_wc__db_status_base_deleted
187251881Speter} svn_wc__db_status_t;
189251881Speter/* Lock information.  We write/read it all as one, so let's use a struct
190251881Speter   for convenience.  */
191251881Spetertypedef struct svn_wc__db_lock_t {
192251881Speter  /* The lock token */
193251881Speter  const char *token;
195251881Speter  /* The owner of the lock, possibly NULL */
196251881Speter  const char *owner;
198251881Speter  /* A comment about the lock, possibly NULL */
199251881Speter  const char *comment;
201251881Speter  /* The date the lock was created */
202251881Speter  apr_time_t date;
203251881Speter} svn_wc__db_lock_t;
206251881Speter/* ### NOTE: I have not provided docstrings for most of this file at this
207251881Speter   ### point in time. The shape and extent of this API is still in massive
208251881Speter   ### flux. I'm iterating in public, but do not want to doc until it feels
209251881Speter   ### like it is "Right".
212251881Speter/* ### where/how to handle: text_time, locks, working_size */
216251881Speter  @defgroup svn_wc__db_admin  General administrative functions
217251881Speter  @{
220251881Speter/* Open a working copy administrative database context.
222251881Speter   This context is (initially) not associated with any particular working
223251881Speter   copy directory or working copy root (wcroot). As operations are performed,
224251881Speter   this context will load the appropriate wcroot information.
226251881Speter   The context is returned in DB.
228251881Speter   CONFIG should hold the various configuration options that may apply to
229251881Speter   the administrative operation. It should live at least as long as the
230251881Speter   RESULT_POOL parameter.
232251881Speter   When OPEN_WITHOUT_UPGRADE is TRUE, then the working copy databases will
233251881Speter   be opened even when an old database format is found/detected during
234251881Speter   the operation of a wc_db API). If open_without_upgrade is FALSE and an
235251881Speter   upgrade is required, then SVN_ERR_WC_UPGRADE_REQUIRED will be returned
236251881Speter   from that API.
237251881Speter   Passing TRUE will allow a bare minimum of APIs to function (most notably,
238251881Speter   the temp_get_format() function will always return a value) since most of
239251881Speter   these APIs expect a current-format database to be present.
241251881Speter   If ENFORCE_EMPTY_WQ is TRUE, then any databases with stale work items in
242251881Speter   their work queue will raise an error when they are opened. The operation
243251881Speter   will raise SVN_ERR_WC_CLEANUP_REQUIRED. Passing FALSE for this routine
244251881Speter   means that the work queue is being processed (via 'svn cleanup') and all
245251881Speter   operations should be allowed.
247251881Speter   The DB will be closed when RESULT_POOL is cleared. It may also be closed
248251881Speter   manually using svn_wc__db_close(). In particular, this will close any
249251881Speter   SQLite databases that have been opened and cached.
251251881Speter   The context is allocated in RESULT_POOL. This pool is *retained* and used
252251881Speter   for future allocations within the DB. Be forewarned about unbounded
253251881Speter   memory growth if this DB is used across an unbounded number of wcroots
254251881Speter   and versioned directories.
256251881Speter   Temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
258251881Spetersvn_error_t *
259251881Spetersvn_wc__db_open(svn_wc__db_t **db,
260251881Speter                svn_config_t *config,
261251881Speter                svn_boolean_t open_without_upgrade,
262251881Speter                svn_boolean_t enforce_empty_wq,
263251881Speter                apr_pool_t *result_pool,
264251881Speter                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
267251881Speter/* Close DB.  */
268251881Spetersvn_error_t *
269251881Spetersvn_wc__db_close(svn_wc__db_t *db);
272251881Speter/* Initialize the SDB for LOCAL_ABSPATH, which should be a working copy path.
274251881Speter   A REPOSITORY row will be constructed for the repository identified by
275251881Speter   REPOS_ROOT_URL and REPOS_UUID. Neither of these may be NULL.
277251881Speter   A BASE_NODE row will be created for the directory at REPOS_RELPATH at
278251881Speter   revision INITIAL_REV.
279251881Speter   If INITIAL_REV is greater than zero, then the node will be marked as
280251881Speter   "incomplete" because we don't know its children. Contrary, if the
281251881Speter   INITIAL_REV is zero, then this directory should represent the root and
282251881Speter   we know it has no children, so the node is complete.
284251881Speter   ### Is there any benefit to marking it 'complete' if rev==0?  Seems like
285251881Speter   ### an unnecessary special case.
287251881Speter   DEPTH is the initial depth of the working copy; it must be a definite
288251881Speter   depth, not svn_depth_unknown.
290251881Speter   Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
292251881Spetersvn_error_t *
293251881Spetersvn_wc__db_init(svn_wc__db_t *db,
294251881Speter                const char *local_abspath,
295251881Speter                const char *repos_relpath,
296251881Speter                const char *repos_root_url,
297251881Speter                const char *repos_uuid,
298251881Speter                svn_revnum_t initial_rev,
299251881Speter                svn_depth_t depth,
300251881Speter                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
303251881Speter/* Compute the LOCAL_RELPATH for the given LOCAL_ABSPATH, relative
304251881Speter   from wri_abspath.
306251881Speter   The LOCAL_RELPATH is a relative path to the working copy's root. That
307251881Speter   root will be located by this function, and the path will be relative to
308251881Speter   that location. If LOCAL_ABSPATH is the wcroot directory, then "" will
309251881Speter   be returned.
311251881Speter   The LOCAL_RELPATH should ONLY be used for persisting paths to disk.
312251881Speter   Those paths should not be abspaths, otherwise the working copy cannot
313251881Speter   be moved. The working copy library should not make these paths visible
314251881Speter   in its API (which should all be abspaths), and it should not be using
315251881Speter   relpaths for other processing.
317251881Speter   LOCAL_RELPATH will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All other (temporary)
318251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
320251881Speter   This function is available when DB is opened with the OPEN_WITHOUT_UPGRADE
321251881Speter   option.
323251881Spetersvn_error_t *
324251881Spetersvn_wc__db_to_relpath(const char **local_relpath,
325251881Speter                      svn_wc__db_t *db,
326251881Speter                      const char *wri_abspath,
327251881Speter                      const char *local_abspath,
328251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *result_pool,
329251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
332251881Speter/* Compute the LOCAL_ABSPATH for a LOCAL_RELPATH located within the working
333251881Speter   copy identified by WRI_ABSPATH.
335251881Speter   This is the reverse of svn_wc__db_to_relpath. It should be used for
336251881Speter   returning a persisted relpath back into an abspath.
338251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All other (temporary)
339251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
341251881Speter   This function is available when DB is opened with the OPEN_WITHOUT_UPGRADE
342251881Speter   option.
343251881Speter */
344251881Spetersvn_error_t *
345251881Spetersvn_wc__db_from_relpath(const char **local_abspath,
346251881Speter                        svn_wc__db_t *db,
347251881Speter                        const char *wri_abspath,
348251881Speter                        const char *local_relpath,
349251881Speter                        apr_pool_t *result_pool,
350251881Speter                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
352251881Speter/* Compute the working copy root WCROOT_ABSPATH for WRI_ABSPATH using DB.
354251881Speter   This function is available when DB is opened with the OPEN_WITHOUT_UPGRADE
355251881Speter   option.
356251881Speter */
357251881Spetersvn_error_t *
358251881Spetersvn_wc__db_get_wcroot(const char **wcroot_abspath,
359251881Speter                      svn_wc__db_t *db,
360251881Speter                      const char *wri_abspath,
361251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *result_pool,
362251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
365251881Speter/* @} */
367251881Speter/* Different kinds of trees
369251881Speter   The design doc mentions three different kinds of trees, BASE, WORKING and
370251881Speter   ACTUAL: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/wc-ng-design
371251881Speter   We have different APIs to handle each tree, enumerated below, along with
372251881Speter   a blurb to explain what that tree represents.
375251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_base  BASE tree management
377251881Speter   BASE is what we get from the server.  It is the *absolute* pristine copy.
378251881Speter   You need to use checkout, update, switch, or commit to alter your view of
379251881Speter   the repository.
381251881Speter   In the BASE tree, each node corresponds to a particular node-rev in the
382251881Speter   repository.  It can be a mixed-revision tree.  Each node holds either a
383251881Speter   copy of the node-rev as it exists in the repository (if presence =
384251881Speter   'normal'), or a place-holder (if presence = 'server-excluded' or 'excluded' or
385251881Speter   'not-present').
387251881Speter   @{
390251881Speter/* Add or replace a directory in the BASE tree.
392251881Speter   The directory is located at LOCAL_ABSPATH on the local filesystem, and
393251881Speter   corresponds to <REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL, REPOS_UUID> in the
394251881Speter   repository, at revision REVISION.
396251881Speter   The directory properties are given by the PROPS hash (which is
397251881Speter   const char *name => const svn_string_t *).
399251881Speter   The last-change information is given by <CHANGED_REV, CHANGED_DATE,
400251881Speter   CHANGED_AUTHOR>.
402251881Speter   The directory's children are listed in CHILDREN, as an array of
403251881Speter   const char *. The child nodes do NOT have to exist when this API
404251881Speter   is called. For each child node which does not exists, an "incomplete"
405251881Speter   node will be added. These child nodes will be added regardless of
406251881Speter   the DEPTH value. The caller must sort out which must be recorded,
407251881Speter   and which must be omitted.
409251881Speter   This subsystem does not use DEPTH, but it can be recorded here in
410251881Speter   the BASE tree for higher-level code to use.
412251881Speter   If DAV_CACHE is not NULL, sets LOCAL_ABSPATH's dav cache to the specified
413251881Speter   data.
415251881Speter   If UPDATE_ACTUAL_PROPS is TRUE, set the properties store NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS
416251881Speter   as the new set of properties in ACTUAL. If NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS is NULL or
417251881Speter   when the value of NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS matches NEW_PROPS, store NULL in
418251881Speter   ACTUAL, to mark the properties unmodified.
420251881Speter   If NEW_IPROPS is not NULL, then it is a depth-first ordered array of
421251881Speter   svn_prop_inherited_item_t * structures that is set as the base node's
422251881Speter   inherited_properties.
424289180Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, then it describes a conflict for this node. The
425289180Speter   node will be record as conflicted (in ACTUAL).
427251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of this node construction may
428251881Speter   be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
430251881Speter   All temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
432251881Spetersvn_error_t *
433251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_directory(svn_wc__db_t *db,
434251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
435251881Speter                              const char *wri_abspath,
436251881Speter                              const char *repos_relpath,
437251881Speter                              const char *repos_root_url,
438251881Speter                              const char *repos_uuid,
439251881Speter                              svn_revnum_t revision,
440251881Speter                              const apr_hash_t *props,
441251881Speter                              svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
442251881Speter                              apr_time_t changed_date,
443251881Speter                              const char *changed_author,
444251881Speter                              const apr_array_header_t *children,
445251881Speter                              svn_depth_t depth,
446251881Speter                              apr_hash_t *dav_cache,
447251881Speter                              svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
448251881Speter                              apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
449251881Speter                              apr_array_header_t *new_iprops,
450289180Speter                              const svn_skel_t *conflict,
451251881Speter                              const svn_skel_t *work_items,
452251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
454251881Speter/* Add a new directory in BASE, whether WORKING nodes exist or not. Mark it
455251881Speter   as incomplete and with revision REVISION. If REPOS_RELPATH is not NULL,
456251881Speter   apply REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL and REPOS_UUID.
457251881Speter   Perform all temporary allocations in SCRATCH_POOL.
458251881Speter   */
459251881Spetersvn_error_t *
460251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_incomplete_directory(svn_wc__db_t *db,
461251881Speter                                         const char *local_abspath,
462251881Speter                                         const char *repos_relpath,
463251881Speter                                         const char *repos_root_url,
464251881Speter                                         const char *repos_uuid,
465251881Speter                                         svn_revnum_t revision,
466251881Speter                                         svn_depth_t depth,
467251881Speter                                         svn_boolean_t insert_base_deleted,
468251881Speter                                         svn_boolean_t delete_working,
469251881Speter                                         svn_skel_t *conflict,
470251881Speter                                         svn_skel_t *work_items,
471251881Speter                                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
474251881Speter/* Add or replace a file in the BASE tree.
476251881Speter   The file is located at LOCAL_ABSPATH on the local filesystem, and
477251881Speter   corresponds to <REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL, REPOS_UUID> in the
478251881Speter   repository, at revision REVISION.
480251881Speter   The file properties are given by the PROPS hash (which is
481251881Speter   const char *name => const svn_string_t *).
483251881Speter   The last-change information is given by <CHANGED_REV, CHANGED_DATE,
484251881Speter   CHANGED_AUTHOR>.
486251881Speter   The checksum of the file contents is given in CHECKSUM. An entry in
487251881Speter   the pristine text base is NOT required when this API is called.
489251881Speter   If DAV_CACHE is not NULL, sets LOCAL_ABSPATH's dav cache to the specified
490251881Speter   data.
492251881Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, then it describes a conflict for this node. The
493251881Speter   node will be record as conflicted (in ACTUAL).
495251881Speter   If UPDATE_ACTUAL_PROPS is TRUE, set the properties store NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS
496251881Speter   as the new set of properties in ACTUAL. If NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS is NULL or
497251881Speter   when the value of NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS matches NEW_PROPS, store NULL in
498251881Speter   ACTUAL, to mark the properties unmodified.
500251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of this node construction may
501251881Speter   be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
503251881Speter   Unless KEEP_RECORDED_INFO is set to TRUE, recorded size and timestamp values
504251881Speter   will be cleared.
506251881Speter   All temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
508251881Spetersvn_error_t *
509251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_file(svn_wc__db_t *db,
510251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
511251881Speter                         const char *wri_abspath,
512251881Speter                         const char *repos_relpath,
513251881Speter                         const char *repos_root_url,
514251881Speter                         const char *repos_uuid,
515251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t revision,
516251881Speter                         const apr_hash_t *props,
517251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
518251881Speter                         apr_time_t changed_date,
519251881Speter                         const char *changed_author,
520251881Speter                         const svn_checksum_t *checksum,
521251881Speter                         apr_hash_t *dav_cache,
522251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t delete_working,
523251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
524251881Speter                         apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
525251881Speter                         apr_array_header_t *new_iprops,
526251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t keep_recorded_info,
527251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t insert_base_deleted,
528251881Speter                         const svn_skel_t *conflict,
529251881Speter                         const svn_skel_t *work_items,
530251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
533251881Speter/* Add or replace a symlink in the BASE tree.
535251881Speter   The symlink is located at LOCAL_ABSPATH on the local filesystem, and
536251881Speter   corresponds to <REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL, REPOS_UUID> in the
537251881Speter   repository, at revision REVISION.
539251881Speter   The symlink's properties are given by the PROPS hash (which is
540251881Speter   const char *name => const svn_string_t *).
542251881Speter   The last-change information is given by <CHANGED_REV, CHANGED_DATE,
543251881Speter   CHANGED_AUTHOR>.
545251881Speter   The target of the symlink is specified by TARGET.
547251881Speter   If DAV_CACHE is not NULL, sets LOCAL_ABSPATH's dav cache to the specified
548251881Speter   data.
550251881Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, then it describes a conflict for this node. The
551251881Speter   node will be record as conflicted (in ACTUAL).
553251881Speter   If UPDATE_ACTUAL_PROPS is TRUE, set the properties store NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS
554251881Speter   as the new set of properties in ACTUAL. If NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS is NULL or
555251881Speter   when the value of NEW_ACTUAL_PROPS matches NEW_PROPS, store NULL in
556251881Speter   ACTUAL, to mark the properties unmodified.
558251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of this node construction may
559251881Speter   be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
561251881Speter   All temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
563251881Speter/* ### KFF: This is an interesting question, because currently
564251881Speter   ### symlinks are versioned as regular files with the svn:special
565251881Speter   ### property; then the file's text contents indicate that it is a
566251881Speter   ### symlink and where that symlink points.  That's for portability:
567251881Speter   ### you can check 'em out onto a platform that doesn't support
568251881Speter   ### symlinks, and even modify the link and check it back in.  It's
569251881Speter   ### a great solution; but then the question for wc-ng is:
570251881Speter   ###
571251881Speter   ### Suppose you check out a symlink on platform X and platform Y.
572251881Speter   ### X supports symlinks; Y does not.  Should the wc-ng storage for
573251881Speter   ### those two be the same?  I mean, on platform Y, the file is just
574251881Speter   ### going to look and behave like a regular file.  It would be sort
575251881Speter   ### of odd for the wc-ng storage for that file to be of a different
576251881Speter   ### type from all the other files.  (On the other hand, maybe it's
577251881Speter   ### weird today that the wc-1 storage for a working symlink is to
578251881Speter   ### be like a regular file (i.e., regular text-base and whatnot).
579251881Speter   ###
580251881Speter   ### I'm still feeling my way around this problem; just pointing out
581251881Speter   ### the issues.
583251881Speter   ### gjs: symlinks are stored in the database as first-class objects,
584251881Speter   ###   rather than in the filesystem as "special" regular files. thus,
585251881Speter   ###   all portability concerns are moot. higher-levels can figure out
586251881Speter   ###   how to represent the link in ACTUAL. higher-levels can also
587251881Speter   ###   deal with translating to/from the svn:special property and
588251881Speter   ###   the plain-text file contents.
589251881Speter   ### dlr: What about hard links? At minimum, mention in doc string.
591251881Spetersvn_error_t *
592251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_symlink(svn_wc__db_t *db,
593251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
594251881Speter                            const char *wri_abspath,
595251881Speter                            const char *repos_relpath,
596251881Speter                            const char *repos_root_url,
597251881Speter                            const char *repos_uuid,
598251881Speter                            svn_revnum_t revision,
599251881Speter                            const apr_hash_t *props,
600251881Speter                            svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
601251881Speter                            apr_time_t changed_date,
602251881Speter                            const char *changed_author,
603251881Speter                            const char *target,
604251881Speter                            apr_hash_t *dav_cache,
605251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t delete_working,
606251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
607251881Speter                            apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
608251881Speter                            apr_array_header_t *new_iprops,
609251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t keep_recorded_info,
610251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t insert_base_deleted,
611251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *conflict,
612251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *work_items,
613251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
616251881Speter/* Create a node in the BASE tree that is present in name only.
618251881Speter   The new node will be located at LOCAL_ABSPATH, and correspond to the
619251881Speter   repository node described by <REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL, REPOS_UUID>
620251881Speter   at revision REVISION.
622251881Speter   The node's kind is described by KIND, and the reason for its absence
623251881Speter   is specified by STATUS. Only these values are allowed for STATUS:
625251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_server_excluded
626251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_excluded
628251881Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, then it describes a conflict for this node. The
629251881Speter   node will be record as conflicted (in ACTUAL).
631251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of this node construction may
632251881Speter   be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
634251881Speter   All temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
636251881Spetersvn_error_t *
637251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_excluded_node(svn_wc__db_t *db,
638251881Speter                                  const char *local_abspath,
639251881Speter                                  const char *repos_relpath,
640251881Speter                                  const char *repos_root_url,
641251881Speter                                  const char *repos_uuid,
642251881Speter                                  svn_revnum_t revision,
643251881Speter                                  svn_node_kind_t kind,
644251881Speter                                  svn_wc__db_status_t status,
645251881Speter                                  const svn_skel_t *conflict,
646251881Speter                                  const svn_skel_t *work_items,
647251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
650251881Speter/* Create a node in the BASE tree that is present in name only.
652251881Speter   The new node will be located at LOCAL_ABSPATH, and correspond to the
653251881Speter   repository node described by <REPOS_RELPATH, REPOS_ROOT_URL, REPOS_UUID>
654251881Speter   at revision REVISION.
656251881Speter   The node's kind is described by KIND, and the reason for its absence
657251881Speter   is 'svn_wc__db_status_not_present'.
659251881Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, then it describes a conflict for this node. The
660251881Speter   node will be record as conflicted (in ACTUAL).
662251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of this node construction may
663251881Speter   be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
665251881Speter   All temporary allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
667251881Spetersvn_error_t *
668251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_add_not_present_node(svn_wc__db_t *db,
669251881Speter                                     const char *local_abspath,
670251881Speter                                     const char *repos_relpath,
671251881Speter                                     const char *repos_root_url,
672251881Speter                                     const char *repos_uuid,
673251881Speter                                     svn_revnum_t revision,
674251881Speter                                     svn_node_kind_t kind,
675251881Speter                                     const svn_skel_t *conflict,
676251881Speter                                     const svn_skel_t *work_items,
677251881Speter                                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
679289180Speter/* Remove a node and all its descendants from the BASE tree. This can
680289180Speter   be done in two modes:
682289180Speter    * Remove everything, scheduling wq operations to clean up
683289180Speter      the working copy. (KEEP_WORKING = FALSE)
685289180Speter    * Bump things to WORKING, so the BASE layer is free, but the working
686289180Speter      copy unmodified, except that everything that was visible from
687289180Speter      BASE is now a copy of what it used to be. (KEEP_WORKING = TRUE)
689251881Speter   This operation *installs* workqueue operations to update the local
690251881Speter   filesystem after the database operation.
692251881Speter   To maintain a consistent database this function will also remove
693251881Speter   any working node that marks LOCAL_ABSPATH as base-deleted.  If this
694251881Speter   results in there being no working node for LOCAL_ABSPATH then any
695251881Speter   actual node will be removed if the actual node does not mark a
696251881Speter   conflict.
699289180Speter   If MARK_NOT_PRESENT or MARK_EXCLUDED is TRUE, install a marker
700289180Speter   of the specified type at the root of the now removed tree, with
701289180Speter   either the specified revision (or in case of SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
702289180Speter   the original revision.
704251881Speter   If CONFLICT and/or WORK_ITEMS are passed they are installed as part
705251881Speter   of the operation, after the work items inserted by the operation
706251881Speter   itself.
708251881Spetersvn_error_t *
709251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_remove(svn_wc__db_t *db,
710251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
711289180Speter                       svn_boolean_t keep_working,
712289180Speter                       svn_boolean_t mark_not_present,
713289180Speter                       svn_boolean_t mark_excluded,
714289180Speter                       svn_revnum_t marker_revision,
715251881Speter                       svn_skel_t *conflict,
716251881Speter                       svn_skel_t *work_items,
717251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
720251881Speter/* Retrieve information about a node in the BASE tree.
722251881Speter   For the BASE node implied by LOCAL_ABSPATH from the local filesystem,
723251881Speter   return information in the provided OUT parameters. Each OUT parameter
724251881Speter   may be NULL, indicating that specific item is not requested.
726251881Speter   If there is no information about this node, then SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND
727251881Speter   will be returned.
729251881Speter   The OUT parameters, and their "not available" values are:
730251881Speter     STATUS             n/a (always available)
731251881Speter     KIND               n/a (always available)
732251881Speter     REVISION           SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
733251881Speter     REPOS_RELPATH      NULL (caller should scan up)
734251881Speter     REPOS_ROOT_URL     NULL (caller should scan up)
735251881Speter     REPOS_UUID         NULL (caller should scan up)
736251881Speter     CHANGED_REV        SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
737251881Speter     CHANGED_DATE       0
738251881Speter     CHANGED_AUTHOR     NULL
739251881Speter     DEPTH              svn_depth_unknown
740251881Speter     CHECKSUM           NULL
741251881Speter     TARGET             NULL
742251881Speter     LOCK               NULL
744251881Speter     HAD_PROPS          FALSE
745251881Speter     PROPS              NULL
747251881Speter     UPDATE_ROOT        FALSE
749251881Speter   If the STATUS is normal, the REPOS_* values will be non-NULL.
751251881Speter   If DEPTH is requested, and the node is NOT a directory, then the
752251881Speter   value will be set to svn_depth_unknown. If LOCAL_ABSPATH is a link,
753251881Speter   it's up to the caller to resolve depth for the link's target.
755251881Speter   If CHECKSUM is requested, and the node is NOT a file, then it will
756251881Speter   be set to NULL.
758251881Speter   If TARGET is requested, and the node is NOT a symlink, then it will
759251881Speter   be set to NULL.
761251881Speter   *PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.  If
762251881Speter   the base node is capable of having properties but has none, set
763251881Speter   *PROPS to an empty hash.  If its status is such that it cannot have
764251881Speter   properties, set *PROPS to NULL.
766251881Speter   If UPDATE_ROOT is requested, set it to TRUE if the node should only
767251881Speter   be updated when it is the root of an update (e.g. file externals).
769251881Speter   All returned data will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All temporary
770251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
772251881Spetersvn_error_t *
773251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_info(svn_wc__db_status_t *status,
774251881Speter                         svn_node_kind_t *kind,
775251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t *revision,
776251881Speter                         const char **repos_relpath,
777251881Speter                         const char **repos_root_url,
778251881Speter                         const char **repos_uuid,
779251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t *changed_rev,
780251881Speter                         apr_time_t *changed_date,
781251881Speter                         const char **changed_author,
782251881Speter                         svn_depth_t *depth,
783251881Speter                         const svn_checksum_t **checksum,
784251881Speter                         const char **target,
785251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_lock_t **lock,
786251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t *had_props,
787251881Speter                         apr_hash_t **props,
788251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t *update_root,
789251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
790251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
791251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
792251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
794251881Speter/* Structure returned by svn_wc__db_base_get_children_info.  Only has the
795251881Speter   fields needed by the adm crawler. */
796251881Speterstruct svn_wc__db_base_info_t {
797251881Speter  svn_wc__db_status_t status;
798251881Speter  svn_node_kind_t kind;
799251881Speter  svn_revnum_t revnum;
800251881Speter  const char *repos_relpath;
801251881Speter  const char *repos_root_url;
802251881Speter  svn_depth_t depth;
803251881Speter  svn_boolean_t update_root;
804251881Speter  svn_wc__db_lock_t *lock;
807251881Speter/* Return in *NODES a hash mapping name->struct svn_wc__db_base_info_t for
808251881Speter   the children of DIR_ABSPATH at op_depth 0.
809251881Speter */
810251881Spetersvn_error_t *
811251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_children_info(apr_hash_t **nodes,
812251881Speter                                  svn_wc__db_t *db,
813251881Speter                                  const char *dir_abspath,
814251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *result_pool,
815251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
818251881Speter/* Set *PROPS to the properties of the node LOCAL_ABSPATH in the BASE tree.
820251881Speter   *PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.
821251881Speter   If the node has no properties, set *PROPS to an empty hash.
822251881Speter   *PROPS will never be set to NULL.
823251881Speter   If the node is not present in the BASE tree (with presence 'normal'
824251881Speter   or 'incomplete'), return an error.
825251881Speter   Allocate *PROPS and its keys and values in RESULT_POOL.
827251881Spetersvn_error_t *
828251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_props(apr_hash_t **props,
829251881Speter                          svn_wc__db_t *db,
830251881Speter                          const char *local_abspath,
831251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *result_pool,
832251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
835251881Speter/* Return a list of the BASE tree node's children's names.
837251881Speter   For the node indicated by LOCAL_ABSPATH, this function will return
838251881Speter   the names of all of its children in the array CHILDREN. The array
839251881Speter   elements are const char * values.
841251881Speter   If the node is not a directory, then SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_WORKING_COPY will
842251881Speter   be returned.
844251881Speter   All returned data will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All temporary
845251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
847251881Spetersvn_error_t *
848251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_children(const apr_array_header_t **children,
849251881Speter                             svn_wc__db_t *db,
850251881Speter                             const char *local_abspath,
851251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *result_pool,
852251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
855251881Speter/* Set the dav cache for LOCAL_ABSPATH to PROPS.  Use SCRATCH_POOL for
856251881Speter   temporary allocations. */
857251881Spetersvn_error_t *
858251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_set_dav_cache(svn_wc__db_t *db,
859251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
860251881Speter                              const apr_hash_t *props,
861251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
864251881Speter/* Retrieve the dav cache for LOCAL_ABSPATH into *PROPS, allocated in
865251881Speter   RESULT_POOL.  Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.  Return
866251881Speter   SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND if no dav cache can be located for
867251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH in DB.  */
868251881Spetersvn_error_t *
869251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_dav_cache(apr_hash_t **props,
870251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
871251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
872251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *result_pool,
873251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
875251881Speter/* Recursively clear the dav cache for LOCAL_ABSPATH.  Use
876251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations. */
877251881Spetersvn_error_t *
878251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_clear_dav_cache_recursive(svn_wc__db_t *db,
879251881Speter                                          const char *local_abspath,
880251881Speter                                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
882251881Speter/* Set LOCK_TOKENS to a hash mapping const char * full URLs to const char *
883251881Speter * lock tokens for every base node at or under LOCAL_ABSPATH in DB which has
884251881Speter * such a lock token set on it.
885251881Speter * Allocate the hash and all items therein from RESULT_POOL.  */
886251881Spetersvn_error_t *
887251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_get_lock_tokens_recursive(apr_hash_t **lock_tokens,
888251881Speter                                          svn_wc__db_t *db,
889251881Speter                                          const char *local_abspath,
890251881Speter                                          apr_pool_t *result_pool,
891251881Speter                                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
893251881Speter/* ### anything else needed for maintaining the BASE tree? */
896251881Speter/* @} */
898251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_pristine  Pristine ("text base") management
899251881Speter   @{
902251881Speter/* Set *PRISTINE_ABSPATH to the path to the pristine text file
903251881Speter   identified by SHA1_CHECKSUM.  Error if it does not exist.
905251881Speter   ### This is temporary - callers should not be looking at the file
906251881Speter   directly.
908251881Speter   Allocate the path in RESULT_POOL. */
909251881Spetersvn_error_t *
910251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_get_path(const char **pristine_abspath,
911251881Speter                             svn_wc__db_t *db,
912251881Speter                             const char *wri_abspath,
913251881Speter                             const svn_checksum_t *checksum,
914251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *result_pool,
915251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
917251881Speter/* Set *PRISTINE_ABSPATH to the path under WCROOT_ABSPATH that will be
918251881Speter   used by the pristine text identified by SHA1_CHECKSUM.  The file
919251881Speter   need not exist.
920251881Speter */
921251881Spetersvn_error_t *
922251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_get_future_path(const char **pristine_abspath,
923251881Speter                                    const char *wcroot_abspath,
924251881Speter                                    const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
925251881Speter                                    apr_pool_t *result_pool,
926251881Speter                                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
929251881Speter/* If requested set *CONTENTS to a readable stream that will yield the pristine
930251881Speter   text identified by SHA1_CHECKSUM (must be a SHA-1 checksum) within the WC
931251881Speter   identified by WRI_ABSPATH in DB.
933251881Speter   If requested set *SIZE to the size of the pristine stream in bytes,
935251881Speter   Even if the pristine text is removed from the store while it is being
936251881Speter   read, the stream will remain valid and readable until it is closed.
938251881Speter   Allocate the stream in RESULT_POOL. */
939251881Spetersvn_error_t *
940251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_read(svn_stream_t **contents,
941251881Speter                         svn_filesize_t *size,
942251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
943251881Speter                         const char *wri_abspath,
944251881Speter                         const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
945251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
946251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
948289180Speter/* Baton for svn_wc__db_pristine_install */
949289180Spetertypedef struct svn_wc__db_install_data_t
950289180Speter               svn_wc__db_install_data_t;
952289180Speter/* Open a writable stream to a temporary text base, ready for installing
953289180Speter   into the pristine store.  Set *STREAM to the opened stream.  The temporary
954289180Speter   file will have an arbitrary unique name. Return as *INSTALL_DATA a baton
955289180Speter   for eiter installing or removing the file
957289180Speter   Arrange that, on stream closure, *MD5_CHECKSUM and *SHA1_CHECKSUM will be
958289180Speter   set to the MD-5 and SHA-1 checksums respectively of that file.
959289180Speter   MD5_CHECKSUM and/or SHA1_CHECKSUM may be NULL if not wanted.
961289180Speter   Allocate the new stream, path and checksums in RESULT_POOL.
962289180Speter */
963251881Spetersvn_error_t *
964289180Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_prepare_install(svn_stream_t **stream,
965289180Speter                                    svn_wc__db_install_data_t **install_data,
966289180Speter                                    svn_checksum_t **sha1_checksum,
967289180Speter                                    svn_checksum_t **md5_checksum,
968289180Speter                                    svn_wc__db_t *db,
969289180Speter                                    const char *wri_abspath,
970289180Speter                                    apr_pool_t *result_pool,
971289180Speter                                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
973289180Speter/* Install the file created via svn_wc__db_pristine_prepare_install() into
974289180Speter   the pristine data store, to be identified by the SHA-1 checksum of its
975289180Speter   contents, SHA1_CHECKSUM, and whose MD-5 checksum is MD5_CHECKSUM. */
976251881Spetersvn_error_t *
977289180Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_install(svn_wc__db_install_data_t *install_data,
978251881Speter                            const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
979251881Speter                            const svn_checksum_t *md5_checksum,
980251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
982289180Speter/* Removes the temporary data created by svn_wc__db_pristine_prepare_install
983289180Speter   when the pristine won't be installed. */
984289180Spetersvn_error_t *
985289180Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_install_abort(svn_wc__db_install_data_t *install_data,
986289180Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
989251881Speter/* Set *MD5_CHECKSUM to the MD-5 checksum of a pristine text
990251881Speter   identified by its SHA-1 checksum SHA1_CHECKSUM. Return an error
991251881Speter   if the pristine text does not exist or its MD5 checksum is not found.
993251881Speter   Allocate *MD5_CHECKSUM in RESULT_POOL. */
994251881Spetersvn_error_t *
995251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_get_md5(const svn_checksum_t **md5_checksum,
996251881Speter                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
997251881Speter                            const char *wri_abspath,
998251881Speter                            const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
999251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1000251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1003251881Speter/* Set *SHA1_CHECKSUM to the SHA-1 checksum of a pristine text
1004251881Speter   identified by its MD-5 checksum MD5_CHECKSUM. Return an error
1005251881Speter   if the pristine text does not exist or its SHA-1 checksum is not found.
1007251881Speter   Note: The MD-5 checksum is not strictly guaranteed to be unique in the
1008251881Speter   database table, although duplicates are expected to be extremely rare.
1009251881Speter   ### TODO: The behaviour is currently unspecified if the MD-5 checksum is
1010251881Speter   not unique. Need to see whether this function is going to stay in use,
1011251881Speter   and, if so, address this somehow.
1013251881Speter   Allocate *SHA1_CHECKSUM in RESULT_POOL. */
1014251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1015251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_get_sha1(const svn_checksum_t **sha1_checksum,
1016251881Speter                             svn_wc__db_t *db,
1017251881Speter                             const char *wri_abspath,
1018251881Speter                             const svn_checksum_t *md5_checksum,
1019251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1020251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1023251881Speter/* If necessary transfers the PRISTINE files of the tree rooted at
1024251881Speter   SRC_LOCAL_ABSPATH to the working copy identified by DST_WRI_ABSPATH. */
1025251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1026251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_transfer(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1027251881Speter                             const char *src_local_abspath,
1028251881Speter                             const char *dst_wri_abspath,
1029251881Speter                             svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
1030251881Speter                             void *cancel_baton,
1031251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1033251881Speter/* Remove the pristine text with SHA-1 checksum SHA1_CHECKSUM from the
1034251881Speter * pristine store, iff it is not referenced by any of the (other) WC DB
1035251881Speter * tables. */
1036251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1037251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_remove(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1038251881Speter                           const char *wri_abspath,
1039251881Speter                           const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
1040251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1043251881Speter/* Remove all unreferenced pristines in the WC of WRI_ABSPATH in DB. */
1044251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1045251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_cleanup(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1046251881Speter                            const char *wri_abspath,
1047251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1050251881Speter/* Set *PRESENT to true if the pristine store for WRI_ABSPATH in DB contains
1051251881Speter   a pristine text with SHA-1 checksum SHA1_CHECKSUM, and to false otherwise.
1053251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1054251881Spetersvn_wc__db_pristine_check(svn_boolean_t *present,
1055251881Speter                          svn_wc__db_t *db,
1056251881Speter                          const char *wri_abspath,
1057251881Speter                          const svn_checksum_t *sha1_checksum,
1058251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1060251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_external  External management
1061251881Speter   @{ */
1063251881Speter/* Adds (or overwrites) a file external LOCAL_ABSPATH to the working copy
1064251881Speter   identified by WRI_ABSPATH.
1066251881Speter   It updates both EXTERNALS and NODES in one atomic step.
1067251881Speter */
1068251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1069251881Spetersvn_wc__db_external_add_file(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1070251881Speter                             const char *local_abspath,
1071251881Speter                             const char *wri_abspath,
1073251881Speter                             const char *repos_relpath,
1074251881Speter                             const char *repos_root_url,
1075251881Speter                             const char *repos_uuid,
1076251881Speter                             svn_revnum_t revision,
1078251881Speter                             const apr_hash_t *props,
1079251881Speter                             apr_array_header_t *iprops,
1081251881Speter                             svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
1082251881Speter                             apr_time_t changed_date,
1083251881Speter                             const char *changed_author,
1085251881Speter                             const svn_checksum_t *checksum,
1087251881Speter                             const apr_hash_t *dav_cache,
1089251881Speter                             const char *record_ancestor_abspath,
1090251881Speter                             const char *recorded_repos_relpath,
1091251881Speter                             svn_revnum_t recorded_peg_revision,
1092251881Speter                             svn_revnum_t recorded_revision,
1094251881Speter                             svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
1095251881Speter                             apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
1097251881Speter                             svn_boolean_t keep_recorded_info,
1098251881Speter                             const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1099251881Speter                             const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1100251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1102251881Speter/* Adds (or overwrites) a symlink external LOCAL_ABSPATH to the working copy
1103251881Speter   identified by WRI_ABSPATH.
1104251881Speter */
1105251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1106251881Spetersvn_wc__db_external_add_symlink(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1107251881Speter                                const char *local_abspath,
1108251881Speter                                const char *wri_abspath,
1110251881Speter                                const char *repos_relpath,
1111251881Speter                                const char *repos_root_url,
1112251881Speter                                const char *repos_uuid,
1113251881Speter                                svn_revnum_t revision,
1115251881Speter                                const apr_hash_t *props,
1117251881Speter                                svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
1118251881Speter                                apr_time_t changed_date,
1119251881Speter                                const char *changed_author,
1121251881Speter                                const char *target,
1123251881Speter                                const apr_hash_t *dav_cache,
1125251881Speter                                const char *record_ancestor_abspath,
1126251881Speter                                const char *recorded_repos_relpath,
1127251881Speter                                svn_revnum_t recorded_peg_revision,
1128251881Speter                                svn_revnum_t recorded_revision,
1130251881Speter                                svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
1131251881Speter                                apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
1133251881Speter                                svn_boolean_t keep_recorded_info,
1134251881Speter                                const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1135251881Speter                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1137251881Speter/* Adds (or overwrites) a directory external LOCAL_ABSPATH to the working copy
1138251881Speter   identified by WRI_ABSPATH.
1140251881Speter  Directory externals are stored in their own working copy, so one should use
1141251881Speter  the normal svn_wc__db functions to access the normal working copy
1142251881Speter  information.
1143251881Speter */
1144251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1145251881Spetersvn_wc__db_external_add_dir(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1146251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1147251881Speter                            const char *wri_abspath,
1149251881Speter                            const char *repos_root_url,
1150251881Speter                            const char *repos_uuid,
1152251881Speter                            const char *record_ancestor_abspath,
1153251881Speter                            const char *recorded_repos_relpath,
1154251881Speter                            svn_revnum_t recorded_peg_revision,
1155251881Speter                            svn_revnum_t recorded_revision,
1157251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1158251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1160251881Speter/* Remove a registered external LOCAL_ABSPATH from the working copy identified
1161251881Speter   by WRI_ABSPATH.
1162251881Speter */
1163251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1164251881Spetersvn_wc__db_external_remove(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1165251881Speter                           const char *local_abspath,
1166251881Speter                           const char *wri_abspath,
1168251881Speter                           const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1169251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1172251881Speter/* Reads information on the external LOCAL_ABSPATH as stored in the working
1173251881Speter   copy identified with WRI_ABSPATH (If NULL the parent directory of
1174251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH is taken as WRI_ABSPATH).
1176251881Speter   Return SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND if LOCAL_ABSPATH is not an external in
1177251881Speter   this working copy.
1179251881Speter   When STATUS is requested it has one of these values
1180251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_normal           The external is available
1181251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_excluded         The external is user excluded
1183251881Speter   When KIND is requested then the value will be set to the kind of external.
1185251881Speter   If DEFINING_ABSPATH is requested, then the value will be set to the
1186251881Speter   absolute path of the directory which originally defined the external.
1187251881Speter   (The path with the svn:externals property)
1189251881Speter   If REPOS_ROOT_URL is requested, then the value will be set to the
1190251881Speter   repository root of the external.
1192251881Speter   If REPOS_UUID is requested, then the value will be set to the
1193251881Speter   repository uuid of the external.
1195251881Speter   If RECORDED_REPOS_RELPATH is requested, then the value will be set to the
1196251881Speter   original repository relative path inside REPOS_ROOT_URL of the external.
1198251881Speter   If RECORDED_PEG_REVISION is requested, then the value will be set to the
1199251881Speter   original recorded operational (peg) revision of the external.
1201251881Speter   If RECORDED_REVISION is requested, then the value will be set to the
1202251881Speter   original recorded revision of the external.
1204251881Speter   Allocate the result in RESULT_POOL and perform temporary allocations in
1205251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL.
1206251881Speter */
1207251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1208251881Spetersvn_wc__db_external_read(svn_wc__db_status_t *status,
1209251881Speter                         svn_node_kind_t *kind,
1210251881Speter                         const char **defining_abspath,
1212251881Speter                         const char **repos_root_url,
1213251881Speter                         const char **repos_uuid,
1215251881Speter                         const char **recorded_repos_relpath,
1216251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t *recorded_peg_revision,
1217251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t *recorded_revision,
1219251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
1220251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
1221251881Speter                         const char *wri_abspath,
1222251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1223251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1225251881Speter/* Return in *EXTERNALS a list of svn_wc__committable_external_info_t *
1226251881Speter * containing info on externals defined to be checked out below LOCAL_ABSPATH,
1227251881Speter * returning only those externals that are not fixed to a specific revision.
1228251881Speter *
1229251881Speter * If IMMEDIATES_ONLY is TRUE, only those externals defined to be checked out
1230251881Speter * as immediate children of LOCAL_ABSPATH are returned (this is useful for
1231251881Speter * treating user requested depth < infinity).
1232251881Speter *
1233251881Speter * If there are no externals to be returned, set *EXTERNALS to NULL. Otherwise
1234251881Speter * set *EXTERNALS to an APR array newly cleated in RESULT_POOL.
1235251881Speter *
1236251881Speter * NOTE: This only returns the externals known by the immediate WC root for
1237251881Speter * LOCAL_ABSPATH; i.e.:
1238251881Speter * - If there is a further parent WC "above" the immediate WC root, and if
1239251881Speter *   that parent WC defines externals to live somewhere within this WC, these
1240251881Speter *   externals will appear to be foreign/unversioned and won't be picked up.
1241251881Speter * - Likewise, only the topmost level of externals nestings (externals
1242251881Speter *   defined within a checked out external dir) is picked up by this function.
1243251881Speter *   (For recursion, see svn_wc__committable_externals_below().)
1244251881Speter *
1245251881Speter * ###TODO: Add a WRI_ABSPATH (wc root indicator) separate from LOCAL_ABSPATH,
1246251881Speter * to allow searching any wc-root for externals under LOCAL_ABSPATH, not only
1247251881Speter * LOCAL_ABSPATH's most immediate wc-root. */
1248251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1249251881Spetersvn_wc__db_committable_externals_below(apr_array_header_t **externals,
1250251881Speter                                       svn_wc__db_t *db,
1251251881Speter                                       const char *local_abspath,
1252251881Speter                                       svn_boolean_t immediates_only,
1253251881Speter                                       apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1254251881Speter                                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1256289180Speter/* Opaque struct for svn_wc__db_create_commit_queue, svn_wc__db_commit_queue_add,
1257289180Speter   svn_wc__db_process_commit_queue */
1258289180Spetertypedef struct svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t;
1260289180Speter/* Create a new svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t instance in RESULT_POOL for the
1261289180Speter   working copy specified with WRI_ABSPATH */
1262289180Spetersvn_error_t *
1263289180Spetersvn_wc__db_create_commit_queue(svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t **queue,
1264289180Speter                               svn_wc__db_t *db,
1265289180Speter                               const char *wri_abspath,
1266289180Speter                               apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1267289180Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1269289180Speter/* Adds the specified path to the commit queue with the related information.
1271289180Speter   See svn_wc_queue_committed4() for argument documentation.
1273289180Speter   Note that this function currently DOESN'T copy the passed values to
1274289180Speter   RESULT_POOL, but expects them to be valid until processing. Otherwise the
1275289180Speter   only users memory requirements would +- double.
1276289180Speter  */
1277289180Spetersvn_error_t *
1278289180Spetersvn_wc__db_commit_queue_add(svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t *queue,
1279289180Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1280289180Speter                            svn_boolean_t recurse,
1281289180Speter                            svn_boolean_t is_commited,
1282289180Speter                            svn_boolean_t remove_lock,
1283289180Speter                            svn_boolean_t remove_changelist,
1284289180Speter                            const svn_checksum_t *new_sha1_checksum,
1285289180Speter                            apr_hash_t *new_dav_cache,
1286289180Speter                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1287289180Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1289289180Speter/* Process the items in QUEUE in a single transaction. Commit workqueue items
1290289180Speter   for items that need post processing.
1292289180Speter   Implementation detail of svn_wc_process_committed_queue2().
1293289180Speter */
1294289180Spetersvn_error_t *
1295289180Spetersvn_wc__db_process_commit_queue(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1296289180Speter                                svn_wc__db_commit_queue_t *queue,
1297289180Speter                                svn_revnum_t new_revnum,
1298289180Speter                                apr_time_t new_date,
1299289180Speter                                const char *new_author,
1300289180Speter                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1303251881Speter/* Gets a mapping from const char * local abspaths of externals to the const
1304251881Speter   char * local abspath of where they are defined for all externals defined
1305251881Speter   at or below LOCAL_ABSPATH.
1307251881Speter   ### Returns NULL in *EXTERNALS until we bumped to format 29.
1309251881Speter   Allocate the result in RESULT_POOL and perform temporary allocations in
1310251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL. */
1311251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1312251881Spetersvn_wc__db_externals_defined_below(apr_hash_t **externals,
1313251881Speter                                   svn_wc__db_t *db,
1314251881Speter                                   const char *local_abspath,
1315251881Speter                                   apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1316251881Speter                                   apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1318251881Speter/* Gather all svn:externals property values from the actual properties on
1319251881Speter   directories below LOCAL_ABSPATH as a mapping of const char *local_abspath
1320251881Speter   to const char * property values.
1322251881Speter   If DEPTHS is not NULL, set *depths to an apr_hash_t* mapping the same
1323251881Speter   local_abspaths to the const char * ambient depth of the node.
1325251881Speter   Allocate the result in RESULT_POOL and perform temporary allocations in
1326251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL. */
1327251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1328251881Spetersvn_wc__db_externals_gather_definitions(apr_hash_t **externals,
1329251881Speter                                        apr_hash_t **depths,
1330251881Speter                                        svn_wc__db_t *db,
1331251881Speter                                        const char *local_abspath,
1332251881Speter                                        apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1333251881Speter                                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1335251881Speter/* @} */
1337251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_op  Operations on WORKING tree
1338251881Speter   @{
1341251881Speter/* Copy the node at SRC_ABSPATH (in NODES and ACTUAL_NODE tables) to
1342251881Speter * DST_ABSPATH, both in DB but not necessarily in the same WC.  The parent
1343251881Speter * of DST_ABSPATH must be a versioned directory.
1344251881Speter *
1345251881Speter * This copy is NOT recursive. It simply establishes this one node, plus
1346251881Speter * incomplete nodes for the children.
1347251881Speter *
1348251881Speter * If IS_MOVE is TRUE, mark this copy operation as the copy-half of
1349251881Speter * a move. The delete-half of the move needs to be created separately
1350251881Speter * with svn_wc__db_op_delete().
1351251881Speter *
1352251881Speter * Add WORK_ITEMS to the work queue. */
1353251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1354251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_copy(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1355251881Speter                   const char *src_abspath,
1356251881Speter                   const char *dst_abspath,
1357251881Speter                   const char *dst_op_root_abspath,
1358251881Speter                   svn_boolean_t is_move,
1359251881Speter                   const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1360251881Speter                   apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1362251881Speter/* Checks if LOCAL_ABSPATH represents a move back to its original location,
1363251881Speter * and if it is reverts the move while keeping local changes after it has been
1364251881Speter * moved from MOVED_FROM_ABSPATH.
1365251881Speter *
1366251881Speter * If MOVED_BACK is not NULL, set *MOVED_BACK to TRUE when a move was reverted,
1367251881Speter * otherwise to FALSE.
1368251881Speter */
1369251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1370251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_handle_move_back(svn_boolean_t *moved_back,
1371251881Speter                               svn_wc__db_t *db,
1372251881Speter                               const char *local_abspath,
1373251881Speter                               const char *moved_from_abspath,
1374251881Speter                               const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1375251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1378251881Speter/* Copy the leaves of the op_depth layer directly shadowed by the operation
1379251881Speter * of SRC_ABSPATH (so SRC_ABSPATH must be an op_root) to dst_abspaths
1380251881Speter * parents layer.
1381251881Speter *
1382251881Speter * This operation is recursive. It copies all the descendants at the lower
1383251881Speter * layer and adds base-deleted nodes on dst_abspath layer to mark these nodes
1384251881Speter * properly deleted.
1385251881Speter *
1386251881Speter * Usually this operation is directly followed by a call to svn_wc__db_op_copy
1387251881Speter * which performs the real copy from src_abspath to dst_abspath.
1388251881Speter */
1389251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1390251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_copy_shadowed_layer(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1391251881Speter                                  const char *src_abspath,
1392251881Speter                                  const char *dst_abspath,
1393251881Speter                                  svn_boolean_t is_move,
1394251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1397251881Speter/* Record a copy at LOCAL_ABSPATH from a repository directory.
1399251881Speter   This copy is NOT recursive. It simply establishes this one node.
1400251881Speter   CHILDREN must be provided, and incomplete nodes will be constructed
1401251881Speter   for them.
1403251881Speter   ### arguments docco.  */
1404251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1405251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_copy_dir(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1406251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
1407251881Speter                       const apr_hash_t *props,
1408251881Speter                       svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
1409251881Speter                       apr_time_t changed_date,
1410251881Speter                       const char *changed_author,
1411251881Speter                       const char *original_repos_relpath,
1412251881Speter                       const char *original_root_url,
1413251881Speter                       const char *original_uuid,
1414251881Speter                       svn_revnum_t original_revision,
1415251881Speter                       const apr_array_header_t *children,
1416286506Speter                       svn_depth_t depth,
1417251881Speter                       svn_boolean_t is_move,
1418251881Speter                       const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1419251881Speter                       const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1420251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1423251881Speter/* Record a copy at LOCAL_ABSPATH from a repository file.
1425251881Speter   ### arguments docco.  */
1426251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1427251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_copy_file(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1428251881Speter                        const char *local_abspath,
1429251881Speter                        const apr_hash_t *props,
1430251881Speter                        svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
1431251881Speter                        apr_time_t changed_date,
1432251881Speter                        const char *changed_author,
1433251881Speter                        const char *original_repos_relpath,
1434251881Speter                        const char *original_root_url,
1435251881Speter                        const char *original_uuid,
1436251881Speter                        svn_revnum_t original_revision,
1437251881Speter                        const svn_checksum_t *checksum,
1438251881Speter                        svn_boolean_t update_actual_props,
1439251881Speter                        const apr_hash_t *new_actual_props,
1440251881Speter                        svn_boolean_t is_move,
1441251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1442251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1443251881Speter                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1446251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1447251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_copy_symlink(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1448251881Speter                           const char *local_abspath,
1449251881Speter                           const apr_hash_t *props,
1450251881Speter                           svn_revnum_t changed_rev,
1451251881Speter                           apr_time_t changed_date,
1452251881Speter                           const char *changed_author,
1453251881Speter                           const char *original_repos_relpath,
1454251881Speter                           const char *original_root_url,
1455251881Speter                           const char *original_uuid,
1456251881Speter                           svn_revnum_t original_revision,
1457251881Speter                           const char *target,
1458286506Speter                           svn_boolean_t is_move,
1459251881Speter                           const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1460251881Speter                           const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1461251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1464251881Speter/* ### do we need svn_wc__db_op_copy_server_excluded() ??  */
1467251881Speter/* ### add a new versioned directory. a list of children is NOT passed
1468251881Speter   ### since they are added in future, distinct calls to db_op_add_*.
1469251881Speter   PROPS gives the properties; empty or NULL means none. */
1470251881Speter/* ### do we need a CONFLICTS param?  */
1471251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1472251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_add_directory(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1473251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1474251881Speter                            const apr_hash_t *props,
1475251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1476251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1479251881Speter/* Add a file.
1480251881Speter   PROPS gives the properties; empty or NULL means none.
1481251881Speter   ### this file has no "pristine"
1482251881Speter   ### contents, so a checksum [reference] is not required.  */
1483251881Speter/* ### do we need a CONFLICTS param?  */
1484251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1485251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_add_file(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1486251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
1487251881Speter                       const apr_hash_t *props,
1488251881Speter                       const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1489251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1492251881Speter/* Add a symlink.
1493251881Speter   PROPS gives the properties; empty or NULL means none. */
1494251881Speter/* ### do we need a CONFLICTS param?  */
1495251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1496251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_add_symlink(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1497251881Speter                          const char *local_abspath,
1498251881Speter                          const char *target,
1499251881Speter                          const apr_hash_t *props,
1500251881Speter                          const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1501251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1504251881Speter/* Set the properties of the node LOCAL_ABSPATH in the ACTUAL tree to
1505251881Speter   PROPS.
1507251881Speter   PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.
1508251881Speter   To specify no properties, PROPS must be an empty hash, not NULL.
1509251881Speter   If the node is not present, return an error.
1511251881Speter   If PROPS is NULL, set the properties to be the same as the pristine
1512251881Speter   properties.
1514251881Speter   If CONFLICT is not NULL, it is used to register a conflict on this
1515251881Speter   node at the same time the properties are changed.
1517251881Speter   WORK_ITEMS are inserted into the work queue, as additional things that
1518251881Speter   need to be completed before the working copy is stable.
1521251881Speter   If CLEAR_RECORDED_INFO is true, the recorded information for the node
1522251881Speter   is cleared. (commonly used when updating svn:* magic properties).
1524251881Speter   NOTE: This will overwrite ALL working properties the node currently
1525251881Speter   has. There is no db_op_set_prop() function. Callers must read all the
1526251881Speter   properties, change one, and write all the properties.
1527251881Speter   ### ugh. this has poor transaction semantics...
1530251881Speter   NOTE: This will create an entry in the ACTUAL table for the node if it
1531251881Speter   does not yet have one.
1533251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1534251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_set_props(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1535251881Speter                        const char *local_abspath,
1536251881Speter                        apr_hash_t *props,
1537251881Speter                        svn_boolean_t clear_recorded_info,
1538251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1539251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1540251881Speter                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1542251881Speter/* Mark LOCAL_ABSPATH, and all children, for deletion.
1543251881Speter *
1544251881Speter * This function removes the file externals (and if DELETE_DIR_EXTERNALS is
1545251881Speter * TRUE also the directory externals) registered below LOCAL_ABSPATH.
1546251881Speter * (DELETE_DIR_EXTERNALS should be true if also removing unversioned nodes)
1547251881Speter *
1548251881Speter * If MOVED_TO_ABSPATH is not NULL, mark the deletion of LOCAL_ABSPATH
1549251881Speter * as the delete-half of a move from LOCAL_ABSPATH to MOVED_TO_ABSPATH.
1550251881Speter *
1551251881Speter * If NOTIFY_FUNC is not NULL, then it will be called (with NOTIFY_BATON)
1552251881Speter * for each node deleted. While this processing occurs, if CANCEL_FUNC is
1553251881Speter * not NULL, then it will be called (with CANCEL_BATON) to detect cancellation
1554251881Speter * during the processing.
1555251881Speter *
1556251881Speter * Note: the notification (and cancellation) occur outside of a SQLite
1557251881Speter * transaction.
1558251881Speter */
1559251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1560251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_delete(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1561251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
1562251881Speter                     const char *moved_to_abspath,
1563251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t delete_dir_externals,
1564251881Speter                     svn_skel_t *conflict,
1565251881Speter                     svn_skel_t *work_items,
1566251881Speter                     svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
1567251881Speter                     void *cancel_baton,
1568251881Speter                     svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
1569251881Speter                     void *notify_baton,
1570251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1573251881Speter/* Mark all LOCAL_ABSPATH in the TARGETS array, and all of their children,
1574251881Speter * for deletion.
1575251881Speter *
1576251881Speter * This function is more efficient than svn_wc__db_op_delete() because
1577251881Speter * only one sqlite transaction is used for all targets.
1578251881Speter * It currently lacks support for moves (though this could be changed,
1579251881Speter * at which point svn_wc__db_op_delete() becomes redundant).
1580251881Speter *
1581251881Speter * This function removes the file externals (and if DELETE_DIR_EXTERNALS is
1582251881Speter * TRUE also the directory externals) registered below the targets.
1583251881Speter * (DELETE_DIR_EXTERNALS should be true if also removing unversioned nodes)
1584251881Speter *
1585251881Speter * If NOTIFY_FUNC is not NULL, then it will be called (with NOTIFY_BATON)
1586251881Speter * for each node deleted. While this processing occurs, if CANCEL_FUNC is
1587251881Speter * not NULL, then it will be called (with CANCEL_BATON) to detect cancellation
1588251881Speter * during the processing.
1589251881Speter *
1590251881Speter * Note: the notification (and cancellation) occur outside of a SQLite
1591251881Speter * transaction.
1592251881Speter */
1593251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1594251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_delete_many(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1595251881Speter                          apr_array_header_t *targets,
1596251881Speter                          svn_boolean_t delete_dir_externals,
1597251881Speter                          const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1598251881Speter                          svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
1599251881Speter                          void *cancel_baton,
1600251881Speter                          svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
1601251881Speter                          void *notify_baton,
1602251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1605251881Speter/* ### mark PATH as (possibly) modified. "svn edit" ... right API here? */
1606251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1607251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_modified(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1608251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
1609251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1612251881Speter/* ### use NULL to remove from a changelist.
1614251881Speter   ### NOTE: only depth=svn_depth_empty is supported right now.
1615251881Speter */
1616251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1617251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_set_changelist(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1618251881Speter                             const char *local_abspath,
1619251881Speter                             const char *new_changelist,
1620251881Speter                             const apr_array_header_t *changelist_filter,
1621251881Speter                             svn_depth_t depth,
1622251881Speter                             /* ### flip to CANCEL, then NOTIFY. precedent.  */
1623251881Speter                             svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
1624251881Speter                             void *notify_baton,
1625251881Speter                             svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
1626251881Speter                             void *cancel_baton,
1627251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1629251881Speter/* Record CONFLICT on LOCAL_ABSPATH, potentially replacing other conflicts
1630251881Speter   recorded on LOCAL_ABSPATH.
1632251881Speter   Users should in most cases pass CONFLICT to another WC_DB call instead of
1633251881Speter   calling svn_wc__db_op_mark_conflict() directly outside a transaction, to
1634251881Speter   allow recording atomically with the operation involved.
1636251881Speter   Any work items that are necessary as part of marking this node conflicted
1637251881Speter   can be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
1638251881Speter */
1639251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1640251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_mark_conflict(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1641251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1642251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *conflict,
1643251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1644251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1647362181Sdim/* Clear all or some of the conflicts stored on LOCAL_ABSPATH, if any.
1649362181Sdim   Any work items that are necessary as part of resolving this node
1650362181Sdim   can be passed in WORK_ITEMS.
1652362181Sdim### caller maintains ACTUAL, and how the resolution occurred. we're just
1653251881Speter   ### recording state.
1654251881Speter   ###
1655251881Speter   ### I'm not sure that these three values are the best way to do this,
1656251881Speter   ### but they're handy for now.  */
1657251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1658251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_mark_resolved(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1659251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1660251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t resolved_text,
1661251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t resolved_props,
1662251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t resolved_tree,
1663251881Speter                            const svn_skel_t *work_items,
1664251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1667251881Speter/* Revert all local changes which are being maintained in the database,
1668251881Speter * including conflict storage, properties and text modification status.
1669251881Speter *
1670251881Speter * Returns SVN_ERR_WC_INVALID_OPERATION_DEPTH if the revert is not
1671251881Speter * possible, e.g. copy/delete but not a root, or a copy root with
1672251881Speter * children.
1673251881Speter *
1674251881Speter * At present only depth=empty and depth=infinity are supported.
1675251881Speter *
1676289180Speter * If @a clear_changelists is FALSE then changelist information is kept,
1677289180Speter * otherwise it is cleared.
1678289180Speter *
1679251881Speter * This function populates the revert list that can be queried to
1680251881Speter * determine what was reverted.
1681251881Speter */
1682251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1683251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_revert(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1684251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
1685251881Speter                     svn_depth_t depth,
1686289180Speter                     svn_boolean_t clear_changelists,
1687251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1688251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1690251881Speter/* Query the revert list for LOCAL_ABSPATH and set *REVERTED if the
1691251881Speter * path was reverted.  Set *MARKER_FILES to a const char *list of
1692251881Speter * marker files if any were recorded on LOCAL_ABSPATH.
1693251881Speter *
1694251881Speter * Set *COPIED_HERE if the reverted node was copied here and is the
1695251881Speter * operation root of the copy.
1696251881Speter * Set *KIND to the node kind of the reverted node.
1697251881Speter *
1698251881Speter * Removes the row for LOCAL_ABSPATH from the revert list.
1699251881Speter */
1700251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1701251881Spetersvn_wc__db_revert_list_read(svn_boolean_t *reverted,
1702251881Speter                            const apr_array_header_t **marker_files,
1703251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t *copied_here,
1704251881Speter                            svn_node_kind_t *kind,
1705251881Speter                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
1706251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1707251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1708251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1710251881Speter/* The type of elements in the array returned by
1711251881Speter * svn_wc__db_revert_list_read_copied_children(). */
1712251881Spetertypedef struct svn_wc__db_revert_list_copied_child_info_t {
1713251881Speter  const char *abspath;
1714251881Speter  svn_node_kind_t kind;
1715251881Speter} svn_wc__db_revert_list_copied_child_info_t ;
1717251881Speter/* Return in *CHILDREN a list of reverted copied nodes at or within
1718251881Speter * LOCAL_ABSPATH (which is a reverted file or a reverted directory).
1719251881Speter * Allocate *COPIED_CHILDREN and its elements in RESULT_POOL.
1720251881Speter * The elements are of type svn_wc__db_revert_list_copied_child_info_t. */
1721251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1722289180Spetersvn_wc__db_revert_list_read_copied_children(apr_array_header_t **children,
1723251881Speter                                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
1724251881Speter                                            const char *local_abspath,
1725251881Speter                                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1726251881Speter                                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1729251881Speter/* Make revert notifications for all paths in the revert list that are
1730251881Speter * equal to LOCAL_ABSPATH or below LOCAL_ABSPATH.
1731251881Speter *
1732251881Speter * Removes all the corresponding rows from the revert list.
1733251881Speter *
1734251881Speter * ### Pass in cancel_func?
1735251881Speter */
1736251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1737251881Spetersvn_wc__db_revert_list_notify(svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
1738251881Speter                              void *notify_baton,
1739251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
1740251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
1741251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1743251881Speter/* Clean up after svn_wc__db_op_revert by removing the revert list.
1744251881Speter */
1745251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1746251881Spetersvn_wc__db_revert_list_done(svn_wc__db_t *db,
1747251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
1748251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1750251881Speter/* ### status */
1753251881Speter/* @} */
1755251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_read  Read operations on the BASE/WORKING tree
1756251881Speter   @{
1758251881Speter   These functions query information about nodes in ACTUAL, and returns
1759251881Speter   the requested information from the appropriate ACTUAL, WORKING, or
1760251881Speter   BASE tree.
1762251881Speter   For example, asking for the checksum of the pristine version will
1763251881Speter   return the one recorded in WORKING, or if no WORKING node exists, then
1764251881Speter   the checksum comes from BASE.
1767251881Speter/* Retrieve information about a node.
1769251881Speter   For the node implied by LOCAL_ABSPATH from the local filesystem, return
1770251881Speter   information in the provided OUT parameters. Each OUT parameter may be
1771251881Speter   NULL, indicating that specific item is not requested.
1773251881Speter   The information returned comes from the BASE tree, as possibly modified
1774251881Speter   by the WORKING and ACTUAL trees.
1776251881Speter   If there is no information about the node, then SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND
1777251881Speter   will be returned.
1779251881Speter   The OUT parameters, and their "not available" values are:
1780251881Speter     STATUS                  n/a (always available)
1781251881Speter     KIND                    svn_node_unknown   (For ACTUAL only nodes)
1782251881Speter     REVISION                SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
1783251881Speter     REPOS_RELPATH           NULL
1784251881Speter     REPOS_ROOT_URL          NULL
1785251881Speter     REPOS_UUID              NULL
1786251881Speter     CHANGED_REV             SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
1787251881Speter     CHANGED_DATE            0
1788251881Speter     CHANGED_AUTHOR          NULL
1789251881Speter     DEPTH                   svn_depth_unknown
1790251881Speter     CHECKSUM                NULL
1791251881Speter     TARGET                  NULL
1794251881Speter     ORIGINAL_ROOT_URL       NULL
1795251881Speter     ORIGINAL_UUID           NULL
1798251881Speter     LOCK                    NULL
1800251881Speter     RECORDED_SIZE           SVN_INVALID_FILESIZE
1801251881Speter     RECORDED_TIME       0
1803251881Speter     CHANGELIST              NULL
1804251881Speter     CONFLICTED              FALSE
1806251881Speter     OP_ROOT                 FALSE
1807251881Speter     HAD_PROPS               FALSE
1808251881Speter     PROPS_MOD               FALSE
1810251881Speter     HAVE_BASE               FALSE
1811251881Speter     HAVE_MORE_WORK          FALSE
1812251881Speter     HAVE_WORK               FALSE
1814251881Speter   When STATUS is requested, then it will be one of these values:
1816251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_normal
1817251881Speter       A plain BASE node, with no local changes.
1819251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_added
1820251881Speter       A node has been added/copied/moved to here. See HAVE_BASE to see
1821251881Speter       if this change overwrites a BASE node. Use scan_addition() to resolve
1822251881Speter       whether this has been added, copied, or moved, and the details of the
1823251881Speter       operation (this function only looks at LOCAL_ABSPATH, but resolving
1824251881Speter       the details requires scanning one or more ancestor nodes).
1826251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_deleted
1827251881Speter       This node has been deleted or moved away. It may be a delete/move of
1828251881Speter       a BASE node, or a child node of a subtree that was copied/moved to
1829251881Speter       an ancestor location. Call scan_deletion() to determine the full
1830251881Speter       details of the operations upon this node.
1832251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_server_excluded
1833251881Speter       The node is versioned/known by the server, but the server has
1834251881Speter       decided not to provide further information about the node. This
1835251881Speter       is a BASE node (since changes are not allowed to this node).
1837251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_excluded
1838251881Speter       The node has been excluded from the working copy tree. This may
1839251881Speter       be an exclusion from the BASE tree, or an exclusion in the
1840251881Speter       WORKING tree for a child node of a copied/moved parent.
1842251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_not_present
1843251881Speter       This is a node from the BASE tree, has been marked as "not-present"
1844251881Speter       within this mixed-revision working copy. This node is at a revision
1845251881Speter       that is not in the tree, contrary to its inclusion in the parent
1846251881Speter       node's revision.
1848251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_incomplete
1849251881Speter       The BASE is incomplete due to an interrupted operation.  An
1850251881Speter       incomplete WORKING node will be svn_wc__db_status_added.
1852251881Speter   If REVISION is requested, it will be set to the revision of the
1853251881Speter   unmodified (BASE) node, or to SVN_INVALID_REVNUM if any structural
1854251881Speter   changes have been made to that node (that is, if the node has a row in
1855251881Speter   the WORKING table).
1857251881Speter   If DEPTH is requested, and the node is NOT a directory, then
1858251881Speter   the value will be set to svn_depth_unknown.
1860251881Speter   If CHECKSUM is requested, and the node is NOT a file, then it will
1861251881Speter   be set to NULL.
1863251881Speter   If TARGET is requested, and the node is NOT a symlink, then it will
1864251881Speter   be set to NULL.
1866251881Speter   If TRANSLATED_SIZE is requested, and the node is NOT a file, then
1867251881Speter   it will be set to SVN_INVALID_FILESIZE.
1869251881Speter   If HAVE_WORK is TRUE, the returned information is from the highest WORKING
1870251881Speter   layer. In that case HAVE_MORE_WORK and HAVE_BASE provide information about
1871251881Speter   what other layers exist for this node.
1873251881Speter   If HAVE_WORK is FALSE and HAVE_BASE is TRUE then the information is from
1874251881Speter   the BASE tree.
1876251881Speter   If HAVE_WORK and HAVE_BASE are both FALSE and when retrieving CONFLICTED,
1877251881Speter   then the node doesn't exist at all.
1879251881Speter   If OP_ROOT is requested and the node has a WORKING layer, OP_ROOT will be
1880251881Speter   set to true if this node is the op_root for this layer.
1882251881Speter   If HAD_PROPS is requested and the node has pristine props, the value will
1883251881Speter   be set to TRUE.
1885251881Speter   If PROPS_MOD is requested and the node has property modification the value
1886251881Speter   will be set to TRUE.
1888251881Speter   ### add information about the need to scan upwards to get a complete
1889251881Speter   ### picture of the state of this node.
1891251881Speter   ### add some documentation about OUT parameter values based on STATUS ??
1893251881Speter   ### the TEXT_MOD may become an enumerated value at some point to
1894251881Speter   ### indicate different states of knowledge about text modifications.
1895251881Speter   ### for example, an "svn edit" command in the future might set a
1896251881Speter   ### flag indicating administratively-defined modification. and/or we
1897251881Speter   ### might have a status indicating that we saw it was modified while
1898251881Speter   ### performing a filesystem traversal.
1900251881Speter   All returned data will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All temporary
1901251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
1903251881Speter/* ### old docco. needs to be incorporated as appropriate. there is
1904251881Speter   ### some pending, potential changes to the definition of this API,
1905251881Speter   ### so not worrying about it just yet.
1907251881Speter   ### if the node has not been committed (after adding):
1908251881Speter   ###   revision will be SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
1909251881Speter   ###   repos_* will be NULL
1910251881Speter   ###   changed_rev will be SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
1911251881Speter   ###   changed_date will be 0
1912251881Speter   ###   changed_author will be NULL
1913251881Speter   ###   status will be svn_wc__db_status_added
1914251881Speter   ###   text_mod will be TRUE
1915251881Speter   ###   prop_mod will be TRUE if any props have been set
1916251881Speter   ###   base_shadowed will be FALSE
1918251881Speter   ### if the node is not a copy, or a move destination:
1919251881Speter   ###   original_repos_path will be NULL
1920251881Speter   ###   original_root_url will be NULL
1921251881Speter   ###   original_uuid will be NULL
1922251881Speter   ###   original_revision will be SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
1924251881Speter   ### note that @a base_shadowed can be derived. if the status specifies
1925251881Speter   ### an add/copy/move *and* there is a corresponding node in BASE, then
1926251881Speter   ### the BASE has been deleted to open the way for this node.
1928251881Spetersvn_error_t *
1929251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_info(svn_wc__db_status_t *status,  /* ### derived */
1930251881Speter                     svn_node_kind_t *kind,
1931251881Speter                     svn_revnum_t *revision,
1932251881Speter                     const char **repos_relpath,
1933251881Speter                     const char **repos_root_url,
1934251881Speter                     const char **repos_uuid,
1935251881Speter                     svn_revnum_t *changed_rev,
1936251881Speter                     apr_time_t *changed_date,
1937251881Speter                     const char **changed_author,
1938251881Speter                     svn_depth_t *depth,  /* dirs only */
1939251881Speter                     const svn_checksum_t **checksum, /* files only */
1940251881Speter                     const char **target, /* symlinks only */
1942251881Speter                     /* ### the following fields if copied/moved (history) */
1943251881Speter                     const char **original_repos_relpath,
1944251881Speter                     const char **original_root_url,
1945251881Speter                     const char **original_uuid,
1946251881Speter                     svn_revnum_t *original_revision,
1948251881Speter                     /* For BASE nodes */
1949251881Speter                     svn_wc__db_lock_t **lock,
1951251881Speter                     /* Recorded for files present in the working copy */
1952251881Speter                     svn_filesize_t *recorded_size,
1953251881Speter                     apr_time_t *recorded_time,
1955251881Speter                     /* From ACTUAL */
1956251881Speter                     const char **changelist,
1957251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *conflicted,
1959251881Speter                     /* ### the followed are derived fields */
1960251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *op_root,
1962251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *had_props,
1963251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *props_mod,
1965251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *have_base,
1966251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *have_more_work,
1967251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t *have_work,
1969251881Speter                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
1970251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
1971251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *result_pool,
1972251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
1974266731Speter/* Structure used as linked list in svn_wc__db_info_t to describe all nodes
1975266731Speter   in this location that were moved to another location */
1976266731Speterstruct svn_wc__db_moved_to_info_t
1978266731Speter  const char *moved_to_abspath;
1979266731Speter  const char *shadow_op_root_abspath;
1981266731Speter  struct svn_wc__db_moved_to_info_t *next;
1984251881Speter/* Structure returned by svn_wc__db_read_children_info.  Only has the
1985251881Speter   fields needed by status. */
1986251881Speterstruct svn_wc__db_info_t {
1987251881Speter  svn_wc__db_status_t status;
1988251881Speter  svn_node_kind_t kind;
1989251881Speter  svn_revnum_t revnum;
1990251881Speter  const char *repos_relpath;
1991251881Speter  const char *repos_root_url;
1992251881Speter  const char *repos_uuid;
1993251881Speter  svn_revnum_t changed_rev;
1994251881Speter  const char *changed_author;
1995251881Speter  apr_time_t changed_date;
1996251881Speter  svn_depth_t depth;
1998251881Speter  svn_filesize_t recorded_size;
1999251881Speter  apr_time_t recorded_time;
2001251881Speter  const char *changelist;
2002251881Speter  svn_boolean_t conflicted;
2003251881Speter#ifdef HAVE_SYMLINK
2004251881Speter  svn_boolean_t special;
2006251881Speter  svn_boolean_t op_root;
2008251881Speter  svn_boolean_t has_checksum;
2009251881Speter  svn_boolean_t copied;
2010251881Speter  svn_boolean_t had_props;
2011251881Speter  svn_boolean_t props_mod;
2013251881Speter  svn_boolean_t have_base;
2014251881Speter  svn_boolean_t have_more_work;
2016251881Speter  svn_boolean_t locked;     /* WC directory lock */
2017251881Speter  svn_wc__db_lock_t *lock;  /* Repository file lock */
2018251881Speter  svn_boolean_t incomplete; /* TRUE if a working node is incomplete */
2020266731Speter  struct svn_wc__db_moved_to_info_t *moved_to; /* A linked list of locations
2021266731Speter                                                 where nodes at this path
2022266731Speter                                                 are moved to. Highest layers
2023266731Speter                                                 first */
2024251881Speter  svn_boolean_t moved_here;     /* Only on op-roots. */
2026251881Speter  svn_boolean_t file_external;
2027289180Speter  svn_boolean_t has_descendants; /* Is dir, or has tc descendants */
2030251881Speter/* Return in *NODES a hash mapping name->struct svn_wc__db_info_t for
2031251881Speter   the children of DIR_ABSPATH, and in *CONFLICTS a hash of names in
2032251881Speter   conflict.
2034251881Speter   The results include any path that was a child of a deleted directory that
2035251881Speter   existed at LOCAL_ABSPATH, even if that directory is now scheduled to be
2036251881Speter   replaced by the working node at LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2038289180Speter   If BASE_TREE_ONLY is set, only information about the BASE tree
2039289180Speter   is returned.
2040251881Speter */
2041251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2042251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_children_info(apr_hash_t **nodes,
2043251881Speter                              apr_hash_t **conflicts,
2044251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
2045251881Speter                              const char *dir_abspath,
2046289180Speter                              svn_boolean_t base_tree_only,
2047251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2048251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2050266731Speter/* Like svn_wc__db_read_children_info, but only gets an info node for the root
2051289180Speter   element.
2053289180Speter   If BASE_TREE_ONLY is set, only information about the BASE tree
2054289180Speter   is returned. */
2055266731Spetersvn_error_t *
2056266731Spetersvn_wc__db_read_single_info(const struct svn_wc__db_info_t **info,
2057266731Speter                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
2058266731Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
2059289180Speter                            svn_boolean_t base_tree_only,
2060266731Speter                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2061266731Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2063251881Speter/* Structure returned by svn_wc__db_read_walker_info.  Only has the
2064251881Speter   fields needed by svn_wc__internal_walk_children(). */
2065251881Speterstruct svn_wc__db_walker_info_t {
2066289180Speter  const char *name;
2067251881Speter  svn_wc__db_status_t status;
2068251881Speter  svn_node_kind_t kind;
2071251881Speter/* When a node is deleted in WORKING, some of its information is no longer
2072251881Speter   available. But in some cases it might still be relevant to obtain this
2073251881Speter   information even when the information isn't stored in the BASE tree.
2075251881Speter   This function allows access to that specific information.
2077251881Speter   When a node is not deleted, this node returns the same information
2078251881Speter   as svn_wc__db_read_info().
2080251881Speter   All output arguments are optional and behave in the same way as when
2081251881Speter   calling svn_wc__db_read_info().
2083251881Speter   (All other information (like original_*) can be obtained via other apis).
2085251881Speter   *PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.  If
2086251881Speter   the pristine node is capable of having properties but has none, set
2087251881Speter   *PROPS to an empty hash.  If its status is such that it cannot have
2088251881Speter   properties, set *PROPS to NULL.
2089251881Speter */
2090251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2091251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_pristine_info(svn_wc__db_status_t *status,
2092251881Speter                              svn_node_kind_t *kind,
2093251881Speter                              svn_revnum_t *changed_rev,
2094251881Speter                              apr_time_t *changed_date,
2095251881Speter                              const char **changed_author,
2096251881Speter                              svn_depth_t *depth,  /* dirs only */
2097251881Speter                              const svn_checksum_t **checksum, /* files only */
2098251881Speter                              const char **target, /* symlinks only */
2099251881Speter                              svn_boolean_t *had_props,
2100251881Speter                              apr_hash_t **props,
2101251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
2102251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
2103251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2104251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2106251881Speter/* Gets the information required to install a pristine file to the working copy
2108251881Speter   Set WCROOT_ABSPATH to the working copy root, SHA1_CHECKSUM to the
2109251881Speter   checksum of the node (a valid reference into the pristine store)
2110251881Speter   and PRISTINE_PROPS to the node's pristine properties (to use for
2111251881Speter   installing the file).
2113251881Speter   If WRI_ABSPATH is not NULL, check for information in the working copy
2114251881Speter   identified by WRI_ABSPATH.
2115251881Speter   */
2116251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2117251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_node_install_info(const char **wcroot_abspath,
2118251881Speter                                  const svn_checksum_t **sha1_checksum,
2119251881Speter                                  apr_hash_t **pristine_props,
2120251881Speter                                  apr_time_t *changed_date,
2121251881Speter                                  svn_wc__db_t *db,
2122251881Speter                                  const char *local_abspath,
2123251881Speter                                  const char *wri_abspath,
2124251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2125251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2127289180Speter/* Return in *ITEMS an array of struct svn_wc__db_walker_info_t* for
2128289180Speter   the direct children of DIR_ABSPATH. */
2129251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2130289180Spetersvn_wc__db_read_children_walker_info(const apr_array_header_t **items,
2131251881Speter                                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
2132251881Speter                                     const char *dir_abspath,
2133251881Speter                                     apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2134251881Speter                                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2138289180Speter * Set *revision, *repos_relpath, *repos_root_url, *repos_uuid to
2139289180Speter * the intended/commit location of LOCAL_ABSPATH. These arguments may be
2140289180Speter * NULL if they are not needed.
2141289180Speter *
2142289180Speter * If the node is deleted, return the url it would have in the repository
2143289180Speter * if it wouldn't be deleted. If the node is added return the url it will
2144289180Speter * have in the repository, once committed.
2145289180Speter *
2146289180Speter * If the node is not added and has an existing repository location, set
2147289180Speter * revision to its existing revision, otherwise to SVN_INVALID_REVNUM.
2148251881Speter */
2149251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2150289180Spetersvn_wc__db_read_repos_info(svn_revnum_t *revision,
2151289180Speter                           const char **repos_relpath,
2152289180Speter                           const char **repos_root_url,
2153289180Speter                           const char **repos_uuid,
2154289180Speter                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
2155289180Speter                           const char *local_abspath,
2156289180Speter                           apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2157289180Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2160251881Speter/* Set *PROPS to the properties of the node LOCAL_ABSPATH in the ACTUAL
2161251881Speter   tree (looking through to the WORKING or BASE tree as required).
2163251881Speter   ### *PROPS will be set to NULL in the following situations:
2164251881Speter   ### ... tbd
2166251881Speter   PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.
2167251881Speter   If the node has no properties, set *PROPS to an empty hash.
2168251881Speter   If the node is not present, return an error.
2169251881Speter   Allocate *PROPS and its keys and values in RESULT_POOL.
2171251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2172251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_props(apr_hash_t **props,
2173251881Speter                      svn_wc__db_t *db,
2174251881Speter                      const char *local_abspath,
2175251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2176251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2178251881Speter/* Call RECEIVER_FUNC, passing RECEIVER_BATON, an absolute path, and
2179251881Speter * a hash table mapping <tt>char *</tt> names onto svn_string_t *
2180251881Speter * values for any properties of child nodes of LOCAL_ABSPATH (up to DEPTH).
2181251881Speter *
2182251881Speter * If PRISTINE is FALSE, read the properties from the WORKING layer (highest
2183251881Speter * op_depth); if PRISTINE is FALSE, local modifications will be visible.
2184251881Speter */
2185251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2186251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_props_streamily(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2187251881Speter                                const char *local_abspath,
2188251881Speter                                svn_depth_t depth,
2189251881Speter                                svn_boolean_t pristine,
2190251881Speter                                const apr_array_header_t *changelists,
2191251881Speter                                svn_wc__proplist_receiver_t receiver_func,
2192251881Speter                                void *receiver_baton,
2193251881Speter                                svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
2194251881Speter                                void *cancel_baton,
2195251881Speter                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2198289180Speter/* Set *PROPS to the base properties of the node at LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2200251881Speter   *PROPS maps "const char *" names to "const svn_string_t *" values.
2201251881Speter   If the node has no properties, set *PROPS to an empty hash.
2202289180Speter   If the base node is in a state that cannot have properties (such as
2203289180Speter   not-present or locally added without copy-from), return an error.
2205251881Speter   Allocate *PROPS and its keys and values in RESULT_POOL.
2207289180Speter   See also svn_wc_get_pristine_props().
2209251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2210251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_pristine_props(apr_hash_t **props,
2211251881Speter                               svn_wc__db_t *db,
2212251881Speter                               const char *local_abspath,
2213251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2214251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2218251881Speter * Set @a *iprops to a depth-first ordered array of
2219251881Speter * #svn_prop_inherited_item_t * structures representing the properties
2220251881Speter * inherited by @a local_abspath from the ACTUAL tree above
2221251881Speter * @a local_abspath (looking through to the WORKING or BASE tree as
2222251881Speter * required), up to and including the root of the working copy and
2223251881Speter * any cached inherited properties inherited by the root.
2224251881Speter *
2225251881Speter * The #svn_prop_inherited_item_t->path_or_url members of the
2226251881Speter * #svn_prop_inherited_item_t * structures in @a *iprops are
2227251881Speter * paths relative to the repository root URL for cached inherited
2228251881Speter * properties and absolute working copy paths otherwise.
2229251881Speter *
2230289180Speter * If ACTUAL_PROPS is not NULL, then set *ACTUAL_PROPS to ALL the actual
2231251881Speter * properties stored on LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2232251881Speter *
2233251881Speter * Allocate @a *iprops in @a result_pool.  Use @a scratch_pool
2234251881Speter * for temporary allocations.
2235251881Speter */
2236251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2237251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_inherited_props(apr_array_header_t **iprops,
2238251881Speter                                apr_hash_t **actual_props,
2239251881Speter                                svn_wc__db_t *db,
2240251881Speter                                const char *local_abspath,
2241251881Speter                                const char *propname,
2242251881Speter                                apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2243251881Speter                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2245251881Speter/* Read a BASE node's inherited property information.
2247251881Speter   Set *IPROPS to to a depth-first ordered array of
2248251881Speter   svn_prop_inherited_item_t * structures representing the cached
2249251881Speter   inherited properties for the BASE node at LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2251251881Speter   If no cached properties are found, then set *IPROPS to NULL.
2252251881Speter   If LOCAL_ABSPATH represents the root of the repository, then set
2253251881Speter   *IPROPS to an empty array.
2255251881Speter   Allocate *IPROPS in RESULT_POOL, use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary
2256251881Speter   allocations. */
2257251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2258251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_cached_iprops(apr_array_header_t **iprops,
2259251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
2260251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
2261251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2262251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2264251881Speter/* Find BASE nodes with cached inherited properties.
2266251881Speter   Set *IPROPS_PATHS to a hash mapping const char * absolute working copy
2267251881Speter   paths to the repos_relpath of the path for each path in the working copy
2268251881Speter   at or below LOCAL_ABSPATH, limited by DEPTH, that has cached inherited
2269251881Speter   properties for the BASE node of the path.
2271251881Speter   Allocate *IPROP_PATHS in RESULT_POOL.
2272251881Speter   Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations. */
2273251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2274251881Spetersvn_wc__db_get_children_with_cached_iprops(apr_hash_t **iprop_paths,
2275251881Speter                                           svn_depth_t depth,
2276251881Speter                                           const char *local_abspath,
2277251881Speter                                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
2278251881Speter                                           apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2279251881Speter                                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2281251881Speter/** Obtain a mapping of const char * local_abspaths to const svn_string_t*
2282251881Speter * property values in *VALUES, of all PROPNAME properties on LOCAL_ABSPATH
2283251881Speter * and its descendants.
2284251881Speter *
2285251881Speter * Allocate the result in RESULT_POOL, and perform temporary allocations in
2286251881Speter * SCRATCH_POOL.
2287251881Speter */
2288251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2289251881Spetersvn_wc__db_prop_retrieve_recursive(apr_hash_t **values,
2290251881Speter                                   svn_wc__db_t *db,
2291251881Speter                                   const char *local_abspath,
2292251881Speter                                   const char *propname,
2293251881Speter                                   apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2294251881Speter                                   apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2296251881Speter/* Set *CHILDREN to a new array of the (const char *) basenames of the
2297251881Speter   immediate children of the working node at LOCAL_ABSPATH in DB.
2299251881Speter   Return every path that refers to a child of the working node at
2300251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH.  Do not include a path just because it was a child of a
2301251881Speter   deleted directory that existed at LOCAL_ABSPATH if that directory is now
2302251881Speter   scheduled to be replaced by the working node at LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2304251881Speter   Allocate *CHILDREN in RESULT_POOL and do temporary allocations in
2305251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL.
2307251881Speter   ### return some basic info for each child? e.g. kind.
2308251881Speter   ### maybe the data in _read_get_info should be a structure, and this
2309251881Speter   ### can return a struct for each one.
2310251881Speter   ### however: _read_get_info can say "not interested", which isn't the
2311251881Speter   ###   case with a struct. thus, a struct requires fetching and/or
2312251881Speter   ###   computing all info.
2314251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2315251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_children_of_working_node(const apr_array_header_t **children,
2316251881Speter                                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
2317251881Speter                                         const char *local_abspath,
2318251881Speter                                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2319251881Speter                                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2321289180Spetersvn_error_t *
2323289180Speter                                const apr_array_header_t **children,
2324289180Speter                                svn_wc__db_t *db,
2325289180Speter                                const char *local_abspath,
2326289180Speter                                apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2327289180Speter                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2329251881Speter/* Like svn_wc__db_read_children_of_working_node(), except also include any
2330251881Speter   path that was a child of a deleted directory that existed at
2331251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH, even if that directory is now scheduled to be replaced by
2332251881Speter   the working node at LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2334251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2335251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_children(const apr_array_header_t **children,
2336251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
2337251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2338251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2339251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2341251881Speter/* Read into *VICTIMS the basenames of the immediate children of
2342251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH in DB that are conflicted.
2344251881Speter   In case of tree conflicts a victim doesn't have to be in the
2345251881Speter   working copy.
2347251881Speter   Allocate *VICTIMS in RESULT_POOL and do temporary allocations in
2348251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL */
2349251881Speter/* ### This function will probably be removed. */
2350251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2351251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_conflict_victims(const apr_array_header_t **victims,
2352251881Speter                                 svn_wc__db_t *db,
2353251881Speter                                 const char *local_abspath,
2354251881Speter                                 apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2355251881Speter                                 apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2357251881Speter/* Read into *MARKER_FILES the absolute paths of the marker files
2358251881Speter   of conflicts stored on LOCAL_ABSPATH and its immediate children in DB.
2359251881Speter   The on-disk files may have been deleted by the user.
2361251881Speter   Allocate *MARKER_FILES in RESULT_POOL and do temporary allocations
2362251881Speter   in SCRATCH_POOL */
2363251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2364251881Spetersvn_wc__db_get_conflict_marker_files(apr_hash_t **markers,
2365251881Speter                                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
2366251881Speter                                     const char *local_abspath,
2367251881Speter                                     apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2368251881Speter                                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2370251881Speter/* Read the conflict information recorded on LOCAL_ABSPATH in *CONFLICT,
2371289180Speter   an editable conflict skel. If kind is not NULL, also read the node kind
2372289180Speter   in *KIND. (SHOW_HIDDEN: false, SHOW_DELETED: true). If props is not NULL
2373289180Speter   read the actual properties in this value if they exist. (Set to NULL in case
2374289180Speter   the node is deleted, etc.)
2376251881Speter   If the node exists, but does not have a conflict set *CONFLICT to NULL,
2377251881Speter   otherwise return a SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.
2379251881Speter   Allocate *CONFLICTS in RESULT_POOL and do temporary allocations in
2380251881Speter   SCRATCH_POOL */
2381251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2382251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_conflict(svn_skel_t **conflict,
2383289180Speter                         svn_node_kind_t *kind,
2384289180Speter                         apr_hash_t **props,
2385251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
2386251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2387251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2388251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2391251881Speter/* Return the kind of the node in DB at LOCAL_ABSPATH. The WORKING tree will
2392251881Speter   be examined first, then the BASE tree. If the node is not present in either
2393251881Speter   tree and ALLOW_MISSING is TRUE, then svn_node_unknown is returned.
2394251881Speter   If the node is missing and ALLOW_MISSING is FALSE, then it will return
2395251881Speter   SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND.
2397251881Speter   The SHOW_HIDDEN and SHOW_DELETED flags report certain states as kind none.
2399251881Speter   When nodes have certain statee they are only reported when:
2400251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_not_present         when show_hidden && show_deleted
2402251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_excluded            when show_hidden
2403251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_server_excluded     when show_hidden
2405251881Speter      svn_wc__db_status_deleted             when show_deleted
2407251881Speter   In other cases these nodes are reported with *KIND as svn_node_none.
2408251881Speter   (See also svn_wc_read_kind2()'s documentation)
2410251881Speter   Uses SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.  */
2411251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2412251881Spetersvn_wc__db_read_kind(svn_node_kind_t *kind,
2413251881Speter                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
2414251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
2415251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t allow_missing,
2416251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t show_deleted,
2417251881Speter                     svn_boolean_t show_hidden,
2418251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2420251881Speter/* Checks if a node replaces a node in a different layer. Also check if it
2421251881Speter   replaces a BASE (op_depth 0) node or just a node in a higher layer (a copy).
2422251881Speter   Finally check if this is the root of the replacement, or if the replacement
2423251881Speter   is initiated by the parent node.
2425251881Speter   IS_REPLACE_ROOT (if not NULL) is set to TRUE if the node is the root of a
2426251881Speter   replacement; otherwise to FALSE.
2428251881Speter   BASE_REPLACE (if not NULL) is set to TRUE if the node directly or indirectly
2429251881Speter   replaces a node in the BASE tree; otherwise to FALSE.
2431251881Speter   IS_REPLACE (if not NULL) is set to TRUE if the node directly replaces a node
2432251881Speter   in a lower layer; otherwise to FALSE.
2433251881Speter */
2434251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2435251881Spetersvn_wc__db_node_check_replace(svn_boolean_t *is_replace_root,
2436251881Speter                              svn_boolean_t *base_replace,
2437251881Speter                              svn_boolean_t *is_replace,
2438251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
2439251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
2440251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2442251881Speter/* ### changelists. return an array, or an iterator interface? how big
2443251881Speter   ### are these things? are we okay with an in-memory array? examine other
2444251881Speter   ### changelist usage -- we may already assume the list fits in memory.
2447251881Speter/* The DB-private version of svn_wc__is_wcroot(), which see.
2448251881Speter */
2449251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2450251881Spetersvn_wc__db_is_wcroot(svn_boolean_t *is_wcroot,
2451251881Speter                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
2452251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
2453251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2455251881Speter/* Check whether a node is a working copy root and/or switched.
2457251881Speter   If LOCAL_ABSPATH is the root of a working copy, set *IS_WC_ROOT to TRUE,
2458251881Speter   otherwise to FALSE.
2460251881Speter   If LOCAL_ABSPATH is switched against its parent in the same working copy
2461251881Speter   set *IS_SWITCHED to TRUE, otherwise to FALSE.
2463251881Speter   If KIND is not null, set *KIND to the node type of LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2465251881Speter   Any of the output arguments can be null to specify that the result is not
2466251881Speter   interesting to the caller.
2468251881Speter   Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
2469251881Speter */
2470251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2471251881Spetersvn_wc__db_is_switched(svn_boolean_t *is_wcroot,
2472251881Speter                       svn_boolean_t *is_switched,
2473251881Speter                       svn_node_kind_t *kind,
2474251881Speter                       svn_wc__db_t *db,
2475251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
2476251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2479251881Speter/* @} */
2482251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_global  Operations that alter multiple trees
2483251881Speter   @{
2486251881Speter/* Associate LOCAL_DIR_ABSPATH, and all its children with the repository at
2487251881Speter   at REPOS_ROOT_URL.  The relative path to the repos root will not change,
2488251881Speter   just the repository root.  The repos uuid will also remain the same.
2489251881Speter   This also updates any locks which may exist for the node, as well as any
2490251881Speter   copyfrom repository information.  Finally, the DAV cache (aka
2491251881Speter   "wcprops") will be reset for affected entries.
2493251881Speter   Use SCRATCH_POOL for any temporary allocations.
2495251881Speter   ### local_dir_abspath "should be" the wcroot or a switch root. all URLs
2496251881Speter   ### under this directory (depth=infinity) will be rewritten.
2498251881Speter   ### This API had a depth parameter, which was removed, should it be
2499251881Speter   ### resurrected?  What's the purpose if we claim relocate is infinitely
2500251881Speter   ### recursive?
2502251881Speter   ### Assuming the future ability to copy across repositories, should we
2503251881Speter   ### refrain from resetting the copyfrom information in this operation?
2505251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2506251881Spetersvn_wc__db_global_relocate(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2507251881Speter                           const char *local_dir_abspath,
2508251881Speter                           const char *repos_root_url,
2509251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2512251881Speter/* ### docco
2514251881Speter   ### collapse the WORKING and ACTUAL tree changes down into BASE, called
2515251881Speter       for each committed node.
2517251881Speter   NEW_REVISION must be the revision number of the revision created by
2518251881Speter   the commit. It will become the BASE node's 'revnum' and 'changed_rev'
2519251881Speter   values in the BASE_NODE table.
2521251881Speter   CHANGED_REVISION is the new 'last changed' revision. If the node is
2522251881Speter   modified its value is equivalent to NEW_REVISION, but in case of a
2523251881Speter   descendant of a copy/move it can be an older revision.
2525251881Speter   CHANGED_DATE is the (server-side) date of CHANGED_REVISION. It may be 0 if
2526251881Speter   the revprop is missing on the revision.
2528251881Speter   CHANGED_AUTHOR is the (server-side) author of CHANGED_REVISION. It may be
2529251881Speter   NULL if the revprop is missing on the revision.
2531251881Speter   WORK_ITEMS will be place into the work queue.
2533251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2534251881Spetersvn_wc__db_global_commit(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2535251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2536251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t new_revision,
2537251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t changed_revision,
2538251881Speter                         apr_time_t changed_date,
2539251881Speter                         const char *changed_author,
2540251881Speter                         const svn_checksum_t *new_checksum,
2541251881Speter                         apr_hash_t *new_dav_cache,
2542251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t keep_changelist,
2543251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t no_unlock,
2544251881Speter                         const svn_skel_t *work_items,
2545251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2548251881Speter/* ### docco
2550251881Speter   Perform an "update" operation at this node. It will create/modify a BASE
2551251881Speter   node, and possibly update the ACTUAL tree's node (e.g put the node into
2552251881Speter   a conflicted state).
2554251881Speter   ### there may be cases where we need to tweak an existing WORKING node
2556251881Speter   ### this operations on a single node, but may affect children
2558251881Speter   ### the repository cannot be changed with this function, but a "switch"
2559251881Speter   ### (aka changing repos_relpath) is possible
2561251881Speter   ### one of NEW_CHILDREN, NEW_CHECKSUM, or NEW_TARGET must be provided.
2562251881Speter   ### the other two values must be NULL.
2563251881Speter   ### should this be broken out into an update_(directory|file|symlink) ?
2565251881Speter   ### how does this differ from base_add_*? just the CONFLICT param.
2566251881Speter   ### the WORK_ITEMS param is new here, but the base_add_* functions
2567251881Speter   ### should probably grow that. should we instead just (re)use base_add
2568251881Speter   ### rather than grow a new function?
2570251881Speter   ### this does not allow a change of depth
2572251881Speter   ### we do not update a file's TRANSLATED_SIZE here. at some future point,
2573251881Speter   ### when the file is installed, then a TRANSLATED_SIZE will be set.
2575251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2576251881Spetersvn_wc__db_global_update(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2577251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2578251881Speter                         svn_node_kind_t new_kind,
2579251881Speter                         const char *new_repos_relpath,
2580251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t new_revision,
2581251881Speter                         const apr_hash_t *new_props,
2582251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t new_changed_rev,
2583251881Speter                         apr_time_t new_changed_date,
2584251881Speter                         const char *new_changed_author,
2585251881Speter                         const apr_array_header_t *new_children,
2586251881Speter                         const svn_checksum_t *new_checksum,
2587251881Speter                         const char *new_target,
2588251881Speter                         const apr_hash_t *new_dav_cache,
2589251881Speter                         const svn_skel_t *conflict,
2590251881Speter                         const svn_skel_t *work_items,
2591251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2594251881Speter/* Modify the entry of working copy LOCAL_ABSPATH, presumably after an update
2595251881Speter   of depth DEPTH completes.  If LOCAL_ABSPATH doesn't exist, this routine
2596251881Speter   does nothing.
2598251881Speter   Set the node's repository relpath, repository root, repository uuid and
2599251881Speter   revision to NEW_REPOS_RELPATH, NEW_REPOS_ROOT and NEW_REPOS_UUID.  If
2600251881Speter   NEW_REPOS_RELPATH is null, the repository location is untouched; if
2601251881Speter   NEW_REVISION in invalid, the working revision field is untouched.
2602251881Speter   The modifications are mutually exclusive.  If NEW_REPOS_ROOT is non-NULL,
2603251881Speter   set the repository root of the entry to NEW_REPOS_ROOT.
2605251881Speter   If LOCAL_ABSPATH is a directory, then, walk entries below LOCAL_ABSPATH
2606251881Speter   according to DEPTH thusly:
2608251881Speter   If DEPTH is svn_depth_infinity, perform the following actions on
2609251881Speter   every entry below PATH; if svn_depth_immediates, svn_depth_files,
2610251881Speter   or svn_depth_empty, perform them only on LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2612251881Speter   If NEW_REVISION is valid, then tweak every entry to have this new
2613251881Speter   working revision (excluding files that are scheduled for addition
2614251881Speter   or replacement).  Likewise, if BASE_URL is non-null, then rewrite
2615251881Speter   all urls to be "telescoping" children of the base_url.
2617251881Speter   EXCLUDE_RELPATHS is a hash containing const char *local_relpath.  Nodes
2618251881Speter   for pathnames contained in EXCLUDE_RELPATHS are not touched by this
2619251881Speter   function.  These pathnames should be paths relative to the wcroot.
2621289180Speter   If EMPTY_UPDATE is TRUE then no nodes at or below LOCAL_ABSPATH have been
2622289180Speter   affected by the update/switch yet.
2624251881Speter   If WCROOT_IPROPS is not NULL it is a hash mapping const char * absolute
2625251881Speter   working copy paths to depth-first ordered arrays of
2626251881Speter   svn_prop_inherited_item_t * structures.  If LOCAL_ABSPATH exists in
2627251881Speter   WCROOT_IPROPS, then set the hashed value as the node's inherited
2628251881Speter   properties.
2630251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2631251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_bump_revisions_post_update(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2632251881Speter                                         const char *local_abspath,
2633251881Speter                                         svn_depth_t depth,
2634251881Speter                                         const char *new_repos_relpath,
2635251881Speter                                         const char *new_repos_root_url,
2636251881Speter                                         const char *new_repos_uuid,
2637251881Speter                                         svn_revnum_t new_revision,
2638251881Speter                                         apr_hash_t *exclude_relpaths,
2639251881Speter                                         apr_hash_t *wcroot_iprops,
2640289180Speter                                         svn_boolean_t empty_update,
2641251881Speter                                         svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
2642251881Speter                                         void *notify_baton,
2643251881Speter                                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2646251881Speter/* Record the RECORDED_SIZE and RECORDED_TIME for a versioned node.
2648251881Speter   This function will record the information within the WORKING node,
2649251881Speter   if present, or within the BASE tree. If neither node is present, then
2650251881Speter   SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND will be returned.
2652251881Speter   RECORDED_SIZE may be SVN_INVALID_FILESIZE, which will be recorded
2653251881Speter   as such, implying "unknown size".
2655251881Speter   RECORDED_TIME may be 0, which will be recorded as such, implying
2656251881Speter   "unknown last mod time".
2658251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2659251881Spetersvn_wc__db_global_record_fileinfo(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2660251881Speter                                  const char *local_abspath,
2661251881Speter                                  svn_filesize_t recorded_size,
2662251881Speter                                  apr_time_t recorded_time,
2663251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2666251881Speter/* ### post-commit handling.
2667251881Speter   ### maybe multiple phases?
2668251881Speter   ### 1) mark a changelist as being-committed
2669251881Speter   ### 2) collect ACTUAL content, store for future use as TEXTBASE
2670251881Speter   ### 3) caller performs commit
2671251881Speter   ### 4) post-commit, integrate changelist into BASE
2675251881Speter/* @} */
2678251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_lock  Function to manage the LOCKS table.
2679251881Speter   @{
2682251881Speter/* Add or replace LOCK for LOCAL_ABSPATH to DB.  */
2683251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2684251881Spetersvn_wc__db_lock_add(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2685251881Speter                    const char *local_abspath,
2686251881Speter                    const svn_wc__db_lock_t *lock,
2687251881Speter                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2690289180Speter/* Remove any lock for LOCAL_ABSPATH in DB and install WORK_ITEMS
2691289180Speter   (if not NULL) in DB */
2692251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2693251881Spetersvn_wc__db_lock_remove(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2694251881Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
2695289180Speter                       svn_skel_t *work_items,
2696251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2699251881Speter/* @} */
2702251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_scan  Functions to scan up a tree for further data.
2703251881Speter   @{
2706251881Speter/* Scan upwards for information about a known addition to the WORKING tree.
2708251881Speter   IFF a node's status as returned by svn_wc__db_read_info() is
2709251881Speter   svn_wc__db_status_added (NOT obstructed_add!), then this function
2710251881Speter   returns a refined status in *STATUS, which is one of:
2712251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_added -- this NODE is a simple add without history.
2713251881Speter       OP_ROOT_ABSPATH will be set to the topmost node in the added subtree
2714251881Speter       (implying its parent will be an unshadowed BASE node). The REPOS_*
2715251881Speter       values will be implied by that ancestor BASE node and this node's
2716251881Speter       position in the added subtree. ORIGINAL_* will be set to their
2717251881Speter       NULL values (and SVN_INVALID_REVNUM for ORIGINAL_REVISION).
2719251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_copied -- this NODE is the root or child of a copy.
2720251881Speter       The root of the copy will be stored in OP_ROOT_ABSPATH. Note that
2721251881Speter       the parent of the operation root could be another WORKING node (from
2722251881Speter       an add, copy, or move). The REPOS_* values will be implied by the
2723251881Speter       ancestor unshadowed BASE node. ORIGINAL_* will indicate the source
2724251881Speter       of the copy.
2726251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_incomplete -- this NODE is copied but incomplete.
2728251881Speter     svn_wc__db_status_moved_here -- this NODE arrived as a result of a move.
2729251881Speter       The root of the moved nodes will be stored in OP_ROOT_ABSPATH.
2730251881Speter       Similar to the copied state, its parent may be a WORKING node or a
2731251881Speter       BASE node. And again, the REPOS_* values are implied by this node's
2732251881Speter       position in the subtree under the ancestor unshadowed BASE node.
2733251881Speter       ORIGINAL_* will indicate the source of the move.
2735251881Speter   All OUT parameters may be NULL to indicate a lack of interest in
2736251881Speter   that piece of information.
2738251881Speter   STATUS, OP_ROOT_ABSPATH, and REPOS_* will always be assigned a value
2739251881Speter   if that information is requested (and assuming a successful return).
2741251881Speter   ORIGINAL_REPOS_RELPATH will refer to the *root* of the operation. It
2742251881Speter   does *not* correspond to the node given by LOCAL_ABSPATH. The caller
2743251881Speter   can use the suffix on LOCAL_ABSPATH (relative to OP_ROOT_ABSPATH) in
2744251881Speter   order to compute the source node which corresponds to LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2746251881Speter   If the node given by LOCAL_ABSPATH does not have changes recorded in
2747251881Speter   the WORKING tree, then SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND is returned. If it
2748251881Speter   doesn't have an "added" status, then SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_UNEXPECTED_STATUS
2749251881Speter   will be returned.
2751251881Speter   All returned data will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All temporary
2752251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
2754251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2755251881Spetersvn_wc__db_scan_addition(svn_wc__db_status_t *status,
2756251881Speter                         const char **op_root_abspath,
2757251881Speter                         const char **repos_relpath,
2758251881Speter                         const char **repos_root_url,
2759251881Speter                         const char **repos_uuid,
2760251881Speter                         const char **original_repos_relpath,
2761251881Speter                         const char **original_root_url,
2762251881Speter                         const char **original_uuid,
2763251881Speter                         svn_revnum_t *original_revision,
2764251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
2765251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2766251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2767251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2769251881Speter/* Scan the working copy for move information of the node LOCAL_ABSPATH.
2770289180Speter * If LOCAL_ABSPATH is not moved here return an
2771289180Speter * SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_UNEXPECTED_STATUS error.
2772251881Speter *
2773251881Speter * If not NULL *MOVED_FROM_ABSPATH will be set to the previous location
2774251881Speter * of LOCAL_ABSPATH, before it or an ancestror was moved.
2775251881Speter *
2776251881Speter * If not NULL *OP_ROOT_ABSPATH will be set to the new location of the
2777251881Speter * path that was actually moved
2778251881Speter *
2779251881Speter * If not NULL *OP_ROOT_MOVED_FROM_ABSPATH will be set to the old location
2780251881Speter * of the path that was actually moved.
2781251881Speter *
2782251881Speter * If not NULL *MOVED_FROM_DELETE_ABSPATH will be set to the ancestor of the
2783251881Speter * moved from location that deletes the original location
2784251881Speter *
2785251881Speter * Given a working copy
2786251881Speter * A/B/C
2787251881Speter * svn mv A/B D
2788251881Speter * svn rm A
2789251881Speter *
2790251881Speter * You can call this function on D and D/C. When called on D/C all output
2791251881Speter *              MOVED_FROM_ABSPATH will be A/B/C
2792251881Speter *              OP_ROOT_ABSPATH will be D
2793251881Speter *              OP_ROOT_MOVED_FROM_ABSPATH will be A/B
2794251881Speter *              MOVED_FROM_DELETE_ABSPATH will be A
2795251881Speter */
2796251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2797251881Spetersvn_wc__db_scan_moved(const char **moved_from_abspath,
2798251881Speter                      const char **op_root_abspath,
2799251881Speter                      const char **op_root_moved_from_abspath,
2800251881Speter                      const char **moved_from_delete_abspath,
2801251881Speter                      svn_wc__db_t *db,
2802251881Speter                      const char *local_abspath,
2803251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2804251881Speter                      apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2806251881Speter/* Scan upwards for additional information about a deleted node.
2808251881Speter   When a deleted node is discovered in the WORKING tree, the situation
2809251881Speter   may be quite complex. This function will provide the information to
2810251881Speter   resolve the circumstances of the deletion.
2812251881Speter   For discussion purposes, we will start with the most complex example
2813251881Speter   and then demonstrate simplified examples. Consider node B/W/D/N has been
2814251881Speter   found as deleted. B is an unmodified directory (thus, only in BASE). W is
2815251881Speter   "replacement" content that exists in WORKING, shadowing a similar B/W
2816251881Speter   directory in BASE. D is a deleted subtree in the WORKING tree, and N is
2817251881Speter   the deleted node.
2819251881Speter   In this example, BASE_DEL_ABSPATH will bet set to B/W. That is the root of
2820251881Speter   the BASE tree (implicitly) deleted by the replacement. WORK_DEL_ABSPATH
2821251881Speter   will be set to the subtree deleted within the replacement; in this case,
2822251881Speter   B/W/D. No move-away took place, so MOVED_TO_ABSPATH is set to NULL.
2824251881Speter   In another scenario, B/W was moved-away before W was put into the WORKING
2825251881Speter   tree through an add/copy/move-here. MOVED_TO_ABSPATH will indicate where
2826251881Speter   B/W was moved to. Note that further operations may have been performed
2827251881Speter   post-move, but that is not known or reported by this function.
2829251881Speter   If BASE does not have a B/W, then the WORKING B/W is not a replacement,
2830251881Speter   but a simple add/copy/move-here. BASE_DEL_ABSPATH will be set to NULL.
2832251881Speter   If B/W/D does not exist in the WORKING tree (we're only talking about a
2833251881Speter   deletion of nodes of the BASE tree), then deleting B/W/D would have marked
2834251881Speter   the subtree for deletion. BASE_DEL_ABSPATH will refer to B/W/D,
2835251881Speter   MOVED_TO_ABSPATH will be NULL, and WORK_DEL_ABSPATH will be NULL.
2837251881Speter   If the BASE node B/W/D was moved instead of deleted, then MOVED_TO_ABSPATH
2838251881Speter   would indicate the target location (and other OUT values as above).
2840251881Speter   When the user deletes B/W/D from the WORKING tree, there are a few
2841251881Speter   additional considerations. If B/W is a simple addition (not a copy or
2842251881Speter   a move-here), then the deletion will simply remove the nodes from WORKING
2843251881Speter   and possibly leave behind "base-delete" markers in the WORKING tree.
2844251881Speter   If the source is a copy/moved-here, then the nodes are replaced with
2845251881Speter   deletion markers.
2847251881Speter   If the user moves-away B/W/D from the WORKING tree, then behavior is
2848251881Speter   again dependent upon the origination of B/W. For a plain add, the nodes
2849251881Speter   simply move to the destination; this means that B/W/D ceases to be a
2850251881Speter   node and so cannot be scanned. For a copy, a deletion is made at B/W/D,
2851251881Speter   and a new copy (of a subtree of the original source) is made at the
2852251881Speter   destination. For a move-here, a deletion is made, and a copy is made at
2853251881Speter   the destination (we do not track multiple moves; the source is moved to
2854251881Speter   B/W, then B/W/D is deleted; then a copy is made at the destination;
2855251881Speter   however, note the double-move could have been performed by moving the
2856251881Speter   subtree first, then moving the source to B/W).
2858251881Speter   There are three further considerations when resolving a deleted node:
2860251881Speter     If the BASE B/W/D was deleted explicitly *and* B/W is a replacement,
2861251881Speter     then the explicit deletion is subsumed by the implicit deletion that
2862251881Speter     occurred with the B/W replacement. Thus, BASE_DEL_ABSPATH will point
2863251881Speter     to B/W as the root of the BASE deletion. IOW, we can detect the
2864251881Speter     explicit move-away, but not an explicit deletion.
2866251881Speter     If B/W/D/N refers to a node present in the BASE tree, and B/W was
2867251881Speter     replaced by a shallow subtree, then it is possible for N to be
2868251881Speter     reported as deleted (from BASE) yet no deletions occurred in the
2869251881Speter     WORKING tree above N. Thus, WORK_DEL_ABSPATH will be set to NULL.
2872251881Speter   Summary of OUT parameters:
2874251881Speter   BASE_DEL_ABSPATH will specify the nearest ancestor of the explicit or
2875251881Speter   implicit deletion (if any) that applies to the BASE tree.
2877251881Speter   WORK_DEL_ABSPATH will specify the root of a deleted subtree within
2878251881Speter   the WORKING tree (note there is no concept of layered delete operations
2879251881Speter   in WORKING, so there is only one deletion root in the ancestry).
2881251881Speter   MOVED_TO_ABSPATH will specify the path where this node was moved to
2882251881Speter   if the node has moved-away.
2884251881Speter   If the node was moved-away, MOVED_TO_OP_ROOT_ABSPATH will specify the
2885251881Speter   target path of the root of the move operation.  If LOCAL_ABSPATH itself
2886251881Speter   is the source path of the root of the move operation, then
2889251881Speter   All OUT parameters may be set to NULL to indicate a lack of interest in
2890251881Speter   that piece of information.
2892251881Speter   If the node given by LOCAL_ABSPATH does not exist, then
2893251881Speter   SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND is returned. If it doesn't have a "deleted"
2894251881Speter   status, then SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_UNEXPECTED_STATUS will be returned.
2896251881Speter   All returned data will be allocated in RESULT_POOL. All temporary
2897251881Speter   allocations will be made in SCRATCH_POOL.
2899251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2900251881Spetersvn_wc__db_scan_deletion(const char **base_del_abspath,
2901251881Speter                         const char **moved_to_abspath,
2902251881Speter                         const char **work_del_abspath,
2903251881Speter                         const char **moved_to_op_root_abspath,
2904251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
2905251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
2906251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
2907251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2910251881Speter/* @} */
2913251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_upgrade  Functions for upgrading a working copy.
2914251881Speter   @{
2917262250Speter/* Installs or updates Sqlite schema statistics for the current (aka latest)
2918262250Speter   working copy schema.
2920262250Speter   This function should be called once on initializing the database and after
2921262250Speter   an schema update completes */
2922262250Spetersvn_error_t *
2923262250Spetersvn_wc__db_install_schema_statistics(svn_sqlite__db_t *sdb,
2924262250Speter                                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2927251881Speter/* Create a new wc.db file for LOCAL_DIR_ABSPATH, which is going to be a
2928251881Speter   working copy for the repository REPOS_ROOT_URL with uuid REPOS_UUID.
2929251881Speter   Return the raw sqlite handle, repository id and working copy id
2930251881Speter   and store the database in WC_DB.
2932251881Speter   Perform temporary allocations in SCRATCH_POOL. */
2933251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2934251881Spetersvn_wc__db_upgrade_begin(svn_sqlite__db_t **sdb,
2935251881Speter                         apr_int64_t *repos_id,
2936251881Speter                         apr_int64_t *wc_id,
2937251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *wc_db,
2938251881Speter                         const char *local_dir_abspath,
2939251881Speter                         const char *repos_root_url,
2940251881Speter                         const char *repos_uuid,
2941251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2943251881Speter/* Simply insert (or replace) one row in the EXTERNALS table. */
2944251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2945251881Spetersvn_wc__db_upgrade_insert_external(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2946251881Speter                                   const char *local_abspath,
2947251881Speter                                   svn_node_kind_t kind,
2948251881Speter                                   const char *parent_abspath,
2949251881Speter                                   const char *def_local_abspath,
2950251881Speter                                   const char *repos_relpath,
2951251881Speter                                   const char *repos_root_url,
2952251881Speter                                   const char *repos_uuid,
2953251881Speter                                   svn_revnum_t def_peg_revision,
2954251881Speter                                   svn_revnum_t def_revision,
2955251881Speter                                   apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2957251881Speter/* Upgrade the metadata concerning the WC at WCROOT_ABSPATH, in DB,
2958251881Speter * to the SVN_WC__VERSION format.
2959251881Speter *
2960251881Speter * This function is used for upgrading wc-ng working copies to a newer
2961251881Speter * wc-ng format. If a pre-1.7 working copy is found, this function
2962251881Speter * returns SVN_ERR_WC_UPGRADE_REQUIRED.
2963251881Speter *
2964251881Speter * Upgrading subdirectories of a working copy is not supported.
2965251881Speter * If WCROOT_ABSPATH is not a working copy root SVN_ERR_WC_INVALID_OP_ON_CWD
2966251881Speter * is returned.
2967253734Speter *
2968253734Speter * If BUMPED_FORMAT is not NULL, set *BUMPED_FORMAT to TRUE if the format
2969253734Speter * was bumped or to FALSE if the wc was already at the resulting format.
2970251881Speter */
2971251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2972251881Spetersvn_wc__db_bump_format(int *result_format,
2973253734Speter                       svn_boolean_t *bumped_format,
2974253734Speter                       svn_wc__db_t *db,
2975251881Speter                       const char *wcroot_abspath,
2976251881Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2978251881Speter/* @} */
2981251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_wq  Work queue manipulation. see workqueue.h
2982251881Speter   @{
2985251881Speter/* In the WCROOT associated with DB and WRI_ABSPATH, add WORK_ITEM to the
2986251881Speter   wcroot's work queue. Use SCRATCH_POOL for all temporary allocations.  */
2987251881Spetersvn_error_t *
2988251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wq_add(svn_wc__db_t *db,
2989251881Speter                  const char *wri_abspath,
2990251881Speter                  const svn_skel_t *work_item,
2991251881Speter                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
2994251881Speter/* In the WCROOT associated with DB and WRI_ABSPATH, fetch a work item that
2995251881Speter   needs to be completed. Its identifier is returned in ID, and the data in
2996251881Speter   WORK_ITEM.
2998251881Speter   Items are returned in the same order they were queued. This allows for
2999251881Speter   (say) queueing work on a parent node to be handled before that of its
3000251881Speter   children.
3002251881Speter   If there are no work items to be completed, then ID will be set to zero,
3003251881Speter   and WORK_ITEM to NULL.
3005251881Speter   If COMPLETED_ID is not 0, the wq item COMPLETED_ID will be marked as
3006251881Speter   completed before returning the next item.
3008251881Speter   RESULT_POOL will be used to allocate WORK_ITEM, and SCRATCH_POOL
3009251881Speter   will be used for all temporary allocations.  */
3010251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3011251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wq_fetch_next(apr_uint64_t *id,
3012251881Speter                         svn_skel_t **work_item,
3013251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
3014251881Speter                         const char *wri_abspath,
3015251881Speter                         apr_uint64_t completed_id,
3016251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3017251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3019251881Speter/* Special variant of svn_wc__db_wq_fetch_next(), which in the same transaction
3020251881Speter   also records timestamps and sizes for one or more nodes */
3021251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3022251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wq_record_and_fetch_next(apr_uint64_t *id,
3023251881Speter                                    svn_skel_t **work_item,
3024251881Speter                                    svn_wc__db_t *db,
3025251881Speter                                    const char *wri_abspath,
3026251881Speter                                    apr_uint64_t completed_id,
3027251881Speter                                    apr_hash_t *record_map,
3028251881Speter                                    apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3029251881Speter                                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3032251881Speter/* @} */
3035251881Speter/* Note: LEVELS_TO_LOCK is here strictly for backward compat.  The access
3036251881Speter   batons still have the notion of 'levels to lock' and we need to ensure
3037251881Speter   that they still function correctly, even in the new world.  'levels to
3038251881Speter   lock' should not be exposed through the wc-ng APIs at all: users either
3039251881Speter   get to lock the entire tree (rooted at some subdir, of course), or none.
3041251881Speter   An infinite depth lock is obtained with LEVELS_TO_LOCK set to -1, but until
3042251881Speter   we move to a single DB only depth 0 is supported.
3044251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3045251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wclock_obtain(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3046251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
3047251881Speter                         int levels_to_lock,
3048251881Speter                         svn_boolean_t steal_lock,
3049251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3051362181Sdim/* Set LOCK_ABSPATH to the path of the directory that owns the
3052251881Speter   lock on LOCAL_ABSPATH, or NULL, if LOCAL_ABSPATH is not locked. */
3054251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wclock_find_root(const char **lock_abspath,
3055251881Speter                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
3056251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
3057251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3058251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3060251881Speter/* Check if somebody has a wclock on LOCAL_ABSPATH */
3061251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3062251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wclocked(svn_boolean_t *locked,
3063251881Speter                    svn_wc__db_t *db,
3064251881Speter                    const char *local_abspath,
3065251881Speter                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3067251881Speter/* Release the previously obtained lock on LOCAL_ABSPATH */
3068251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3069251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wclock_release(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3070251881Speter                          const char *local_abspath,
3071251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3073251881Speter/* Checks whether DB currently owns a lock to operate on LOCAL_ABSPATH.
3074251881Speter   If EXACT is TRUE only lock roots are checked. */
3075251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3076251881Spetersvn_wc__db_wclock_owns_lock(svn_boolean_t *own_lock,
3077251881Speter                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
3078251881Speter                            const char *local_abspath,
3079251881Speter                            svn_boolean_t exact,
3080251881Speter                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3084251881Speter/* @defgroup svn_wc__db_temp Various temporary functions during transition
3086251881Speter  ### These functions SHOULD be completely removed before 1.7
3088251881Speter  @{
3091251881Speter/* Removes all references to LOCAL_ABSPATH from DB, while optionally leaving
3092251881Speter   a not present node.
3094251881Speter   This operation always recursively removes all nodes at and below
3095251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH from NODES and ACTUAL.
3097251881Speter   If DESTROY_WC is TRUE, this operation *installs* workqueue operations to
3098251881Speter   update the local filesystem after the database operation. If DESTROY_CHANGES
3099251881Speter   is FALSE, modified and unversioned files are left after running this
3100251881Speter   operation (and the WQ). If DESTROY_CHANGES and DESTROY_WC are TRUE,
3101251881Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH and everything below it will be removed by the WQ.
3104251881Speter   Note: Unlike many similar functions it is a valid scenario for this
3105251881Speter   function to be called on a wcroot! In this case it will just leave the root
3106251881Speter   record in BASE
3107251881Speter */
3108251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3109251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_remove_node(svn_boolean_t *left_changes,
3110251881Speter                          svn_wc__db_t *db,
3111251881Speter                          const char *local_abspath,
3112251881Speter                          svn_boolean_t destroy_wc,
3113251881Speter                          svn_boolean_t destroy_changes,
3114251881Speter                          const svn_skel_t *conflict,
3115251881Speter                          const svn_skel_t *work_items,
3116251881Speter                          svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
3117251881Speter                          void *cancel_baton,
3118251881Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3120251881Speter/* Sets the depth of LOCAL_ABSPATH in its working copy to DEPTH using DB.
3122251881Speter   Returns SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND if LOCAL_ABSPATH is not a BASE directory
3123251881Speter */
3124251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3125251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_set_base_depth(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3126251881Speter                             const char *local_abspath,
3127251881Speter                             svn_depth_t depth,
3128251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3130251881Speter/* ### temp function. return the FORMAT for the directory LOCAL_ABSPATH.  */
3131251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3132251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_get_format(int *format,
3133251881Speter                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
3134251881Speter                           const char *local_dir_abspath,
3135251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3137251881Speter/* ### temp functions to manage/store access batons within the DB.  */
3138251881Spetersvn_wc_adm_access_t *
3139251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_get_access(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3140251881Speter                           const char *local_dir_abspath,
3141251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3143251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_set_access(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3144251881Speter                           const char *local_dir_abspath,
3145251881Speter                           svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access,
3146251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3147251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3148251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_close_access(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3149251881Speter                             const char *local_dir_abspath,
3150251881Speter                             svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access,
3151251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3153251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_clear_access(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3154251881Speter                             const char *local_dir_abspath,
3155251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3157251881Speter/* ### shallow hash: abspath -> svn_wc_adm_access_t *  */
3158251881Speterapr_hash_t *
3159251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_get_all_access(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3160251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *result_pool);
3162251881Speter/* ### temp function to open the sqlite database to the appropriate location,
3163251881Speter   ### then borrow it for a bit.
3164251881Speter   ### The *only* reason for this function is because entries.c still
3165251881Speter   ### manually hacks the sqlite database.
3167251881Speter   ### No matter how tempted you may be DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION!
3168251881Speter   ### (if you do, gstein will hunt you down and burn your knee caps off
3169251881Speter   ### in the middle of the night)
3170251881Speter   ### "Bet on it." --gstein
3172251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3173251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_borrow_sdb(svn_sqlite__db_t **sdb,
3174251881Speter                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
3175251881Speter                           const char *local_dir_abspath,
3176251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3179251881Speter/* Return a directory in *TEMP_DIR_ABSPATH that is suitable for temporary
3180251881Speter   files which may need to be moved (atomically and same-device) into the
3181251881Speter   working copy indicated by WRI_ABSPATH.  */
3182251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3183251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_wcroot_tempdir(const char **temp_dir_abspath,
3184251881Speter                               svn_wc__db_t *db,
3185251881Speter                               const char *wri_abspath,
3186251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3187251881Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3189251881Speter/* Update the BASE_NODE of directory LOCAL_ABSPATH to be NEW_REPOS_RELPATH
3190251881Speter   at revision NEW_REV with status incomplete. */
3191251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3192251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_op_start_directory_update(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3193251881Speter                                          const char *local_abspath,
3194251881Speter                                          const char *new_repos_relpath,
3195251881Speter                                          svn_revnum_t new_rev,
3196251881Speter                                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3198251881Speter/* Marks a directory update started with
3199251881Speter   svn_wc__db_temp_op_start_directory_update as completed, by removing
3200251881Speter   the incomplete status */
3201251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3202251881Spetersvn_wc__db_temp_op_end_directory_update(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3203251881Speter                                        const char *local_dir_abspath,
3204251881Speter                                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3207289180Speter/* When local_abspath has no WORKING layer, copy the base tree at
3208289180Speter   LOCAL_ABSPATH into the working tree as copy, leaving any subtree
3209289180Speter   additions and copies as-is.  This may introduce multiple layers if
3210289180Speter   the tree is mixed revision.
3212289180Speter   When local_abspath has a WORKING node, but is not an op-root, copy
3213289180Speter   all descendants at the same op-depth to the op-depth of local_abspath,
3214289180Speter   thereby turning this node in a copy of what was already there.
3216289180Speter   Fails with a SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_UNEXPECTED_STATUS error if LOCAL_RELPATH
3217289180Speter   is already an op-root (as in that case it can't be copied as that
3218289180Speter   would overwrite what is already there).
3220289180Speter   After this operation the copied layer (E.g. BASE) can be removed, without
3221289180Speter   the WORKING nodes chaning. Typical usecase: tree conflict handling */
3222251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3223251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_make_copy(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3224251881Speter                        const char *local_abspath,
3225251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *conflicts,
3226251881Speter                        const svn_skel_t *work_items,
3227251881Speter                        apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3229251881Speter/* Close the wc root LOCAL_ABSPATH and remove any per-directory
3230251881Speter   handles associated with it. */
3231251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3232251881Spetersvn_wc__db_drop_root(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3233251881Speter                     const char *local_abspath,
3234251881Speter                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3236251881Speter/* Return the OP_DEPTH for LOCAL_RELPATH. */
3238251881Spetersvn_wc__db_op_depth_for_upgrade(const char *local_relpath);
3240251881Speter/* Set *HAVE_WORK TRUE if there is a working layer below the top layer and
3241251881Speter   *HAVE_BASE if there is a base layer. Set *STATUS to the status of the
3242251881Speter   highest layer below WORKING */
3243251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3244251881Spetersvn_wc__db_info_below_working(svn_boolean_t *have_base,
3245251881Speter                              svn_boolean_t *have_work,
3246251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_status_t *status,
3247251881Speter                              svn_wc__db_t *db,
3248251881Speter                              const char *local_abspath,
3249251881Speter                              apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3252251881Speter/* Gets an array of const char *local_relpaths of descendants of LOCAL_ABSPATH,
3253251881Speter * which itself must be the op root of an addition, copy or move.
3254251881Speter * The descendants returned are at the same op_depth, but are to be deleted
3255251881Speter * by the commit processing because they are not present in the local copy.
3256251881Speter */
3257251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3258251881Spetersvn_wc__db_get_not_present_descendants(const apr_array_header_t **descendants,
3259251881Speter                                       svn_wc__db_t *db,
3260251881Speter                                       const char *local_abspath,
3261251881Speter                                       apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3262251881Speter                                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3264251881Speter/* Gather revision status information about a working copy using DB.
3265251881Speter *
3266251881Speter * Set *MIN_REVISION and *MAX_REVISION to the lowest and highest revision
3267251881Speter * numbers found within LOCAL_ABSPATH.
3268251881Speter * Only nodes with op_depth zero and presence 'normal' or 'incomplete'
3269251881Speter * are considered, so that added, deleted or excluded nodes do not affect
3270251881Speter * the result.  If COMMITTED is TRUE, set *MIN_REVISION and *MAX_REVISION
3271251881Speter * to the lowest and highest committed (i.e. "last changed") revision numbers,
3272251881Speter * respectively.
3273251881Speter *
3274251881Speter * Indicate in *IS_SPARSE_CHECKOUT whether any of the nodes within
3275251881Speter * LOCAL_ABSPATH is sparse.
3276289180Speter * Indicate in *IS_MODIFIED whether the working copy has local modifications
3277289180Speter * recorded for it in DB.
3278251881Speter *
3279251881Speter * Indicate in *IS_SWITCHED whether any node beneath LOCAL_ABSPATH
3280251881Speter * is switched. If TRAIL_URL is non-NULL, use it to determine if LOCAL_ABSPATH
3281251881Speter * itself is switched.  It should be any trailing portion of LOCAL_ABSPATH's
3282251881Speter * expected URL, long enough to include any parts that the caller considers
3283251881Speter * might be changed by a switch.  If it does not match the end of WC_PATH's
3284251881Speter * actual URL, then report a "switched" status.
3285251881Speter *
3286251881Speter * See also the functions below which provide a subset of this functionality.
3287251881Speter */
3288251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3289251881Spetersvn_wc__db_revision_status(svn_revnum_t *min_revision,
3290251881Speter                           svn_revnum_t *max_revision,
3291251881Speter                           svn_boolean_t *is_sparse_checkout,
3292251881Speter                           svn_boolean_t *is_modified,
3293251881Speter                           svn_boolean_t *is_switched,
3294251881Speter                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
3295251881Speter                           const char *local_abspath,
3296251881Speter                           const char *trail_url,
3297251881Speter                           svn_boolean_t committed,
3298251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3300251881Speter/* Set *MIN_REVISION and *MAX_REVISION to the lowest and highest revision
3301251881Speter * numbers found within LOCAL_ABSPATH in the working copy using DB.
3302251881Speter * Only nodes with op_depth zero and presence 'normal' or 'incomplete'
3303251881Speter * are considered, so that added, deleted or excluded nodes do not affect
3304251881Speter * the result.  If COMMITTED is TRUE, set *MIN_REVISION and *MAX_REVISION
3305251881Speter * to the lowest and highest committed (i.e. "last changed") revision numbers,
3306251881Speter * respectively. Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
3307251881Speter *
3308251881Speter * Either of MIN_REVISION and MAX_REVISION may be passed as NULL if
3309251881Speter * the caller doesn't care about that return value.
3310251881Speter *
3311251881Speter * This function provides a subset of the functionality of
3312251881Speter * svn_wc__db_revision_status() and is more efficient if the caller
3313251881Speter * doesn't need all information returned by svn_wc__db_revision_status(). */
3314251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3315251881Spetersvn_wc__db_min_max_revisions(svn_revnum_t *min_revision,
3316251881Speter                             svn_revnum_t *max_revision,
3317251881Speter                             svn_wc__db_t *db,
3318251881Speter                             const char *local_abspath,
3319251881Speter                             svn_boolean_t committed,
3320251881Speter                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3322251881Speter/* Indicate in *IS_SWITCHED whether any node beneath LOCAL_ABSPATH
3323251881Speter * is switched, using DB. Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
3324251881Speter *
3325251881Speter * If TRAIL_URL is non-NULL, use it to determine if LOCAL_ABSPATH itself
3326251881Speter * is switched.  It should be any trailing portion of LOCAL_ABSPATH's
3327251881Speter * expected URL, long enough to include any parts that the caller considers
3328251881Speter * might be changed by a switch.  If it does not match the end of WC_PATH's
3329251881Speter * actual URL, then report a "switched" status.
3330251881Speter *
3331251881Speter * This function provides a subset of the functionality of
3332251881Speter * svn_wc__db_revision_status() and is more efficient if the caller
3333251881Speter * doesn't need all information returned by svn_wc__db_revision_status(). */
3334251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3335251881Spetersvn_wc__db_has_switched_subtrees(svn_boolean_t *is_switched,
3336251881Speter                                 svn_wc__db_t *db,
3337251881Speter                                 const char *local_abspath,
3338251881Speter                                 const char *trail_url,
3339251881Speter                                 apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3341251881Speter/* Set @a *excluded_subtrees to a hash mapping <tt>const char *</tt>
3342251881Speter * local absolute paths to <tt>const char *</tt> local absolute paths for
3343251881Speter * every path under @a local_abspath in @a db which are excluded by
3344251881Speter * the server (e.g. due to authz), or user.  If no such paths are found then
3345251881Speter * @a *server_excluded_subtrees is set to @c NULL.
3346251881Speter * Allocate the hash and all items therein from @a result_pool.
3347251881Speter */
3348251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3349251881Spetersvn_wc__db_get_excluded_subtrees(apr_hash_t **server_excluded_subtrees,
3350251881Speter                                 svn_wc__db_t *db,
3351251881Speter                                 const char *local_abspath,
3352251881Speter                                 apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3353251881Speter                                 apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3355251881Speter/* Indicate in *IS_MODIFIED whether the working copy has local modifications,
3356251881Speter * using DB. Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
3357251881Speter *
3358289180Speter * This function does not check the working copy state, but is a lot more
3359289180Speter * efficient than a full status walk. */
3360251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3361289180Spetersvn_wc__db_has_db_mods(svn_boolean_t *is_modified,
3362289180Speter                       svn_wc__db_t *db,
3363289180Speter                       const char *local_abspath,
3364289180Speter                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3367251881Speter/* Verify the consistency of metadata concerning the WC that contains
3368251881Speter * WRI_ABSPATH, in DB.  Return an error if any problem is found. */
3369251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3370251881Spetersvn_wc__db_verify(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3371251881Speter                  const char *wri_abspath,
3372251881Speter                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3375251881Speter/* Possibly need two structures, one with relpaths and with abspaths?
3376251881Speter * Only exposed for testing at present. */
3377251881Speterstruct svn_wc__db_moved_to_t {
3378251881Speter  const char *local_relpath;  /* moved-to destination */
3379251881Speter  int op_depth;       /* op-root of source */
3382251881Speter/* Set *FINAL_ABSPATH to an array of svn_wc__db_moved_to_t for
3383251881Speter * LOCAL_ABSPATH after following any and all nested moves.
3384251881Speter * Only exposed for testing at present. */
3385251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3386251881Spetersvn_wc__db_follow_moved_to(apr_array_header_t **moved_tos,
3387251881Speter                           svn_wc__db_t *db,
3388251881Speter                           const char *local_abspath,
3389251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3390251881Speter                           apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3392289180Speter/* Update a moved-away tree conflict victim LOCAL_ABSPATH, deleted in
3393289180Speter   DELETE_OP_ABSPATH with changes from the original location. */
3394251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3395251881Spetersvn_wc__db_update_moved_away_conflict_victim(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3396289180Speter                                             const char *local_abspath,
3397289180Speter                                             const char *delete_op_abspath,
3398289180Speter                                             svn_wc_operation_t operation,
3399289180Speter                                             svn_wc_conflict_action_t action,
3400289180Speter                                             svn_wc_conflict_reason_t reason,
3401289180Speter                                             svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
3402289180Speter                                             void *cancel_baton,
3403251881Speter                                             svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
3404251881Speter                                             void *notify_baton,
3405251881Speter                                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3407362181Sdim/* Merge local changes from tree conflict victim at LOCAL_ABSPATH into the
3408362181Sdim   directory at DEST_ABSPATH. This function requires that LOCAL_ABSPATH is
3409362181Sdim   a directory and a tree-conflict victim. DST_ABSPATH must be a directory. */
3410362181Sdimsvn_error_t *
3411362181Sdimsvn_wc__db_update_incoming_move(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3412362181Sdim                                const char *local_abspath,
3413362181Sdim                                const char *dest_abspath,
3414362181Sdim                                svn_wc_operation_t operation,
3415362181Sdim                                svn_wc_conflict_action_t action,
3416362181Sdim                                svn_wc_conflict_reason_t reason,
3417362181Sdim                                svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
3418362181Sdim                                void *cancel_baton,
3419362181Sdim                                svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
3420362181Sdim                                void *notify_baton,
3421362181Sdim                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3423362181Sdim/* Merge locally added dir tree conflict victim at LOCAL_ABSPATH with the
3424362181Sdim * directory since added to the BASE layer by an update operation. */
3425362181Sdimsvn_error_t *
3426362181Sdimsvn_wc__db_update_local_add(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3427362181Sdim                            const char *local_abspath,
3428362181Sdim                            svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
3429362181Sdim                            void *cancel_baton,
3430362181Sdim                            svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
3431362181Sdim                            void *notify_baton,
3432362181Sdim                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3435251881Speter * is the root of the move to MOVE_DST_OP_ROOT_ABSPATH.
3436289180Speter * DELETE_ABSPATH is the op-root of the move; it's the same
3437251881Speter * as MOVE_SRC_ROOT_ABSPATH except for moves inside deletes when it is
3438251881Speter * the op-root of the delete. */
3439251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3440251881Spetersvn_wc__db_base_moved_to(const char **move_dst_abspath,
3441251881Speter                         const char **move_dst_op_root_abspath,
3442251881Speter                         const char **move_src_root_abspath,
3443289180Speter                         const char **delete_abspath,
3444251881Speter                         svn_wc__db_t *db,
3445251881Speter                         const char *local_abspath,
3446251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3447251881Speter                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3449251881Speter/* Recover space from the database file for LOCAL_ABSPATH by running
3450251881Speter * the "vacuum" command. */
3451251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3452251881Spetersvn_wc__db_vacuum(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3453251881Speter                  const char *local_abspath,
3454251881Speter                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3456251881Speter/* This raises move-edit tree-conflicts on any moves inside the
3457251881Speter   delete-edit conflict on LOCAL_ABSPATH. This is experimental: see
3458251881Speter   comment in resolve_conflict_on_node about combining with another
3459251881Speter   function. */
3460251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3461289180Spetersvn_wc__db_op_raise_moved_away(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3462289180Speter                               const char *local_abspath,
3463289180Speter                               svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
3464289180Speter                               void *notify_baton,
3465289180Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3467289180Speter/* Breaks all moves of nodes that exist at or below LOCAL_ABSPATH as
3468362181Sdim   shadowed (read: deleted) by the operation rooted at
3469289180Speter   delete_op_root_abspath.
3470289180Speter */
3471251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3472289180Spetersvn_wc__db_op_break_moved_away(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3473289180Speter                               const char *local_abspath,
3474289180Speter                               const char *delete_op_root_abspath,
3475289180Speter                               svn_boolean_t mark_tc_resolved,
3476289180Speter                               svn_wc_notify_func2_t notify_func,
3477289180Speter                               void *notify_baton,
3478289180Speter                               apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3480251881Speter/* Set *REQUIRED_ABSPATH to the path that should be locked to ensure
3481251881Speter * that the lock covers all paths affected by resolving the conflicts
3482251881Speter * in the tree LOCAL_ABSPATH. */
3483251881Spetersvn_error_t *
3484251881Spetersvn_wc__required_lock_for_resolve(const char **required_abspath,
3485251881Speter                                  svn_wc__db_t *db,
3486251881Speter                                  const char *local_abspath,
3487251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3488251881Speter                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3490362181Sdim/* Return an array of const char * elements, which represent local absolute
3491362181Sdim * paths for nodes, within the working copy indicated by WRI_ABSPATH, which
3492362181Sdim * correspond to REPOS_RELPATH. If no such nodes exist, return an empty array.
3493362181Sdim *
3494362181Sdim * Note that this function returns each and every such node that is known
3495362181Sdim * in the WC, including, for example, nodes that were children of a directory
3496362181Sdim * which has been replaced.
3497362181Sdim */
3498362181Sdimsvn_error_t *
3499362181Sdimsvn_wc__db_find_repos_node_in_wc(apr_array_header_t **local_abspath_list,
3500362181Sdim                                 svn_wc__db_t *db,
3501362181Sdim                                 const char *wri_abspath,
3502362181Sdim                                 const char *repos_relpath,
3503362181Sdim                                 apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3504362181Sdim                                 apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3506362181Sdim/* Return an array of const char * elements, which represent local absolute
3507362181Sdim * paths for nodes, within the working copy indicated by WRI_ABSPATH, which
3508362181Sdim * have a basename matching BASENAME and have node kind KIND.
3509362181Sdim * If no such nodes exist, return an empty array.
3510362181Sdim *
3511362181Sdim * This function returns only paths to nodes which are present in the highest
3512362181Sdim * layer of the WC. In other words, paths to deleted and/or excluded nodes are
3513362181Sdim * never returned.
3514362181Sdim */
3515362181Sdimsvn_error_t *
3516362181Sdimsvn_wc__db_find_working_nodes_with_basename(apr_array_header_t **local_abspaths,
3517362181Sdim                                            svn_wc__db_t *db,
3518362181Sdim                                            const char *wri_abspath,
3519362181Sdim                                            const char *basename,
3520362181Sdim                                            svn_node_kind_t kind,
3521362181Sdim                                            apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3522362181Sdim                                            apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3524362181Sdim/* Return an array of const char * elements, which represent local absolute
3525362181Sdim * paths for nodes, within the working copy indicated by WRI_ABSPATH, which
3526362181Sdim * are copies of REPOS_RELPATH and have node kind KIND.
3527362181Sdim * If no such nodes exist, return an empty array.
3528362181Sdim *
3529362181Sdim * This function returns only paths to nodes which are present in the highest
3530362181Sdim * layer of the WC. In other words, paths to deleted and/or excluded nodes are
3531362181Sdim * never returned.
3532362181Sdim */
3533362181Sdimsvn_error_t *
3534362181Sdimsvn_wc__db_find_copies_of_repos_path(apr_array_header_t **local_abspaths,
3535362181Sdim                                     svn_wc__db_t *db,
3536362181Sdim                                     const char *wri_abspath,
3537362181Sdim                                     const char *repos_relpath,
3538362181Sdim                                     svn_node_kind_t kind,
3539362181Sdim                                     apr_pool_t *result_pool,
3540362181Sdim                                     apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3541251881Speter/* @} */
3543289180Spetertypedef svn_error_t * (*svn_wc__db_verify_cb_t)(void *baton,
3544289180Speter                                                const char *wc_abspath,
3545289180Speter                                                const char *local_relpath,
3546289180Speter                                                int op_depth,
3547289180Speter                                                int id,
3548289180Speter                                                const char *description,
3549289180Speter                                                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3551289180Speter/* Checks the database for FULL-correctness according to the spec.
3553289180Speter   Note that typical 1.7-1.9 databases WILL PRODUCE warnings.
3555289180Speter   This is mainly useful for WC-NG developers, as there will be
3556289180Speter   warnings without the database being corrupt
3558289180Spetersvn_error_t *
3559289180Spetersvn_wc__db_verify_db_full(svn_wc__db_t *db,
3560289180Speter                          const char *wri_abspath,
3561289180Speter                          svn_wc__db_verify_cb_t callback,
3562289180Speter                          void *baton,
3563289180Speter                          apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
3566251881Speter#ifdef __cplusplus
3568251881Speter#endif /* __cplusplus */
3570251881Speter#endif /* SVN_WC_DB_H */