revision 251886
175631Salfred#!/usr/bin/env python
475631Salfred# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
575631Salfred# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
675631Salfred# distributed with this work for additional information
775631Salfred# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
875631Salfred# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
975631Salfred# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
1075631Salfred# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
1475631Salfred# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
1575631Salfred# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
1775631Salfred# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
1875631Salfred# specific language governing permissions and limitations
1975631Salfred# under the License.
2375631Salfred# -- generate makefiles for building Subversion
2775631Salfredimport os
2875631Salfredimport sys
2975631Salfredimport getopt
3175631Salfred  my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
3275631Salfredexcept AttributeError:
3375631Salfred  my_getopt = getopt.getopt
3575631Salfred  # Python >=3.0
3675631Salfred  import configparser
3775631Salfredexcept ImportError:
3875631Salfred  # Python <3.0
3975631Salfred  import ConfigParser as configparser
4175631Salfred# for the generator modules
4275631Salfredsys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('build', 'generator'))
4475631Salfred# for getversion
45138430Sphksys.path.insert(1, 'build')
4775631Salfredgen_modules = {
4875631Salfred  'make' : ('gen_make', 'Makefiles for POSIX systems'),
4975631Salfred  'dsp' : ('gen_msvc_dsp', 'MSVC 6.x project files'),
5075631Salfred  'vcproj' : ('gen_vcnet_vcproj', 'VC.Net project files'),
5175631Salfred  }
5375631Salfreddef main(fname, gentype, verfname=None,
5475631Salfred         skip_depends=0, other_options=None):
5575631Salfred  if verfname is None:
5675631Salfred    verfname = os.path.join('subversion', 'include', 'svn_version.h')
5875631Salfred  gen_module = __import__(gen_modules[gentype][0])
6075631Salfred  generator = gen_module.Generator(fname, verfname, other_options)
6275631Salfred  if not skip_depends:
6375631Salfred    generator.compute_hdr_deps()
65138430Sphk  generator.write()
6675631Salfred  generator.write_sqlite_headers()
6875631Salfred  if ('--debug', '') in other_options:
6975631Salfred    for dep_type, target_dict in generator.graph.deps.items():
7075631Salfred      sorted_targets = list(target_dict.keys()); sorted_targets.sort()
71100134Salfred      for target in sorted_targets:
7275631Salfred        print(dep_type + ": " + _objinfo(target))
7375631Salfred        for source in target_dict[target]:
74101947Salfred          print("  " + _objinfo(source))
75210455Srmacklem      print("=" * 72)
7675631Salfred    gen_keys = sorted(generator.__dict__.keys())
7775631Salfred    for name in gen_keys:
7875631Salfred      value = generator.__dict__[name]
7975631Salfred      if isinstance(value, list):
8075631Salfred        print(name + ": ")
8175631Salfred        for i in value:
8275631Salfred          print("  " + _objinfo(i))
8375631Salfred        print("=" * 72)
8675631Salfreddef _objinfo(o):
8775631Salfred  if isinstance(o, str):
8875631Salfred    return repr(o)
8975631Salfred  else:
90214048Srmacklem    t = o.__class__.__name__
91214048Srmacklem    n = getattr(o, 'name', '-')
9275631Salfred    f = getattr(o, 'filename', '-')
93    return "%s: %s %s" % (t,n,f)
96def _usage_exit(err=None):
97  "print ERR (if any), print usage, then exit the script"
98  if err:
99    print("ERROR: %s\n" % (err))
100  print("USAGE: [options...] [conf-file]")
101  print("  -s        skip dependency generation")
102  print("  --debug   print lots of stuff only developers care about")
103  print("  --release release mode")
104  print("  --reload  reuse all options from the previous invocation")
105  print("            of the script, except -s, -t, --debug and --reload")
106  print("  -t TYPE   use the TYPE generator; can be one of:")
107  items = sorted(gen_modules.items())
108  for name, (module, desc) in items:
109    print('            %-12s  %s' % (name, desc))
110  print("")
111  print("            The default generator type is 'make'")
112  print("")
113  print("  Makefile-specific options:")
114  print("")
115  print("  --assume-shared-libs")
116  print("           omit dependencies on libraries, on the assumption that")
117  print("           shared libraries will be built, so that it is unnecessary")
118  print("           to relink executables when the libraries that they depend")
119  print("           on change.  This is an option for developers who want to")
120  print("           increase the speed of frequent rebuilds.")
121  print("           *** Do not use unless you understand the consequences. ***")
122  print("")
123  print("  UNIX-specific options:")
124  print("")
125  print("  --installed-libs")
126  print("           Comma-separated list of Subversion libraries to find")
127  print("           pre-installed instead of building (probably only")
128  print("           useful for packagers)")
129  print("")
130  print("  Windows-specific options:")
131  print("")
132  print("  --with-apr=DIR")
133  print("           the APR sources are in DIR")
134  print("")
135  print("  --with-apr-util=DIR")
136  print("           the APR-Util sources are in DIR")
137  print("")
138  print("  --with-apr-iconv=DIR")
139  print("           the APR-Iconv sources are in DIR")
140  print("")
141  print("  --with-berkeley-db=DIR")
142  print("           look for Berkeley DB headers and libs in")
143  print("           DIR")
144  print("")
145  print("  --with-serf=DIR")
146  print("           the Serf sources are in DIR")
147  print("")
148  print("  --with-httpd=DIR")
149  print("           the httpd sources and binaries required")
150  print("           for building mod_dav_svn are in DIR;")
151  print("           implies --with-apr{-util, -iconv}, but")
152  print("           you can override them")
153  print("")
154  print("  --with-libintl=DIR")
155  print("           look for GNU libintl headers and libs in DIR;")
156  print("           implies --enable-nls")
157  print("")
158  print("  --with-openssl=DIR")
159  print("           tell serf to look for OpenSSL headers")
160  print("           and libs in DIR")
161  print("")
162  print("  --with-zlib=DIR")
163  print("           tell Subversion to look for ZLib headers and")
164  print("           libs in DIR")
165  print("")
166  print("  --with-jdk=DIR")
167  print("           look for the java development kit here")
168  print("")
169  print("  --with-junit=DIR")
170  print("           look for the junit jar here")
171  print("           junit is for testing the java bindings")
172  print("")
173  print("  --with-swig=DIR")
174  print("           look for the swig program in DIR")
175  print("")
176  print("  --with-sqlite=DIR")
177  print("           look for sqlite in DIR")
178  print("")
179  print("  --with-sasl=DIR")
180  print("           look for the sasl headers and libs in DIR")
181  print("")
182  print("  --enable-pool-debug")
183  print("           turn on APR pool debugging")
184  print("")
185  print("  --enable-purify")
186  print("           add support for Purify instrumentation;")
187  print("           implies --enable-pool-debug")
188  print("")
189  print("  --enable-quantify")
190  print("           add support for Quantify instrumentation")
191  print("")
192  print("  --enable-nls")
193  print("           add support for gettext localization")
194  print("")
195  print("  --enable-bdb-in-apr-util")
196  print("           configure APR-Util to use Berkeley DB")
197  print("")
198  print("  --enable-ml")
199  print("           enable use of ML assembler with zlib")
200  print("")
201  print("  --disable-shared")
202  print("           only build static libraries")
203  print("")
204  print("  --with-static-apr")
205  print("           Use static apr and apr-util")
206  print("")
207  print("  --with-static-openssl")
208  print("           Use static openssl")
209  print("")
210  print("  --vsnet-version=VER")
211  print("           generate for VS.NET version VER (2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 or 2012)")
212  print("           [only valid in combination with '-t vcproj']")
213  print("")
214  print("  --with-apr_memcache=DIR")
215  print("           the apr_memcache sources are in DIR")
216  sys.exit(1)
219class Options:
220  def __init__(self):
221    self.list = []
222    self.dict = {}
224  def add(self, opt, val):
225    if opt in self.dict:
226      self.list[self.dict[opt]] = (opt, val)
227    else:
228      self.dict[opt] = len(self.list)
229      self.list.append((opt, val))
231if __name__ == '__main__':
232  try:
233    opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'st:',
234                           ['debug',
235                            'release',
236                            'reload',
237                            'assume-shared-libs',
238                            'with-apr=',
239                            'with-apr-util=',
240                            'with-apr-iconv=',
241                            'with-berkeley-db=',
242                            'with-serf=',
243                            'with-httpd=',
244                            'with-libintl=',
245                            'with-openssl=',
246                            'with-zlib=',
247                            'with-jdk=',
248                            'with-junit=',
249                            'with-swig=',
250                            'with-sqlite=',
251                            'with-sasl=',
252                            'with-apr_memcache=',
253                            'with-static-apr',
254                            'with-static-openssl',
255                            'enable-pool-debug',
256                            'enable-purify',
257                            'enable-quantify',
258                            'enable-nls',
259                            'enable-bdb-in-apr-util',
260                            'enable-ml',
261                            'disable-shared',
262                            'installed-libs=',
263                            'vsnet-version=',
265                            # Keep distributions that help by adding a path
266                            # working. On unix this would be filtered by
267                            # configure, but on Windows is used
268                            # directly.
269                            'with-neon=',
270                            'without-neon',
271                            ])
272    if len(args) > 1:
273      _usage_exit("Too many arguments")
274  except getopt.GetoptError, e:
275    _usage_exit(str(e))
277  conf = 'build.conf'
278  skip = 0
279  gentype = 'make'
280  rest = Options()
282  if args:
283    conf = args[0]
285  # First merge options with previously saved to gen-make.opts if --reload
286  # options used
287  for opt, val in opts:
288    if opt == '--reload':
289      prev_conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
291      for opt, val in prev_conf.items('options'):
292        if opt != '--debug':
293          rest.add(opt, val)
294      del prev_conf
295    elif opt == '--with-neon' or opt == '--without-neon':
296      # Provide a warning that we ignored these arguments
297      print("Ignoring no longer supported argument '%s'" % opt)
298    else:
299      rest.add(opt, val)
301  # Parse options list
302  for opt, val in rest.list:
303    if opt == '-s':
304      skip = 1
305    elif opt == '-t':
306      gentype = val
307    else:
308      if opt == '--with-httpd':
309        rest.add('--with-apr', os.path.join(val, 'srclib', 'apr'))
310        rest.add('--with-apr-util', os.path.join(val, 'srclib', 'apr-util'))
311        rest.add('--with-apr-iconv', os.path.join(val, 'srclib', 'apr-iconv'))
313  # Remember all options so that --reload and other scripts can use them
314  opt_conf = open('gen-make.opts', 'w')
315  opt_conf.write('[options]\n')
316  for opt, val in rest.list:
317    opt_conf.write(opt + ' = ' + val + '\n')
318  opt_conf.close()
320  if gentype not in gen_modules.keys():
321    _usage_exit("Unknown module type '%s'" % (gentype))
323  main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
326### End of file.