1\ Words implementing frame drawing
2\ XXX Filled boxes are left as an exercise for the reader... ;-/
3\ $FreeBSD$
5marker task-frames.4th
7variable h_el
8variable v_el
9variable lt_el
10variable lb_el
11variable rt_el
12variable rb_el
13variable fill
15\ ASCII frames (used when serial console is detected)
16 45 constant ascii_dash
17124 constant ascii_pipe
18 43 constant ascii_plus
20s" arch-pc98" environment? [if]
21	\ Single frames
22	149 constant sh_el
23	150 constant sv_el
24	152 constant slt_el
25	154 constant slb_el
26	153 constant srt_el
27	155 constant srb_el
28	\ Double frames
29	149 constant dh_el
30	150 constant dv_el
31	152 constant dlt_el
32	154 constant dlb_el
33	153 constant drt_el
34	155 constant drb_el
35	\ Fillings
36	0 constant fill_none
37	32 constant fill_blank
38	135 constant fill_dark
39	135 constant fill_med
40	135 constant fill_bright
42	\ Single frames
43	196 constant sh_el
44	179 constant sv_el
45	218 constant slt_el
46	192 constant slb_el
47	191 constant srt_el
48	217 constant srb_el
49	\ Double frames
50	205 constant dh_el
51	186 constant dv_el
52	201 constant dlt_el
53	200 constant dlb_el
54	187 constant drt_el
55	188 constant drb_el
56	\ Fillings
57	0 constant fill_none
58	32 constant fill_blank
59	176 constant fill_dark
60	177 constant fill_med
61	178 constant fill_bright
64: hline	( len x y -- )	\ Draw horizontal single line
65	at-xy		\ move cursor
66	0 do
67		h_el @ emit
68	loop
71: f_ascii ( -- )	( -- )	\ set frames to ascii
72	ascii_dash h_el !
73	ascii_pipe v_el !
74	ascii_plus lt_el !
75	ascii_plus lb_el !
76	ascii_plus rt_el !
77	ascii_plus rb_el !
80: f_single	( -- )	\ set frames to single
81	boot_serial? if f_ascii exit then
82	sh_el h_el !
83	sv_el v_el !
84	slt_el lt_el !
85	slb_el lb_el !
86	srt_el rt_el !
87	srb_el rb_el !
90: f_double	( -- )	\ set frames to double
91	boot_serial? if f_ascii exit then
92	dh_el h_el !
93	dv_el v_el !
94	dlt_el lt_el !
95	dlb_el lb_el !
96	drt_el rt_el !
97	drb_el rb_el !
100: vline	( len x y -- )	\ Draw vertical single line
101	2dup 4 pick
102	0 do
103		at-xy
104		v_el @ emit
105		1+
106		2dup
107	loop
108	2drop 2drop drop
111: box	( w h x y -- )	\ Draw a box
112	2dup 1+ 4 pick 1- -rot
113	vline		\ Draw left vert line
114	2dup 1+ swap 5 pick + swap 4 pick 1- -rot
115	vline		\ Draw right vert line
116	2dup swap 1+ swap 5 pick 1- -rot
117	hline		\ Draw top horiz line
118	2dup swap 1+ swap 4 pick + 5 pick 1- -rot
119	hline		\ Draw bottom horiz line
120	2dup at-xy lt_el @ emit	\ Draw left-top corner
121	2dup 4 pick + at-xy lb_el @ emit	\ Draw left bottom corner
122	2dup swap 5 pick + swap at-xy rt_el @ emit	\ Draw right top corner
123	2 pick + swap 3 pick + swap at-xy rb_el @ emit
124	2drop
128fill_none fill !