2230025Sed * This m4 code has been taken from The SPARC Architecture Manual Version 8.
3230025Sed */
6230025Sed * Division/Remainder
7230025Sed *
8230025Sed * Input is:
9230025Sed *   dividend -- the thing being divided
10230025Sed *   divisor -- how many ways to divide it
11230025Sed * Important parameters:
12230025Sed *   N -- how many bits per iteration we try to get
13230025Sed *        as our current guess: define(N, 4) define(TWOSUPN, 16)
14230025Sed *   WORDSIZE -- how many bits altogether we're talking about:
15230025Sed *               obviously: define(WORDSIZE, 32)
16230025Sed * A derived constant:
17230025Sed *   TOPBITS -- how many bits are in the top "decade" of a number:
18230025Sed *        define(TOPBITS, eval( WORDSIZE - N*((WORDSIZE-1)/N) ) )
19230025Sed * Important variables are:
20230025Sed *   Q -- the partial quotient under development -- initially 0
21230025Sed *   R -- the remainder so far -- initially == the dividend
22230025Sed *   ITER -- number of iterations of the main division loop which will
23230025Sed *           be required. Equal to CEIL( lg2(quotient)/N )
24230025Sed *           Note that this is log_base_(2��N) of the quotient.
25230025Sed *   V -- the current comparand -- initially divisor*2��(ITER*N-1)
26230025Sed * Cost:
27230025Sed *   current estimate for non-large dividend is
28230025Sed *        CEIL( lg2(quotient) / N ) x ( 10 + 7N/2 ) + C
29230025Sed *   a large dividend is one greater than 2��(31-TOPBITS) and takes a
30230025Sed *   different path, as the upper bits of the quotient must be developed
31230025Sed *   one bit at a time.
32230025Sed *   This uses the m4 and cpp macro preprocessors.
33230025Sed */
35230025Seddefine(dividend, `%o0')
37230025Seddefine(Q, `%o2')
38230025Seddefine(R, `%o3')
39230025Seddefine(ITER, `%o4')
40230025Seddefine(V, `%o5')
41230025Seddefine(SIGN, `%g3')
42230025Seddefine(T, `%g1')
45230025Sed * This is the recursive definition of how we develop quotient digits.
46230025Sed * It takes three important parameters:
47230025Sed *   $1 -- the current depth, 1<=$1<=N
48230025Sed *   $2 -- the current accumulation of quotient bits
49230025Sed *   N -- max depth
50230025Sed * We add a new bit to $2 and either recurse or insert the bits in the quotient.
51230025Sed * Dynamic input:
52230025Sed *   R -- current remainder
53230025Sed *   Q -- current quotient
54230025Sed *   V -- current comparand
55230025Sed *   cc -- set on current value of R
56230025Sed * Dynamic output:
57230025Sed *   R', Q', V', cc'
58230025Sed */
60230025Sed#include "../assembly.h"
63230025Sed`	!depth $1, accumulated bits $2
64230025Sed	bl	L.$1.eval(TWOSUPN+$2)
65230025Sed	srl	V,1,V
66230025Sed	! remainder is nonnegative
67230025Sed	subcc	R,V,R
68230025Sed	ifelse( $1, N,
69230025Sed	`	b	9f
70230025Sed		add	Q, ($2*2+1), Q
71230025Sed	',` DEVELOP_QUOTIENT_BITS( incr($1), `eval(2*$2+1)')
72230025Sed	')
74230025Sed	! remainder is negative
75230025Sed	addcc	R,V,R
76230025Sed	ifelse( $1, N,
77230025Sed	`	b	9f
78230025Sed		add	Q, ($2*2-1), Q
79230025Sed	',` DEVELOP_QUOTIENT_BITS( incr($1), `eval(2*$2-1)')
80230025Sed	')
81230025Sed	ifelse( $1, 1, `9:')
83230025Sedifelse( ANSWER, `quotient', `
85235388Smarius	.align 32
87230025Sed	b	divide
88230025Sed	mov	0,SIGN			! result always nonnegative
90235388Smarius	.align 32
92230025Sed	orcc	divisor,dividend,%g0	! are either dividend or divisor negative
93230025Sed	bge	divide			! if not, skip this junk
94230025Sed	xor	divisor,dividend,SIGN	! record sign of result in sign of SIGN
95230025Sed	tst	divisor
96230025Sed	bge	2f
97230025Sed	tst	dividend
98230025Sed	! divisor < 0
99230025Sed	bge	divide
100230025Sed	neg	divisor
101230025Sed	2:
102230025Sed	! dividend < 0
103230025Sed	neg	dividend
104230025Sed	! FALL THROUGH
107235388Smarius	.align 32
109230025Sed	b	divide
110230025Sed	mov	0,SIGN			! result always nonnegative
112235388Smarius	.align 32
114230025Sed	orcc	divisor,dividend,%g0	! are either dividend or divisor negative
115230025Sed	bge	divide			! if not, skip this junk
116230025Sed	mov	dividend,SIGN		! record sign of result in sign of SIGN
117230025Sed	tst	divisor
118230025Sed	bge	2f
119230025Sed	tst	dividend
120230025Sed	! divisor < 0
121230025Sed	bge	divide
122230025Sed	neg	divisor
123230025Sed	2:
124230025Sed	! dividend < 0
125230025Sed	neg	dividend
126230025Sed	! FALL THROUGH
130230025Sed	! Compute size of quotient, scale comparand.
131230025Sed	orcc	divisor,%g0,V		! movcc divisor,V
132230025Sed	te	2			! if divisor = 0
133230025Sed	mov	dividend,R
134230025Sed	mov	0,Q
135230025Sed	sethi	%hi(1<<(WORDSIZE-TOPBITS-1)),T
136230025Sed	cmp	R,T
137230025Sed	blu	not_really_big
138230025Sed	mov	0,ITER
139230025Sed	!
140230025Sed	! Here, the dividend is >= 2��(31-N) or so. We must be careful here,
141230025Sed	! as our usual N-at-a-shot divide step will cause overflow and havoc.
142230025Sed	! The total number of bits in the result here is N*ITER+SC, where
143230025Sed	! SC <= N.
144230025Sed	! Compute ITER in an unorthodox manner: know we need to Shift V into
145230025Sed! the top decade: so don't even bother to compare to R.
147230025Sed	cmp	V,T
148230025Sed	bgeu	3f
149230025Sed	mov	1,SC
150230025Sed	sll	V,N,V
151230025Sed	b	1b
152230025Sed	inc	ITER
153230025Sed! Now compute SC
154230025Sed2:	addcc	V,V,V
155230025Sed	bcc	not_too_big
156230025Sed	add	SC,1,SC
157230025Sed		! We're here if the divisor overflowed when Shifting.
158230025Sed		! This means that R has the high-order bit set.
159230025Sed		! Restore V and subtract from R.
160230025Sed		sll	T,TOPBITS,T	! high order bit
161230025Sed		srl	V,1,V		! rest of V
162230025Sed		add	V,T,V
163230025Sed		b	do_single_div
164230025Sed		dec	SC
166230025Sed3:	cmp	V,R
167230025Sed	blu	2b
168230025Sed	nop
169230025Sed	be	do_single_div
170230025Sed	nop
171230025Sed! V > R: went too far: back up 1 step
172230025Sed!     srl V,1,V
173230025Sed!      dec SC
174230025Sed! do single-bit divide steps
176230025Sed! We have to be careful here. We know that R >= V, so we can do the
177230025Sed! first divide step without thinking. BUT, the others are conditional,
178230025Sed! and are only done if R >= 0. Because both R and V may have the high-
179230025Sed! order bit set in the first step, just falling into the regular
180230025Sed! division loop will mess up the first time around.
181230025Sed! So we unroll slightly...
183230025Sed	deccc	SC
184230025Sed	bl	end_regular_divide
185230025Sed	nop
186230025Sed	sub	R,V,R
187230025Sed	mov	1,Q
188235388Smarius	b,a	end_single_divloop
189235388Smarius	! EMPTY
191230025Sed	sll	Q,1,Q
192230025Sed	bl	1f
193230025Sed	srl	V,1,V
194230025Sed	! R >= 0
195230025Sed		sub	R,V,R
196230025Sed		b	2f
197230025Sed		inc	Q
198230025Sed	1:	! R < 0
199230025Sed		add	R,V,R
200230025Sed		dec	Q
201230025Sed	2:
202230025Sed	end_single_divloop:
203230025Sed		deccc	SC
204230025Sed		bge	single_divloop
205230025Sed		tst	R
206235388Smarius		b,a	end_regular_divide
207235388Smarius		! EMPTY
211230025Sed	sll	V,N,V
212230025Sed	cmp	V,R
213230025Sed	bleu	1b
214230025Sed	inccc	ITER
215230025Sed	be	got_result
216230025Sed	dec	ITER
218230025Sed	! Do the main division iteration
219230025Sed	tst	R
220230025Sed	! Fall through into divide loop
222230025Sed	sll	Q,N,Q
223230025Sed	DEVELOP_QUOTIENT_BITS( 1, 0 )
225230025Sed	deccc	ITER
226230025Sed	bge	divloop
227230025Sed	tst	R
228235388Smarius	bl,a	got_result
229235388Smarius	! non-restoring fixup if remainder < 0, otherwise annulled
230230025Sedifelse( ANSWER, `quotient',
231230025Sed`	dec	Q
232230025Sed',`	add	R,divisor,R
236230025Sed	tst	SIGN
237235388Smarius	bl,a	1f
238235388Smarius	! negate for answer < 0, otherwise annulled
239230025Sedifelse( ANSWER, `quotient',
240235388Smarius`	neg	%o2,%o2			! Q <- -Q
241235388Smarius',`	neg	%o3,%o3 		! R <- -R
244230025Sed	retl				! leaf-routine return
245230025Sedifelse( ANSWER, `quotient',
246230025Sed`	mov	%o2,%o0			! quotient <- Q
247230025Sed',`	mov	%o3,%o0			! remainder <- R