1271696Sdelphij# $FreeBSD: stable/10/etc/devd/hyperv.conf 322129 2017-08-07 02:15:13Z sephe $
3271696Sdelphij# Hyper-V specific events
5271696Sdelphijnotify 10 {
6271696Sdelphij	match "system"		"DEVFS";
7271696Sdelphij	match "subsystem"	"CDEV";
8271696Sdelphij	match "type"		"CREATE";
9272322Sdelphij	match "cdev"		"hv_kvp_dev";
10271696Sdelphij	action "/usr/sbin/hv_kvp_daemon";
13271696Sdelphijnotify 10 {
14271696Sdelphij	match "system"		"DEVFS";
15271696Sdelphij	match "subsystem"	"CDEV";
16271696Sdelphij	match "type"		"DESTROY";
17272322Sdelphij	match "cdev"		"hv_kvp_dev";
18271696Sdelphij	action "pkill -x hv_kvp_daemon";
21310735Ssephenotify 11 {
22310735Ssephe	match "system"		"DEVFS";
23310735Ssephe	match "subsystem"	"CDEV";
24310735Ssephe	match "type"		"CREATE";
25310735Ssephe	match "cdev"		"hv_fsvss_dev";
26310735Ssephe	action "/usr/sbin/hv_vss_daemon";
29310735Ssephenotify 11 {
30310735Ssephe	match "system"		"DEVFS";
31310735Ssephe	match "subsystem"	"CDEV";
32310735Ssephe	match "type"		"DESTROY";
33310735Ssephe	match "cdev"		"hv_fsvss_dev";
34310735Ssephe	action "pkill -x hv_vss_daemon";
38322129Ssephe# Rules for non-transparent network VF.
40322129Ssephe# How network VF works with hn(4) on Hyper-V in non-transparent mode:
42322129Ssephe# - Each network VF has a cooresponding hn(4).
43322129Ssephe# - The network VF and the it's cooresponding hn(4) have the same hardware
44322129Ssephe#   address.
45322129Ssephe# - Once the network VF is up, e.g. ifconfig VF up:
46322129Ssephe#   o  All of the transmission should go through the network VF.
47322129Ssephe#   o  Most of the reception goes through the network VF.
48322129Ssephe#   o  Small amount of reception may go through the cooresponding hn(4).
49322129Ssephe#      This reception will happen, even if the the cooresponding hn(4) is
50322129Ssephe#      down.  The cooresponding hn(4) will change the reception interface
51322129Ssephe#      to the network VF, so that network layer and application layer will
52322129Ssephe#      be tricked into thinking that these packets were received by the
53322129Ssephe#      network VF.
54322129Ssephe#   o  The cooresponding hn(4) pretends the physical link is down.
55322129Ssephe# - Once the network VF is down or detached:
56322129Ssephe#   o  All of the transmission should go through the cooresponding hn(4).
57322129Ssephe#   o  All of the reception goes through the cooresponding hn(4).
58322129Ssephe#   o  The cooresponding hn(4) fallbacks to the original physical link
59322129Ssephe#      detection logic.
61322129Ssephe# All these features are mainly used to help live migration, during which
62322129Ssephe# the network VF will be detached, while the network communication to the
63322129Ssephe# VM must not be cut off.  In order to reach this level of live migration
64322129Ssephe# transparency, we use failover mode lagg(4) with the network VF and the
65322129Ssephe# cooresponding hn(4) attached to it.
67322129Ssephe# To ease user configuration for both network VF and non-network VF, the
68322129Ssephe# lagg(4) will be created by the following rules, and the configuration
69322129Ssephe# of the cooresponding hn(4) will be applied to the lagg(4) automatically.
71322129Ssephe# NOTE:
72322129Ssephe# If live migration is not needed at all, the following rules could be
73322129Ssephe# commented out, and the network VF interface could be used exclusively.
74322129Ssephe# Most often the cooresponding hn(4) could be completely ignored.
77322129Ssephe# Default workflow for the network VF bringup:
78322129Ssephe# 1) ETHERNET/IFATTACH -> VF interface up (delayed by rc.conf hyperv_vf_delay
79322129Ssephe#    seconds).  This operation will trigger HYPERV_NIC_VF/VF_UP.
80322129Ssephe# 2) HYPERV_NIC_VF/VF_UP:
81322129Ssephe#    a) Create laggX coresponding to hnX.
82322129Ssephe#    b) Add hnX and VF to laggX.
83322129Ssephe#    c) Whack all previous network configuration on hnX, including stopping
84322129Ssephe#       dhclient.
85322129Ssephe#    d) Apply rc.conf ifconfig_hnX to laggX; i.e. including starting dhclient.
87322129Ssephe# NOTE:
88322129Ssephe# HYPERV_NIC_VF/VF_UP action script could be customized per-interface by
89322129Ssephe# adding /usr/libexec/hyperv/hyperv_vfup.hnX script.
90322129Ssephe# /usr/libexec/hyperv/hyperv_vfup could be used as the template for the
91322129Ssephe# customized per-interface script.
93322129Ssephe# NOTE:
94322129Ssephe# For transparent network VF, hyperv_vfattach does nothing and
95322129Ssephe# HYPERV_NIC_VF/VF_UP will not be triggered at all.
98322129Ssephenotify 10 {
99322129Ssephe	match "system"		"HYPERV_NIC_VF";
100322129Ssephe	match "type"		"VF_UP";
101322129Ssephe	action "/usr/libexec/hyperv/hyperv_vfup $subsystem";
104322129Ssephenotify 10 {
105322129Ssephe	match "system"		"ETHERNET";
106322129Ssephe	match "type"		"IFATTACH";
107322129Ssephe	action "/usr/libexec/hyperv/hyperv_vfattach $subsystem 0";