2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29	@header kpi_interface.h
30	This header defines an API to interact with network interfaces in
31	the kernel. The network interface KPI may be used to implement
32	network interfaces or to attach protocols to existing interfaces.
33 */
35#ifndef __KPI_INTERFACE__
36#define __KPI_INTERFACE__
39#include <TargetConditionals.h>
42#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
45#include <sys/kpi_mbuf.h>
46#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
48#ifndef _SA_FAMILY_T
49#define _SA_FAMILY_T
50typedef __uint8_t		sa_family_t;
67struct timeval;
68struct sockaddr;
69struct sockaddr_dl;
70struct kern_event_msg;
71struct kev_msg;
72struct ifnet_demux_desc;
75	@enum Interface Families
76	@abstract Constants defining interface families.
77	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_ANY Match interface of any family type.
78	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_LOOPBACK A software loopback interface.
79	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET An Ethernet interface.
80	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_SLIP A SLIP interface.
81	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_TUN A tunnel interface.
82	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_VLAN A virtual LAN interface.
83	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_PPP A PPP interface.
84	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_PVC A PVC interface.
85	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_DISC A DISC interface.
86	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_MDECAP A MDECAP interface.
87	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_GIF A generic tunnel interface.
88	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_FAITH A FAITH (IPv4/IPv6 translation) interface.
89	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_STF A 6to4 interface.
90	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_FIREWIRE An IEEE 1394 (firewire) interface.
91	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_BOND A virtual bonded interface.
92	@constant IFNET_FAMILY_CELLULAR A cellular interface.
95enum {
107	IFNET_FAMILY_FAITH		= 11,	/* deprecated */
114	@typedef ifnet_family_t
115	@abstract Storage type for the interface family.
117typedef u_int32_t ifnet_family_t;
119#ifndef BPF_TAP_MODE_T
120#define BPF_TAP_MODE_T
122	@enum BPF tap mode
123	@abstract Constants defining interface families.
124	@constant BPF_MODE_DISABLED Disable bpf.
125	@constant BPF_MODE_INPUT Enable input only.
126	@constant BPF_MODE_OUTPUT Enable output only.
127	@constant BPF_MODE_INPUT_OUTPUT Enable input and output.
130enum {
132	BPF_MODE_INPUT			= 1,
133	BPF_MODE_OUTPUT			= 2,
137	@typedef bpf_tap_mode
138	@abstract Mode for tapping. BPF_MODE_DISABLED/BPF_MODE_INPUT_OUTPUT etc.
140typedef u_int32_t bpf_tap_mode;
141#endif /* !BPF_TAP_MODE_T */
144	@typedef protocol_family_t
145	@abstract Storage type for the protocol family.
147typedef u_int32_t protocol_family_t;
150	@enum Interface Abilities
151	@abstract Constants defining interface offload support.
152	@constant IFNET_CSUM_IP Hardware will calculate IPv4 checksums.
153	@constant IFNET_CSUM_TCP Hardware will calculate TCP checksums.
154	@constant IFNET_CSUM_UDP Hardware will calculate UDP checksums.
155	@constant IFNET_CSUM_FRAGMENT Hardware will checksum IP fragments.
156	@constant IFNET_IP_FRAGMENT Hardware will fragment IP packets.
157	@constant IFNET_CSUM_TCPIPV6 Hardware will calculate TCP IPv6 checksums.
158	@constant IFNET_CSUM_UDPIPV6 Hardware will calculate UDP IPv6 checksums.
159	@constant IFNET_IPV6_FRAGMENT Hardware will fragment IPv6 packets.
160	@constant IFNET_VLAN_TAGGING Hardware will generate VLAN headers.
161	@constant IFNET_VLAN_MTU Hardware supports VLAN MTU.
162	@constant IFNET_MULTIPAGES Driver is capable of handling packets
163		coming down from the network stack that reside in virtually,
164		but not in physically contiguous span of the external mbuf
165		clusters.  In this case, the data area of a packet in the
166		external mbuf cluster might cross one or more physical
167		pages that are disjoint, depending on the interface MTU
168		and the packet size.  Such a use of larger than system page
169		size clusters by the network stack is done for better system
170		efficiency.  Drivers that utilize the IOMbufNaturalMemoryCursor
171		with the getPhysicalSegmentsWithCoalesce interfaces and
172		enumerate the list of vectors should set this flag for
173		possible gain in performance during bulk data transfer.
174        @constant IFNET_TSO_IPV4 Hardware supports IPv4 TCP Segment Offloading.
175                If the Interface driver sets this flag, TCP will send larger frames (up to 64KB) as one
176                frame to the adapter which will perform the final packetization. The maximum TSO segment
177                supported by the interface can be set with "ifnet_set_tso_mtu". To retreive the real MTU
178                for the TCP connection the function "mbuf_get_tso_requested" is used by the driver. Note
179		that if TSO is active, all the packets will be flagged for TSO, not just large packets.
180        @constant IFNET_TSO_IPV6 Hardware supports IPv6 TCP Segment Offloading.
181                If the Interface driver sets this flag, TCP IPv6 will send larger frames (up to 64KB) as one
182                frame to the adapter which will perform the final packetization. The maximum TSO segment
183                supported by the interface can be set with "ifnet_set_tso_mtu". To retreive the real MTU
184                for the TCP IPv6 connection the function "mbuf_get_tso_requested" is used by the driver.
185		Note that if TSO is active, all the packets will be flagged for TSO, not just large packets.
189enum {
190	IFNET_CSUM_IP		= 0x00000001,
191	IFNET_CSUM_TCP		= 0x00000002,
192	IFNET_CSUM_UDP		= 0x00000004,
193	IFNET_CSUM_FRAGMENT	= 0x00000008,
194	IFNET_IP_FRAGMENT	= 0x00000010,
195	IFNET_CSUM_TCPIPV6	= 0x00000020,
196	IFNET_CSUM_UDPIPV6	= 0x00000040,
197	IFNET_IPV6_FRAGMENT	= 0x00000080,
199	IFNET_CSUM_SUM16	= 0x00001000,
200#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
201	IFNET_VLAN_TAGGING	= 0x00010000,
202	IFNET_VLAN_MTU		= 0x00020000,
203	IFNET_MULTIPAGES	= 0x00100000,
204	IFNET_TSO_IPV4		= 0x00200000,
205	IFNET_TSO_IPV6		= 0x00400000,
208	@typedef ifnet_offload_t
209	@abstract Flags indicating the offload support of the interface.
211typedef u_int32_t ifnet_offload_t;
214 * Callbacks
215 *
216 * These are function pointers you supply to the kernel in the interface.
217 */
219	@typedef bpf_packet_func
221	@discussion bpf_packet_func The bpf_packet_func is used to intercept
222		inbound and outbound packets. The tap function will never free
223		the mbuf. The tap function will only copy the mbuf in to various
224		bpf file descriptors tapping this interface.
225	@param interface The interface being sent or received on.
226	@param data The packet to be transmitted or received.
227	@result An errno value or zero upon success.
228 */
229/* Fast path - do not block or spend excessive amounts of time */
230typedef errno_t (*bpf_packet_func)(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t data);
233	@typedef ifnet_output_func
235	@discussion ifnet_output_func is used to transmit packets. The stack
236		will pass fully formed packets, including frame header, to the
237		ifnet_output function for an interface. The driver is
238		responsible for freeing the mbuf.
239	@param interface The interface being sent on.
240	@param data The packet to be sent.
241 */
242/* Fast path - do not block or spend excessive amounts of time */
243typedef errno_t (*ifnet_output_func)(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t data);
246	@typedef ifnet_ioctl_func
247	@discussion ifnet_ioctl_func is used to communicate ioctls from the
248		stack to the driver.
250		All undefined ioctls are reserved for future use by Apple. If
251		you need to communicate with your kext using an ioctl, please
253	@param interface The interface the ioctl is being sent to.
254	@param proto_family The protocol family to handle the ioctl, may be
255		zero for no protocol_family.
256	@param cmd The ioctl command.
257	@param data A pointer to any data related to the ioctl.
258 */
259typedef errno_t (*ifnet_ioctl_func)(ifnet_t interface, unsigned long cmd,
260    void *data);
263	@typedef ifnet_set_bpf_tap
264	@discussion Deprecated. Specify NULL. Call bpf_tap_in/bpf_tap_out
265		for all packets.
266 */
267typedef errno_t (*ifnet_set_bpf_tap)(ifnet_t interface, bpf_tap_mode mode,
268    bpf_packet_func callback);
271	@typedef ifnet_detached_func
272	@discussion ifnet_detached_func is called an interface is detached
273		from the list of interfaces. When ifnet_detach is called, it may
274		not detach the interface immediately if protocols are attached.
275		ifnet_detached_func is used to notify the interface that it has
276		been detached from the networking stack. This is the last
277		function that will be called on an interface. Until this
278		function returns, you must not unload a kext supplying function
279		pointers to this interface, even if ifnet_detacah has been
280		called. Your detach function may be called during your call to
281		ifnet_detach.
282	@param interface The interface that has been detached.
283		event.
284 */
285typedef void (*ifnet_detached_func)(ifnet_t interface);
288	@typedef ifnet_demux_func
289	@discussion ifnet_demux_func is called for each inbound packet to
290		determine which protocol family the packet belongs to. This
291		information is then used by the stack to determine which
292		protocol to pass the packet to.  This function may return
293		protocol families for protocols that are not attached. If the
294		protocol family has not been attached to the interface, the
295		packet will be discarded.
296	@param interface The interface the packet was received on.
297	@param packet The mbuf containing the packet.
298	@param frame_header A pointer to the frame header.
299	@param protocol_family Upon return, the protocol family matching the
300		packet should be stored here.
301	@result
302		If the result is zero, processing will continue normally.
303		If the result is EJUSTRETURN, processing will stop but the
304			packet will not be freed.
305		If the result is anything else, the processing will stop and
306			the packet will be freed.
307 */
308typedef errno_t (*ifnet_demux_func)(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t packet,
309    char *frame_header, protocol_family_t *protocol_family);
312	@typedef ifnet_event_func
313	@discussion ifnet_event_func is called when an event occurs on a
314		specific interface.
315	@param interface The interface the event occurred on.
316	@param event_ptr Pointer to a kern_event structure describing the
317		event.
318 */
319typedef void (*ifnet_event_func)(ifnet_t interface, const struct kev_msg *msg);
322	@typedef ifnet_framer_func
323	@discussion ifnet_framer_func is called for each outbound packet to
324		give the interface an opportunity to prepend interface specific
325		headers.
326	@param interface The interface the packet is being sent on.
327	@param packet Pointer to the mbuf containing the packet, caller may
328		set this to a different mbuf upon return. This can happen if the
329		frameout function needs to prepend another mbuf to the chain to
330		have enough space for the header.
331	@param dest The higher layer protocol destination (i.e. IP address).
332	@param dest_linkaddr The link layer address as determined by the
333		protocol's pre-output function.
334	@param frame_type The frame type as determined by the protocol's
335		pre-output function.
336	@param prepend_len The length of prepended bytes to the mbuf.
337		(ONLY used if KPI_INTERFACE_EMBEDDED is defined to 1)
338	@param postpend_len The length of the postpended bytes to the mbuf.
339		(ONLY used if KPI_INTERFACE_EMBEDDED is defined to 1)
340	@result
341		If the result is zero, processing will continue normally.
342		If the result is EJUSTRETURN, processing will stop but the
343			packet will not be freed.
344		If the result is anything else, the processing will stop and
345			the packet will be freed.
346 */
347typedef errno_t (*ifnet_framer_func)(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t *packet,
348	const struct sockaddr *dest, const char *desk_linkaddr, const char *frame_type
350	, u_int32_t *prepend_len, u_int32_t *postpend_len
352	);
355	@typedef ifnet_add_proto_func
356	@discussion if_add_proto_func is called by the stack when a protocol
357		is attached to an interface. This gives the interface an
358		opportunity to get a list of protocol description structures
359		for demuxing packets to this protocol (demux descriptors).
360	@param interface The interface the protocol will be attached to.
361	@param protocol_family The family of the protocol being attached.
362	@param demux_array An array of demux descriptors that describe
363		the interface specific ways of identifying packets belonging
364		to this protocol family.
365	@param demux_count The number of demux descriptors in the array.
366	@result
367		If the result is zero, processing will continue normally.
368		If the result is anything else, the add protocol will be
369			aborted.
370 */
371typedef errno_t (*ifnet_add_proto_func)(ifnet_t interface,
372    protocol_family_t protocol_family,
373    const struct ifnet_demux_desc *demux_array, u_int32_t demux_count);
376	@typedef if_del_proto_func
377	@discussion if_del_proto_func is called by the stack when a protocol
378		is being detached from an interface. This gives the interface an
379		opportunity to free any storage related to this specific
380		protocol being attached to this interface.
381	@param interface The interface the protocol will be detached from.
382	@param protocol_family The family of the protocol being detached.
383	@result
384		If the result is zero, processing will continue normally.
385		If the result is anything else, the detach will continue
386			and the error will be returned to the caller.
387 */
388typedef errno_t (*ifnet_del_proto_func)(ifnet_t interface,
389    protocol_family_t protocol_family);
392	@typedef ifnet_check_multi
393	@discussion ifnet_check_multi is called for each multicast address
394		added to an interface. This gives the interface an opportunity
395		to reject invalid multicast addresses before they are attached
396		to the interface.
398		To prevent an address from being added to your multicast list,
399		return EADDRNOTAVAIL. If you don't know how to parse/translate
400		the address, return EOPNOTSUPP.
401	@param The interface.
402	@param mcast The multicast address.
403	@result
404		Zero upon success, EADDRNOTAVAIL on invalid multicast,
405		EOPNOTSUPP for addresses the interface does not understand.
406 */
407typedef errno_t (*ifnet_check_multi)(ifnet_t interface,
408    const struct sockaddr *mcast);
411	@typedef proto_media_input
412	@discussion proto_media_input is called for all inbound packets for
413		a specific protocol on a specific interface. This function is
414		registered on an interface using ifnet_attach_protocol.
415	@param ifp The interface the packet was received on.
416	@param protocol_family The protocol of the packet received.
417	@param packet The packet being input.
418	@param header The frame header.
419	@result
420		If the result is zero, the caller will assume the packet was
421			passed to the protocol.
422		If the result is non-zero and not EJUSTRETURN, the caller will
423			free the packet.
424 */
425typedef errno_t (*proto_media_input)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
426    mbuf_t packet, char *header);
429	@typedef proto_media_input_v2
430	@discussion proto_media_input_v2 is called for all inbound packets for
431		a specific protocol on a specific interface. This function is
432		registered on an interface using ifnet_attach_protocolv2.
433		proto_media_input_v2 differs from proto_media_input in that it
434		will be called for a list of packets instead of once for each
435		individual packet. The frame header can be retrieved using
436		mbuf_pkthdr_header.
437	@param ifp The interface the packet was received on.
438	@param protocol_family The protocol of the packet received.
439	@param packet The packet being input.
440	@result
441		If the result is zero, the caller will assume the packets were
442			passed to the protocol.
443		If the result is non-zero and not EJUSTRETURN, the caller will
444			free the packets.
445 */
446typedef errno_t (*proto_media_input_v2)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
447    mbuf_t packet);
450	@typedef proto_media_preout
451	@discussion proto_media_preout is called just before the packet
452		is transmitted. This gives the proto_media_preout function an
453		opportunity to specify the media specific frame type and
454		destination.
455	@param ifp The interface the packet will be sent on.
456	@param protocol_family The protocol of the packet being sent
457		(PF_INET/etc...).
458	@param packet The packet being sent.
459	@param dest The protocol level destination address.
460	@param route A pointer to the routing structure for the packet.
461	@param frame_type The media specific frame type.
462	@param link_layer_dest The media specific destination.
463	@result
464		If the result is zero, processing will continue normally. If the
465		result is non-zero, processing will stop. If the result is
466		non-zero and not EJUSTRETURN, the packet will be freed by the
467		caller.
468 */
469typedef errno_t (*proto_media_preout)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
470    mbuf_t *packet, const struct sockaddr *dest, void *route, char *frame_type,
471    char *link_layer_dest);
474	@typedef proto_media_event
475	@discussion proto_media_event is called to notify this layer of
476		interface specific events.
477	@param ifp The interface.
478	@param protocol_family The protocol family.
479	@param kev_msg The event.
480 */
481typedef void (*proto_media_event)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
482    const struct kev_msg *event);
485	@typedef proto_media_ioctl
486	@discussion proto_media_event allows this layer to handle ioctls.
487		When an ioctl is handled, it is passed to the interface filters,
488		protocol filters, protocol, and interface. If you do not support
489		this ioctl, return EOPNOTSUPP. If you successfully handle the
490		ioctl, return zero. If you return any error other than
491		EOPNOTSUPP, other parts of the stack may not get an opportunity
492		to process the ioctl. If you return EJUSTRETURN, processing will
493		stop and a result of zero will be returned to the caller.
495		All undefined ioctls are reserved for future use by Apple. If
496		you need to communicate with your kext using an ioctl, please
498	@param ifp The interface.
499	@param protocol_family The protocol family.
500	@param command The ioctl command.
501	@param argument The argument to the ioctl.
502	@result
503		See the discussion.
504 */
505typedef errno_t (*proto_media_ioctl)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
506    unsigned long command, void *argument);
509	@typedef proto_media_detached
510	@discussion proto_media_detached notifies you that your protocol
511		has been detached.
512	@param ifp The interface.
513	@param protocol_family The protocol family.
514	@result
515		See the discussion.
516 */
517typedef errno_t (*proto_media_detached)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol);
520	@typedef proto_media_resolve_multi
521	@discussion proto_media_resolve_multi is called to resolve a
522		protocol layer mulitcast address to a link layer multicast
523		address.
524	@param ifp The interface.
525	@param proto_addr The protocol address.
526	@param out_ll A sockaddr_dl to copy the link layer multicast in to.
527	@param ll_len The length of data allocated for out_ll.
528	@result Return zero on success or an errno error value on failure.
529 */
530typedef errno_t (*proto_media_resolve_multi)(ifnet_t ifp,
531    const struct sockaddr *proto_addr, struct sockaddr_dl *out_ll,
532    size_t ll_len);
535	@typedef proto_media_send_arp
536	@discussion proto_media_send_arp is called by the stack to generate
537		an ARP packet. This field is currently only used with IP. This
538		function should inspect the parameters and transmit an arp
539		packet using the information passed in.
540	@param ifp The interface the arp packet should be sent on.
541	@param protocol_family The protocol family of the addresses
542		(PF_INET).
543	@param arpop The arp operation (usually ARPOP_REQUEST or
545	@param sender_hw The value to use for the sender hardware
546		address field. If this is NULL, use the hardware address
547		of the interface.
548	@param sender_proto The value to use for the sender protocol
549		address field. This will not be NULL.
550	@param target_hw The value to use for the target hardware address.
551		If this is NULL, the target hardware address in the ARP packet
552		should be NULL and the link-layer destination for the back
553		should be a broadcast. If this is not NULL, this value should be
554		used for both the link-layer destination and the target hardware
555		address.
556	@param target_proto The target protocol address. This will not be
557		NULL.
558	@result Return zero on success or an errno error value on failure.
559 */
560typedef errno_t (*proto_media_send_arp)(ifnet_t ifp, u_short arpop,
561    const struct sockaddr_dl *sender_hw, const struct sockaddr *sender_proto,
562    const struct sockaddr_dl *target_hw, const struct sockaddr *target_proto);
565	@struct ifnet_stat_increment_param
566	@discussion This structure is used increment the counters on a
567		network interface.
568	@field packets_in The number of packets received.
569	@field bytes_in The number of bytes received.
570	@field errors_in The number of receive errors.
571	@field packets_out The number of packets transmitted.
572	@field bytes_out The number of bytes transmitted.
573	@field errors_out The number of transmission errors.
574	@field collisions The number of collisions seen by this interface.
575	@field dropped The number of packets dropped.
577struct ifnet_stat_increment_param {
578	u_int32_t				packets_in;
579	u_int32_t				bytes_in;
580	u_int32_t				errors_in;
582	u_int32_t				packets_out;
583	u_int32_t				bytes_out;
584	u_int32_t				errors_out;
586	u_int32_t				collisions;
587	u_int32_t				dropped;
591	@struct ifnet_init_params
592	@discussion This structure is used to define various properties of
593		the interface when calling ifnet_allocate. A copy of these
594		values will be stored in the ifnet and cannot be modified
595		while the interface is attached.
596	@field uniqueid An identifier unique to this instance of the
597		interface.
598	@field uniqueid_len The length, in bytes, of the uniqueid.
599	@field name The interface name (i.e. en).
600	@field unit The interface unit number (en0's unit number is 0).
601	@field family The interface family.
602	@field type The interface type (see sys/if_types.h). Must be less
603		than 256. For new types, use IFT_OTHER.
604	@field output The output function for the interface. Every packet the
605		stack attempts to send through this interface will go out
606		through this function.
607	@field demux The function used to determine the protocol family of an
608		incoming packet.
609	@field add_proto The function used to attach a protocol to this
610		interface.
611	@field del_proto The function used to remove a protocol from this
612		interface.
613	@field framer The function used to frame outbound packets, may be NULL.
614	@field softc Driver specific storage. This value can be retrieved from
615		the ifnet using the ifnet_softc function.
616	@field ioctl The function used to handle ioctls.
617	@field set_bpf_tap The function used to set the bpf_tap function.
618	@field detach The function called to let the driver know the interface
619		has been detached.
620	@field event The function to notify the interface of various interface
621		specific kernel events.
622	@field broadcast_addr The link-layer broadcast address for this
623		interface.
624	@field broadcast_len The length of the link-layer broadcast address.
626struct ifnet_init_params {
627	/* used to match recycled interface */
628	const void		*uniqueid;		/* optional */
629	u_int32_t		uniqueid_len;		/* optional */
631	/* used to fill out initial values for interface */
632	const char		*name;			/* required */
633	u_int32_t		unit;			/* required */
634	ifnet_family_t		family;			/* required */
635	u_int32_t		type;			/* required */
636	ifnet_output_func	output;			/* required */
637	ifnet_demux_func	demux;			/* required  */
638	ifnet_add_proto_func	add_proto;		/* required  */
639	ifnet_del_proto_func	del_proto;		/* required  */
640	ifnet_check_multi	check_multi;		/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
641	ifnet_framer_func	framer;			/* optional */
642	void			*softc;			/* optional */
643	ifnet_ioctl_func	ioctl;			/* optional */
644	ifnet_set_bpf_tap	set_bpf_tap;		/* deprecated */
645	ifnet_detached_func	detach;			/* optional */
646	ifnet_event_func	event;			/* optional */
647	const void		*broadcast_addr;	/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
648	u_int32_t		broadcast_len;		/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
652/* Valid values for version */
653#define	IFNET_INIT_VERSION_2		2
656/* Valid values for flags */
657#define	IFNET_INIT_LEGACY	0x1	/* legacy network interface model */
658#define	IFNET_INIT_INPUT_POLL	0x2	/* opportunistic input polling model */
661	@typedef ifnet_pre_enqueue_func
662	@discussion ifnet_pre_enqueue_func is called for each outgoing packet
663		for the interface. The driver may perform last-minute changes
664		on the (fully formed) packet, but it is responsible for calling
665		ifnet_enqueue() to enqueue the packet upon completion.
666	@param interface The interface being sent on.
667	@param data The packet to be sent.
668 */
669typedef errno_t (*ifnet_pre_enqueue_func)(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t data);
672	@typedef ifnet_start_func
673	@discussion ifnet_start_func is used to indicate to the driver that
674		one or more packets may be dequeued by calling ifnet_dequeue()
675		or ifnet_dequeue_multi(). This routine gets invoked when
676		ifnet_start() is called; the ifnet_start_func callback will
677		be executed within the context of a dedicated kernel thread,
678		hence it is guaranteed to be single threaded. The driver must
679		employ additional serializations if this callback routine is
680		to be called directly from another context, in order to prevent
681		race condition related issues (e.g. out-of-order packets.)
682		The dequeued packets will be fully formed packets (including
683		frame headers). The packets must be freed by the driver.
684	@param interface The interface being sent on.
685 */
686typedef void (*ifnet_start_func)(ifnet_t interface);
689	@typedef ifnet_input_poll_func
690	@discussion ifnet_input_poll_func is called by the network stack to
691		retrieve one or more packets from the driver which implements
692		the new driver input model.
693	@param interface The interface to retrieve the packets from.
694	@param flags For future use.
695	@param max_count The maximum number of packets to be dequeued.
696	@param first_packet Pointer to the first packet being dequeued.
697	@param last_packet Pointer to the last packet being dequeued.
698	@param cnt Pointer to a storage for the number of packets dequeued.
699	@param len Pointer to a storage for the total length (in bytes)
700		of the dequeued packets.
701 */
702typedef void (*ifnet_input_poll_func)(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t flags,
703    u_int32_t max_count, mbuf_t *first_packet, mbuf_t *last_packet,
704    u_int32_t *cnt, u_int32_t *len);
707	@enum Interface control commands
708	@abstract Constants defining control commands.
709	@constant IFNET_CTL_SET_INPUT_MODEL Set input model.
710	@constant IFNET_CTL_GET_INPUT_MODEL Get input model.
711 */
712enum {
718	@typedef ifnet_ctl_cmd_t
719	@abstract Storage type for the interface control command.
720 */
721typedef u_int32_t ifnet_ctl_cmd_t;
724	@enum Interface model sub-commands
725	@abstract Constants defining model sub-commands.
726	@constant IFNET_MODEL_INPUT_POLL_OFF Polling is inactive.  When set,
727		the network stack will no longer invoke the input_poll callback
728		until the next time polling is turned on; the driver should
729		proceed to pushing the packets up to the network stack as in
730		the legacy input model, and if applicable, the driver should
731		also enable receive interrupt for the hardware.  During get,
732		this indicates that the driver is currently operating in
733		the legacy/push input model.
734	@constant IFNET_MODEL_INPUT_POLL_ON Polling is active.  When set, the
735		network stack will begin to invoke the input_poll callback to
736		retrieve packets from the driver until the next time polling
737		is turned off; the driver should no longer be pushing packets
738		up to the network stack, and if applicable, the driver should
739		also disable receive interrupt for the hardware.  During get,
740		this indicates that the driver is currently operating in
741		the new/pull input model.
742 */
743enum {
749	@typedef ifnet_model_t
750	@abstract Storage type for the interface model sub-command.
751 */
752typedef u_int32_t ifnet_model_t;
755	@struct ifnet_model_params
756	@discussion This structure is used as parameter to the ifnet model
757		sub-commands.
758	@field model The interface model.
759 */
760struct ifnet_model_params {
761	ifnet_model_t		model;
762	u_int32_t		reserved[3];
766	@typedef ifnet_ctl_func
767	@discussion ifnet_ctl_func is called by the network stack to inform
768		about changes in parameters, or retrieve the parameters
769		related to the output or input processing or capabilities.
770	@param interface The interface.
771	@param cmd The ifnet_ctl_cmd_t interface control command.
772	@param arglen The length of the command argument.
773	@param arg The command argument.
774	@result 0 upon success, otherwise errno error.
775 */
776typedef errno_t (*ifnet_ctl_func)(ifnet_t interface, ifnet_ctl_cmd_t cmd,
777    u_int32_t arglen, void *arg);
780	@struct ifnet_init_eparams
781	@discussion This structure is used to define various properties of
782		the interface when calling ifnet_allocate_extended. A copy of
783		these values will be stored in the ifnet and cannot be modified
784		while the interface is attached.
785	@field ver The current structure version (IFNET_INIT_CURRENT_VERSION)
786	@field len The length of this structure.
787	@field flags See above values for flags.
788	@field uniqueid An identifier unique to this instance of the
789		interface.
790	@field uniqueid_len The length, in bytes, of the uniqueid.
791	@field name The interface name (i.e. en).
792	@field unit The interface unit number (en0's unit number is 0).
793	@field family The interface family.
794	@field type The interface type (see sys/if_types.h). Must be less
795		than 256. For new types, use IFT_OTHER.
796	@field sndq_maxlen The maximum size of the output queue; valid only
797		if IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set.
798	@field output The output function for the interface. Every packet the
799		stack attempts to send through this interface will go out
800		through this function.
801	@field pre_enqueue The pre_enqueue function for the interface, valid
802		only if IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set, and optional if it is set.
803	@field start The start function for the interface, valid only if
804		IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set, and required if it is set.
805	@field output_ctl The output control function for the interface, valid
806		only if IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set.
807	@field output_sched_model The IFNET_SCHED_MODEL value for the output
808		queue, as defined in net/if.h
809	@field output_bw The effective output bandwidth (in bits per second.)
810	@field output_bw_max The maximum theoretical output bandwidth
811		(in bits per second.)
812	@field input_poll The poll function for the interface, valid only if
813		IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set and only if IFNET_INIT_INPUT_POLL
814		is set.
815	@field input_ctl The input control function for the interface, valid
816		only if IFNET_INIT_LEGACY is not set and only if opportunistic
817		input polling is enabled via IFNET_INIT_INPUT_POLL flag.
818	@field rcvq_maxlen The size of the driver's receive ring or the total
819		count of descriptors used in the receive path; valid only if
821	@field input_bw The effective input bandwidth (in bits per second.)
822	@field input_bw_max The maximum theoretical input bandwidth
823		(in bits per second.)
824	@field demux The function used to determine the protocol family of an
825		incoming packet.
826	@field add_proto The function used to attach a protocol to this
827		interface.
828	@field del_proto The function used to remove a protocol from this
829		interface.
830	@field framer The function used to frame outbound packets, may be NULL.
831	@field softc Driver specific storage. This value can be retrieved from
832		the ifnet using the ifnet_softc function.
833	@field ioctl The function used to handle ioctls.
834	@field set_bpf_tap The function used to set the bpf_tap function.
835	@field detach The function called to let the driver know the interface
836		has been detached.
837	@field event The function to notify the interface of various interface
838		specific kernel events.
839	@field broadcast_addr The link-layer broadcast address for this
840		interface.
841	@field broadcast_len The length of the link-layer broadcast address.
843struct ifnet_init_eparams {
844	u_int32_t		ver;			/* required */
845	u_int32_t		len;			/* required */
846	u_int32_t		flags;			/* optional */
848	/* used to match recycled interface */
849	const void		*uniqueid;		/* optional */
850	u_int32_t		uniqueid_len;		/* optional */
852	/* used to fill out initial values for interface */
853	const char		*name;			/* required */
854	u_int32_t		unit;			/* required */
855	ifnet_family_t		family;			/* required */
856	u_int32_t		type;			/* required */
857	u_int32_t		sndq_maxlen;		/* optional, only for new model */
858	ifnet_output_func	output;			/* required only for legacy model */
859	ifnet_pre_enqueue_func	pre_enqueue;		/* optional, only for new model */
860	ifnet_start_func	start;			/* required only for new model */
861	ifnet_ctl_func		output_ctl;		/* optional, only for new model */
862	u_int32_t		output_sched_model;	/* optional, only for new model */
863	u_int32_t		reserved;		/* for future use */
864	u_int64_t		output_bw;		/* optional */
865	u_int64_t		output_bw_max;		/* optional */
866	u_int64_t		_reserved[4];		/* for future use */
867	ifnet_input_poll_func	input_poll;		/* optional, ignored for legacy model */
868	ifnet_ctl_func		input_ctl;		/* required for opportunistic polling */
869	u_int32_t		rcvq_maxlen;		/* optional, only for opportunistic polling */
870	u_int32_t		__reserved;		/* for future use */
871	u_int64_t		input_bw;		/* optional */
872	u_int64_t		input_bw_max;		/* optional */
873	u_int64_t		___reserved[4];		/* for future use */
874	ifnet_demux_func	demux;			/* required  */
875	ifnet_add_proto_func	add_proto;		/* required  */
876	ifnet_del_proto_func	del_proto;		/* required  */
877	ifnet_check_multi	check_multi;		/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
878	ifnet_framer_func	framer;			/* optional */
879	void			*softc;			/* optional */
880	ifnet_ioctl_func	ioctl;			/* optional */
881	ifnet_set_bpf_tap	set_bpf_tap;		/* deprecated */
882	ifnet_detached_func	detach;			/* optional */
883	ifnet_event_func	event;			/* optional */
884	const void		*broadcast_addr;	/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
885	u_int32_t		broadcast_len;		/* required for non point-to-point interfaces */
886	u_int64_t		____reserved[4];	/* for future use */
888#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
891	@struct ifnet_stats_param
892	@discussion This structure is used get and set the interface
893		statistics.
894	@field packets_in The number of packets received.
895	@field bytes_in The number of bytes received.
896	@field errors_in The number of receive errors.
897	@field packets_out The number of packets transmitted.
898	@field bytes_out The number of bytes transmitted.
899	@field errors_out The number of transmission errors.
900	@field collisions The number of collisions seen by this interface.
901	@field dropped The number of packets dropped.
903struct ifnet_stats_param {
904	u_int64_t	packets_in;
905	u_int64_t	bytes_in;
906	u_int64_t	multicasts_in;
907	u_int64_t	errors_in;
909	u_int64_t	packets_out;
910	u_int64_t	bytes_out;
911	u_int64_t	multicasts_out;
912	u_int64_t	errors_out;
914	u_int64_t	collisions;
915	u_int64_t	dropped;
916	u_int64_t	no_protocol;
920	@struct ifnet_demux_desc
921	@discussion This structure is to identify packets that belong to a
922		specific protocol. The types supported are interface specific.
923		Ethernet supports ETHER_DESC_ETYPE2, ETHER_DESC_SAP, and
924		ETHER_DESC_SNAP. The type defines the offset in the packet where
925		the data will be matched as well as context. For example, if
926		ETHER_DESC_SNAP is specified, the only valid datalen is 5 and
927		only in the 5 bytes will only be matched when the packet header
928		indicates that the packet is a SNAP packet.
929	@field type The type of identifier data (i.e. ETHER_DESC_ETYPE2)
930	@field data A pointer to an entry of type (i.e. pointer to 0x0800).
931	@field datalen The number of bytes of data used to describe the
932		packet.
934struct ifnet_demux_desc {
935	u_int32_t	type;
936	void		*data;
937	u_int32_t	datalen;
941	@struct ifnet_attach_proto_param
942	@discussion This structure is used to attach a protocol to an
943		interface. This structure provides the various functions for
944		handling operations related to the protocol on the interface as
945		well as information for how to demux packets for this protocol.
946	@field demux_array An array of ifnet_demux_desc structures
947		describing the protocol.
948	@field demux_count The number of entries in the demux_array array.
949	@field input The function to be called for inbound packets.
950	@field pre_output The function to be called for outbound packets.
951	@field event The function to be called for interface events.
952	@field ioctl The function to be called for ioctls.
953	@field detached The function to be called for handling the detach.
956#define demux_list demux_array
957#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
959struct ifnet_attach_proto_param {
960	struct ifnet_demux_desc		*demux_array;	/* interface may/may not require */
961	u_int32_t			demux_count;	/* interface may/may not require */
963	proto_media_input		input;		/* required */
964	proto_media_preout		pre_output;	/* required */
965	proto_media_event		event;		/* optional */
966	proto_media_ioctl		ioctl;		/* optional */
967	proto_media_detached		detached;	/* optional */
968	proto_media_resolve_multi	resolve;	/* optional */
969	proto_media_send_arp		send_arp;	/* optional */
972struct ifnet_attach_proto_param_v2 {
973	struct ifnet_demux_desc		*demux_array;	/* interface may/may not require */
974	u_int32_t			demux_count;	/* interface may/may not require */
976	proto_media_input_v2		input;		/* required */
977	proto_media_preout		pre_output;	/* required */
978	proto_media_event		event;		/* optional */
979	proto_media_ioctl		ioctl;		/* optional */
980	proto_media_detached		detached;	/* optional */
981	proto_media_resolve_multi	resolve;	/* optional */
982	proto_media_send_arp		send_arp;	/* optional */
988 * Ifnet creation and reference counting
989 */
992	@function ifnet_allocate
993	@discussion Allocate an ifnet_t with an initial refcount of 1. Many
994		parts of the stack do not properly refcount the ifnet_t. In
995		order to avoid freeing the ifnet_t while some parts of the stack
996		may contain a reference to it, the ifnet_ts are only recycled,
997		never freed. A unique id is used to try and recycle the same
998		ifnet_t when allocating an interface. For example, for an
999		ethernet interface, the hardware address of the ethernet card is
1000		usually used for the uniqueid. If a PC Card is removed and
1001		inserted again, if the ethernet address of the PC card is used,
1002		the same ifnet_t will be used for the card the second time it is
1003		inserted. In the future, when the ifnet_t is correctly
1004		refcounted by all of the stack, the interfaces may be freed and
1005		the unique ids ignored.
1006	@param init The initial values for the interface. These values can
1007		not be changed after the interface has been allocated.
1008	@param interface The interface allocated upon success.
1009	@result May return ENOMEM if there is insufficient memory or EEXIST
1010		if an interface with the same uniqueid and family has already
1011		been allocated and is in use.
1012 */
1013extern errno_t ifnet_allocate(const struct ifnet_init_params *init,
1014    ifnet_t *interface);
1018	@function ifnet_allocate_extended
1019	@discussion An extended/newer variant of ifnet_allocate, with additional
1020		support for the new output and input driver models.
1021	@param init The initial values for the interface. These values can
1022		not be changed after the interface has been allocated.
1023	@param interface The interface allocated upon success.
1024	@result May return ENOMEM if there is insufficient memory or EEXIST
1025		if an interface with the same uniqueid and family has already
1026		been allocated and is in use.
1027 */
1028extern errno_t ifnet_allocate_extended(const struct ifnet_init_eparams *init,
1029    ifnet_t *interface);
1032	@function ifnet_purge
1033	@discussion Purge the output queue of an interface which implements
1034		the new driver output model.
1035	@param interface The interface to purge.
1036 */
1037extern void ifnet_purge(ifnet_t interface);
1040	@function ifnet_enqueue
1041	@discussion Enqueue a packet to the output queue of an interface
1042		which implements the new driver output model.
1043	@param interface The interface to enqueue the packet to.
1044	@param packet The packet being enqueued; only one packet is allowed
1045		to be enqueued at a time.
1046	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid; ENXIO if
1047		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model;
1048		EQFULL if the output queue is flow-controlled; or EQSUSPENDED
1049		if the output queue is suspended.  This routine either frees
1050		or consumes the packet; the caller must not modify or free
1051		it after calling this routine.  Any attempt to enqueue more
1052		than one packet will cause the entire packet chain to be freed.
1053 */
1054extern errno_t ifnet_enqueue(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t packet);
1057	@function ifnet_dequeue
1058	@discussion Dequeue a packet from the output queue of an interface
1059		which implements the new driver output model, and that the
1060		output scheduling model is set to IFNET_SCHED_MODEL_NORMAL.
1061	@param interface The interface to dequeue the packet from.
1062	@param packet Pointer to the packet being dequeued.
1063	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid, ENXIO if
1064		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model
1065		or the output scheduling model isn't IFNET_SCHED_MODEL_NORMAL,
1066		or EAGAIN if there is currently no packet available to
1067		be dequeued.
1068 */
1069extern errno_t ifnet_dequeue(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t *packet);
1072	@function ifnet_dequeue_service_class
1073	@discussion Dequeue a packet of a particular service class from the
1074		appropriate output queue of an interface which implements the
1075		new driver output model, and that the output scheduling model
1077	@param interface The interface to dequeue the packet from.
1078	@param tc The service class.
1079	@param packet Pointer to the packet being dequeued.
1080	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid, ENXIO if
1081		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model
1082		or if the output scheduling model isn't configured to
1084		is currently no packet available to be dequeued.
1085 */
1086extern errno_t ifnet_dequeue_service_class(ifnet_t interface,
1087    mbuf_svc_class_t tc, mbuf_t *packet);
1090	@function ifnet_dequeue_multi
1091	@discussion Dequeue one or more packets from the output queue of an
1092		interface which implements the new driver output model, and that
1093		the output scheduling model is set to IFNET_SCHED_MODEL_NORMAL.
1094		The returned packet chain is traversable with mbuf_nextpkt().
1095	@param interface The interface to dequeue the packets from.
1096	@param first_packet Pointer to the first packet being dequeued.
1097	@param last_packet Pointer to the last packet being dequeued.  Caller
1098		may supply NULL if not interested in value.
1099	@param cnt Pointer to a storage for the number of packets dequeued.
1100		Caller may supply NULL if not interested in value.
1101	@param len Pointer to a storage for the total length (in bytes)
1102		of the dequeued packets.  Caller may supply NULL if not
1103		interested in value.
1104	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid, ENXIO if
1105		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model
1106		or the output scheduling model isn't IFNET_SCHED_MODEL_NORMAL,
1107		or EAGAIN if there is currently no packet available to
1108		be dequeued.
1109 */
1110extern errno_t ifnet_dequeue_multi(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t max,
1111    mbuf_t *first_packet, mbuf_t *last_packet, u_int32_t *cnt, u_int32_t *len);
1114	@function ifnet_dequeue_service_class_multi
1115	@discussion Dequeue one or more packets of a particular service class
1116		from the appropriate output queue of an interface which
1117		implements the new driver output model, and that the output
1118		scheduling model is set to IFNET_SCHED_MODEL_DRIVER_MANAGED.
1119		The returned packet chain is traversable with mbuf_nextpkt().
1120	@param interface The interface to dequeue the packets from.
1121	@param tc The service class.
1122	@param first_packet Pointer to the first packet being dequeued.
1123	@param last_packet Pointer to the last packet being dequeued.  Caller
1124		may supply NULL if not interested in value.
1125	@param cnt Pointer to a storage for the number of packets dequeued.
1126		Caller may supply NULL if not interested in value.
1127	@param len Pointer to a storage for the total length (in bytes)
1128		of the dequeued packets.  Caller may supply NULL if not
1129		interested in value.
1130	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid, ENXIO if
1131		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model
1132		or if the output scheduling model isn't configured to
1134		is currently no packet available to be dequeued.
1135 */
1136extern errno_t ifnet_dequeue_service_class_multi(ifnet_t interface,
1137    mbuf_svc_class_t tc, u_int32_t max, mbuf_t *first_packet,
1138    mbuf_t *last_packet, u_int32_t *cnt, u_int32_t *len);
1141	@function ifnet_set_output_sched_model
1142	@discussion Set the output scheduling model of an interface which
1143		implements the new driver output model.
1144	@param interface The interface to set scheduling model on.
1145	@param model The IFNET_SCHED_MODEL value as defined in net/if.h
1146	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1147		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model.
1148 */
1149extern errno_t ifnet_set_output_sched_model(ifnet_t interface,
1150    u_int32_t model);
1153	@function ifnet_set_sndq_maxlen
1154	@discussion Set the maximum length of the output queue of an
1155		interface which implements the new driver output model.
1156		This call may be issued post ifnet_allocate_extended in
1157		order to modify the maximum output queue length previously
1158		set at registration time.
1159	@param interface The interface to set the max queue length on.
1160	@param maxqlen The maximum number of packets in the output queue.
1161	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1162		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model.
1163 */
1164extern errno_t ifnet_set_sndq_maxlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t maxqlen);
1167	@function ifnet_get_sndq_maxlen
1168	@discussion Get the maximum length of the output queue of an
1169		interface which implements the new driver output model.
1170	@param interface The interface to get the max queue length on.
1171	@param maxqlen Pointer to a storage for the maximum number of packets
1172		in the output queue.
1173	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1174		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model.
1175 */
1176extern errno_t ifnet_get_sndq_maxlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t *maxqlen);
1179	@function ifnet_get_sndq_len
1180	@discussion Get the current length of the output queue of an
1181		interface which implements the new driver output model.
1182	@param interface The interface to get the current queue length on.
1183	@param qlen Pointer to a storage for the current number of packets
1184		in the output queue.
1185	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1186		the interface doesn't implement the new driver output model.
1187 */
1188extern errno_t ifnet_get_sndq_len(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t *qlen);
1191	@function ifnet_set_rcvq_maxlen
1192	@discussion Set the maximum length of the input queue of an
1193		interface which implements the new driver input model.
1194		This call may be issued post ifnet_allocate_extended in
1195		order to modify the maximum input queue length previously
1196		set at registration time.
1197	@param interface The interface to set the max queue length on.
1198	@param maxqlen The maximum number of packets in the input queue.
1199		Drivers typically set this to the size of the receive ring
1200		or the total number of descriptors used for the input path.
1201	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1202		the interface doesn't implement the new driver input model.
1203 */
1204extern errno_t ifnet_set_rcvq_maxlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t maxqlen);
1207	@function ifnet_get_rcvq_maxlen
1208	@discussion Get the maximum length of the input queue of an
1209		interface which implements the new driver input model.
1210	@param interface The interface to get the max queue length on.
1211	@param maxqlen Pointer to a storage for the maximum number of packets
1212		in the input queue.
1213	@result May return EINVAL if the parameters are invalid or ENXIO if
1214		the interface doesn't implement the new driver input model.
1215 */
1216extern errno_t ifnet_get_rcvq_maxlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t *maxqlen);
1219	@function ifnet_start
1220	@discussion Trigger the transmission at the driver layer on an
1221		interface which implements the new driver output model.
1222	@param interface The interface to start the transmission on.
1223 */
1224extern void ifnet_start(ifnet_t interface);
1227	@function ifnet_transmit_burst_start
1228	@discussion Inform the kernel about the beginning of transmission
1229		of a burst.  This function should be called when a burst of
1230		packets are scheduled to get transmitted over the link. The
1231		callback will be used by the system to start measuring
1232		bandwidth available on that link.  The driver may choose to
1233		adopt this scheme for uplink bandwidth measurement, in case
1234		the information can't be obtained from the hardware.  Else
1235		it may alternatively inform the network stack about the
1236		information using ifnet_set_bandwidths.
1237	@param interface The interface.
1238	@param mbuf_t The first packet in a burst of packets that has been
1239		scheduled to transmit.
1241extern void ifnet_transmit_burst_start(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t pkt);
1244	@function ifnet_transmit_burst_end
1245	@discussion Inform the kernel about the end of transmission of a burst.
1246		This function should be called when the transmission of a burst
1247		of packets is done. This information will be used by the
1248		system to estimate bandwidth available on that link.  The
1249		driver may choose to adopt this scheme for uplink bandwidth
1250		measurement, in case the information can't be obtained from
1251		the hardware.  Else it may alternatively inform the network
1252		stack about the information using ifnet_set_bandwidths.
1253	@param interface The interface.
1254	@param mbuf_t The last packet in the burst that has been successfully
1255		transmitted.
1257extern void ifnet_transmit_burst_end(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t pkt);
1258#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
1261	@function ifnet_reference
1262	@discussion Increment the reference count of the ifnet to assure
1263		that it will not go away. The interface must already have at
1264		least one reference.
1265	@param interface The interface to increment the reference count of.
1266	@result May return EINVAL if the interface is not valid.
1267 */
1268extern errno_t ifnet_reference(ifnet_t interface);
1271	@function ifnet_release
1272	@discussion Release a reference of the ifnet, this may trigger a
1273		free if the reference count reaches 0.
1274	@param interface The interface to decrement the reference count of
1275		and possibly free.
1276	@result May return EINVAL if the interface is not valid.
1277 */
1278extern errno_t ifnet_release(ifnet_t interface);
1281	@function ifnet_attach
1282	@discussion Attaches an interface to the global interface list. The
1283		interface must be setup properly before calling attach. The
1284		stack will take a reference on the interface and hold it until
1285		ifnet_detach is called.
1287		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1288		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1289		own.
1290	@param interface The interface to attach.
1291	@param ll_addr The link layer address of the interface. This is used
1292		to fill out the first ifaddr in the list of addresses for the
1293		interface. This parameter is not required for interfaces such as
1294		PPP that have no link-layer address.
1295	@result Will return an error if there is anything wrong with the
1296		interface.
1297 */
1298extern errno_t ifnet_attach(ifnet_t interface,
1299    const struct sockaddr_dl *ll_addr);
1302	@function ifnet_detach
1303	@discussion Detaches the interface.
1305		Call this to indicate this interface is no longer valid (i.e. PC
1306		Card was removed). This function will begin the process of
1307		removing knowledge of this interface from the stack.
1309		The function will return before the interface is detached. The
1310		functions you supplied in to the interface may continue to be
1311		called. When the detach has been completed, your detached
1312		function will be called. Your kext must not unload until the
1313		detached function has been called. The interface will be
1314		properly freed when the reference count reaches zero.
1316		An interface may not be attached again. You must call
1317		ifnet_allocate to create a new interface to attach.
1319		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1320		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1321		own.
1322	@param interface The interface to detach.
1323	@result 0 on success, otherwise errno error.
1324 */
1325extern errno_t ifnet_detach(ifnet_t interface);
1328	@function ifnet_interface_family_find
1329	@discussion Look up the interface family identifier for a string.
1330		If there is no interface family identifier assigned for this string
1331		a new interface family identifier is created and assigned.
1332		It is recommended to use the bundle id of the KEXT as the string
1333		to avoid collisions with other KEXTs.
1334		The lookup operation is not optimized so a module should call this
1335		function once during startup and cache the interface family identifier.
1336		The interface family identifier for a string will not be re-assigned until
1337		the system reboots.
1338	@param module_string  A unique string identifying your interface family
1339	@param family_id Upon return, a unique interface family identifier for use with
1340		ifnet_* functions. This identifier is valid until the system
1341		is rebooted.
1342	@result 0 on success, otherwise errno error.
1344extern errno_t ifnet_interface_family_find(const char *module_string, ifnet_family_t *family_id);
1347 * Interface manipulation.
1348 */
1351	@function ifnet_softc
1352	@discussion Returns the driver's private storage on the interface.
1353	@param interface Interface to retrieve the storage from.
1354	@result Driver's private storage.
1355 */
1356extern void *ifnet_softc(ifnet_t interface);
1359	@function ifnet_name
1360	@discussion Returns a pointer to the name of the interface.
1361	@param interface Interface to retrieve the name from.
1362	@result Pointer to the name.
1363 */
1364extern const char *ifnet_name(ifnet_t interface);
1367	@function ifnet_family
1368	@discussion Returns the family of the interface.
1369	@param interface Interface to retrieve the unit number from.
1370	@result Interface family type.
1371 */
1372extern ifnet_family_t ifnet_family(ifnet_t interface);
1375	@function ifnet_unit
1376	@discussion Returns the unit number of the interface.
1377	@param interface Interface to retrieve the unit number from.
1378	@result Unit number.
1379 */
1380extern u_int32_t ifnet_unit(ifnet_t interface);
1383	@function ifnet_index
1384	@discussion Returns the index of the interface. This index value
1385		will match the index you would find in a sockaddr_dl or using
1386		if_nametoindex or if_indextoname in user space. The value of the
1387		interface index is undefined for an interface that is not
1388		currently attached.
1389	@param interface Interface to retrieve the index of.
1390	@result Index.
1391 */
1392extern u_int32_t ifnet_index(ifnet_t interface);
1395	@function ifnet_set_flags
1396	@discussion Sets the interface flags to match new_flags.
1397	@discussion Sets the interface flags to new_flags. This function
1398		lets you specify which flags you want to change using the mask.
1399		The kernel will effectively take the lock, then set the
1400		interface's flags to (if_flags & ~mask) | (new_flags & mask).
1401	@param interface Interface to set the flags on.
1402	@param new_flags The new set of flags that should be set. These
1403		flags are defined in net/if.h
1404	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1405 */
1406extern errno_t ifnet_set_flags(ifnet_t interface, u_int16_t new_flags,
1407    u_int16_t mask);
1410	@function ifnet_flags
1411	@discussion Returns the interface flags that are set.
1412	@param interface Interface to retrieve the flags from.
1413	@result Flags. These flags are defined in net/if.h
1414 */
1415extern u_int16_t ifnet_flags(ifnet_t interface);
1420	@function ifnet_set_eflags
1421	@discussion Sets the extended interface flags to new_flags. This
1422		function lets you specify which flags you want to change using
1423		the mask. The kernel will effectively take the lock, then set
1424		the interface's extended flags to (if_eflags & ~mask) |
1425		(new_flags & mask).
1426	@param interface The interface.
1427	@param new_flags The new set of flags that should be set. These
1428		flags are defined in net/if.h
1429	@param mask The mask of flags to be modified.
1430	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1431 */
1432extern errno_t ifnet_set_eflags(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t new_flags,
1433    u_int32_t mask);
1436	@function ifnet_eflags
1437	@discussion Returns the extended interface flags that are set.
1438	@param interface Interface to retrieve the flags from.
1439	@result Extended flags. These flags are defined in net/if.h
1440 */
1441extern u_int32_t ifnet_eflags(ifnet_t interface);
1444	@function ifnet_set_idle_flags
1445	@discussion Sets the if_idle_flags to new_flags. This function
1446		lets you specify which flags you want to change using the
1447		mask. The kernel will effectively take the lock, then set
1448		the interface's idle flags to:
1449			(if_idle_flags & ~mask) | (new_flags & mask).
1450		Setting the flags to any non-zero value will cause the
1451		networking stack to aggressively purge expired objects,
1452		such as route entries, etc.
1453	@param interface The interface.
1454	@param new_flags The new set of flags that should be set. These
1455		flags are defined in net/if.h
1456	@param mask The mask of flags to be modified.
1457	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.  ENOTSUP is returned
1458		when this call is made on non-supporting platforms.
1460extern errno_t ifnet_set_idle_flags(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t new_flags,
1461    u_int32_t mask);
1464	@function ifnet_idle_flags
1465	@discussion Returns the value of if_idle_flags.
1466	@param interface Interface to retrieve the flags from.
1467	@result if_idle_flags. These flags are defined in net/if.h
1469extern u_int32_t ifnet_idle_flags(ifnet_t interface);
1472	@function ifnet_set_link_quality
1473	@discussion Sets the Link Quality Metric for the ifnet.
1474	@param interface Interface for which the Link Quality Metric should
1475		be associated to.
1476	@param quality IFNET_LQM value as defined in net/if.h.
1477	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.  EINVAL if quality
1478		is not a valid value.  ENXIO if the interface is not attached.
1480extern errno_t ifnet_set_link_quality(ifnet_t interface, int quality);
1483	@function ifnet_link_quality
1484	@discussion Returns the Link Quality Metric for the ifnet.
1485	@param interface Interface to retrieve the value from.
1486	@result IFNET_LQM as defined in net/if.h
1488extern int ifnet_link_quality(ifnet_t interface);
1491	@struct ifnet_llreach_info
1492	@discussion This structure is used to describe the link-layer
1493		reachability information of an on-link node.
1494	@field iflri_refcnt The number of network-layer objects referring
1495		to this link-layer reachability record.
1496	@field iflri_probes The total number of outstanding probes.
1497	@field iflri_snd_expire The send expiration time.  This is calculated
1498		based on the last time the system transmitted a packet to the
1499		node.  A zero value indicates that a packet has not been sent
1500		to the node.  A non-zero value indicates the time before the
1501		record is determined to be invalid.  When the record is no
1502		longer valid, the system will send probe(s) to resolve the
1503		node again.  This value is relative to the current time
1504		specified in iflri_curtime.
1505	@field iflri_rcv_expire The receive expiriation time.  This is
1506		calculated based on the last time the system received a packet
1507		from the node.  A zero value indicates that a packet has not
1508		been received from the node.  A non-zero value indicates the
1509		time before the record is determined to be invalid.  When the
1510		record is no longer valid, the system will send probe(s) to
1511		resolve the node again.  This value is relative to the current
1512		time specified in iflri_curtime.
1513	@field iflri_curtime The current time when this record was retrieved.
1514	@field iflri_netproto The protocol number of the network-layer object.
1515	@field iflri_addr The link-layer address of the node.
1516	@field iflri_rssi The received signal strength indication (RSSI) of the
1517		node in dBm.  The special value IFNET_RSSI_UNKNOWN is used when
1518		the RSSI is either unknown or inapplicable for the interface.
1519	@field iflri_lqm The link quality metric (LQM) to the node.  The
1520		special value IFNET_LQM_UNKNOWN is used when the LQM is not
1521		currently known.  The special value IFNET_LQM_OFF is used when
1522		the link quality metric is inapplicable to nodes at this
1523		attached to the network at this interface.
1524	@field iflri_npm The node proximity metric (NPM) to the node.  The
1525		special value IFNET_NPM_UNKNOWN is used when the NPM is not
1526		currently known.
1527 */
1528#define	IFNET_LLREACHINFO_ADDRLEN	64	/* max ll addr len */
1530struct ifnet_llreach_info {
1531	u_int32_t iflri_refcnt;
1532	u_int32_t iflri_probes;
1533	u_int64_t iflri_snd_expire;
1534	u_int64_t iflri_rcv_expire;
1535	u_int64_t iflri_curtime;
1536	u_int32_t iflri_netproto;
1537	u_int8_t  iflri_addr[IFNET_LLREACHINFO_ADDRLEN];
1538	int32_t   iflri_rssi;
1539	int32_t   iflri_lqm;
1540	int32_t   iflri_npm;
1544	@function ifnet_inet_defrouter_llreachinfo
1545	@discussion Retrieve link-layer reachability information of the
1546		default IPv4 router specific to the interface.
1547	@param interface The interface associated with the default IPv4 router.
1548	@param pinfo Pointer to the ifnet_llreach_info structure where the
1549		information will be returned to, upon success.
1550	@result	0 upon success, otherwise errno error.
1551 */
1552extern errno_t ifnet_inet_defrouter_llreachinfo(ifnet_t interface,
1553    struct ifnet_llreach_info *pinfo);
1556	@function ifnet_inet6_defrouter_llreachinfo
1557	@discussion Retrieve link-layer reachability information of the
1558		default IPv6 router specific to the interface.
1559	@param interface The interface associated with the default IPv6 router.
1560	@param pinfo Pointer to the ifnet_llreach_info structure where the
1561		information will be returned to, upon success.
1562	@result	0 upon success, otherwise errno error.
1563 */
1564extern errno_t ifnet_inet6_defrouter_llreachinfo(ifnet_t interface,
1565    struct ifnet_llreach_info *pinfo);
1566#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
1569	@function ifnet_set_capabilities_supported
1570	@discussion Specify the capabilities supported by the interface.
1571	@discussion  This function lets you specify which capabilities are supported
1572		by the interface. Typically this function is called by the driver when
1573		the interface gets attached to the system.
1574		The mask allows to control which capability to set or unset.
1575		The kernel will effectively take the lock, then set the
1576		interface's flags to (if_capabilities & ~mask) | (new_caps & mask).
1578		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1579		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1580		own.
1581	@param interface Interface to set the capabilities on.
1582	@param new_caps The value of the capabilities that should be set or unset. These
1583		flags are defined in net/if.h
1584	@param mask Which capabilities that should be affected. These
1585		flags are defined in net/if.h
1586	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1587 */
1588extern errno_t ifnet_set_capabilities_supported(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t new_caps,
1589    u_int32_t mask);
1592	@function ifnet_capabilities_supported
1593	@discussion Retrieve the interface capabilities supported by the interface.
1594	@param interface Interface to retrieve the capabilities from.
1595	@result Flags. Capabilities flags are defined in net/if.h
1596 */
1597extern u_int32_t ifnet_capabilities_supported(ifnet_t interface);
1600	@function ifnet_set_capabilities_enabled
1601	@discussion Enable and/or disable the interface capabilities to match new_caps.
1602	@discussion Sets the interface capabilities to new_caps. This function
1603		lets you specify which capabilities you want to change using the mask.
1604		The kernel will effectively take the lock, then set the
1605		interface's flags to (if_capenable & ~mask) | (new_caps & mask).
1607		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1608		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1609		own.
1611		Typically this function is called by the driver when the interface is
1612		created to specify which of the supported capabilities are enabled by
1613		default. This function is also meant to be called when the driver handles
1614		the interface ioctl SIOCSIFCAP.
1616		The driver should call ifnet_set_offlad() to indicate the corresponding
1617		hardware offload bits that will be used by the networking stack.
1619		It is an error to enable a capability that is not marked as
1620		supported by the interface.
1621	@param interface Interface to set the capabilities on.
1622	@param new_caps The value of the capabilities that should be set or unset. These
1623		flags are defined in net/if.h
1624	@param mask Which capabilities that should be affected. These
1625		flags are defined in net/if.h
1626	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1627 */
1628extern errno_t ifnet_set_capabilities_enabled(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t new_caps,
1629    u_int32_t mask);
1632	@function ifnet_capabilities_enabled
1633	@discussion Retrieve the interface capabilities enabled on the interface.
1634	@param interface Interface to retrieve the capabilities from.
1635	@result Flags. Capabilities flags are defined in net/if.h
1636 */
1637extern u_int32_t ifnet_capabilities_enabled(ifnet_t interface);
1641	@function ifnet_set_offload
1642	@discussion Sets a bitfield to indicate special hardware offload
1643		support provided by the interface such as hardware checksums and
1644		VLAN. This replaces the if_hwassist flags field. Any flags
1645		unrecognized by the stack will not be set.
1647		Note the system will automatically set the interface capabilities
1648		that correspond to the offload flags modified -- i.e. the driver
1649		does not have to call ifnet_set_capabilities_enabled() and
1650		ifnet_set_capabilities_supported().
1651	@param interface The interface.
1652	@param offload The new set of flags indicating which offload options
1653		the device supports.
1654	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1655 */
1656extern errno_t ifnet_set_offload(ifnet_t interface, ifnet_offload_t offload);
1659	@function ifnet_offload
1660	@discussion Returns flags indicating which operations can be
1661		offloaded to the interface.
1662	@param interface Interface to retrieve the offload from.
1663	@result Abilities flags, see ifnet_offload_t.
1664 */
1665extern ifnet_offload_t ifnet_offload(ifnet_t interface);
1668	@function ifnet_set_tso_mtu
1669	@discussion Sets maximum TCP Segmentation Offload segment size for
1670		the interface
1671	@param interface The interface.
1672	@param family The family for which the offload MTU is provided for
1673		(AF_INET or AF_INET6)
1674	@param mtuLen Maximum segment size supported by the interface
1675	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1677extern errno_t ifnet_set_tso_mtu(ifnet_t interface, sa_family_t family,
1678    u_int32_t mtuLen);
1681	@function ifnet_get_tso_mtu
1682	@discussion Returns maximum TCP Segmentation Offload segment size for
1683		the interface
1684	@param interface The interface.
1685	@param family The family for which the offload MTU is provided for
1686		(AF_INET or AF_INET6)
1687	@param mtuLen Value of the maximum MTU supported for the interface
1688		and family provided.
1689	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1690 */
1691extern errno_t ifnet_get_tso_mtu(ifnet_t interface, sa_family_t family,
1692    u_int32_t *mtuLen);
1695	@enum Interface wake properties
1696	@abstract Constants defining Interface wake properties.
1697	@constant IFNET_WAKE_ON_MAGIC_PACKET Wake on Magic Packet.
1699enum {
1704	@function ifnet_set_wake_flags
1705	@discussion Sets the wake properties of the underlying hardware. These are
1706		typically set by the driver.
1707	@param interface The interface.
1708	@param properties Properties to set or unset.
1709	@param mask Mask of the properties to set of unset.
1710	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1712extern errno_t ifnet_set_wake_flags(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t properties, u_int32_t mask);
1715	@function ifnet_get_wake_flags
1716	@discussion Returns the wake properties set on the interface.
1717	@param interface The interface.
1718	@result The wake properties
1720extern u_int32_t ifnet_get_wake_flags(ifnet_t interface);
1723	@function ifnet_set_link_mib_data
1724	@discussion Sets the mib link data. The ifnet_t will store the
1725		pointer you supply and copy mibLen bytes from the pointer
1726		whenever the sysctl for getting interface specific MIB data is
1727		used. Since the ifnet_t stores a pointer to your data instead of
1728		a copy, you may update the data at the address at any time.
1730		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1731		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1732		own.
1733	@param interface Interface to set the unit number of.
1734	@param mibData A pointer to the data.
1735	@param mibLen Length of data pointed to.
1736	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1738extern errno_t ifnet_set_link_mib_data(ifnet_t interface, void *mibData,
1739    u_int32_t mibLen);
1742	@function ifnet_get_link_mib_data
1743	@discussion Copies the link MIB data in to mibData, up to mibLen
1744		bytes. Returns error if the buffer is too small to hold all of
1745		the MIB data.
1746	@param interface The interface.
1747	@param mibData A pointer to space for the mibData to be copied in
1748		to.
1749	@param mibLen When calling, this should be the size of the buffer
1750		passed in mibData. Upon return, this will be the size of data
1751		copied in to mibData.
1752	@result Returns an error if the buffer size is too small or there is
1753		no data.
1754 */
1755extern errno_t ifnet_get_link_mib_data(ifnet_t interface, void *mibData,
1756    u_int32_t *mibLen);
1759	@function ifnet_get_link_mib_data_length
1760	@discussion Retrieve the size of the mib data.
1761	@param interface The interface.
1762	@result Returns the number of bytes of mib data associated with the
1763		interface.
1764 */
1765extern u_int32_t ifnet_get_link_mib_data_length(ifnet_t interface);
1768	@function ifnet_attach_protocol
1769	@discussion Attaches a protocol to an interface.
1770	@param interface The interface.
1771	@param protocol_family The protocol family being attached
1772		(PF_INET/PF_APPLETALK/etc...).
1773	@param proto_details Details of the protocol being attached.
1774	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1775 */
1776extern errno_t ifnet_attach_protocol(ifnet_t interface,
1777    protocol_family_t protocol_family,
1778    const struct ifnet_attach_proto_param *proto_details);
1781	@function ifnet_attach_protocol_v2
1782	@discussion Attaches a protocol to an interface using the newer
1783	    version 2 style interface. So far the only difference is support
1784	    for packet chains which improve performance.
1785	@param interface The interface.
1786	@param protocol_family The protocol family being attached
1787		(PF_INET/PF_APPLETALK/etc...).
1788	@param proto_details Details of the protocol being attached.
1789	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1790 */
1791extern errno_t ifnet_attach_protocol_v2(ifnet_t interface,
1792    protocol_family_t protocol_family,
1793    const struct ifnet_attach_proto_param_v2 *proto_details);
1796	@function ifnet_detach_protocol
1797	@discussion Detaches a protocol from an interface.
1798	@param interface The interface.
1799	@param protocol_family The protocol family of the protocol to
1800		detach.
1801	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1802 */
1803extern errno_t ifnet_detach_protocol(ifnet_t interface,
1804    protocol_family_t protocol_family);
1807	@function ifnet_output
1808	@discussion Handles an outbound packet on the interface by calling
1809		any filters, a protocol preoutput function, the interface framer
1810		function, and finally the interface's output function. The
1811		protocol_family will be used to apply protocol filters and
1812		determine which preoutput function to call. The route and dest
1813		parameters will be passed to the preoutput function defined for
1814		the attachment of the specified protocol to the specified
1815		interface. ifnet_output will always free the mbuf chain.
1816	@param interface The interface.
1817	@param protocol_family The family of the protocol generating this
1818		packet (i.e. AF_INET).
1819	@param packet The packet to be transmitted.
1820	@param route A pointer to a routing structure for this packet. The
1821		preoutput function determines whether this value may be NULL or
1822		not.
1823	@param dest The destination address of protocol_family type. This
1824		will be passed to the preoutput function. If the preoutput
1825		function does not require this value, you may pass NULL.
1826	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1827 */
1828extern errno_t ifnet_output(ifnet_t interface,
1829    protocol_family_t protocol_family, mbuf_t packet, void *route,
1830    const struct sockaddr *dest);
1833	@function ifnet_output_raw
1834	@discussion Handles and outbond raw packet on the interface by
1835		calling any filters followed by the interface's output function.
1836		protocol_family may be zero. If the packet is from a specific
1837		protocol the protocol_family will be used to apply protocol
1838		filters. All interface filters will be applied to the outgoing
1839		packet. Processing, such as calling the protocol preoutput and
1840		interface framer functions will be bypassed. The packet will
1841		pass through the filters and be sent on the interface as is.
1842		ifnet_output_raw will always free the packet chain.
1843	@param interface The interface.
1844	@param protocol_family The family of the protocol generating this
1845		packet (i.e. AF_INET).
1846	@param packet The fully formed packet to be transmitted.
1847	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1848 */
1849extern errno_t ifnet_output_raw(ifnet_t interface,
1850    protocol_family_t protocol_family, mbuf_t packet);
1853	@function ifnet_input
1854	@discussion Inputs packets from the interface. The interface's demux
1855		will be called to determine the protocol. Once the protocol is
1856		determined, the interface filters and protocol filters will be
1857		called. From there, the packet will be passed to the registered
1858		protocol. If there is an error, the mbuf chain will be freed.
1859	@param interface The interface.
1860	@param first_packet The first packet in a chain of packets.
1861	@param stats Counts to be integrated in to the stats. The interface
1862		statistics will be incremented by the amounts specified in
1863		stats. This parameter may be NULL.
1864	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1865 */
1866extern errno_t ifnet_input(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t first_packet,
1867    const struct ifnet_stat_increment_param *stats);
1871	@function ifnet_input_extended
1872	@discussion Inputs packets from the interface. The interface's demux
1873		will be called to determine the protocol. Once the protocol is
1874		determined, the interface filters and protocol filters will be
1875		called. From there, the packet will be passed to the registered
1876		protocol. If there is an error, the mbuf chain will be freed.
1877	@param interface The interface.
1878	@param first_packet The first packet in a chain of packets.
1879	@param last_packet The last packet in a chain of packets.  This may be
1880		set to NULL if the driver does not have the information.
1881	@param stats Counts to be integrated in to the stats. The interface
1882		statistics will be incremented by the amounts specified in
1883		stats. Unlike ifnet_input(), this parameter is required by
1884		this extended variant.
1885	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1886 */
1887extern errno_t ifnet_input_extended(ifnet_t interface, mbuf_t first_packet,
1888    mbuf_t last_packet, const struct ifnet_stat_increment_param *stats);
1889#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
1892	@function ifnet_ioctl
1893	@discussion Calls the interface's ioctl function with the parameters
1894		passed.
1896		All undefined ioctls are reserved for future use by Apple. If
1897		you need to communicate with your kext using an ioctl, please
1899	@param interface The interface.
1900	@param protocol The protocol family of the protocol to send the
1901		ioctl to (may be zero). Some ioctls apply to a protocol while
1902		other ioctls apply to just an interface.
1903	@param ioctl_code The ioctl to perform.
1904	@param ioctl_arg Any parameters to the ioctl.
1905	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1906 */
1907extern errno_t ifnet_ioctl(ifnet_t interface, protocol_family_t protocol,
1908    unsigned long ioctl_code, void *ioctl_arg);
1911	@function ifnet_event
1912	@discussion Calls the interface's event function.
1913	@param interface The interface.
1914	@param event_ptr Pointer to an kern_event structure describing the
1915		event.
1916	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1917 */
1918extern errno_t ifnet_event(ifnet_t interface, struct kern_event_msg *event_ptr);
1921	@function ifnet_set_mtu
1922	@discussion Sets the value of the MTU in the interface structure.
1923		Calling this function will not notify the driver that the MTU
1924		should be changed. Use the appropriate ioctl.
1926		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1927		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1928		own.
1929	@param interface The interface.
1930	@param mtu The new MTU.
1931	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1932 */
1933extern errno_t ifnet_set_mtu(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t mtu);
1936	@function ifnet_mtu
1937	@param interface The interface.
1938	@result The MTU.
1939 */
1940extern u_int32_t ifnet_mtu(ifnet_t interface);
1943	@function ifnet_type
1944	@param interface The interface.
1945	@result The type. See net/if_types.h.
1946 */
1947extern u_int8_t ifnet_type(ifnet_t interface);
1950	@function ifnet_set_addrlen
1951	@discussion
1952		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1953		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1954		own.
1955	@param interface The interface.
1956	@param addrlen The new address length.
1957	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1958 */
1959extern errno_t ifnet_set_addrlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int8_t addrlen);
1962	@function ifnet_addrlen
1963	@param interface The interface.
1964	@result The address length.
1965 */
1966extern u_int8_t ifnet_addrlen(ifnet_t interface);
1969	@function ifnet_set_hdrlen
1970	@discussion
1971		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1972		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1973		own.
1974	@param interface The interface.
1975	@param hdrlen The new header length.
1976	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1977 */
1978extern errno_t ifnet_set_hdrlen(ifnet_t interface, u_int8_t hdrlen);
1981	@function ifnet_hdrlen
1982	@param interface The interface.
1983	@result The header length.
1984 */
1985extern u_int8_t ifnet_hdrlen(ifnet_t interface);
1988	@function ifnet_set_metric
1989	@discussion
1990		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
1991		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
1992		own.
1993	@param interface The interface.
1994	@param metric The new metric.
1995	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
1996 */
1997extern errno_t ifnet_set_metric(ifnet_t interface, u_int32_t metric);
2000	@function ifnet_metric
2001	@param interface The interface.
2002	@result The metric.
2003 */
2004extern u_int32_t ifnet_metric(ifnet_t interface);
2007	@function ifnet_set_baudrate
2008	@discussion
2009		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
2010		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
2011		own.
2012	@param interface The interface.
2013	@param baudrate The new baudrate.
2014	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2015 */
2016extern errno_t ifnet_set_baudrate(ifnet_t interface, u_int64_t baudrate);
2019	@function ifnet_baudrate
2020	@param interface The interface.
2021	@result The baudrate.
2022 */
2023extern u_int64_t ifnet_baudrate(ifnet_t interface);
2026typedef struct if_bandwidths if_bandwidths_t;
2029	@function ifnet_set_bandwidths
2030	@param interface The interface.
2031	@param output_bw The output bandwidth values (in bits per second).
2032		May be set to NULL if the caller does not want to alter the
2033		existing output bandwidth values.
2034	@param input_bw The input bandwidth values (in bits per second).
2035		May be set to NULL if the caller does not want to alter the
2036		existing input bandwidth values.
2037	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2038 */
2039extern errno_t ifnet_set_bandwidths(ifnet_t interface,
2040    if_bandwidths_t *output_bw, if_bandwidths_t *input_bw);
2043	@function ifnet_bandwidths
2044	@param interface The interface.
2045	@param output_bw The output bandwidth values (in bits per second).
2046		May be set to NULL if the caller does not want to retrieve the
2047		output bandwidth value.
2048	@param input_bw The input bandwidth values (in bits per second).
2049		May be set to NULL if the caller does not want to retrieve the
2050		input bandwidth value.
2051	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2052 */
2053extern errno_t ifnet_bandwidths(ifnet_t interface, if_bandwidths_t *output_bw,
2054    if_bandwidths_t *input_bw);
2055#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2058	@function ifnet_stat_increment
2059	@discussion
2060		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
2061		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
2062		own.
2063	@param interface The interface.
2064	@param counts A pointer to a structure containing the amount to
2065		increment each counter by. Any counts not appearing in the
2066		ifnet_counter_increment structure are handled in the stack.
2067	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2068 */
2069extern errno_t ifnet_stat_increment(ifnet_t interface,
2070    const struct ifnet_stat_increment_param *counts);
2073	@function ifnet_stat_increment_in
2074	@discussion
2075		This function is intended to be called by the driver. This
2076		function allows a driver to update the inbound interface counts.
2077		The most efficient time to update these counts is when calling
2078		ifnet_input.
2080		A lock protects the counts, this makes the increment functions
2081		expensive. The increment function will update the lastchanged
2082		value.
2083	@param interface The interface.
2084	@param packets_in The number of additional packets received.
2085	@param bytes_in The number of additional bytes received.
2086	@param errors_in The number of additional receive errors.
2087	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2088 */
2089extern errno_t ifnet_stat_increment_in(ifnet_t interface,
2090    u_int32_t packets_in, u_int32_t bytes_in, u_int32_t errors_in);
2093	@function ifnet_stat_increment_out
2094	@discussion
2095		This function is intended to be called by the driver. This
2096		function allows a driver to update the outbound interface
2097		counts.
2099		A lock protects the counts, this makes the increment functions
2100		expensive. The increment function will update the lastchanged
2101		value.
2102	@param interface The interface.
2103	@param packets_out The number of additional packets sent.
2104	@param bytes_out The number of additional bytes sent.
2105	@param errors_out The number of additional send errors.
2106	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2107 */
2108extern errno_t ifnet_stat_increment_out(ifnet_t interface,
2109u_int32_t packets_out, u_int32_t bytes_out, u_int32_t errors_out);
2112	@function ifnet_set_stat
2113	@discussion
2114		This function is intended to be called by the driver. A kext
2115		must not call this function on an interface the kext does not
2116		own.
2118		The one exception would be the case where a kext wants to zero
2119		all of the counters.
2120	@param interface The interface.
2121	@param counts The new stats values.
2122	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2123 */
2124extern errno_t ifnet_set_stat(ifnet_t interface,
2125    const struct ifnet_stats_param *stats);
2128	@function ifnet_stat
2129	@param interface The interface.
2130	@param out_stats Storage for the values.
2131	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2132 */
2133extern errno_t ifnet_stat(ifnet_t interface,
2134    struct ifnet_stats_param *out_stats);
2137	@function ifnet_set_promiscuous
2138	@discussion Enable or disable promiscuous mode on the interface. The
2139		interface keeps an internal count of the number of times
2140		promiscuous mode has been enabled. Promiscuous mode is only
2141		disabled when this count reaches zero. Be sure to disable
2142		promiscuous mode only once for every time you enable it.
2143	@param interface The interface to toggle promiscuous mode on.
2144	@param on If set, the number of promicuous on requests will be
2145		incremented. If this is the first requrest, promiscuous mode
2146		will be enabled. If this is not set, the number of promiscous
2147		clients will be decremented. If this causes the number to reach
2148		zero, promiscuous mode will be disabled.
2149	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2150 */
2151extern errno_t ifnet_set_promiscuous(ifnet_t interface, int on);
2154	@function ifnet_touch_lastchange
2155	@discussion Updates the lastchange value to now.
2156	@param interface The interface.
2157	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2158 */
2159extern errno_t ifnet_touch_lastchange(ifnet_t interface);
2162	@function ifnet_lastchange
2163	@param interface The interface.
2164	@param last_change A timeval struct to copy the last time changed in
2165		to.
2166 */
2167extern errno_t ifnet_lastchange(ifnet_t interface, struct timeval *last_change);
2170	@function ifnet_get_address_list
2171	@discussion Get a list of addresses on the interface. Passing NULL
2172		for the interface will return a list of all addresses. The
2173		addresses will have their reference count bumped so they will
2174		not go away. Calling ifnet_free_address_list will decrement the
2175		refcount and free the array. If you wish to hold on to a
2176		reference to an ifaddr_t, be sure to bump the reference count
2177		before calling ifnet_free_address_list.
2178	@param interface The interface.
2179	@param addresses A pointer to a NULL terminated array of ifaddr_ts.
2180	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2181 */
2182extern errno_t ifnet_get_address_list(ifnet_t interface, ifaddr_t **addresses);
2185	@function ifnet_get_address_list_family
2186	@discussion Get a list of addresses on the interface. Passing NULL
2187		for the interface will return a list of all addresses. The
2188		addresses will have their reference count bumped so they will
2189		not go away. Calling ifnet_free_address_list will decrement the
2190		refcount and free the array. If you wish to hold on to a
2191		reference to an ifaddr_t, be sure to bump the reference count
2192		before calling ifnet_free_address_list. Unlike
2193		ifnet_get_address_list, this function lets the caller specify
2194		the address family to get a list of only a specific address type.
2195	@param interface The interface.
2196	@param addresses A pointer to a NULL terminated array of ifaddr_ts.
2197	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2198 */
2199extern errno_t ifnet_get_address_list_family(ifnet_t interface,
2200    ifaddr_t **addresses, sa_family_t family);
2203__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_get_address_list_family_internal(ifnet_t,
2204    ifaddr_t **, sa_family_t, int, int);
2205#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2208	@function ifnet_free_address_list
2209	@discussion Free a list of addresses returned from
2210		ifnet_get_address_list. Decrements the refcounts and frees the
2211		memory used for the array of references.
2212	@param addresses An array of ifaddr_ts.
2213 */
2214extern void ifnet_free_address_list(ifaddr_t *addresses);
2217	@function ifnet_set_lladdr
2218	@discussion Sets the link-layer address for this interface.
2219	@param interface The interface the link layer address is being
2220		changed on.
2221	@param lladdr A pointer to the raw link layer address (pointer to
2222		the 6 byte ethernet address for ethernet).
2223	@param lladdr_len The length, in bytes, of the link layer address.
2224 */
2225extern errno_t ifnet_set_lladdr(ifnet_t interface, const void *lladdr,
2226    size_t lladdr_len);
2229	@function ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes
2230	@discussion Copies the bytes of the link-layer address in to the
2231		specified buffer.
2232	@param interface The interface to copy the link-layer address from.
2233	@param lladdr The buffer to copy the link-layer address in to.
2234	@param length The length of the buffer. This value must match the
2235		length of the link-layer address.
2236 */
2237extern errno_t ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifnet_t interface, void *lladdr,
2238    size_t length);
2242	@function ifnet_lladdr
2243	@discussion Returns a pointer to the link-layer address.
2244	@param interface The interface the link-layer address is on.
2245 */
2246extern void *ifnet_lladdr(ifnet_t interface);
2247#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2250	@function ifnet_llbroadcast_copy_bytes
2251	@discussion Retrieves the link-layer broadcast address for this
2252		interface.
2253	@param interface The interface.
2254	@param addr A buffer to copy the broadcast address in to.
2255	@param bufferlen The length of the buffer at addr.
2256	@param addr_len On return, the length of the broadcast address.
2257	@param lladdr_len The length, in bytes, of the link layer address.
2258 */
2259extern errno_t ifnet_llbroadcast_copy_bytes(ifnet_t interface, void *addr,
2260    size_t bufferlen, size_t *addr_len);
2264	@function ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type
2265	@discussion Sets the link-layer address as well as the type field in
2266		the sockaddr_dl. Support for setting the type was added for vlan
2267		and bond interfaces.
2268	@param interface The interface the link layer address is being
2269		changed on.
2270	@param lladdr A pointer to the raw link layer address (pointer to
2271		the 6 byte ethernet address for ethernet).
2272	@param lladdr_len The length, in bytes, of the link layer address.
2273	@param type The link-layer address type.
2274 */
2275extern errno_t ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifnet_t interface, const void *lladdr,
2276    size_t length, u_char type);
2277#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2280	@function ifnet_resolve_multicast
2281	@discussion Resolves a multicast address for an attached protocol to
2282		a link-layer address. If a link-layer address is passed in, the
2283		interface will verify that it is a valid multicast address.
2284	@param interface The interface.
2285	@param proto_addr A protocol address to be converted to a link-layer
2286		address.
2287	@param ll_addr Storage for the resulting link-layer address.
2288	@param ll_len Length of the storage for the link-layer address.
2289	@result 0 on success. EOPNOTSUPP indicates the multicast address was
2290		not supported or could not be translated. Other errors may
2291		indicate other failures.
2292 */
2293extern errno_t ifnet_resolve_multicast(ifnet_t ifp,
2294    const struct sockaddr *proto_addr, struct sockaddr *ll_addr, size_t ll_len);
2297	@function ifnet_add_multicast
2298	@discussion Joins a multicast and returns an ifmultiaddr_t with the
2299		reference count incremented for you. You are responsible for
2300		decrementing the reference count after calling
2301		ifnet_remove_multicast and making sure you no longer have any
2302		references to the multicast.
2303	@param interface The interface.
2304	@param maddr The multicast address (AF_UNSPEC/AF_LINK) to join. Either
2305		a physical address or logical address to be translated to a
2306		physical address.
2307	@param multicast The resulting ifmultiaddr_t multicast address.
2308	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2309 */
2310extern errno_t ifnet_add_multicast(ifnet_t interface,
2311    const struct sockaddr *maddr, ifmultiaddr_t *multicast);
2314	@function ifnet_remove_multicast
2315	@discussion Causes the interface to leave the multicast group. The
2316		stack keeps track of how many times ifnet_add_multicast has been
2317		called for a given multicast address. The multicast will only be
2318		removed when the number of times ifnet_remove_multicast has been
2319		called matches the number of times ifnet_add_multicast has been
2320		called.
2322		The memory for the multicast address is not actually freed until
2323		the separate reference count has reached zero. Some parts of the
2324		stack may keep a pointer to the multicast even after that
2325		multicast has been removed from the interface.
2327		When an interface is detached, all of the multicasts are
2328		removed. If the interface of the multicast passed in is no
2329		longer attached, this function will gracefully return,
2330		performing no work.
2332		It is the callers responsibility to release the multicast
2333		address after calling this function.
2334	@param multicast The multicast to be removed.
2335	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2336 */
2337extern errno_t ifnet_remove_multicast(ifmultiaddr_t multicast);
2340	@function ifnet_get_multicast_list
2341	@discussion Retrieves a list of multicast address the interface is
2342		set to receive. This function allocates and returns an array of
2343		references to the various multicast addresses. The multicasts
2344		have their reference counts bumped on your behalf. Calling
2345		ifnet_free_multicast_list will decrement the reference counts
2346		and free the array.
2347	@param interface The interface.
2348	@param multicasts A pointer to a NULL terminated array of references
2349		to the multicast addresses.
2350	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2351 */
2352extern errno_t ifnet_get_multicast_list(ifnet_t interface,
2353    ifmultiaddr_t **addresses);
2356	@function ifnet_free_multicast_list
2357	@discussion Frees a list of multicasts returned by
2358		ifnet_get_multicast_list. Decrements the refcount on each
2359		multicast address and frees the array.
2360	@param multicasts An array of references to the multicast addresses.
2361	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2362 */
2363extern void ifnet_free_multicast_list(ifmultiaddr_t *multicasts);
2366	@function ifnet_find_by_name
2367	@discussion Find an interface by the name including the unit number.
2368		Caller must call ifnet_release on any non-null interface return
2369		value.
2370	@param name The name of the interface, including any unit number
2371		(i.e. "en0").
2372	@param interface A pointer to an interface reference. This will be
2373		filled in if a matching interface is found.
2374	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2375 */
2376extern errno_t ifnet_find_by_name(const char *ifname, ifnet_t *interface);
2379	@function ifnet_list_get
2380	@discussion Get a list of attached interfaces. List will be set to
2381		point to an array allocated by ifnet_list_get. The interfaces
2382		are refcounted and the counts will be incremented before the
2383		function returns. The list of interfaces must be freed using
2384		ifnet_list_free.
2385	@param family The interface family (i.e. IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET). To
2386		find interfaces of all families, use IFNET_FAMILY_ANY.
2387	@param interfaces A pointer to an array of interface references.
2388	@param count A pointer that will be filled in with the number of
2389		matching interfaces in the array.
2390	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2391 */
2392extern errno_t ifnet_list_get(ifnet_family_t family, ifnet_t **interfaces,
2393    u_int32_t *count);
2397	@function ifnet_list_get_all
2398	@discussion Get a list of attached interfaces. List will be set to
2399		point to an array allocated by ifnet_list_get. The interfaces
2400		are refcounted and the counts will be incremented before the
2401		function returns. The list of interfaces must be freed using
2402		ifnet_list_free.  This is similar to ifnet_list_get, except
2403		that it includes interfaces that are detaching.
2404	@param family The interface family (i.e. IFNET_FAMILY_ETHERNET). To
2405		find interfaces of all families, use IFNET_FAMILY_ANY.
2406	@param interfaces A pointer to an array of interface references.
2407	@param count A pointer that will be filled in with the number of
2408		matching interfaces in the array.
2409	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
2410 */
2411extern errno_t ifnet_list_get_all(ifnet_family_t family, ifnet_t **interfaces,
2412    u_int32_t *count);
2413#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2416	@function ifnet_list_free
2417	@discussion Free a list of interfaces returned by ifnet_list_get.
2418		Decrements the reference count on each interface and frees the
2419		array of references. If you keep a reference to an interface, be
2420		sure to increment the reference count before calling
2421		ifnet_list_free.
2422	@param interfaces An array of interface references from ifnet_list_get.
2423 */
2424extern void ifnet_list_free(ifnet_t *interfaces);
2427/* ifaddr_t accessors                                                         */
2431	@function ifaddr_reference
2432	@discussion Increment the reference count of an address tied to an
2433		interface.
2434	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2435	@result 0 upon success
2436 */
2437extern errno_t ifaddr_reference(ifaddr_t ifaddr);
2440	@function ifaddr_release
2441	@discussion Decrements the reference count of and possibly frees an
2442		address tied to an interface.
2443	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2444	@result 0 upon success
2445 */
2446extern errno_t ifaddr_release(ifaddr_t ifaddr);
2449	@function ifaddr_address
2450	@discussion Copies the address out of the ifaddr.
2451	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2452	@param out_addr The sockaddr storage for the address.
2453	@param addr_size The size of the storage for the address.
2454	@result 0 upon success
2455 */
2456extern errno_t ifaddr_address(ifaddr_t ifaddr, struct sockaddr *out_addr,
2457    u_int32_t addr_size);
2460	@function ifaddr_address
2461	@discussion Returns the address family of the address.
2462	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2463	@result 0 on failure, address family on success.
2464 */
2465extern sa_family_t ifaddr_address_family(ifaddr_t ifaddr);
2468	@function ifaddr_dstaddress
2469	@discussion Copies the destination address out of the ifaddr.
2470	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2471	@param out_dstaddr The sockaddr storage for the destination address.
2472	@param dstaddr_size The size of the storage for the destination address.
2473	@result 0 upon success
2474 */
2475extern errno_t ifaddr_dstaddress(ifaddr_t ifaddr, struct sockaddr *out_dstaddr,
2476    u_int32_t dstaddr_size);
2479	@function ifaddr_netmask
2480	@discussion Copies the netmask out of the ifaddr.
2481	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2482	@param out_netmask The sockaddr storage for the netmask.
2483	@param netmask_size The size of the storage for the netmask.
2484	@result 0 upon success
2485 */
2486extern errno_t ifaddr_netmask(ifaddr_t ifaddr, struct sockaddr *out_netmask,
2487    u_int32_t netmask_size);
2490	@function ifaddr_ifnet
2491	@discussion Returns the interface the address is attached to. The
2492		reference is only valid until the ifaddr is released. If you
2493		need to hold a reference to the ifnet for longer than you hold a
2494		reference to the ifaddr, increment the reference using
2495		ifnet_reference.
2496	@param ifaddr The interface address.
2497	@result A reference to the interface the address is attached to.
2498 */
2499extern ifnet_t ifaddr_ifnet(ifaddr_t ifaddr);
2502	@function ifaddr_withaddr
2503	@discussion Returns an interface address with the address specified.
2504		Increments the reference count on the ifaddr before returning to
2505		the caller. Caller is responsible for calling ifaddr_release.
2506	@param address The address to search for.
2507	@result A reference to the interface address.
2508 */
2509extern ifaddr_t ifaddr_withaddr(const struct sockaddr *address);
2512	@function ifaddr_withdstaddr
2513	@discussion Returns an interface address for the interface address
2514		that matches the destination when the netmask is applied.
2515		Increments the reference count on the ifaddr before returning to
2516		the caller. Caller is responsible for calling ifaddr_release.
2517	@param destination The destination to search for.
2518	@result A reference to the interface address.
2519 */
2520extern ifaddr_t ifaddr_withdstaddr(const struct sockaddr *destination);
2523	@function ifaddr_withnet
2524	@discussion Returns an interface address for the interface with the
2525		network described by net. Increments the reference count on the
2526		ifaddr before returning to the caller. Caller is responsible for
2527		calling ifaddr_release.
2528	@param net The network to search for.
2529	@result A reference to the interface address.
2530 */
2531extern ifaddr_t ifaddr_withnet(const struct sockaddr *net);
2534	@function ifaddr_withroute
2535	@discussion Returns an interface address given a destination and
2536		gateway. Increments the reference count on the ifaddr before
2537		returning to the caller. Caller is responsible for calling
2538		ifaddr_release.
2539	@param flags Routing flags. See net/route.h, RTF_GATEWAY etc.
2540	@param destination The destination to search for.
2541	@param gateway A gateway to search for.
2542	@result A reference to the interface address.
2543 */
2544extern ifaddr_t ifaddr_withroute(int flags, const struct sockaddr *destination,
2545    const struct sockaddr *gateway);
2548	@function ifaddr_findbestforaddr
2549	@discussion Finds the best local address assigned to a specific
2550		interface to use when communicating with another address.
2551		Increments the reference count on the ifaddr before returning to
2552		the caller. Caller is responsible for calling ifaddr_release.
2553	@param addr The remote address.
2554	@param interface The local interface.
2555	@result A reference to the interface address.
2556 */
2557extern ifaddr_t	ifaddr_findbestforaddr(const struct sockaddr *addr,
2558    ifnet_t interface);
2561/* ifmultiaddr_t accessors                                                    */
2565	@function ifmaddr_reference
2566	@discussion Increment the reference count of an interface multicast
2567		address.
2568	@param ifmaddr The interface multicast address.
2569	@result 0 on success. Only error will be EINVAL if ifmaddr is not valid.
2570 */
2571extern errno_t ifmaddr_reference(ifmultiaddr_t ifmaddr);
2574	@function ifmaddr_release
2575	@discussion Decrement the reference count of an interface multicast
2576		address. If the reference count reaches zero, the ifmultiaddr
2577		will be removed from the interface and the ifmultiaddr will be
2578		freed.
2579	@param ifmaddr The interface multicast address.
2580	@result 0 on success. Only error will be EINVAL if ifmaddr is not valid.
2581 */
2582extern errno_t ifmaddr_release(ifmultiaddr_t ifmaddr);
2585	@function ifmaddr_address
2586	@discussion Copies the multicast address to out_multicast.
2587	@param out_multicast Storage for a sockaddr.
2588	@param addr_size Size of the storage.
2589	@result 0 on success.
2590 */
2591extern errno_t ifmaddr_address(ifmultiaddr_t ifmaddr,
2592    struct sockaddr *out_multicast, u_int32_t addr_size);
2595	@function ifmaddr_lladdress
2596	@discussion Copies the link layer multicast address to
2597		out_link_layer_multicast.
2598	@param out_link_layer_multicast Storage for a sockaddr.
2599	@param addr_size Size of the storage.
2600	@result 0 on success.
2601 */
2602extern errno_t ifmaddr_lladdress(ifmultiaddr_t ifmaddr,
2603    struct sockaddr *out_link_layer_multicast, u_int32_t addr_size);
2606	@function ifmaddr_ifnet
2607	@discussion Returns the interface this multicast address is attached
2608		to. The interface reference count is not bumped by this
2609		function. The interface is only valid as long as you don't
2610		release the refernece to the multiast address. If you need to
2611		maintain your pointer to the ifnet, call ifnet_reference
2612		followed by ifnet_release when you're finished.
2613	@param ifmaddr The interface multicast address.
2614	@result A reference to the interface.
2615 */
2616extern ifnet_t ifmaddr_ifnet(ifmultiaddr_t ifmaddr);
2620/* interface cloner                                                           */
2624	@typedef ifnet_clone_create_func
2625	@discussion ifnet_clone_create_func is called to create an interface.
2626	@param ifcloner The interface cloner.
2627	@param unit The interface unit number to create.
2628	@param params Additional information specific to the interface cloner.
2629	@result Return zero on success or an errno error value on failure.
2630 */
2631typedef errno_t (*ifnet_clone_create_func)(if_clone_t ifcloner, u_int32_t unit, void *params);
2634	@typedef ifnet_clone_destroy_func
2635	@discussion ifnet_clone_create_func is called to destroy an interface created
2636		by an interface cloner.
2637	@param interface The interface to destroy.
2638	@result Return zero on success or an errno error value on failure.
2639 */
2640typedef errno_t (*ifnet_clone_destroy_func)(ifnet_t interface);
2643	@struct ifnet_clone_params
2644	@discussion This structure is used to represent an interface cloner.
2645	@field ifc_name The interface name handled by this interface cloner.
2646	@field ifc_create The function to create an interface.
2647	@field ifc_destroy The function to destroy an interface.
2649struct ifnet_clone_params {
2650	const char					*ifc_name;
2651	ifnet_clone_create_func		ifc_create;
2652	ifnet_clone_destroy_func	ifc_destroy;
2656	@function ifnet_clone_attach
2657	@discussion Attaches a new interface cloner.
2658	@param cloner_params The structure that defines an interface cloner.
2659	@param interface A pointer to an opaque handle that represent the interface cloner
2660		that is attached upon success.
2661	@result Returns 0 on success.
2662		May return ENOBUFS if there is insufficient memory.
2663		May return EEXIST if an interface cloner with the same name is already attached.
2664 */
2665extern errno_t ifnet_clone_attach(struct ifnet_clone_params *cloner_params, if_clone_t *ifcloner);
2668	@function ifnet_clone_detach
2669	@discussion Detaches a previously attached interface cloner.
2670	@param ifcloner The opaque handle returned when the interface cloner was attached.
2671	@result Returns 0 on success.
2672 */
2673extern errno_t ifnet_clone_detach(if_clone_t ifcloner);
2676/* misc                                                                       */
2680	@function ifnet_get_local_ports
2681	@discussion Returns a bitfield indicating which ports have sockets
2682		open. An interface that supports waking the host on unicast traffic may
2683		use this information to discard incoming unicast packets that don't have
2684		a corresponding bit set instead of waking up the host. For port 0x0001,
2685		bit 1 of the first byte would be set. For port n, bit 1 << (n % 8) of
2686		the (n / 8)'th byte would be set.
2687	@param ifp The interface in question.
2688	@param bitfield A pointer to 8192 bytes.
2689	@result Returns 0 on success.
2690 */
2691extern errno_t ifnet_get_local_ports(ifnet_t ifp, uint8_t *bitfield);
2693/* for interfaces that support dynamic node absence/presence events           */
2697	@function ifnet_notice_node_presence
2698	@discussion Provided for network interface drivers to notify the
2699		system of a change detected in the presence of the specified
2700		node.
2701	@param ifp The interface attached to the link where the specified node
2702		is present.
2703	@param sa The AF_LINK family address of the node whose presence is
2704		changing.
2705	@param rssi The received signal strength indication as measured in
2706		dBm by a radio receiver.
2707	@param lqm A link quality metric associated with the specified node.
2708	@param npm A node proximity metric associated with the specified node.
2709	@param srvinfo A fixed-size array of octets containing opaque service
2710		information data used by the mDNS responder subsystem.
2711	@result Returns 0 on success, or EINVAL if arguments are invalid.
2712 */
2713extern errno_t
2714ifnet_notice_node_presence(ifnet_t ifp, struct sockaddr* sa, int32_t rssi,
2715    int lqm, int npm, u_int8_t srvinfo[48]);
2718	@function ifnet_notice_node_absence
2719	@discussion Provided for network interface drivers to notify the
2720		system that the absence of the specified node has been detected.
2721	@param ifp The interface attached to the link where the absence of the
2722		specified node has been detected.
2723	@param sa The AF_LINK family address of the node whose absence has been
2724		detected.
2725	@result Returns 0 on success, or EINVAL if arguments are invalid.
2726 */
2727extern errno_t ifnet_notice_node_absence(ifnet_t ifp, struct sockaddr* sa);
2730	@function ifnet_notice_master_elected
2731	@discussion Provided for network interface drivers to notify the system
2732		that the nodes with a locally detected presence on the attached
2733		link have elected a new master.
2734	@param ifp The interface attached to the link where the new master has
2735		been elected.
2736	@result Returns 0 on success, or EINVAL if arguments are invalid.
2737 */
2738extern errno_t ifnet_notice_master_elected(ifnet_t ifp);
2740#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
2744#endif /* __KPI_INTERFACE__ */