2Digi International driver package for the PC/Xe, PC/Xi, PC/Xr, PC/Xem as well
3the EISA and PCI variants of these boards where applicable.
4Copyright (C) 1996 Digi International.  Written by Ronnie Sanford digilnux@dgii.com
6   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8   Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (At your
9   option) any later version.
11   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14   for more details.
16   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
17   with this program; if not write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
18   675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
21This document describes the software used with the Digi/Linux driver package.
22The four user programs listed below are described in this document:
24  1.  digiConfig   -> Application that configures the Digi driver.
26  2.  digiDload    -> Application which initializes the Digi hardware.
28  3.  buildPCI     -> Application which provides the user a method of
29                      building device nodes for PCI devices. 
31  4.  ditty        -> Application which provides the user a method of
32                      configuring terminal options on Digi hardware.
371.  Configuring driver/kernel for Digi products
40   The Digi driver must be configured each time Digi hardware is added
41   or removed.  There are two supported methods of doing this.  The
42   first method configures the driver dynamically at boot time but requires
43   the user to utilize the lilo loader.  This method is the preffered method
44   as it does not require the rebuilding of the kernel.  In order to use lilo
45   to configure Digi boards at boot time an appropriate append command should
46   be added to /etc/lilo.conf below the appropriate label decleration.  
47   See footer 4.  The append commands format is a string of comma separated
48   identifiers or integers used to configure supported boards.  These six
49   values in order are:
51     Enable/Disable this card or Override,
52     Type of card: PC/Xe (AccelePort) (0), PC/Xeve (1), PC/Xem or PC/Xr (2),
53                   EISA/Xem (3), PC/Xe (64K) (4), PC/Xi (5).
54     Enable/Disable alternate pin arrangement,
55     Number of ports on this card,
56     I/O Port where card is configured (in HEX if using string identifiers),
57     Base of memory window (in HEX if using string identifiers) 
59   A sample append command is given below which if used would configure and 
60   enable a PC/Xe with 8 ports, at i/o address 200, memory address 0xd0000 
61   with alt pin turned off.  The lilo.conf file should look like this:
63     image = /vmlinuz
64       root = /dev/hda2
65       label = vmlinuz
66       append="digiepca=E,PC/Xe,D,8,200,D0000"
68   likewise the below will perform the same function:
70     image = /vmlinuz
71       root = /dev/hda2
72       label = vmlinuz
73       append="digiepca=1,0,0,8,512,851968"
75   Note:
77     PCI boards are auto-detected and configured (Hence their codes are
78     not given here).  Do not attempt to configure PCI boards with the lilo 
79     append command.
81     If configuration data has been specified by using digiConfig (Described
82     below), and you wish to override this configuration using lilo without
83     specifying a specific card (Example if there are PCI cards in the system)
84     the following override command will accomplish this:
86     -> append="digiepca=2"
88   If lilo is not enabled, the second method of configuring Digi hardware 
89   will have to be used.  digiConfig is an application that can be used 
90   to inform the system of any additions, deletions, or modifications
91   involving Digi hardware.  To use this method the operator executes  
92   digiConfig anytime an EISA or ISA card is added that he wishes to use. 
93   This routine is also used to remove cards from the system, and to modify 
94   parameters of those cards already present in the system.  Upon being 
95   executed digiConfig modifies files accessed by the Digi driver.  To make 
96   these changes permanent; the operating system must be recompiled.  After 
97   the operating system has been recompiled and booted, the changes made with
98   digiConfig will be introduced to the user.  This program MUST be executed
99   every time Digi EISA/ISA hardware configuration changes.  Note, it is not
100   necessary to execute digiConfig in order to configure the Digi PCI cards.
101   These cards are self-identifying and will be recognized by the driver.  
102   They cannot be displayed using digiConfig nor will digiConfig build the 
103   device nodes their device nodes. See footer 1.
105   To execute digiConfig; simply type: digiConfig
107   The application will query you for the type, memory address, port 
108   address, number of ports, alt pin disposition and status of each board
109   that exist on the system.  Note, currently this driver only supports 
110   PC/Xe, PC/Xeve, PC/Xi, PC/Xr, and PC/Xem as well as their EISA and PCI 
111   implementations if applicable.  All supported cards (Other than PCI) that
112   are present should be registered via digiConfig.  See footer 2.
114   After all cards have been configured select exit.  The system will then
115   inform you if any changes have been made, and ask you if it is okay to
116   make these changes permanent.  If the data entered is correct, select okay.
117   Selecting cancel will prevent the changes from becoming active.  digiConfig
118   can then be re-executed to configure the system again.
1212.  Initializing Digi hardware with digiDload
124   digiDload is the application executed after the Digi driver has been
125   loaded.  It is responsible for initializing the hardware and leaving
126   it in a state such that the Digi board may be operated by the user.
127   The application may be placed anywhere on the path, but its related
128   support files must be located in /etc/digi.  The related files are:
130         sxfep.bin
131         sxbios.bin
132         xxfep.bin
133         xxbios.bin
135   The format for this command is "digiDload [v]".  If given the "v"
136   option turns on verbosity.  If not given the application runs in quite
137   mode.  To execute the program simply type:
139        digiDload 
141   Upon completion digiDload will generate the below message:
143        "digiDload complete: Card initialized"
145   At this point the card is configured and ready for normal usage.  See
146   technotes.doc for information on how how ports are determined and 
147   assigned.
1503.  Build PCI device nodes with buildPCI 
153   buildPCI is an application useful for building the necessary device nodes
154   for Digi PCI cards.  It is reccomended that this tool be used because the
155   current digiConfig application does not provide this function for PCI cards
156   (Though it does build device nodes for non-PCI cards).  To use this program
157   execute the following:first install the driver, and execute digiDload (See above).  After digiDload
158   has successfully loaded, execute the following:
160        buildPCI <arg1> <arg2>
162   Where arg1 is the number of ports connected to Digi cards that are not PCI 
163   (As shown by the digiConfig utility), and arg2 is the number of ports 
164   connected to Digi cards that are PCI.
166   Note, buildPCI only has to be ran once to build the necessary device 
167   nodes.  Though this program may be executed at anytime, we reccomend 
168   delaying execution until the first time you install the package and after 
169   digiDload has been executed.
1724.  Setting Terminal Options with ditty
175ditty is a utility program that sets and displays the terminal options 
176for Digi intelligent serial products.  See man ditty for detailed information.
1811.  The 1.2.x kernel does not provide a method of mapping the high 
182    addresses (Normally higher than RAM) associated with PCI.  For this
183    reason, this driver disables PCI support while running under the 1.2.x
184    kernels.
1862.  PCI cards should not and cannot be registered with digiConfig.  After
187    the driver has been loaded buildPCI may be executed to construct the 
188    necessary device nodes.  This step is not necessary for system not 
189    having Digi PCI cards.
1913.  This is because we forsee a time when buildPCI may auto-detect the
192    available Digi PCI cards and this would only work if the program is 
193    executed after digiDload.
1954.  A complete example is given in install.doc.
199All changes should be recorded here.  All changes should be explained in 
200verbose detail.  
202Programmer            : Ronnie Sanford
203Date                  : June 1, 1996
204Description (Verbose) : Initial release of driver package.
205Files affected        : all
206Release version       : 1.0.0f  (BETA)
209Programmer            : Ronnie Sanford
210Date                  : August 7, 1996
211Description (Verbose) : Made several modifications to provide PCI and EISA
212                        support:
214                        1.  We now allocate the termios structures based on
215                            the maximum number of channels that COULD be 
216                            available to the system.  We no longer use the
217                            number of channels declared in epcaconfig.h 
218                            (NBDEVS) as the total channel number.  This is 
219                            because this value does not represent channels
220                            available to potential PCI cards.  This new 
221                            larger value is also passed back to the os in
222                            the num field of tty_driver. 
224                        2.  Added code to copy the previous board structure
225                            (Now called static_boards) into a new local 
226                            copy of the boards structure.  This has been 
227                            done so that PCI cards may be added to this 
228                            board array and later referenced (And even 
229                            queried.). 
231                        3.  Added code to pc_init that checks for supported
232                            PCI cards.  If found this code initializes a new
233                            entry into the drivers local board structure 
234                            with the PCI cards address, and type, etc..  It 
235                            also bumps the card count (num_cards).
237                        4.  Modified code in post_fep_init so that when this
238                            routine is executed the number of ports supported
239                            by a particular PCI card will be determined and
240                            loaded into the board structure.  It would be 
241                            much better if this code was placed in pc_init
242                            (Because we could then report to the os the true
243                            number of ports available; not just the max), but
244                            since the card has to be booted to determine the
245                            number of ports it supports, we are forced to do it
246                            after DIGI_INIT has called post_fep_init.  In the 
247                            future we may attempt to read the num ports 
248                            attached directly (address 0x1ac).
250                        5.  Added board types to epca.h in support of various
251                            PCI boards (Some of which do not exist yet).  
252                            Added procedures for these boards throughout the
253                            code.  Note, windowing is not necessary for PCI
254                            boards.  
256                        6.  Added code supporting the EISA/XEM.  This included
257                            modifying epca.h with the new board type and 
258                            adding this type into the driver.  The EISA/XEM
259                            is basically identical to the PC/XEM, other than
260                            it's base address does not have to be (And cannot
261                            be configured directly).
263                        7.  Modified digiConfig to prompt for EISA/XEM cards.
265Files affected        : epca.c, epca.h, digi1.h, digiConfig
266Release version       : 1.0.0g  (BETA)
269Programmer            : Ronnie Sanford
270Date                  : August 21, 1996
271Description (Verbose) : Made the following modifications:
273                        1.  A problem affecting hard flow control was found 
274                            in the termios2digi_h routine.  Specifically,
275                            when the user activated hard flow control using
276                            the CRTSCTS specification, the values used to 
277                            program hard flow control on the board were 
278                            incorrect.  The solution was to change a line
279                            that read "res |= ((ch->m_dtr) | (ch->m_rts));"
280                            to "res |= ((ch->m_cts) | (ch->m_rts));"  This 
281                            line only applies if cflag & CRTSCTS.  Special
282                            thanks to Matt Robinson (matt@mania.com.au) who
283                            found and fixed this problem.
285                        2.  In previous betas the cud device was set to  CLOCAL
286                            on driver boot up.  Likewise the ttyD device was
287                            set to ~CLOCAL.  This has been fixed in this driver.
288                            Now ttyD is CLOCAL and cud is ~CLOCAL.  The fix
289                            for this can be found in pc_init.
291                        3.  In ditty.c many changes were made to eliminate bugs
292                            and warning messages.  Two ioctl calls were eliminated
293                            as well a problem involving using the returned baud
294                            index to determine the drivers baud rate.  Newer 
295                            Linux kernels support higher baud rates by using
296                            0x1000 bit.  When the returned value (ored with
297                            0x1000) was used to reference our fbaud table a 
298                            serious memory problem occurred.  This has been fixed.
300                        4.  Added a request_region call to post_fep_init.  This
301                            should cause the i/o ports being used to be 
302                            registered with proc.
304                        5.  Modified digiConfig to set all cud and ttyD devices
305                            to read/write all permission.
307                        6.  Developed a new apps called buildPCI that provides 
308                            an easy way to build device nodes for PCI cards.
310                        7.  Modified user.doc and technotes.doc document the
311                            use of buildPCI.
313Files affected        : epca.c, ditty.c, digiConfig, user.doc, technotes.doc 
314Release version       : 1.0.0 (Official release)
316Programmer            : Ronnie Sanford
317Date                  : August 21, 1996
318Description (Verbose) : Made the following modifications:
320                        1.  Removed code from pc_close which closes the 
321                            drivers line discipline and restores its original
322                            line discipline.  This is currently unnecessary,
323                            though future fast cook enhancements may require
324                            this.
326                        2.  Removed code in block_til_ready that set the 
327                            asyncflags to either ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE, or
328                            ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE.  This code was redundant
329                            as it already existed in block_til_ready.
331                        3.  Added code in block_til_ready to cause a return
332                            prior to schedule being called if the device 
333                            was a CALLOUT device.  CALLOUT devices never
334                            block on CD. (This was a serious bug that 
335                            prevented the CALLOUT devices (ttyD) from 
336                            functioning properly in some instances.
338                            Make a change in the MODEMCHG_IND case of doevent
339                            such that it does not require ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE
340                            or ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE to be set in order to 
341                            unblock an open (Using wait_interruptible).
343                            Thanks to Mike McLagan (mike.mclagan@linux.org)
344                            for diagnosing and fixing this problem. 
346                        4.  Made changes to the disposition of CLOCAL on 
347                            both SERIAL NORMAL and CALLOUT devices.  Both
348                            device types now have CLOCAL active at default.
349                            This may be changed with a stty command.
351                        5.  Made changes to digiConfig such that it checks
352                            major.h (If valid) for the correct major
353                            numbers to use.
355Files affected        : epca.c, digiConfig 
356Release version       : 1.0.1a 
360Programmer            : Ronnie Sanford
361Date                  : September 17, 1996
362Description (Verbose) : Made the following modifications:
364                        1. Modified pc_open such that it no longer checks 
365                           the cflag value returned by termios2digi_c for
366                           CLOCAL.  Digi hardware does not use this value
367                           and thus termios2digi_c rightly screens this 
368                           value out.  This driver checks for CLOCAL using
369                           the drivers cflag value as known by the Linux OS.
370                           (The value passed into termios2digi_c)
372                        2. Modified termios2digi_c to screen out the 
373                           CBAUDEX in CBAUD.  This error caused parity to
374                           automaticaly be enabled on at higher baud rates.
377                        3. Added the "disable_bh()" call to the shutdown
378                           subroutine.  Hopefully this will allow the driver
379                           to correctly clean up after itself when used as a
380                           module. 
382                        4. Added support for the PC/XI and 64K PC/XE cards.
383                           This involved primarily modifying digiDload to
384                           initialize and boot the new cards; however 
385                           driver modifications were also required to 
386                           provide the proper windowing for the newly 
387                           supported cards. (Code was also added to 
388                           determine the memory segment of the XI card as
389                           that card may have more than 64K.  Currently
390                           digiDload assumes a 64K XI card.)
392                        5. Added subroutine called epca_setup that can be 
393                           called during LILO boot up.  This provides the 
394                           user an easy way to change cards; without 
395                           running digiConfig and without recompiling the
396                           kernel.  Added code in pc_init and pc_open to
397                           support the epca_setup routine.  pc_init checks
398                           the liloconfig flag (Which is set by epca_setup)
399                           to determine if the driver is using the LILO 
400                           arguments.  If not pc_init loads the board data 
401                           found in epcaconfig.h; if so it DOESN'T load
402                           epcaconfig data depending on epca_setup to handle 
403                           board configuration.  pc_open has been modified 
404                           such that it checks to ensure that no errors
405                           occurred during the LILO boot process.  If a 
406                           user attempts to boot the driver (via. LILO)
407                           with incorrect data, the open will fail. 
409                        6. Modified the windowing routines pcxe_rxwinon
410                           and pcxe_txwinon routines.  A bug existed such
411                           that those routines checked to see if the rxwin 
412                           and txwin flags were reset.  If so they assumed 
413                           the board was an XI or 64K XE.  Furthermore since
414                           these flags were never initialized in our driver
415                           sometimes they were 0 and therefore caused a 
416                           memory fault (Or at least a window overrun).  This
417                           code has been removed since the pcxe shares 
418                           nothing in common with the 64K XI and XE. 
420                        7. Added code in pc_init to set the memory_seg for
421                           the various boards.  This code was necessary to
422                           correct a bug in the PCXE, PCXEVE code where 
423                           receive and transmit pointers were being calculated
424                           from an uninitialized variable (memory_seg). 
426                        8. Modified digiConfig to allow 64K PC/XI and 64K
427                           PC/XE cards to be configured.
429                        9. Made changes to support the new 2.1.x development 
430                           kernel.  In particular this required changing all
431                           references to vremap to ioremap. 
433                       10. Modified digiConfig such that it now generates 
434                           node names corresponding to their internal 
435                           as opposed to the label on the port itself.  Nodes
436                           (ttyD?? and cud??) now start at 0.  Example:
437                           ttyD0 and cud0 represent port 1 on any supported
438                           Digi product.  A similar change has been made
439                           in buildPCI.c. 
441                       12. At the early portion of post_fep_init if a PCI
442                           card is detected a warning message could be given
443                           incorrectly if 64 ports were attached to a PCI 
444                           card.  The below line :
446                           epcaassert(bd->numports > 64,"PCI returned a invalid number of ports"); 
448                           was changed to :
450                           epcaassert(bd->numports <= 64,"PCI returned a invalid number of ports"); 
452                           Remember that epcaassert checks for NOT true.
453                           Special thanks to Daniel Taylor for fixing this.
455                       13. Modified the epcaparam routine.  In version 100
456                           and 101a there was a line that looked like the 
457                           below:
459                             if (ch->omodem != mval)
461                           The problem with this line was that the first time
462                           through omodem was not initialized.  Secondly, since
463                           many TIOC commands did not alter mval (They use
464                           a different variable) changes made by these commands
465                           could be lost.  This line was changed to:
467                             mval ^= ch->modemfake & (mval ^ ch->modem);
469                             if (ch->omodem ^ mval)
471                       14. Modified digiConfig in such a way that it checks 
472                           the version number of the kernel and if it finds
473                           a 2.x.x kernel or higher it reads the necessary 
474                           major numbers for cud and ttyD devices from major.h.
475                           This was also done in prior versions but these
476                           versions required a #define which identified the 
477                           kernel as a version which did not have major numbers
478                           assigned to Digi systems.  This #define is no 
479                           longer required allowing the same source tree for
480                           multiple kernel releases.
482                       15. Used macros to replace kernel specific calls such
483                           as put_fs_long, get_fs_long, put_user, and get_user
484                           the kernel version is now detected and the macro
485                           is defined as to correspond with the kernel it
486                           is being compiled into.  Again this was done to
487                           allow one source tree for multiple kernel releases. 
489                       16. Added support for the new 2.1.x development kernels
490                           to digiInstall.
492Files affected        : epca.c, digiConfig 
493Release version       : 1.1.0
495Programmer            : Daniel Taylor
496Date                  : April 25, 1997
497Description (Verbose) : Updated driver:
498                        1.  Fixed DCD bug. (&tq scheduler)
499                        2.  Removed BH handler code, as it was only handling
500                            hangups, and not being called for that.
501                        3.  Namespace cleanup (DIGI_TIMER2 => DIGI_TIMER)
502                        4.  Updated to 2.1.36, removed #ifdefs for earlier
503                            kernel revisions.
504Files affected        : epca.c
505Release version       : 1.1.1  (BETA)
507Programmer            : Daniel Taylor
508Date                  : March 11, 1999
509Description (Verbose) : Updated driver:
510                        1.  Simultaneous data and modem change events were
511			    resulting in the modem change events not being
512			    recognized. Fixed.
513                        2.  Modified pc_info device name to work better
514			    with devfs.
515Files affected        : epca.c
516Release version       : 1.3.0-K 
518Programmer            : Jeff Garzik
519Date                  : February 26, 2000
520Description (Verbose) : Updated driver:
521			1.  Use new kernel PCI interfaces.
522			2.  Updated list of includes.
523Files affected        : epca.c
524Release version       :
526Programmer            : Arjan van de Ven <adve@oce.nl>
527Date                  : March 10, 2000
528Description (Verbose) : Fixed includes to make it actually compile
529			for kernel 2.3.51
530Files affected        : epca.c
531Release version       :