The seL4 Repository =================== This repository contains the source code of seL4 microkernel. For details about the seL4 microkernel, including details about its formal correctness proof, please see the [``][1] website and associated [FAQ][2]. DOIs for citing recent releases of this repository: * [![DOI][4]]( We welcome contributions to seL4. Please see the website for information on [how to contribute][3]. This repository is usually not used in isolation, but as part of the build system in a larger project. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: Manual ------ A hosted version of the [manual](manual/) for the most recent release can be found [here][5]. Repository Overview ------------------- * `include` and `src`: C and ASM source code of seL4 * `tools`: build tools * `libsel4`: C bindings for the seL4 ABI * `manual`: LaTeX sources of the seL4 reference manual Build Instructions ------------------ See the seL4 website for [build instructions][6]. License ======= The files in this repository are released under standard open source licenses. Please see the individual file headers and `LICENSE_GPLv2.txt` and `LICENSE_BSD2.txt` files for details.