/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.nashorn.internal.performance; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URL; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.List; import org.testng.annotations.Test; @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class OctaneTest { @Test public void box2DTest() { genericTest("Box2D"); } @Test public void codeLoadTest() { genericTest("Code-Load"); } @Test public void cryptoTest() { genericTest("Crypto"); } @Test public void deltaBlueTest() { genericTest("DeltaBlue"); } @Test public void earleyBoyerTest() { genericTest("Earley-Boyer"); } @Test public void gbEMUTest() { genericTest("GBEMU"); } /* @Test public void mandreelTest() { genericTest("Mandreel"); }*/ @Test public void navierStokesTest() { genericTest("Navier-Stokes"); } @Test public void pdfJSTest() { genericTest("PDFJS"); } @Test public void raytraceTest() { genericTest("RayTrace"); } @Test public void regexpTest() { genericTest("RegExp"); } @Test public void richardsTest() { genericTest("Richards"); } @Test public void splayTest() { genericTest("Splay"); } @Test /* public void typeScriptTest() { genericTest("TypeScript"); } @Test public void zlibTest() { genericTest("zlib"); }/*/ public void genericTest(final String benchmark) { try { final String mainScript = "test/script/basic/run-octane.js"; final String benchmarkScript = "test/script/external/octane/benchmarks/" + benchmark.toLowerCase() + ".js"; final String[] args = { "--", benchmarkScript, "--verbose" }; final Double score = genericNashornTest(benchmark, mainScript, args); Double rhinoScore = null; if (checkRhinoPresence()) { args[0]=mainScript; //rhino does not need this "--" rhinoScore = genericRhinoTest(benchmark, args, System.getProperty("rhino.jar")); } Double v8Score = null; if (checkV8Presence()) { v8Score = genericV8Test(benchmark, "test/script/basic/run-octane.js -- test/script/external/octane/benchmarks/" + benchmark.toLowerCase() + ".js --verbose"); } generateOutput(benchmark.toLowerCase(), score, rhinoScore, v8Score); } catch (final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Double genericNashornTest(final String benchmark, final String testPath, final String[] args) throws Throwable { try { final PerformanceWrapper wrapper = new PerformanceWrapper(); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); final java.io.File test=new java.io.File(testPath); final File absoluteFile=test.getAbsoluteFile(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final URL testURL=absoluteFile.toURL(); wrapper.runExecuteOnlyTest(testPath, 0, 0, testURL.toString(), ps, System.err, args); final byte[] output = baos.toByteArray(); final List result = outputToStrings(output); final Double _result = filterBenchmark(result, benchmark); return _result; } catch (final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } public Double genericRhinoTest(final String benchmark, final String[] testPath, final String jarPath) throws Throwable { final PrintStream systemOut = System.out; try { final ClassLoader loader = java.net.URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[] { new URL(jarPath) }, getClass().getClassLoader()); final Class clazz = Class.forName("org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main", true, loader); final Class[] pars = { String[].class }; final Method mthd = clazz.getMethod("main", pars); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); System.setOut(ps); //final String[] realArgs = testPath.split(" ");//{ testPath }; mthd.invoke(null, ((Object)testPath)); System.setOut(systemOut); final byte[] output = baos.toByteArray(); final List result = outputToStrings(output); return filterBenchmark(result, benchmark); } catch (final Throwable e) { System.setOut(systemOut); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } public Double genericV8Test(final String benchmark, final String testPath) throws Throwable { System.out.println("genericV8Test"); if (!checkV8Presence()) { return null; } final String v8shell = System.getProperty("v8.shell.full.path"); final PrintStream systemOut = System.out; try { final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(v8shell + " " + testPath); process.waitFor(); final InputStream processOut = process.getInputStream(); final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(processOut); final byte[] output = new byte[bis.available()]; bis.read(output, 0, bis.available()); final List result = outputToStrings(output); return filterBenchmark(result, benchmark); } catch (final Throwable e) { System.setOut(systemOut); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } protected List outputToStrings(final byte[] output) throws IOException { final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(output); final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(bais); final BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(reader); final List list = new java.util.LinkedList<>(); while (bufReader.ready()) { list.add(bufReader.readLine()); } return list; } protected Double filterBenchmark(final List output, final String benchmarkName) throws Exception { Double currentScore = 0.; for (final String s : output) { //if (s.trim().startsWith(benchmarkName)) { if (s.trim().startsWith("Score")) { final String[] split = s.split(":"); if (split.length != 2) { for (final String outString : output) { System.out.println("outString (score format)"+outString); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid benchmark output format"); } final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); final Number _newCurrentScore = nf.parse(split[1].trim()); final Double newCurrentScore = _newCurrentScore.doubleValue(); if (currentScore < newCurrentScore) { currentScore = newCurrentScore; } } } // System.out.println("filterBenchmark current score:"+currentScore); return currentScore; } void generateOutput(final String benchmark, final Double nashorn, final Double rhino, final Double v8) throws Exception { Double nashornToRhino = null; Double nashornToV8 = null; if (rhino != null && rhino != 0) { nashornToRhino = nashorn.doubleValue() / rhino.doubleValue(); } if (v8 != null && rhino != 0) { nashornToV8 = nashorn.doubleValue() / v8.doubleValue(); } final String normalizedBenchmark=benchmark.replace("-", ""); System.out.println("benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn=" + nashorn); AuroraWrapper.addResults(AuroraWrapper.createOrOpenDocument(), "benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn", nashorn.toString()); if (rhino != null) { System.out.println("benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-rhino=" + rhino); AuroraWrapper.addResults(AuroraWrapper.createOrOpenDocument(), "benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-rhino", rhino.toString()); } if (v8 != null) { AuroraWrapper.addResults(AuroraWrapper.createOrOpenDocument(), "benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-v8", v8.toString()); } if (nashornToRhino != null) { System.out.println("benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn-to-rhino=" + ((float)((int)(nashornToRhino * 100))) / 100); AuroraWrapper.addResults(AuroraWrapper.createOrOpenDocument(), "benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn-to-rhino", "" + ((float)((int)(nashornToRhino * 100))) / 100); } if (nashornToV8 != null) { System.out.println("benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn-to-v8=" + ((float)((int)(nashornToV8 * 100))) / 100); AuroraWrapper.addResults(AuroraWrapper.createOrOpenDocument(), "benchmark-" + normalizedBenchmark + "-nashorn-to-v8", "" + ((float)((int)(nashornToV8 * 100))) / 100); } } boolean checkRhinoPresence() { final String rhinojar = System.getProperty("rhino.jar"); if (rhinojar != null) { // System.out.println("Rhino jar found; performing comparison testing"); return true; } return false; } boolean checkV8Presence() { final String v8shell = System.getProperty("v8.shell.full.path"); if (v8shell != null) { // System.out.println("d8 found; performing comparison testing"); return true; } return false; } }