/* * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.BitStatus.bsAll; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.BitStatus.bsAt; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.BitStatus.bsOnAt; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.Option.isFindCondition; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.Option.isIgnoreCase; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.Option.isMultiline; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.ConsAltNode.newAltNode; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.QuantifierNode.isRepeatInfinite; import java.util.HashSet; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.AnchorNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.BackRefNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.CClassNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.ConsAltNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.EncloseNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.Node; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.QuantifierNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.ast.StringNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.AnchorType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.EncloseType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.NodeType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.StackPopLevel; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.TargetInfo; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.encoding.ObjPtr; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.exception.InternalException; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.exception.SyntaxException; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.exception.ValueException; final class Analyser extends Parser { protected Analyser(final ScanEnvironment env, final char[] chars, final int p, final int end) { super(env, chars, p, end); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected final void compile() { if (Config.DEBUG) { Config.log.println(new String(chars, getBegin(), getEnd())); } reset(); regex.numMem = 0; regex.numRepeat = 0; regex.numNullCheck = 0; //regex.repeatRangeAlloc = 0; regex.repeatRangeLo = null; regex.repeatRangeHi = null; parse(); if (Config.DEBUG_PARSE_TREE_RAW && Config.DEBUG_PARSE_TREE) { Config.log.println(""); Config.log.println(root + "\n"); } root = setupTree(root, 0); if (Config.DEBUG_PARSE_TREE) { if (Config.DEBUG_PARSE_TREE_RAW) { Config.log.println(""); } root.verifyTree(new HashSet(), env.reg.warnings); Config.log.println(root + "\n"); } regex.captureHistory = env.captureHistory; regex.btMemStart = env.btMemStart; regex.btMemEnd = env.btMemEnd; if (isFindCondition(regex.options)) { regex.btMemEnd = bsAll(); } else { regex.btMemEnd = env.btMemEnd; regex.btMemEnd |= regex.captureHistory; } regex.clearOptimizeInfo(); if (!Config.DONT_OPTIMIZE) { setOptimizedInfoFromTree(root); } env.memNodes = null; if (regex.numRepeat != 0 || regex.btMemEnd != 0) { regex.stackPopLevel = StackPopLevel.ALL; } else { if (regex.btMemStart != 0) { regex.stackPopLevel = StackPopLevel.MEM_START; } else { regex.stackPopLevel = StackPopLevel.FREE; } } if (Config.DEBUG_COMPILE) { Config.log.println("stack used: " + regex.stackNeeded); if (Config.USE_STRING_TEMPLATES) { Config.log.print("templates: " + regex.templateNum + "\n"); } Config.log.println(new ByteCodePrinter(regex).byteCodeListToString()); } // DEBUG_COMPILE } private void swap(final Node a, final Node b) { a.swap(b); if (root == b) { root = a; } else if (root == a) { root = b; } } // USE_INFINITE_REPEAT_MONOMANIAC_MEM_STATUS_CHECK private int quantifiersMemoryInfo(final Node node) { int info = 0; switch(node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode can = (ConsAltNode)node; do { final int v = quantifiersMemoryInfo(can.car); if (v > info) { info = v; } } while ((can = can.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.QTFR: final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; if (qn.upper != 0) { info = quantifiersMemoryInfo(qn.target); } break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.MEMORY: return TargetInfo.IS_EMPTY_MEM; case EncloseType.OPTION: case EncloseNode.STOP_BACKTRACK: info = quantifiersMemoryInfo(en.target); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.BREF: case NodeType.STR: case NodeType.CTYPE: case NodeType.CCLASS: case NodeType.CANY: case NodeType.ANCHOR: default: break; } // switch return info; } private int getMinMatchLength(final Node node) { int min = 0; switch (node.getType()) { case NodeType.BREF: final BackRefNode br = (BackRefNode)node; if (br.isRecursion()) { break; } if (br.backRef > env.numMem) { throw new ValueException(ERR_INVALID_BACKREF); } min = getMinMatchLength(env.memNodes[br.backRef]); break; case NodeType.LIST: ConsAltNode can = (ConsAltNode)node; do { min += getMinMatchLength(can.car); } while ((can = can.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode y = (ConsAltNode)node; do { final Node x = y.car; final int tmin = getMinMatchLength(x); if (y == node) { min = tmin; } else if (min > tmin) { min = tmin; } } while ((y = y.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.STR: min = ((StringNode)node).length(); break; case NodeType.CTYPE: min = 1; break; case NodeType.CCLASS: case NodeType.CANY: min = 1; break; case NodeType.QTFR: final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; if (qn.lower > 0) { min = getMinMatchLength(qn.target); min = MinMaxLen.distanceMultiply(min, qn.lower); } break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.MEMORY: if (en.isMinFixed()) { min = en.minLength; } else { min = getMinMatchLength(en.target); en.minLength = min; en.setMinFixed(); } break; case EncloseType.OPTION: case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: min = getMinMatchLength(en.target); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: default: break; } // switch return min; } private int getMaxMatchLength(final Node node) { int max = 0; switch (node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: ConsAltNode ln = (ConsAltNode)node; do { final int tmax = getMaxMatchLength(ln.car); max = MinMaxLen.distanceAdd(max, tmax); } while ((ln = ln.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode an = (ConsAltNode)node; do { final int tmax = getMaxMatchLength(an.car); if (max < tmax) { max = tmax; } } while ((an = an.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.STR: max = ((StringNode)node).length(); break; case NodeType.CTYPE: max = 1; break; case NodeType.CCLASS: case NodeType.CANY: max = 1; break; case NodeType.BREF: final BackRefNode br = (BackRefNode)node; if (br.isRecursion()) { max = MinMaxLen.INFINITE_DISTANCE; break; } if (br.backRef > env.numMem) { throw new ValueException(ERR_INVALID_BACKREF); } final int tmax = getMaxMatchLength(env.memNodes[br.backRef]); if (max < tmax) { max = tmax; } break; case NodeType.QTFR: final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; if (qn.upper != 0) { max = getMaxMatchLength(qn.target); if (max != 0) { if (!isRepeatInfinite(qn.upper)) { max = MinMaxLen.distanceMultiply(max, qn.upper); } else { max = MinMaxLen.INFINITE_DISTANCE; } } } break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.MEMORY: if (en.isMaxFixed()) { max = en.maxLength; } else { max = getMaxMatchLength(en.target); en.maxLength = max; en.setMaxFixed(); } break; case EncloseType.OPTION: case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: max = getMaxMatchLength(en.target); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: default: break; } // switch return max; } private static final int GET_CHAR_LEN_VARLEN = -1; private static final int GET_CHAR_LEN_TOP_ALT_VARLEN = -2; protected final int getCharLengthTree(final Node node) { return getCharLengthTree(node, 0); } private int getCharLengthTree(final Node node, final int levelp) { final int level = levelp + 1; int len = 0; returnCode = 0; switch(node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: ConsAltNode ln = (ConsAltNode)node; do { final int tlen = getCharLengthTree(ln.car, level); if (returnCode == 0) { len = MinMaxLen.distanceAdd(len, tlen); } } while (returnCode == 0 && (ln = ln.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode an = (ConsAltNode)node; boolean varLen = false; int tlen = getCharLengthTree(an.car, level); while (returnCode == 0 && (an = an.cdr) != null) { final int tlen2 = getCharLengthTree(an.car, level); if (returnCode == 0) { if (tlen != tlen2) { varLen = true; } } } if (returnCode == 0) { if (varLen) { if (level == 1) { returnCode = GET_CHAR_LEN_TOP_ALT_VARLEN; } else { returnCode = GET_CHAR_LEN_VARLEN; } } else { len = tlen; } } break; case NodeType.STR: final StringNode sn = (StringNode)node; len = sn.length(); break; case NodeType.QTFR: final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; if (qn.lower == qn.upper) { tlen = getCharLengthTree(qn.target, level); if (returnCode == 0) { len = MinMaxLen.distanceMultiply(tlen, qn.lower); } } else { returnCode = GET_CHAR_LEN_VARLEN; } break; case NodeType.CTYPE: case NodeType.CCLASS: case NodeType.CANY: len = 1; break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch(en.type) { case EncloseType.MEMORY: if (en.isCLenFixed()) { len = en.charLength; } else { len = getCharLengthTree(en.target, level); if (returnCode == 0) { en.charLength = len; en.setCLenFixed(); } } break; case EncloseType.OPTION: case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: len = getCharLengthTree(en.target, level); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: break; default: returnCode = GET_CHAR_LEN_VARLEN; } // switch return len; } /* x is not included y ==> 1 : 0 */ private static boolean isNotIncluded(final Node xn, final Node yn) { Node x = xn; Node y = yn; Node tmp; // !retry:! retry: while(true) { final int yType = y.getType(); switch(x.getType()) { case NodeType.CTYPE: switch(yType) { case NodeType.CCLASS: // !swap:! tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; // !goto retry;! continue retry; case NodeType.STR: // !goto swap;! tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; continue retry; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.CCLASS: final CClassNode xc = (CClassNode)x; switch(yType) { case NodeType.CCLASS: final CClassNode yc = (CClassNode)y; for (int i=0; i ys.length()) { len = ys.length(); } if (xs.isAmbig() || ys.isAmbig()) { /* tiny version */ return false; } for (int i=0, pt=ys.p, q=xs.p; i 0) { if (qn.headExact != null) { n = qn.headExact; } else { n = getHeadValueNode(qn.target, exact); } } break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.OPTION: final int options = regex.options; regex.options = en.option; n = getHeadValueNode(en.target, exact); regex.options = options; break; case EncloseType.MEMORY: case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: n = getHeadValueNode(en.target, exact); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: final AnchorNode an = (AnchorNode)node; if (an.type == AnchorType.PREC_READ) { n = getHeadValueNode(an.target, exact); } break; default: break; } // switch return n; } // true: invalid private boolean checkTypeTree(final Node node, final int typeMask, final int encloseMask, final int anchorMask) { if ((node.getType2Bit() & typeMask) == 0) { return true; } boolean invalid = false; switch(node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode can = (ConsAltNode)node; do { invalid = checkTypeTree(can.car, typeMask, encloseMask, anchorMask); } while (!invalid && (can = can.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.QTFR: invalid = checkTypeTree(((QuantifierNode)node).target, typeMask, encloseMask, anchorMask); break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; if ((en.type & encloseMask) == 0) { return true; } invalid = checkTypeTree(en.target, typeMask, encloseMask, anchorMask); break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: final AnchorNode an = (AnchorNode)node; if ((an.type & anchorMask) == 0) { return true; } if (an.target != null) { invalid = checkTypeTree(an.target, typeMask, encloseMask, anchorMask); } break; default: break; } // switch return invalid; } /* divide different length alternatives in look-behind. (?<=A|B) ==> (?<=A)|(?<=B) (? (? list */ } while ((np = ((ConsAltNode)np).cdr) != null); } return node; } private Node setupLookBehind(final Node node) { final AnchorNode an = (AnchorNode)node; final int len = getCharLengthTree(an.target); switch (returnCode) { case 0: an.charLength = len; break; case GET_CHAR_LEN_VARLEN: throw new SyntaxException(ERR_INVALID_LOOK_BEHIND_PATTERN); case GET_CHAR_LEN_TOP_ALT_VARLEN: if (syntax.differentLengthAltLookBehind()) { return divideLookBehindAlternatives(node); } throw new SyntaxException(ERR_INVALID_LOOK_BEHIND_PATTERN); default: break; } return node; } private void nextSetup(final Node nodep, final Node nextNode) { Node node = nodep; // retry: retry: while(true) { final int type = node.getType(); if (type == NodeType.QTFR) { final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; if (qn.greedy && isRepeatInfinite(qn.upper)) { if (Config.USE_QTFR_PEEK_NEXT) { final StringNode n = (StringNode)getHeadValueNode(nextNode, true); /* '\0': for UTF-16BE etc... */ if (n != null && n.chars[n.p] != 0) { // ????????? qn.nextHeadExact = n; } } // USE_QTFR_PEEK_NEXT /* automatic posseivation a*b ==> (?>a*)b */ if (qn.lower <= 1) { if (qn.target.isSimple()) { final Node x = getHeadValueNode(qn.target, false); if (x != null) { final Node y = getHeadValueNode(nextNode, false); if (y != null && isNotIncluded(x, y)) { final EncloseNode en = new EncloseNode(EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK); //onig_node_new_enclose en.setStopBtSimpleRepeat(); //en.setTarget(qn.target); // optimize it ?? swap(node, en); en.setTarget(node); } } } } } } else if (type == NodeType.ENCLOSE) { final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; if (en.isMemory()) { node = en.target; // !goto retry;! continue retry; } } break; } // while } private void updateStringNodeCaseFoldMultiByte(final StringNode sn) { final char[] ch = sn.chars; final int end = sn.end; value = sn.p; int sp = 0; char buf; while (value < end) { final int ovalue = value; buf = EncodingHelper.toLowerCase(ch[value++]); if (ch[ovalue] != buf) { char[] sbuf = new char[sn.length() << 1]; System.arraycopy(ch, sn.p, sbuf, 0, ovalue - sn.p); value = ovalue; while (value < end) { buf = EncodingHelper.toLowerCase(ch[value++]); if (sp >= sbuf.length) { final char[]tmp = new char[sbuf.length << 1]; System.arraycopy(sbuf, 0, tmp, 0, sbuf.length); sbuf = tmp; } sbuf[sp++] = buf; } sn.set(sbuf, 0, sp); return; } sp++; } } private void updateStringNodeCaseFold(final Node node) { final StringNode sn = (StringNode)node; updateStringNodeCaseFoldMultiByte(sn); } private Node expandCaseFoldMakeRemString(final char[] ch, final int pp, final int end) { final StringNode node = new StringNode(ch, pp, end); updateStringNodeCaseFold(node); node.setAmbig(); node.setDontGetOptInfo(); return node; } private static boolean expandCaseFoldStringAlt(final int itemNum, final char[] items, final char[] chars, final int p, final int slen, final int end, final ObjPtr node) { ConsAltNode altNode; node.p = altNode = newAltNode(null, null); StringNode snode = new StringNode(chars, p, p + slen); altNode.setCar(snode); for (int i=0; i prevNode = new ObjPtr(); StringNode stringNode = null; while (pt < end) { final char[] items = EncodingHelper.caseFoldCodesByString(regex.caseFoldFlag, chars1[pt]); if (items.length == 0) { if (stringNode == null) { if (r == null && prevNode.p != null) { topRoot = r = ConsAltNode.listAdd(null, prevNode.p); } prevNode.p = stringNode = new StringNode(); // onig_node_new_str(NULL, NULL); if (r != null) { ConsAltNode.listAdd(r, stringNode); } } stringNode.cat(chars1, pt, pt + 1); } else { altNum *= (items.length + 1); if (altNum > THRESHOLD_CASE_FOLD_ALT_FOR_EXPANSION) { break; } if (r == null && prevNode.p != null) { topRoot = r = ConsAltNode.listAdd(null, prevNode.p); } expandCaseFoldStringAlt(items.length, items, chars1, pt, 1, end, prevNode); if (r != null) { ConsAltNode.listAdd(r, prevNode.p); } stringNode = null; } pt++; } if (pt < end) { final Node srem = expandCaseFoldMakeRemString(chars1, pt, end); if (prevNode.p != null && r == null) { topRoot = r = ConsAltNode.listAdd(null, prevNode.p); } if (r == null) { prevNode.p = srem; } else { ConsAltNode.listAdd(r, srem); } } /* ending */ final Node xnode = topRoot != null ? topRoot : prevNode.p; swap(node, xnode); return xnode; } private static final int IN_ALT = (1<<0); private static final int IN_NOT = (1<<1); private static final int IN_REPEAT = (1<<2); private static final int IN_VAR_REPEAT = (1<<3); private static final int EXPAND_STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 100; /* setup_tree does the following work. 1. check empty loop. (set qn->target_empty_info) 2. expand ignore-case in char class. 3. set memory status bit flags. (reg->mem_stats) 4. set qn->head_exact for [push, exact] -> [push_or_jump_exact1, exact]. 5. find invalid patterns in look-behind. 6. expand repeated string. */ protected final Node setupTree(final Node nodep, final int statep) { Node node = nodep; int state = statep; restart: while (true) { switch (node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: ConsAltNode lin = (ConsAltNode)node; Node prev = null; do { setupTree(lin.car, state); if (prev != null) { nextSetup(prev, lin.car); } prev = lin.car; } while ((lin = lin.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.ALT: ConsAltNode aln = (ConsAltNode)node; do { setupTree(aln.car, (state | IN_ALT)); } while ((aln = aln.cdr) != null); break; case NodeType.CCLASS: break; case NodeType.STR: if (isIgnoreCase(regex.options) && !((StringNode)node).isRaw()) { node = expandCaseFoldString(node); } break; case NodeType.CTYPE: case NodeType.CANY: break; case NodeType.BREF: final BackRefNode br = (BackRefNode)node; if (br.backRef > env.numMem) { throw new ValueException(ERR_INVALID_BACKREF); } env.backrefedMem = bsOnAt(env.backrefedMem, br.backRef); env.btMemStart = bsOnAt(env.btMemStart, br.backRef); ((EncloseNode)env.memNodes[br.backRef]).setMemBackrefed(); break; case NodeType.QTFR: final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; Node target = qn.target; if ((state & IN_REPEAT) != 0) { qn.setInRepeat(); } if (isRepeatInfinite(qn.upper) || qn.lower >= 1) { final int d = getMinMatchLength(target); if (d == 0) { qn.targetEmptyInfo = TargetInfo.IS_EMPTY; if (Config.USE_MONOMANIAC_CHECK_CAPTURES_IN_ENDLESS_REPEAT) { final int info = quantifiersMemoryInfo(target); if (info > 0) { qn.targetEmptyInfo = info; } } // USE_INFINITE_REPEAT_MONOMANIAC_MEM_STATUS_CHECK // strange stuff here (turned off) } } state |= IN_REPEAT; if (qn.lower != qn.upper) { state |= IN_VAR_REPEAT; } target = setupTree(target, state); /* expand string */ if (target.getType() == NodeType.STR) { if (!isRepeatInfinite(qn.lower) && qn.lower == qn.upper && qn.lower > 1 && qn.lower <= EXPAND_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { final StringNode sn = (StringNode)target; final int len = sn.length(); if (len * qn.lower <= EXPAND_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { final StringNode str = qn.convertToString(sn.flag); final int n = qn.lower; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { str.cat(sn.chars, sn.p, sn.end); } break; /* break case NT_QTFR: */ } } } if (Config.USE_OP_PUSH_OR_JUMP_EXACT) { if (qn.greedy && qn.targetEmptyInfo != 0) { if (target.getType() == NodeType.QTFR) { final QuantifierNode tqn = (QuantifierNode)target; if (tqn.headExact != null) { qn.headExact = tqn.headExact; tqn.headExact = null; } } else { qn.headExact = getHeadValueNode(qn.target, true); } } } // USE_OP_PUSH_OR_JUMP_EXACT break; case NodeType.ENCLOSE: final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.OPTION: final int options = regex.options; regex.options = en.option; setupTree(en.target, state); regex.options = options; break; case EncloseType.MEMORY: if ((state & (IN_ALT | IN_NOT | IN_VAR_REPEAT)) != 0) { env.btMemStart = bsOnAt(env.btMemStart, en.regNum); /* SET_ENCLOSE_STATUS(node, NST_MEM_IN_ALT_NOT); */ } setupTree(en.target, state); break; case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: setupTree(en.target, state); if (en.target.getType() == NodeType.QTFR) { final QuantifierNode tqn = (QuantifierNode)en.target; if (isRepeatInfinite(tqn.upper) && tqn.lower <= 1 && tqn.greedy) { /* (?>a*), a*+ etc... */ if (tqn.target.isSimple()) { en.setStopBtSimpleRepeat(); } } } break; default: break; } // inner switch break; case NodeType.ANCHOR: final AnchorNode an = (AnchorNode)node; switch (an.type) { case AnchorType.PREC_READ: setupTree(an.target, state); break; case AnchorType.PREC_READ_NOT: setupTree(an.target, (state | IN_NOT)); break; case AnchorType.LOOK_BEHIND: if (checkTypeTree(an.target, NodeType.ALLOWED_IN_LB, EncloseType.ALLOWED_IN_LB, AnchorType.ALLOWED_IN_LB)) { throw new SyntaxException(ERR_INVALID_LOOK_BEHIND_PATTERN); } node = setupLookBehind(node); if (node.getType() != NodeType.ANCHOR) { continue restart; } setupTree(((AnchorNode)node).target, state); break; case AnchorType.LOOK_BEHIND_NOT: if (checkTypeTree(an.target, NodeType.ALLOWED_IN_LB, EncloseType.ALLOWED_IN_LB, AnchorType.ALLOWED_IN_LB)) { throw new SyntaxException(ERR_INVALID_LOOK_BEHIND_PATTERN); } node = setupLookBehind(node); if (node.getType() != NodeType.ANCHOR) { continue restart; } setupTree(((AnchorNode)node).target, (state | IN_NOT)); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; default: break; } // switch return node; } // restart: while } private static final int MAX_NODE_OPT_INFO_REF_COUNT = 5; private void optimizeNodeLeft(final Node node, final NodeOptInfo opt, final OptEnvironment oenv) { // oenv remove, pass mmd opt.clear(); opt.setBoundNode(oenv.mmd); switch (node.getType()) { case NodeType.LIST: { final OptEnvironment nenv = new OptEnvironment(); final NodeOptInfo nopt = new NodeOptInfo(); nenv.copy(oenv); ConsAltNode lin = (ConsAltNode)node; do { optimizeNodeLeft(lin.car, nopt, nenv); nenv.mmd.add(nopt.length); opt.concatLeftNode(nopt); } while ((lin = lin.cdr) != null); break; } case NodeType.ALT: { final NodeOptInfo nopt = new NodeOptInfo(); ConsAltNode aln = (ConsAltNode)node; do { optimizeNodeLeft(aln.car, nopt, oenv); if (aln == node) { opt.copy(nopt); } else { opt.altMerge(nopt, oenv); } } while ((aln = aln.cdr) != null); break; } case NodeType.STR: { final StringNode sn = (StringNode)node; final int slen = sn.length(); if (!sn.isAmbig()) { opt.exb.concatStr(sn.chars, sn.p, sn.end, sn.isRaw()); if (slen > 0) { opt.map.addChar(sn.chars[sn.p]); } opt.length.set(slen, slen); } else { int max; if (sn.isDontGetOptInfo()) { max = sn.length(); } else { opt.exb.concatStr(sn.chars, sn.p, sn.end, sn.isRaw()); opt.exb.ignoreCase = true; if (slen > 0) { opt.map.addCharAmb(sn.chars, sn.p, sn.end, oenv.caseFoldFlag); } max = slen; } opt.length.set(slen, max); } if (opt.exb.length == slen) { opt.exb.reachEnd = true; } break; } case NodeType.CCLASS: { final CClassNode cc = (CClassNode)node; /* no need to check ignore case. (setted in setup_tree()) */ if (cc.mbuf != null || cc.isNot()) { opt.length.set(1, 1); } else { for (int i=0; i 0) { opt.expr.copy(nopt.exb); } else if (nopt.exm.length > 0) { opt.expr.copy(nopt.exm); } opt.expr.reachEnd = false; if (nopt.map.value > 0) { opt.map.copy(nopt.map); } break; case AnchorType.PREC_READ_NOT: case AnchorType.LOOK_BEHIND: /* Sorry, I can't make use of it. */ case AnchorType.LOOK_BEHIND_NOT: break; default: break; } // inner switch break; } case NodeType.BREF: { final BackRefNode br = (BackRefNode)node; if (br.isRecursion()) { opt.length.set(0, MinMaxLen.INFINITE_DISTANCE); break; } final Node[]nodes = oenv.scanEnv.memNodes; final int min = getMinMatchLength(nodes[br.backRef]); final int max = getMaxMatchLength(nodes[br.backRef]); opt.length.set(min, max); break; } case NodeType.QTFR: { final NodeOptInfo nopt = new NodeOptInfo(); final QuantifierNode qn = (QuantifierNode)node; optimizeNodeLeft(qn.target, nopt, oenv); if (qn.lower == 0 && isRepeatInfinite(qn.upper)) { if (oenv.mmd.max == 0 && qn.target.getType() == NodeType.CANY && qn.greedy) { if (isMultiline(oenv.options)) { opt.anchor.add(AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR_ML); } else { opt.anchor.add(AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR); } } } else { if (qn.lower > 0) { opt.copy(nopt); if (nopt.exb.length > 0) { if (nopt.exb.reachEnd) { int i; for (i = 2; i <= qn.lower && !opt.exb.isFull(); i++) { opt.exb.concat(nopt.exb); } if (i < qn.lower) { opt.exb.reachEnd = false; } } } if (qn.lower != qn.upper) { opt.exb.reachEnd = false; opt.exm.reachEnd = false; } if (qn.lower > 1) { opt.exm.reachEnd = false; } } } final int min = MinMaxLen.distanceMultiply(nopt.length.min, qn.lower); int max; if (isRepeatInfinite(qn.upper)) { max = nopt.length.max > 0 ? MinMaxLen.INFINITE_DISTANCE : 0; } else { max = MinMaxLen.distanceMultiply(nopt.length.max, qn.upper); } opt.length.set(min, max); break; } case NodeType.ENCLOSE: { final EncloseNode en = (EncloseNode)node; switch (en.type) { case EncloseType.OPTION: final int save = oenv.options; oenv.options = en.option; optimizeNodeLeft(en.target, opt, oenv); oenv.options = save; break; case EncloseType.MEMORY: if (++en.optCount > MAX_NODE_OPT_INFO_REF_COUNT) { int min = 0; int max = MinMaxLen.INFINITE_DISTANCE; if (en.isMinFixed()) { min = en.minLength; } if (en.isMaxFixed()) { max = en.maxLength; } opt.length.set(min, max); } else { // USE_SUBEXP_CALL optimizeNodeLeft(en.target, opt, oenv); if (opt.anchor.isSet(AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR_MASK)) { if (bsAt(oenv.scanEnv.backrefedMem, en.regNum)) { opt.anchor.remove(AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR_MASK); } } } break; case EncloseType.STOP_BACKTRACK: optimizeNodeLeft(en.target, opt, oenv); break; default: break; } // inner switch break; } default: throw new InternalException(ERR_PARSER_BUG); } // switch } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected final void setOptimizedInfoFromTree(final Node node) { final NodeOptInfo opt = new NodeOptInfo(); final OptEnvironment oenv = new OptEnvironment(); oenv.options = regex.options; oenv.caseFoldFlag = regex.caseFoldFlag; oenv.scanEnv = env; oenv.mmd.clear(); // ?? optimizeNodeLeft(node, opt, oenv); regex.anchor = opt.anchor.leftAnchor & (AnchorType.BEGIN_BUF | AnchorType.BEGIN_POSITION | AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR | AnchorType.ANYCHAR_STAR_ML); regex.anchor |= opt.anchor.rightAnchor & (AnchorType.END_BUF | AnchorType.SEMI_END_BUF); if ((regex.anchor & (AnchorType.END_BUF | AnchorType.SEMI_END_BUF)) != 0) { regex.anchorDmin = opt.length.min; regex.anchorDmax = opt.length.max; } if (opt.exb.length > 0 || opt.exm.length > 0) { opt.exb.select(opt.exm); if (opt.map.value > 0 && opt.exb.compare(opt.map) > 0) { // !goto set_map;! regex.setOptimizeMapInfo(opt.map); regex.setSubAnchor(opt.map.anchor); } else { regex.setExactInfo(opt.exb); regex.setSubAnchor(opt.exb.anchor); } } else if (opt.map.value > 0) { // !set_map:! regex.setOptimizeMapInfo(opt.map); regex.setSubAnchor(opt.map.anchor); } else { regex.subAnchor |= opt.anchor.leftAnchor & AnchorType.BEGIN_LINE; if (opt.length.max == 0) { regex.subAnchor |= opt.anchor.rightAnchor & AnchorType.END_LINE; } } if (Config.DEBUG_COMPILE || Config.DEBUG_MATCH) { Config.log.println(regex.optimizeInfoToString()); } } }