/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <_simple.h> #include "libnotify.h" #include "notify.h" #include "notify_internal.h" #include "notify_ipc.h" #include "notify_private.h" #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR /* * Give the host more than enough token_ids, nothing should actually be using it except Libinfo. * */ #define INITIAL_TOKEN_ID (1 << 20) #else #define INITIAL_TOKEN_ID 0 #endif // WEAK_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE bool _dispatch_is_multithreaded(void); #define EVENT_INIT 0 #define EVENT_REGEN 1 #define SELF_PREFIX "self." #define SELF_PREFIX_LEN 5 #define COMMON_SELF_PORT_KEY "self.com.apple.system.notify.common" #define MULTIPLE_REGISTRATION_WARNING_TRIGGER 20 extern uint32_t _notify_lib_peek(notify_state_t *ns, pid_t pid, int token, int *val); extern int *_notify_lib_check_addr(notify_state_t *ns, pid_t pid, int token); #define CLIENT_TOKEN_TABLE_SIZE 256 #define NID_UNSET 0xffffffffffffffffL #define NID_CALLED_ONCE 0xfffffffffffffffeL #define NO_LOCK 1 typedef struct { uint32_t refcount; uint64_t name_id; } name_table_node_t; typedef struct { uint32_t refcount; const char *name; size_t namelen; name_table_node_t *name_node; uint32_t token; uint32_t slot; uint32_t val; uint32_t flags; int fd; int signal; mach_port_t mp; uint32_t client_id; uint64_t set_state_time; uint64_t set_state_val; char * path; int path_flags; dispatch_queue_t queue; notify_handler_t block; } token_table_node_t; /* FORWARD */ static void _notify_lib_regenerate(int src); static void notify_retain_mach_port(mach_port_t mp, int mine); static void _notify_dispatch_handle(mach_port_t port); static notify_state_t *_notify_lib_self_state(); static int shm_attach(uint32_t size) { int32_t shmfd; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); shmfd = shm_open(SHM_ID, O_RDONLY, 0); if (shmfd == -1) return -1; globals->shm_base = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, shmfd, 0); close(shmfd); if (globals->shm_base == (uint32_t *)-1) globals->shm_base = NULL; if (globals->shm_base == NULL) return -1; return 0; } #ifdef NOTDEF static void shm_detach(void) { if (shm_base != NULL) { shmdt(shm_base); shm_base = NULL; } } #endif /* * Initialization of global variables. Called once per process. */ void _notify_init_globals(void * /* notify_globals_t */ _globals) { notify_globals_t globals = _globals; pthread_mutex_init(&globals->notify_lock, NULL); globals->token_id = INITIAL_TOKEN_ID; globals->notify_common_token = -1; } #if !_NOTIFY_HAS_ALLOC_ONCE notify_globals_t _notify_globals_impl(void) { static dispatch_once_t once; static notify_globals_t globals; dispatch_once(&once, ^{ globals = calloc(1, sizeof(struct notify_globals_s)); _notify_init_globals(globals); }); return globals; } #endif /* * _notify_lib_init is called for each new registration (event = EVENT_INIT). * It is also called to re-initialize when the library has detected that * notifyd has restarted (event = EVENT_REGEN). */ static uint32_t _notify_lib_init(uint32_t event) { __block kern_return_t kstatus; __block bool first = false; int status, cid; uint64_t state; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); /* notifyd sets NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE to avoid re-entrancy issues */ if (globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; /* Look up the notifyd server port just once. */ kstatus = KERN_SUCCESS; dispatch_once(&globals->notify_server_port_once, ^{ first = true; kstatus = bootstrap_look_up2(bootstrap_port, NOTIFY_SERVICE_NAME, &globals->notify_server_port, 0, BOOTSTRAP_PRIVILEGED_SERVER); }); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); /* * _dispatch_is_multithreaded() tells us if it is safe to use dispatch queues for * a shared port for all registratios, and to watch for notifyd exiting / restarting. * * Note that _dispatch_is_multithreaded is weak imported, */ if (_dispatch_is_multithreaded) { if (_dispatch_is_multithreaded()) globals->client_opts |= (NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX | NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN); } /* * Look up the server's PID and supported IPC version on the first call, * and on a regeneration event (when the server has restarted). */ if (first || (event == EVENT_REGEN)) { pid_t last_pid = globals->notify_server_pid; globals->notify_ipc_version = 0; globals->notify_server_pid = 0; kstatus = _notify_server_register_plain(globals->notify_server_port, NOTIFY_IPC_VERSION_NAME, NOTIFY_IPC_VERSION_NAME_LEN, &cid, &status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) { kstatus = _notify_server_get_state(globals->notify_server_port, cid, &state, &status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) { globals->notify_ipc_version = state; state >>= 32; globals->notify_server_pid = state; } _notify_server_cancel(globals->notify_server_port, cid, &status); if ((last_pid == globals->notify_server_pid) && (event == EVENT_REGEN)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST; } } if (globals->server_proc_source != NULL) { dispatch_source_cancel(globals->server_proc_source); dispatch_release(globals->server_proc_source); globals->server_proc_source = NULL; } } if (globals->notify_ipc_version < 2) { /* regen is not supported below version 2 */ globals->client_opts &= ~NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN; } /* * Create a source (DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_PROC) to invoke _notify_lib_regenerate if notifyd restarts. * Available in IPC version 2. */ if ((globals->server_proc_source == NULL) && (globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN) && (globals->notify_server_pid != 0)) { globals->server_proc_source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_PROC, (uintptr_t)globals->notify_server_pid, DISPATCH_PROC_EXIT, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(globals->server_proc_source, ^{ _notify_lib_regenerate(1); }); dispatch_resume(globals->server_proc_source); } /* * Create the shared multiplex ports if NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX is set. */ if ((globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX) && (globals->notify_common_port == MACH_PORT_NULL)) { kern_return_t kr; task_t task = mach_task_self(); kr = mach_port_allocate(task, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &globals->notify_common_port); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) { globals->notify_dispatch_source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_MACH_RECV, globals->notify_common_port, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(globals->notify_dispatch_source, ^{ notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); _notify_dispatch_handle(globals->notify_common_port); }); dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(globals->notify_dispatch_source, ^{ task_t task = mach_task_self(); notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); mach_port_mod_refs(task, globals->notify_common_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); }); dispatch_resume(globals->notify_dispatch_source); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); if (globals->notify_common_port != MACH_PORT_NULL && (first || event == EVENT_REGEN)) { /* register the common port with notifyd */ status = notify_register_mach_port(COMMON_PORT_KEY, &globals->notify_common_port, NOTIFY_REUSE, &globals->notify_common_token); } return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } /* Reset all internal state at fork */ void _notify_fork_child(void) { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); _notify_init_globals(globals); /* * Expressly disable notify in the child side of a fork if it had * been initialized in the parent. Using notify in the child process * can lead to deadlock (see ). * * Also disable notify in the forked child of a multi-threaded parent that * used dispatch, since notify will use dispatch, and that will blow up. * It's OK to make that check here by calling _dispatch_is_multithreaded(), * since we will actually be looking at the parent's state. */ if (globals->notify_server_port != MACH_PORT_NULL) globals->client_opts = NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE; if (_dispatch_is_multithreaded) // weak imported symbol { if (_dispatch_is_multithreaded()) globals->client_opts = NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE; } globals->self_state = NULL; globals->notify_server_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; globals->notify_ipc_version = 0; globals->notify_server_pid = 0; globals->token_table = NULL; globals->token_name_table = NULL; globals->fd_count = 0; globals->fd_clnt = NULL; globals->fd_srv = NULL; globals->fd_refcount = NULL; globals->mp_count = 0; globals->mp_list = NULL; globals->mp_refcount = NULL; globals->mp_mine = NULL; globals->shm_base = NULL; } static uint32_t token_table_add(const char *name, size_t namelen, uint64_t nid, uint32_t token, uint32_t cid, uint32_t slot, uint32_t flags, int sig, int fd, mach_port_t mp, int lock) { token_table_node_t *t; name_table_node_t *n; uint32_t warn_count = 0; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); dispatch_once(&globals->token_table_once, ^{ globals->token_table = _nc_table_new(CLIENT_TOKEN_TABLE_SIZE); globals->token_name_table = _nc_table_new(CLIENT_TOKEN_TABLE_SIZE); }); if (globals->token_table == NULL) return -1; if (globals->token_name_table == NULL) return -1; if (name == NULL) return -1; t = (token_table_node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(token_table_node_t)); if (t == NULL) return -1; t->refcount = 1; /* we will get t->name from the token_name_table */ t->name = NULL; t->namelen = namelen; t->token = token; t->slot = slot; t->val = 0; t->flags = flags; t->fd = fd; t->mp = mp; t->client_id = cid; if (lock != NO_LOCK) pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); _nc_table_insert_n(globals->token_table, t->token, t); /* check if we have this name in the name table */ n = _nc_table_find_get_key(globals->token_name_table, name, &(t->name)); if (n == NULL) { char *copy_name = strdup(name); if (copy_name == NULL) { free(t); if (lock != NO_LOCK) pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return -1; } t->name = (const char *)copy_name; /* create a new name table node */ n = (name_table_node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(name_table_node_t)); if (n != NULL) { n->refcount = 1; n->name_id = nid; /* the name table node "owns" the name */ _nc_table_insert_pass(globals->token_name_table, copy_name, n); t->name_node = n; } } else { /* this token retains the name table node */ t->name_node = n; n->refcount++; if ((n->refcount % MULTIPLE_REGISTRATION_WARNING_TRIGGER) == 0) { warn_count = n->refcount; } } if (lock != NO_LOCK) pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); if (warn_count > 0) { char *msg; asprintf(&msg, "notify name \"%s\" has been registered %d times - this may be a leak", name, warn_count); if (msg) _simple_asl_log(ASL_LEVEL_WARNING, "com.apple.notify", msg); free(msg); } return 0; } static token_table_node_t * token_table_find_retain(uint32_t token) { token_table_node_t *t; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); t = (token_table_node_t *)_nc_table_find_n(globals->token_table, token); if (t != NULL) t->refcount++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return t; } static token_table_node_t * token_table_find_no_lock(uint32_t token) { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); return (token_table_node_t *)_nc_table_find_n(globals->token_table, token); } static name_table_node_t * name_table_find_retain_no_lock(const char *name) { name_table_node_t *n; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); n = (name_table_node_t *)_nc_table_find(globals->token_name_table, name); if (n != NULL) n->refcount++; return n; } static void name_table_release_no_lock(const char *name) { name_table_node_t *n; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); n = (name_table_node_t *)_nc_table_find(globals->token_name_table, name); if (n != NULL) { if (n->refcount > 0) n->refcount--; if (n->refcount == 0) { _nc_table_delete(globals->token_name_table, name); free(n); } } } static void name_table_set_nid(const char *name, uint64_t nid) { name_table_node_t *n; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); n = (name_table_node_t *)_nc_table_find(globals->token_name_table, name); if (n != NULL) n->name_id = nid; pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); } static void _notify_lib_regenerate_token(token_table_node_t *t) { uint32_t type; int status, new_slot; kern_return_t kstatus; mach_port_t port; uint64_t new_nid; size_t pathlen; if (t == NULL) return; if (t->name == NULL) return; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) return; if ((t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN) == 0) return; if (!strcmp(t->name, COMMON_PORT_KEY)) return; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); port = MACH_PORT_NULL; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_TYPE_PORT) { port = globals->notify_common_port; } pathlen = 0; if (t->path != NULL) pathlen = strlen(t->path); type = t->flags & 0x000000ff; kstatus = _notify_server_regenerate(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)t->name, t->namelen, t->token, type, port, t->signal, t->slot, t->set_state_val, t->set_state_time, t->path, pathlen, t->path_flags, &new_slot, &new_nid, &status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) status = NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return; t->slot = new_slot; /* reset the name_id in the name table node */ if (t->name_node != NULL) t->name_node->name_id = new_nid; } /* * Invoked when server has died. * Regenerates all registrations and state. */ static void _notify_lib_regenerate(int src) { void *tt; token_table_node_t *t; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if ((globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN) == 0) return; /* _notify_lib_init returns an error if regeneration is unnecessary */ if (_notify_lib_init(EVENT_REGEN) == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) { pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); tt = _nc_table_traverse_start(globals->token_table); while (tt != NULL) { t = _nc_table_traverse(globals->token_table, tt); if (t == NULL) break; _notify_lib_regenerate_token(t); } _nc_table_traverse_end(globals->token_table, tt); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); } } /* * Regenerate if the server PID (shared memory slot 0) has changed. */ static inline void regenerate_check() { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if ((globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN) == 0) return; if ((globals->shm_base != NULL) && (globals->shm_base[0] != globals->notify_server_pid)) _notify_lib_regenerate(0); } /* notify_lock is required in notify_retain_file_descriptor */ static void notify_retain_file_descriptor(int clnt, int srv) { int x, i; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (clnt < 0) return; if (srv < 0) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); x = -1; for (i = 0; (i < globals->fd_count) && (x < 0); i++) { if (globals->fd_clnt[i] == clnt) x = i; } if (x >= 0) { globals->fd_refcount[x]++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return; } x = globals->fd_count; globals->fd_count++; if (x == 0) { globals->fd_clnt = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int)); globals->fd_srv = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int)); globals->fd_refcount = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int)); } else { globals->fd_clnt = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_clnt, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); globals->fd_srv = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_srv, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); globals->fd_refcount = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_refcount, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); } if ((globals->fd_clnt == NULL) || (globals->fd_srv == NULL) || (globals->fd_refcount == NULL)) { free(globals->fd_clnt); free(globals->fd_srv); free(globals->fd_refcount); globals->fd_count = 0; } else { globals->fd_clnt[x] = clnt; globals->fd_srv[x] = srv; globals->fd_refcount[x] = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); } /* notify_lock is NOT required in notify_release_file_descriptor */ static void notify_release_file_descriptor(int fd) { int x, i, j; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (fd < 0) return; x = -1; for (i = 0; (i < globals->fd_count) && (x < 0); i++) { if (globals->fd_clnt[i] == fd) x = i; } if (x < 0) return; if (globals->fd_refcount[x] > 0) globals->fd_refcount[x]--; if (globals->fd_refcount[x] > 0) return; close(globals->fd_clnt[x]); close(globals->fd_srv[x]); if (globals->fd_count == 1) { free(globals->fd_clnt); free(globals->fd_srv); free(globals->fd_refcount); globals->fd_count = 0; return; } for (i = x + 1, j = x; i < globals->fd_count; i++, j++) { globals->fd_clnt[j] = globals->fd_clnt[i]; globals->fd_srv[j] = globals->fd_srv[i]; globals->fd_refcount[j] = globals->fd_refcount[i]; } globals->fd_count--; globals->fd_clnt = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_clnt, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); globals->fd_srv = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_srv, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); globals->fd_refcount = (int *)reallocf(globals->fd_refcount, globals->fd_count * sizeof(int)); if ((globals->fd_clnt == NULL) || (globals->fd_srv == NULL) || (globals->fd_refcount == NULL)) { free(globals->fd_clnt); free(globals->fd_srv); free(globals->fd_refcount); globals->fd_count = 0; } } /* notify_lock is required in notify_retain_mach_port */ static void notify_retain_mach_port(mach_port_t mp, int mine) { int x, i; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (mp == MACH_PORT_NULL) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); x = -1; for (i = 0; (i < globals->mp_count) && (x < 0); i++) { if (globals->mp_list[i] == mp) x = i; } if (x >= 0) { globals->mp_refcount[x]++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return; } x = globals->mp_count; globals->mp_count++; if (x == 0) { globals->mp_list = (mach_port_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(mach_port_t)); globals->mp_refcount = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int)); globals->mp_mine = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int)); } else { globals->mp_list = (mach_port_t *)reallocf(globals->mp_list, globals->mp_count * sizeof(mach_port_t)); globals->mp_refcount = (int *)reallocf(globals->mp_refcount, globals->mp_count * sizeof(int)); globals->mp_mine = (int *)reallocf(globals->mp_mine, globals->mp_count * sizeof(int)); } if ((globals->mp_list == NULL) || (globals->mp_refcount == NULL) || (globals->mp_mine == NULL)) { if (globals->mp_list != NULL) free(globals->mp_list); if (globals->mp_refcount != NULL) free(globals->mp_refcount); if (globals->mp_mine != NULL) free(globals->mp_mine); globals->mp_count = 0; } else { globals->mp_list[x] = mp; globals->mp_refcount[x] = 1; globals->mp_mine[x] = mine; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); } /* notify_lock is NOT required in notify_release_mach_port */ static void notify_release_mach_port(mach_port_t mp, uint32_t flags) { int x, i; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (mp == MACH_PORT_NULL) return; x = -1; for (i = 0; (i < globals->mp_count) && (x < 0); i++) { if (globals->mp_list[i] == mp) x = i; } if (x < 0) return; if (globals->mp_refcount[x] > 0) globals->mp_refcount[x]--; if (globals->mp_refcount[x] > 0) return; if (globals->mp_mine[x] == 1) { mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), mp, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); /* release send right if this is a self notification */ if (flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mp); } if (flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_RELEASE_SEND) { /* multiplexed registration holds a send right in Libnotify */ mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mp); } if (globals->mp_count == 1) { if (globals->mp_list != NULL) free(globals->mp_list); if (globals->mp_refcount != NULL) free(globals->mp_refcount); if (globals->mp_mine != NULL) free(globals->mp_mine); globals->mp_count = 0; return; } for (i = x + 1; i < globals->mp_count; i++) { globals->mp_list[i - 1] = globals->mp_list[i]; globals->mp_refcount[i - 1] = globals->mp_refcount[i]; globals->mp_mine[i - 1] = globals->mp_mine[i]; } globals->mp_count--; globals->mp_list = (mach_port_t *)reallocf(globals->mp_list, globals->mp_count * sizeof(mach_port_t)); globals->mp_refcount = (int *)reallocf(globals->mp_refcount, globals->mp_count * sizeof(int)); globals->mp_mine = (int *)reallocf(globals->mp_mine, globals->mp_count * sizeof(int)); if ((globals->mp_list == NULL) || (globals->mp_refcount == NULL) || (globals->mp_mine == NULL)) { if (globals->mp_list != NULL) free(globals->mp_list); if (globals->mp_refcount != NULL) free(globals->mp_refcount); if (globals->mp_mine != NULL) free(globals->mp_mine); globals->mp_count = 0; } } static void token_table_release_no_lock(token_table_node_t *t) { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (t == NULL) return; if (t->refcount > 0) t->refcount--; if (t->refcount > 0) return; notify_release_file_descriptor(t->fd); notify_release_mach_port(t->mp, t->flags); if (t->block != NULL) { dispatch_async_f(t->queue, t->block, (dispatch_function_t)_Block_release); } t->block = NULL; if (t->queue != NULL) dispatch_release(t->queue); t->queue = NULL; _nc_table_delete_n(globals->token_table, t->token); name_table_release_no_lock(t->name); free(t->path); free(t); } static void token_table_release(token_table_node_t *t) { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); token_table_release_no_lock(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); } static notify_state_t * _notify_lib_self_state() { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); dispatch_once(&globals->self_state_once, ^{ globals->self_state = _notify_lib_notify_state_new(NOTIFY_STATE_USE_LOCKS, 0); }); return globals->self_state; } /* SPI */ void notify_set_options(uint32_t opts) { notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); /* ignore the call if NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE is set */ if (globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DISABLE) return; globals->client_opts = opts; /* call _notify_lib_init to create ports / dispatch sources as required */ _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); } /* * PUBLIC API */ /* * notify_post is a very simple API, but the implementation is * more complex to try to optimize the time it takes. * * The server - notifyd - keeps a unique ID number for each key * in the namespace. Although it's reasonably fast to call * _notify_server_post_4 (a MIG simpleroutine), the MIG call * allocates VM and copies the name string. It's much faster to * call using the ID number. The problem is mapping from name to * ID number. The token table keeps track of all registered names * (in the client), but the registration calls are simpleroutines, * except for notify_register_check. notify_register_check saves * the name ID in the token table, but the other routines set it * to NID_UNSET. * * In notify_post, we check if the name is known. If it is not, * then the client is doing a "cold call". There may be no * clients for this name anywhere on the system. In this case * we simply send the name. We take the allocate/copy cost, but * the latency is still not too bad since we use a simpleroutine. * * If the name in registered and the ID number is known, we send * the ID using a simpleroutine. This is very fast. * * If the name is registered but the ID number is NID_UNSET, we * send the name (as in a "cold call". It *might* just be that * this client process just posts once, and we don't want to incur * any addition cost. The ID number is reset to NID_CALLED_ONCE. * * If the client posts the same name again (the ID number is * NID_CALLED_ONCE, we do a synchronous call to notifyd, sending * the name string and getting back the name ID, whcih we save * in the token table. This is simply a zero/one/many heuristic: * If the client posts the same name more than once, we make the * guess that it's going to do it more frequently, and it's worth * the time it takes to fetch the ID from notifyd. */ uint32_t notify_post(const char *name) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; size_t namelen = 0; name_table_node_t *n; uint64_t nid = UINT64_MAX; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; _notify_lib_post(ns_self, name, 0, 0); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { namelen = strlen(name); kstatus = _notify_server_post(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } namelen = strlen(name); /* Lock to prevent a race with notify cancel over the use of name IDs */ pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); /* See if we have a name ID for this name. */ n = name_table_find_retain_no_lock(name); if (n != NULL) { if (n->name_id == NID_UNSET) { /* First post goes using the name string. */ kstatus = _notify_server_post_4(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) { name_table_release_no_lock(name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } n->name_id = NID_CALLED_ONCE; name_table_release_no_lock(name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } else if (n->name_id == NID_CALLED_ONCE) { /* Post and fetch the name ID. Slow, but subsequent posts will be very fast. */ kstatus = _notify_server_post_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, &nid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) { name_table_release_no_lock(name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } if (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) n->name_id = nid; name_table_release_no_lock(name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return status; } else { /* We have the name ID. Do an async post using the name ID. Very fast. */ kstatus = _notify_server_post_3(globals->notify_server_port, n->name_id); name_table_release_no_lock(name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); /* Do an async post using the name string. Fast (but not as fast as using name ID). */ kstatus = _notify_server_post_4(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_set_owner(const char *name, uint32_t uid, uint32_t gid) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; status = _notify_lib_set_owner(ns_self, name, uid, gid); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = _notify_server_set_owner(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, strlen(name), uid, gid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_get_owner(const char *name, uint32_t *uid, uint32_t *gid) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; status = _notify_lib_get_owner(ns_self, name, uid, gid); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = _notify_server_get_owner(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, strlen(name), (int32_t *)uid, (int32_t *)gid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_set_access(const char *name, uint32_t access) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; status = _notify_lib_set_access(ns_self, name, access); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = _notify_server_set_access(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, strlen(name), access, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_get_access(const char *name, uint32_t *access) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; status = _notify_lib_get_access(ns_self, name, access); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = _notify_server_get_access(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, strlen(name), (int32_t *)access, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } /* notifyd retains and releases a name when clients register and cancel. */ uint32_t notify_release_name(const char *name) { return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } static void _notify_dispatch_handle(mach_port_t port) { token_table_node_t *t; int token; mach_msg_empty_rcv_t msg; kern_return_t status; if (port == MACH_PORT_NULL) return; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); status = mach_msg(&msg.header, MACH_RCV_MSG, 0, sizeof(msg), port, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL); if (status != KERN_SUCCESS) return; token = msg.header.msgh_id; t = token_table_find_retain(token); if ((t != NULL) && (t->queue != NULL) && (t->block != NULL)) { /* * Don't reference into the token table node after token_table_release(). * If the block calls notify_cancel, the node can get trashed, so * we keep anything we need from the block (properly retained and released) * in local variables. Concurrent notify_cancel() calls in the block are safe. */ notify_handler_t theblock = Block_copy(t->block); dispatch_queue_t thequeue = t->queue; dispatch_retain(thequeue); token_table_release(t); dispatch_async(thequeue, ^{ theblock(token); }); _Block_release(theblock); dispatch_release(thequeue); } } uint32_t notify_register_dispatch(const char *name, int *out_token, dispatch_queue_t queue, notify_handler_t handler) { __block uint32_t status; token_table_node_t *t; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (queue == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (handler == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; /* client is using dispatch: enable local demux and regeneration */ notify_set_options(NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX | NOTIFY_OPT_REGEN); status = notify_register_mach_port(name, &globals->notify_common_port, NOTIFY_REUSE, out_token); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; t = token_table_find_retain(*out_token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; t->queue = queue; dispatch_retain(t->queue); t->block = Block_copy(handler); token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } /* note this does not get self names */ static uint32_t notify_register_mux_fd(const char *name, int *out_token, int rfd, int wfd) { __block uint32_t status; token_table_node_t *t; int val; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); status = NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; if (globals->notify_common_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; status = notify_register_mach_port(name, &globals->notify_common_port, NOTIFY_REUSE, out_token); t = token_table_find_retain(*out_token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; t->token = *out_token; t->fd = rfd; t->queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0); dispatch_retain(t->queue); val = htonl(t->token); t->block = (notify_handler_t)Block_copy(^(int unused){ write(wfd, &val, sizeof(val)); }); token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_register_check(const char *name, int *out_token) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status, token; uint64_t nid; int32_t slot, shmsize; size_t namelen; uint32_t cid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (out_token == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; *out_token = -1; namelen = strlen(name); if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); status = _notify_lib_register_plain(ns_self, name, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, SLOT_NONE, 0, 0, &nid); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; cid = token; token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF | NOTIFY_TYPE_PLAIN, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); kstatus = KERN_SUCCESS; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { nid = NID_UNSET; kstatus = _notify_server_register_check(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, &shmsize, &slot, (int32_t *)&cid, (int32_t *)&status); } else { cid = token; kstatus = _notify_server_register_check_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, token, &shmsize, &slot, &nid, (int32_t *)&status); } if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; if (shmsize != -1) { if (globals->shm_base == NULL) { if (shm_attach(shmsize) != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (globals->shm_base == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, slot, NOTIFY_TYPE_MEMORY | NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); } else { token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_TYPE_PLAIN | NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); } *out_token = token; return status; } uint32_t notify_register_plain(const char *name, int *out_token) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; uint64_t nid; size_t namelen; int token; uint32_t cid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; namelen = strlen(name); if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); status = _notify_lib_register_plain(ns_self, name, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, SLOT_NONE, 0, 0, &nid); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; cid = token; token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF | NOTIFY_TYPE_PLAIN, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_register_plain(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, (int32_t *)&cid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; } else { cid = token; kstatus = _notify_server_register_plain_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, token); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token_table_add(name, namelen, NID_UNSET, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_TYPE_PLAIN | NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_register_signal(const char *name, int sig, int *out_token) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; uint64_t nid; size_t namelen; int token; uint32_t cid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; namelen = strlen(name); if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); status = _notify_lib_register_signal(ns_self, name, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, sig, 0, 0, &nid); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; cid = token; token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF | NOTIFY_TYPE_SIGNAL, sig, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX) { return notify_register_dispatch(name, out_token, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^(int unused){ kill(getpid(), sig); }); } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_register_signal(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, sig, (int32_t *)&cid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) return status; } else { cid = token; kstatus = _notify_server_register_signal_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, token, sig); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token_table_add(name, namelen, NID_UNSET, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_TYPE_SIGNAL | NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN, sig, FD_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_register_mach_port(const char *name, mach_port_name_t *notify_port, int flags, int *out_token) { notify_state_t *ns_self; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; uint64_t nid; task_t task; int token, mine; size_t namelen; uint32_t cid, tflags; token_table_node_t *t; mach_port_name_t port; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (notify_port == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_PORT; mine = 0; namelen = strlen(name); task = mach_task_self(); if ((flags & NOTIFY_REUSE) == 0) { mine = 1; kstatus = mach_port_allocate(task, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, notify_port); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = mach_port_insert_right(task, *notify_port, *notify_port, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) { if (mine == 1) mach_port_mod_refs(task, *notify_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) { if (mine == 1) { mach_port_mod_refs(task, *notify_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); } mach_port_deallocate(task, *notify_port); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); status = _notify_lib_register_mach_port(ns_self, name, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, *notify_port, 0, 0, &nid); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) { if (mine == 1) { mach_port_mod_refs(task, *notify_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); } mach_port_deallocate(task, *notify_port); return status; } cid = token; token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF | NOTIFY_TYPE_PORT, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, *notify_port, 0); *out_token = token; notify_retain_mach_port(*notify_port, mine); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { if (mine == 1) { mach_port_mod_refs(task, *notify_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); } mach_port_deallocate(task, *notify_port); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } if ((globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX) && (*notify_port != globals->notify_common_port)) { port = globals->notify_common_port; kstatus = mach_port_insert_right(task, globals->notify_common_port, globals->notify_common_port, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND); } else { port = *notify_port; kstatus = KERN_SUCCESS; } if (kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) { token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_register_mach_port(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, port, token, (int32_t *)&cid, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { cid = token; kstatus = _notify_server_register_mach_port_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, token, port); } } if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) { if (mine == 1) { mach_port_mod_refs(task, *notify_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); } mach_port_deallocate(task, *notify_port); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } tflags = NOTIFY_TYPE_PORT; if (port == globals->notify_common_port) tflags |= NOTIFY_FLAG_REGEN; token_table_add(name, namelen, NID_UNSET, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, tflags, SIGNAL_NONE, FD_NONE, *notify_port, 0); if ((globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX) && (*notify_port != globals->notify_common_port)) { t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; /* remember to release the send right when this gets cancelled */ t->flags |= NOTIFY_FLAG_RELEASE_SEND; port = *notify_port; t->queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0); dispatch_retain(t->queue); t->block = (notify_handler_t)Block_copy(^(int unused){ mach_msg_empty_send_t msg; kern_return_t kstatus; /* send empty message to the port with msgh_id = token; */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.header.msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, MACH_MSGH_BITS_ZERO); msg.header.msgh_remote_port = port; msg.header.msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; msg.header.msgh_size = sizeof(mach_msg_empty_send_t); msg.header.msgh_id = token; kstatus = mach_msg(&(msg.header), MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT, msg.header.msgh_size, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL); }); token_table_release(t); } *out_token = token; notify_retain_mach_port(*notify_port, mine); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } static char * _notify_mk_tmp_path(int tid) { #if TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED int freetmp = 0; char *path, *tmp = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmp == NULL) { asprintf(&tmp, "/tmp/com.apple.notify.%d", geteuid()); mkdir(tmp, 0755); freetmp = 1; } if (tmp == NULL) return NULL; asprintf(&path, "%s/com.apple.notify.%d.%d", tmp, getpid(), tid); if (freetmp) free(tmp); return path; #else char tmp[PATH_MAX], *path; if (confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) <= 0) return NULL; #endif path = NULL; asprintf(&path, "%s/com.apple.notify.%d.%d", tmp, getpid(), tid); return path; } uint32_t notify_register_file_descriptor(const char *name, int *notify_fd, int flags, int *out_token) { notify_state_t *ns_self; uint32_t i, status; uint64_t nid; int token, mine, fdpair[2]; size_t namelen; fileport_t fileport; kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t cid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); mine = 0; if (name == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_NAME; if (notify_fd == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_FILE; namelen = strlen(name); if ((flags & NOTIFY_REUSE) == 0) { if (pipe(fdpair) < 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; mine = 1; *notify_fd = fdpair[0]; } else { /* check the file descriptor - it must be one of "ours" */ for (i = 0; i < globals->fd_count; i++) { if (globals->fd_clnt[i] == *notify_fd) break; } if (i >= globals->fd_count) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_FILE; fdpair[0] = globals->fd_clnt[i]; fdpair[1] = globals->fd_srv[i]; } if (!strncmp(name, SELF_PREFIX, SELF_PREFIX_LEN)) { ns_self = _notify_lib_self_state(); if (ns_self == NULL) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); status = _notify_lib_register_file_descriptor(ns_self, name, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, fdpair[1], 0, 0, &nid); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return status; } cid = token; token_table_add(name, namelen, nid, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF | NOTIFY_TYPE_FILE, SIGNAL_NONE, *notify_fd, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; notify_retain_file_descriptor(fdpair[0], fdpair[1]); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->client_opts & NOTIFY_OPT_DEMUX) { /* * Use dispatch to do a write() on fdpair[1] when notified. */ status = notify_register_mux_fd(name, out_token, fdpair[0], fdpair[1]); if (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return status; } notify_retain_file_descriptor(fdpair[0], fdpair[1]); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } /* send fdpair[1] (the sender's fd) to notifyd using a fileport */ fileport = MACH_PORT_NULL; if (fileport_makeport(fdpair[1], (fileport_t *)&fileport) < 0) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token = OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&globals->token_id); if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_register_file_descriptor(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, (mach_port_t)fileport, token, (int32_t *)&cid, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { kstatus = _notify_server_register_file_descriptor_2(globals->notify_server_port, (caddr_t)name, namelen, token, (mach_port_t)fileport); } if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) { if (mine == 1) { close(fdpair[0]); close(fdpair[1]); } return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } token_table_add(name, namelen, NID_UNSET, token, cid, SLOT_NONE, NOTIFY_TYPE_FILE, SIGNAL_NONE, *notify_fd, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0); *out_token = token; notify_retain_file_descriptor(fdpair[0], fdpair[1]); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_check(int token, int *check) { kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status, val; token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t tid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); t = token_table_find_no_lock(token); if (t == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* _notify_lib_check returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL */ status = _notify_lib_check(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, check); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return status; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_TYPE_MEMORY) { if (globals->shm_base == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } *check = 0; val = globals->shm_base[t->slot]; if (t->val != val) { *check = 1; t->val = val; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } tid = token; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) tid = t->client_id; pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } kstatus = _notify_server_check(globals->notify_server_port, tid, check, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_peek(int token, uint32_t *val) { token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t status; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* _notify_lib_peek returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL */ status = _notify_lib_peek(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token, (int *)val); token_table_release(t); return status; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_TYPE_MEMORY) { if (globals->shm_base == NULL) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } *val = globals->shm_base[t->slot]; token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST; } int * notify_check_addr(int token) { token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t slot; int *val; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NULL; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* _notify_lib_check_addr returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL */ val = _notify_lib_check_addr(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, token); token_table_release(t); return val; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_TYPE_MEMORY) { slot = t->slot; token_table_release(t); if (globals->shm_base == NULL) return NULL; return (int *)&(globals->shm_base[slot]); } token_table_release(t); return NULL; } uint32_t notify_monitor_file(int token, char *path, int flags) { kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status, len; token_table_node_t *t; char *dup; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); if (path == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST; t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST; } /* can only monitor one path with a token */ if (t->path != NULL) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } len = strlen(path); dup = strdup(path); if (dup == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_monitor_file(globals->notify_server_port, t->client_id, path, len, flags, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { kstatus = _notify_server_monitor_file_2(globals->notify_server_port, token, path, len, flags); } t->path = dup; t->path_flags = flags; token_table_release(t); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_get_event(int token, int *ev, char *buf, int *len) { if (ev != NULL) *ev = 0; if (len != NULL) *len = 0; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_get_state(int token, uint64_t *state) { kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; token_table_node_t *t; uint64_t nid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->name_node == NULL) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* _notify_lib_get_state returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL */ status = _notify_lib_get_state(globals->self_state, t->name_node->name_id, state, 0, 0); token_table_release(t); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_get_state(globals->notify_server_port, t->client_id, state, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { if (t->name_node->name_id >= NID_CALLED_ONCE) { kstatus = _notify_server_get_state_3(globals->notify_server_port, t->token, state, (uint64_t *)&nid, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) name_table_set_nid(t->name, nid); } else { kstatus = _notify_server_get_state_2(globals->notify_server_port, t->name_node->name_id, state, (int32_t *)&status); } } token_table_release(t); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_set_state(int token, uint64_t state) { kern_return_t kstatus; uint32_t status; token_table_node_t *t; uint64_t nid; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->name_node == NULL) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* _notify_lib_set_state returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL */ status = _notify_lib_set_state(globals->self_state, t->name_node->name_id, state, 0, 0); token_table_release(t); return status; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } status = NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_set_state(globals->notify_server_port, t->client_id, state, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { if (t->name_node->name_id >= NID_CALLED_ONCE) { kstatus = _notify_server_set_state_3(globals->notify_server_port, t->token, state, (uint64_t *)&nid, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) name_table_set_nid(t->name, nid); } else { status = NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; kstatus = _notify_server_set_state_2(globals->notify_server_port, t->name_node->name_id, state); } } if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) { t->set_state_time = mach_absolute_time(); t->set_state_val = state; } token_table_release(t); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_cancel(int token) { token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t status; kern_return_t kstatus; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); /* * Lock to prevent a race with notify_post, which uses the name ID. * If we are cancelling the last registration for this name, then we need * to block those routines from getting the name ID from the name table. * Once notifyd gets the cancellation, the name may vanish, and the name ID * held in the name table would go stale. * * Uses token_table_find_no_lock() which does not retain, and * token_table_release_no_lock() which releases the token. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->notify_lock); t = token_table_find_no_lock(token); if (t == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; } if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { /* * _notify_lib_cancel returns NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED if self_state is NULL * We let it fail quietly. */ _notify_lib_cancel(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, t->token); token_table_release_no_lock(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) { kstatus = _notify_server_cancel(globals->notify_server_port, t->client_id, (int32_t *)&status); if ((kstatus == KERN_SUCCESS) && (status != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)) kstatus = KERN_FAILURE; } else { kstatus = _notify_server_cancel_2(globals->notify_server_port, token); } token_table_release_no_lock(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->notify_lock); if ((kstatus == MIG_SERVER_DIED) || (kstatus == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST)) return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; else if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t notify_suspend(int token) { token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t status, tid; kern_return_t kstatus; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { _notify_lib_suspend(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, t->token); token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } tid = token; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) tid = t->client_id; kstatus = _notify_server_suspend(globals->notify_server_port, tid, (int32_t *)&status); token_table_release(t); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) status = NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_resume(int token) { token_table_node_t *t; uint32_t status, tid; kern_return_t kstatus; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); regenerate_check(); t = token_table_find_retain(token); if (t == NULL) return NOTIFY_STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN; if (t->flags & NOTIFY_FLAG_SELF) { _notify_lib_resume(globals->self_state, NOTIFY_CLIENT_SELF, t->token); token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_OK; } if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { token_table_release(t); return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } tid = token; if (globals->notify_ipc_version == 0) tid = t->client_id; kstatus = _notify_server_resume(globals->notify_server_port, tid, (int32_t *)&status); token_table_release(t); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) status = NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_suspend_pid(pid_t pid) { uint32_t status; kern_return_t kstatus; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } kstatus = _notify_server_suspend_pid(globals->notify_server_port, pid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) status = NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } uint32_t notify_resume_pid(pid_t pid) { uint32_t status; kern_return_t kstatus; notify_globals_t globals = _notify_globals(); if (globals->notify_server_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { status = _notify_lib_init(EVENT_INIT); if (status != 0) { return NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; } } kstatus = _notify_server_resume_pid(globals->notify_server_port, pid, (int32_t *)&status); if (kstatus != KERN_SUCCESS) status = NOTIFY_STATUS_FAILED; return status; } /* Deprecated SPI */ uint32_t notify_simple_post(const char *name) { return notify_post(name); }