{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\qc \f0\b\fs24 \cf0 \ul TO DO LIST FOR AUTO\ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\qc \f1\b0 \cf0 \ulnone Bertrand 8/26/02\ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\ql\qnatural \cf0 \ \f0\b Soon \f1\b0 \ - Cache could be "maybe" (alloc does not invalidate). Then if not found sets flag\ \ \f0\b Dependencies\ \f1\b0 - Need a fast way to suspend all other threads\ - Need a fast way to list stack ranges for all threads\ \ \f0\b Later - Performance\ \f1\b0 - When scanning copy matching addresses into a quick_and_dirty buffer (using a q_a_d pattern matcher); scan precisely this buffer in batches\ - Compute a matching mask for regions and use that to quickly look for suitable bytes\ - introduce some batch functions (free for collecting; decrease extra refcount for autorelease pool)\ - Optimize bitmap functions in assembly\ - Maybe try MAX_SEQ=15 (which means make the bitmap functions able to handle 16 bit at a time)\ - Implement layout functions and compaction}