/* ** Copyright 2003, Oliver Tappe, zooey@hirschkaefer.de. All rights reserved. ** Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const uint32 kNumStrings = 10000; BString strs[kNumStrings]; BString ctxs[kNumStrings]; BString trls[kNumStrings]; const char *translated; class CatalogSpeed { public: void TestCreation(); void TestLookup(); void TestIdCreation(); void TestIdLookup(); }; #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "CatalogSpeed" #define catSig "x-vnd.Be.locale.catalogSpeed" #define catName catSig".catalog" void CatalogSpeed::TestCreation() { for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { strs[i] << "native-string#" << 1000000+i; ctxs[i] << B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT; trls[i] << "translation#" << 4000000+i; } BStopWatch watch("catalogSpeed", true); status_t res; assert(be_locale != NULL); system("mkdir -p ./locale/catalogs/"catSig); // create an empty catalog of default type... BPrivate::EditableCatalog cat1("Default", catSig, "klingon"); assert(cat1.InitCheck() == B_OK); // ...and populate the catalog with some data: for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { cat1.SetString(strs[i].String(), trls[i].String(), ctxs[i].String()); } watch.Suspend(); printf("\tadded %ld strings in %9Ld usecs\n", cat1.CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); watch.Reset(); watch.Resume(); res = cat1.WriteToFile("./locale/catalogs/"catSig"/klingon.catalog"); assert(res == B_OK); watch.Suspend(); printf("\t%ld strings written to disk in %9Ld usecs\n", cat1.CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); } void CatalogSpeed::TestLookup() { BStopWatch watch("catalogSpeed", true); BCatalog *cat = be_catalog = new BCatalog(catSig, "klingon"); assert(cat != NULL); assert(cat->InitCheck() == B_OK); watch.Suspend(); printf("\t%ld strings read from disk in %9Ld usecs\n", cat->CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); watch.Reset(); watch.Resume(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { translated = B_TRANSLATE(strs[i].String()); } watch.Suspend(); printf("\tlooked up %lu strings in %9Ld usecs\n", kNumStrings, watch.ElapsedTime()); delete cat; } void CatalogSpeed::TestIdCreation() { BStopWatch watch("catalogSpeed", true); watch.Suspend(); status_t res; BString s("string"); s << "\x01" << typeid(*this).name() << "\x01"; //size_t hashVal = __stl_hash_string(s.String()); assert(be_locale != NULL); system("mkdir -p ./locale/catalogs/"catSig); // create an empty catalog of default type... BPrivate::EditableCatalog cat1("Default", catSig, "klingon"); assert(cat1.InitCheck() == B_OK); // ...and populate the catalog with some data: for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { trls[i] = BString("id_translation#") << 6000000+i; } watch.Reset(); watch.Resume(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { cat1.SetString(i, trls[i].String()); } watch.Suspend(); printf("\tadded %ld strings by id in %9Ld usecs\n", cat1.CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); watch.Reset(); watch.Resume(); res = cat1.WriteToFile("./locale/catalogs/"catSig"/klingon.catalog"); assert( res == B_OK); watch.Suspend(); printf("\t%ld strings written to disk in %9Ld usecs\n", cat1.CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); } void CatalogSpeed::TestIdLookup() { BStopWatch watch("catalogSpeed", true); BCatalog *cat = be_catalog = new BCatalog(catSig, "klingon"); assert(cat != NULL); assert(cat->InitCheck() == B_OK); watch.Suspend(); printf("\t%ld strings read from disk in %9Ld usecs\n", cat->CountItems(), watch.ElapsedTime()); watch.Reset(); watch.Resume(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < kNumStrings; i++) { translated = B_TRANSLATE_ID(i); } watch.Suspend(); printf("\tlooked up %lu strings in %9Ld usecs\n", kNumStrings, watch.ElapsedTime()); delete cat; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { BApplication* testApp = new BApplication("application/"catSig); // change to app-folder: app_info appInfo; be_app->GetAppInfo(&appInfo); BEntry appEntry(&appInfo.ref); BEntry appFolder; appEntry.GetParent(&appFolder); BPath appPath; appFolder.GetPath(&appPath); chdir(appPath.Path()); CatalogSpeed catSpeed; printf("\t------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\tstring-based catalog usage:\n"); printf("\t------------------------------------------------\n"); catSpeed.TestCreation(); catSpeed.TestLookup(); printf("\t------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\tid-based catalog usage:\n"); printf("\t------------------------------------------------\n"); catSpeed.TestIdCreation(); catSpeed.TestIdLookup(); delete testApp; return 0; }