/* * Copyright 2020, François Revol, revol@free.fr. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2007, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ /** This file contains the entry point for the NeXT loader. */ /* * references : * NetBSD sys/arch/next68k/stand/boot/srt0.s */ #include // 1 enable verbose output //#define DEBUG 1 #define GLOBAL(x) .globl x ; x //#define FUNCTION(x) .global x; .type x,@function; x .text SYMBOL(_start): // find the monitor vector and push it movec %vbr,%a3 movel %a3@(4),-(%sp) // push the arg (bootarg) movel %sp@(8),-(%sp) jsr start_next addql #8,%sp rts SYMBOL_END(_start)