/* * Copyright 2021, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Tri-Edge AI */ #include #include namespace Bluetooth { BBitmap* BluetoothIconView::fBitmap = NULL; int32 BluetoothIconView::fRefCount = 0; BluetoothIconView::BluetoothIconView() : BView(BRect(0, 0, 80, 80), "", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { if (fRefCount == 0) { fBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 64, 64), 0, B_RGBA32); uint8* tempIcon; size_t tempSize; BMimeType mime("application/x-vnd.Haiku-bluetooth_server"); mime.GetIcon(&tempIcon, &tempSize); BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(tempIcon, tempSize, fBitmap); fRefCount++; } else { fRefCount++; } SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); SetBlendingMode(B_CONSTANT_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); } BluetoothIconView::~BluetoothIconView() { fRefCount--; if (fRefCount <= 0) delete fBitmap; } void BluetoothIconView::Draw(BRect rect) { this->DrawBitmap(fBitmap); } }