/* * Copyright 2012, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "CliQuitCommand.h" #include #include "CliContext.h" CliQuitCommand::CliQuitCommand() : CliCommand("quit Debugger", "%s\n" "Quits Debugger.") { } void CliQuitCommand::Execute(int argc, const char* const* argv, CliContext& context) { // Ask the user what to do with the debugged team. printf("Kill or resume the debugged team?\n"); for (;;) { const char* line = context.PromptUser("(k)ill, (r)esume, (c)ancel? "); if (line == NULL) return; BString trimmedLine(line); trimmedLine.Trim(); if (trimmedLine == "k") { context.QuitSession(true); break; } if (trimmedLine == "r") { context.QuitSession(false); break; } if (trimmedLine == "c") break; } }