/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Marcus Overhagen . All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Maurice Kalinowski . All rights reserved. * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef __VIDEO_NODE_H_ #define __VIDEO_NODE_H_ #include #include class BBitmap; class BLocker; class BWindow; class VideoView; class VideoWindow; class VideoNode : public BMediaEventLooper, public BBufferConsumer { public: VideoNode(const char *name); VideoNode(const char *name, BMediaAddOn* addon, int32 id); ~VideoNode(); void SetOverlayEnabled(bool yesno); bool IsOverlayActive(); void LockBitmap(); BBitmap * Bitmap(); void UnlockBitmap(); protected: BMediaAddOn * AddOn(int32 *internal_id) const; void NodeRegistered(); void BufferReceived(BBuffer * buffer); status_t GetNextInput(int32 *cookie, media_input *out_input); void DisposeInputCookie(int32 cookie); status_t HandleMessage( int32 message, const void *data, size_t size); void HandleEvent( const media_timed_event *event, bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent); status_t AcceptFormat( const media_destination &dst, media_format *format); void ProducerDataStatus( const media_destination &dst, int32 status, bigtime_t at_media_time); status_t GetLatencyFor( const media_destination &dst, bigtime_t *out_latency, media_node_id *out_id); status_t Connected( const media_source &src, const media_destination &dst, const media_format &format, media_input *out_input); void Disconnected( const media_source &src, const media_destination &dst); status_t FormatChanged( const media_source &src, const media_destination &dst, int32 from_change_count, const media_format &format); void HandleBuffer(BBuffer *buffer); status_t CreateBuffers(BRect frame, color_space cspace, bool overlay); void DeleteBuffers(); private: void _InitDisplay(); VideoWindow * fWindow; VideoView * fVideoView; media_input fInput; bool fOverlayEnabled; bool fOverlayActive; bool fDirectOverlayBuffer; // If the overlay memory is directly written by the producer node. BBitmap * fBitmap; BLocker * fBitmapLocker; BMediaAddOn* fAddOn; int32 fInternalFlavorId; }; #endif