timeout 0 # # This script is used to describe the commands to start at # boot-time and the arguments they should receive. # # Kernel arguments are not read from this script. On QEMU they can be # set using 'qemu-system-arm -append ...'. title Barrelfish # We have 100MHz timer on the FVP, but that's not discoverable at run time. kernel /armv7/sbin/cpu_a9ve loglevel=5 logmask=1 periphclk=100000000 consolePort=0 module /armv7/sbin/cpu_a9ve module /armv7/sbin/init # Domains spawned by init module /armv7/sbin/mem_serv module /armv7/sbin/monitor # Special boot time domains spawned by monitor module /armv7/sbin/ramfsd boot module /armv7/sbin/skb boot modulenounzip /eclipseclp_ramfs.cpio.gz nospawn modulenounzip /skb_ramfs.cpio.gz nospawn module /armv7/sbin/kaluga boot add_device_db=plat_VE_A9x4 module /armv7/sbin/spawnd boot module /armv7/sbin/proc_mgmt boot module /armv7/sbin/startd boot # Device drivers # module /armv7/sbin/serial_pl011 auto # module /armv7/sbin/serial_kernel irq=37 module /armv7/sbin/corectrl auto # General user domains module /armv7/sbin/angler serial0.terminal dumb module /armv7/sbin/fish nospawn module /armv7/sbin/memtest nospawn # The FVP simulates 4GB of RAM, 2GB of which is in the 32-bit address space. # start size id mmap map 0x00000000 0x80000000 13 # Device region mmap map 0x80000000 0x40000000 1 mmap map 0xC0000000 0x40000000 1 # Caps above 4GB break things right now, but should be ignored. #mmap map 0x880000000 0x80000000 1