Lines Matching defs:signature

35 check_app_info(app_info &info, AppRunner &runner, const char *signature,
57 //" signature: `%s' vs `%s'\n", info.thread, thread,, team,
58 //info.port, port, info.flags, flags, info.signature, signature);
64 && !strncmp(info.signature, signature, B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH));
68 status_t GetAppInfo(const char *signature, app_info *info) const
69 @case 1 signature is NULL or info is NULL
86 status_t GetAppInfo(const char *signature, app_info *info) const
87 @case 2 signature/info are not NULL, but no app with this
88 signature is running
100 status_t GetAppInfo(const char *signature, app_info *info) const
101 @case 3 signature/info are not NULL and an (two) app(s) with this
102 signature is (are) running; quit one; quit the second one
112 const char *signature = "application/x-vnd.obos-app-run-testapp1";
122 CHK(roster.GetAppInfo(signature, &info1) == B_OK);
123 CHK(check_app_info(info1, runner1, signature, flags)
124 || check_app_info(info1, runner2, signature, flags));
128 CHK(roster.GetAppInfo(signature, &info2) == B_OK);
129 CHK(check_app_info(info2, runner2, signature, flags));
132 CHK(roster.GetAppInfo(signature, &info1) == B_ERROR);
181 const char *signature = "application/x-vnd.obos-app-run-testapp1";
194 CHK(check_app_info(info1, runner1, signature, flags)
195 || check_app_info(info1, runner2, signature, flags));
200 CHK(check_app_info(info2, runner2, signature, flags));
257 const char *signature = "application/x-vnd.obos-app-run-testapp1";
266 CHK(check_app_info(info, runner, signature, flags));