Lines Matching refs:Thread

71 typedef BKernel::TeamThreadTable<Thread> ThreadHashTable;
75 static Thread sIdleThreads[SMP_MAX_CPUS];
90 Thread* thread;
93 UndertakerEntry(Thread* thread, team_id teamID)
126 Thread* thread = NULL)
140 void Notify(uint32 eventCode, Thread* thread)
157 // #pragma mark - Thread
167 Thread::Thread(const char* name, thread_id threadID, struct cpu_ent* cpu)
209 snprintf(lockName, sizeof(lockName), "Thread:%" B_PRId32, id);
236 Thread::~Thread()
271 Thread::Create(const char* name, Thread*& _thread)
273 Thread* thread = new Thread(name, -1, NULL);
288 /*static*/ Thread*
289 Thread::Get(thread_id id)
292 Thread* thread = sThreadHash.Lookup(id);
299 /*static*/ Thread*
300 Thread::GetAndLock(thread_id id)
304 Thread* thread = sThreadHash.Lookup(id);
327 /*static*/ Thread*
328 Thread::GetDebug(thread_id id)
335 Thread::IsAlive(thread_id id)
343 Thread::operator new(size_t size)
350 Thread::operator new(size_t, void* pointer)
357 Thread::operator delete(void* pointer, size_t size)
364 Thread::Init(bool idleThread)
397 Thread::IsAlive() const
406 Thread::ResetSignalsOnExec()
430 Thread::AddUserTimer(UserTimer* timer)
451 Thread::RemoveUserTimer(UserTimer* timer)
468 Thread::DeleteUserTimers(bool userDefinedOnly)
477 Thread::DeactivateCPUTimeUserTimers()
503 Thread*
508 Thread* thread = sThreadHash.NextElement(&fEntry);
521 Thread* thread)
578 Thread* currentThread = thread_get_current_thread();
600 insert_thread_into_team(Team *team, Thread *thread)
619 remove_thread_from_team(Team *team, Thread *thread)
621 Thread *temp, *last = NULL;
639 enter_userspace(Thread* thread, UserThreadEntryArguments* args)
699 thread_enter_userspace_new_team(Thread* thread, addr_t entryFunction,
720 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
762 init_thread_kernel_stack(Thread* thread, const void* data, size_t dataSize)
797 create_thread_user_stack(Team* team, Thread* thread, void* _stackBase,
868 thread_create_user_stack(Team* team, Thread* thread, void* stackBase,
902 Thread* thread = attributes.thread;
906 status = Thread::Create(, thread);
910 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
1013 Thread* currentThread = thread_get_current_thread();
1033 // over a reference to its Thread object. We'll acquire another reference
1044 // Thread destructor cannot do that, so we have to do that explicitly.
1124 Thread* thread = entry.thread;
1168 get_thread_wait_sem(Thread* thread)
1182 fill_thread_info(Thread *thread, thread_info *info, size_t size)
1232 Thread *target = Thread::Get(id);
1235 BReference<Thread> targetReference(target, true);
1294 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
1418 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
1474 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1512 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1544 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1578 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1630 state_to_text(Thread *thread, int32 state)
1682 _dump_thread_info(Thread *thread, bool shortInfo)
1892 _dump_thread_info((Thread *)arg, shortInfo);
1899 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1961 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
1978 update_thread_sigmask_on_exit(Thread* thread)
1994 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2337 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2360 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2386 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2405 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2461 Thread will continue to run, if there's no other thread in ready
2468 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2480 thread_map(void (*function)(Thread* thread, void* data), void* data)
2485 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
2517 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
2583 thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
2608 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
2611 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
2634 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
2637 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
2678 thread_state_to_text(Thread* thread, int32 state)
2687 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
2690 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
2706 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
2724 sThreadCache = create_object_cache("threads", sizeof(Thread), 64, NULL,
2738 Thread *thread;
2743 thread = new(&sIdleThreads[i]) Thread(name,
2874 Thread* thread = (Thread*)timer->user_data;
2898 thread_block_locked(Thread* thread)
2954 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
3000 thread_unblock(Thread* thread, status_t status)
3014 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(threadID);
3017 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3048 thread_check_permissions(const Thread* currentThread, const Thread* thread,
3073 Thread* currentThread = thread_get_current_thread();
3074 Thread* thread = Thread::Get(id);
3077 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3094 Thread *thread = thread_get_current_thread();
3156 Thread* currentThread = thread_get_current_thread();
3157 Thread* thread;
3158 BReference<Thread> threadReference;
3162 thread = Thread::Get(id);
3194 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
3197 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3225 Thread* thread = NULL;
3235 for (Thread* next = team->thread_list; next != NULL;
3272 Thread* thread = it.Next();) {
3291 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
3294 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3325 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(id);
3328 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3471 Thread* thread = Thread::GetAndLock(threadID);
3474 BReference<Thread> threadReference(thread, true);
3562 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
3787 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();
3923 Thread* thread = thread_get_current_thread();