Lines Matching defs:Team

12 /*!	Team functions */
101 void Notify(uint32 eventCode, Team* team);
108 typedef BKernel::TeamThreadTable<Team> TeamTable;
148 // the team_id -> Team hash table and the lock protecting it
156 static Team* sKernelTeam = NULL;
195 Team*
200 Team* team = sTeamHash.NextElement(&fEntry);
412 TeamNotificationService::Notify(uint32 eventCode, Team* team)
425 // #pragma mark - Team
428 Team::Team(team_id id, bool kernel)
497 mutex_init(&fLock, "Team:kernel");
500 snprintf(lockName, sizeof(lockName), "Team:%" B_PRId32, id);
516 Team::~Team()
553 /*static*/ Team*
554 Team::Create(team_id id, const char* name, bool kernel)
557 Team* team = new(std::nothrow) Team(id, kernel);
560 ObjectDeleter<Team> teamDeleter(team);
588 Team and thread spinlock must not be held.
590 /*static*/ Team*
591 Team::Get(team_id id)
594 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
600 Team* team = sTeamHash.Lookup(id);
609 Team and thread spinlock must not be held.
611 /*static*/ Team*
612 Team::GetAndLock(team_id id)
615 Team* team = Get(id);
644 Team::LockTeamAndParent(bool dontLockParentIfKernel)
653 Team* parent = this->parent;
661 BReference<Team> parentReference(parent);
680 Team::UnlockTeamAndParent()
695 Team::LockTeamParentAndProcessGroup()
714 Team::UnlockTeamParentAndProcessGroup()
726 Team::LockTeamAndProcessGroup()
762 Team::UnlockTeamAndProcessGroup()
770 Team::SetName(const char* name)
780 Team::SetArgs(const char* args)
787 Team::SetArgs(const char* path, const char* const* otherArgs, int otherArgCount)
799 Team::ResetSignalsOnExec()
821 Team::InheritSignalActions(Team* parent)
838 Team::AddUserTimer(UserTimer* timer)
863 Team::RemoveUserTimer(UserTimer* timer)
881 Team::DeleteUserTimers(bool userDefinedOnly)
892 Team::CheckAddUserDefinedTimer()
908 Team::UserDefinedTimersRemoved(int32 count)
915 Team::DeactivateCPUTimeUserTimers()
937 Team::CPUTime(bool ignoreCurrentRun, Thread* lockedThread) const
971 Team::UserCPUTime() const
1080 Team* team = teams;
1084 Team* parent = team->parent;
1143 _dump_team_info(Team* team)
1193 _dump_team_info((Team*)arg);
1199 Team* team = it.Next();) {
1221 Team* team = it.Next();) {
1247 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
1256 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(id);
1284 insert_team_into_parent(Team* parent, Team* team)
1302 remove_team_from_parent(Team* parent, Team* team)
1304 Team* child;
1305 Team* last = NULL;
1327 is_session_leader(Team* team)
1337 is_process_group_leader(Team* team)
1348 insert_team_into_group(ProcessGroup* group, Team* team)
1368 remove_team_from_group(Team* team)
1371 Team* current;
1372 Team* last = NULL;
1400 create_team_user_data(Team* team, void* exactAddress = NULL)
1446 delete_team_user_data(Team* team)
1579 Team* team;
1767 Team* team = Team::Create(mainThread->id, path, false);
1770 BReference<Team> teamReference(team, true);
1772 BReference<Team> teamLoadingReference;
1782 Team* parent = Team::Get(parentID);
1785 BReference<Team> parentReference(parent, true);
1965 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
2106 Team* parentTeam = parentThread->team;
2107 Team* team;
2132 team = Team::Create(thread->id, NULL, false);
2327 has_children_in_group(Team* parent, pid_t groupID)
2329 for (Team* child = parent->children; child != NULL;
2397 get_job_control_entry(Team* team, pid_t id, uint32 flags)
2496 Team* team = thread->team;
2538 if (Team* childTeam = Team::Get(child)) {
2539 BReference<Team> childTeamReference(childTeam, true);
2683 fill_team_info(Team* team, team_info* info, size_t size)
2734 Team* team = group->teams;
2800 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(id);
2803 BReference<Team> teamReference(team, true);
2833 Team* child = team->children;
2892 sKernelTeam = Team::Create(1, "kernel_team", true);
2970 team_get_death_entry(Team* team, thread_id child, bool* _deleteEntry)
3004 Team*
3015 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
3032 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
3049 Team* team = thread->team;
3099 Team* team = team_get_team_struct_locked(id);
3117 team_remove_team(Team* team, pid_t& _signalGroup)
3119 Team* parent = team->parent;
3160 while (Team* child = team->children) {
3205 team_shutdown_team(Team* team)
3305 team_delete_team(Team* team, port_id debuggerPort)
3363 Team*
3399 Team* team = team_get_team_struct_locked(id);
3422 team_set_job_control_state(Team* team, job_control_state newState,
3491 team_init_exit_info_on_error(Team* team)
3524 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(teamID);
3545 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(teamID);
3575 team_allocate_user_thread(Team* team)
3620 team_free_user_thread(Team* team, struct user_thread* userThread)
3840 Team* team = team_get_team_struct_locked(id);
3858 Team* team = team_get_team_struct_locked(id);
3879 Team* team = Team::Get(id);
3882 BReference<Team> teamReference(team, true);
3902 Team* team = NULL;
3910 BReference<Team> teamReference(team);
3953 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
3959 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(id);
3984 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
3990 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(id);
4106 Team* currentTeam = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
4137 Team* team = Team::Get(processID);
4140 BReference<Team> teamReference(team, true);
4255 Team* team = thread_get_current_thread()->team;
4346 Team* team = thread->team;
4495 Team* team = Team::GetAndLock(teamID);
4498 BReference<Team> teamReference(team, true);