Lines Matching defs:reply

509 	// prepare the reply
510 InitConnectionReply reply;
512 // send the reply
513 reply.error = (alreadyInitialized ? B_BAD_VALUE : B_OK);
514 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
594 MountReply reply;
600 _GetNodeInfo(volume->GetRootDirectory(), &reply.nodeInfo);
601 reply.sharePermissions = sharePermissions.GetPermissions();
602 reply.volumeID = volume->GetID();
614 // send the reply
615 reply.error = result;
616 reply.noPermission = noPermission;
617 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
661 // prepare the reply
662 ReadVNodeReply reply;
664 _GetNodeInfo(node, &reply.nodeInfo);
668 // send the reply
669 reply.error = result;
670 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
735 // prepare the reply
736 WriteStatReply reply;
738 reply.nodeInfoValid = false;
741 _GetNodeInfo(node, &reply.nodeInfo);
742 reply.nodeInfoValid = true;
748 // send the reply
749 reply.error = result;
750 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
832 // prepare the reply
833 CreateFileReply reply;
835 _GetEntryInfo(entry, &reply.entryInfo);
836 reply.cookie = handle->GetCookie();
841 // send the reply
842 reply.error = result;
843 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
904 // prepare the reply
905 OpenReply reply;
907 _GetNodeInfo(node, &reply.nodeInfo);
908 reply.cookie = handle->GetCookie();
913 // send the reply
914 reply.error = result;
915 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
966 // send the reply
967 CloseReply reply;
968 reply.error = result;
969 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1034 // prepare the reply
1035 ReadReply reply;
1037 reply.pos = pos;
1038, bytesRead);
1039 reply.moreToCome = moreToRead;
1044 // send the reply
1045 reply.error = result;
1046 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1108 // prepare the reply
1109 WriteReply reply;
1110 // send the reply
1111 reply.error = result;
1112 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1179 // prepare the reply
1180 CreateSymlinkReply reply;
1181 // send the reply
1182 reply.error = result;
1183 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1237 // prepare the reply
1238 UnlinkReply reply;
1239 // send the reply
1240 reply.error = result;
1241 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1295 // prepare the reply
1296 CreateSymlinkReply reply;
1297 // send the reply
1298 reply.error = result;
1299 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1348 // read the link and prepare the reply
1349 ReadLinkReply reply;
1354, bytesRead);
1355 _GetNodeInfo(node, &reply.nodeInfo);
1360 // send the reply
1361 reply.error = result;
1362 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1442 // prepare the reply
1443 RenameReply reply;
1444 // send the reply
1445 reply.error = result;
1446 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1500 // prepare the reply
1501 MakeDirReply reply;
1502 // send the reply
1503 reply.error = result;
1504 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1558 // prepare the reply
1559 RemoveDirReply reply;
1560 // send the reply
1561 reply.error = result;
1562 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1606 // prepare the reply
1607 OpenDirReply reply;
1609 _GetNodeInfo(directory, &reply.nodeInfo);
1610 reply.cookie = handle->GetCookie();
1621 // send the reply
1622 reply.error = result;
1623 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1692 ReadDirReply reply;
1705 result = reply.entryInfos.Append(entryInfo);
1710 reply.revision = VolumeManager::GetDefault()->GetRevision();
1713 //directoryID, reply.error, reply.entryInfos.CountElements(),
1714 //reply.entryInfo.directoryID,
1715 //reply.entryInfo.nodeID,;
1721 result, reply.entryInfos.CountElements());
1726 // send the reply
1727 reply.error = result;
1728 reply.done = (result != B_OK || done);
1729 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1769 WalkReply reply;
1777 // fill in the reply
1779 _GetEntryInfo(entry, &reply.entryInfo);
1786 reply.linkPath.SetTo(linkPath);
1793 // send the reply
1794 reply.error = result;
1800, reply.linkPath.GetString());
1801 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1841 MultiWalkReply reply;
1854 result = reply.entryInfos.Append(entryInfo);
1860 // send the reply
1861 reply.error = result;
1865 result, reply.entryInfos.CountElements());
1866 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1909 // prepare the reply
1910 OpenAttrDirReply reply;
1913 reply.cookie = handle->GetCookie();
1916 reply.cookie = -1;
1917 result = _GetAttrDirInfo(request, node, &reply.attrDirInfo);
1923 // send the reply
1924 reply.error = result;
1925 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
1995 // prepare the reply
1996 ReadAttrDirReply reply;
1999 // send the reply
2000 reply.error = result;
2001 reply.count = countRead;
2002 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2102 // prepare the reply
2103 ReadAttrReply reply;
2105 reply.pos = originalPos;
2106 + originalPos, originalSize);
2107 reply.moreToCome = false;
2110 // send the reply
2111 reply.error = result;
2112 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2128 // prepare the reply
2129 ReadAttrReply reply;
2131 reply.pos = pos;
2132, bytesRead);
2133 reply.moreToCome = moreToRead;
2138 // send the reply
2139 reply.error = result;
2140 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2150 // reply
2151 ReadAttrReply reply;
2152 reply.error = result;
2153 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2236 // prepare the reply
2237 WriteAttrReply reply;
2238 // send the reply
2239 reply.error = result;
2240 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2288 // send the reply
2289 RemoveAttrReply reply;
2290 reply.error = result;
2291 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2299 // send the reply
2300 RemoveAttrReply reply;
2301 reply.error = B_UNSUPPORTED;
2302 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2346 StatAttrReply reply;
2355 NULL, &reply.attrInfo);
2358 // send the reply
2359 reply.error = result;
2360 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2380 // prepare the reply
2381 OpenQueryReply reply;
2383 reply.cookie = handle->GetCookie();
2387 // send the reply
2388 reply.error = result;
2389 status_t error = GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);
2431 ReadQueryReply reply;
2459 // store all the client volume IDs in the reply
2461 result = reply.clientVolumeIDs.Append(volumeIDs[i]);
2467 _GetNodeInfo(entry->GetDirectory(), &reply.dirInfo);
2468 _GetEntryInfo(entry, &reply.entryInfo);
2478 // send the reply
2479 reply.error = result;
2480 reply.count = countRead;
2484 reply.error, reply.count,
2485 reply.entryInfo.directoryID.volumeID,
2486 reply.entryInfo.directoryID.nodeID,
2490 return GetChannel()->SendRequest(&reply);