Lines Matching defs:cut

1982 /* integer u at column cut (counting from the right, LSD=0) and place */
1984 /* that cut must be <= 9, and the maximum value for u is 2,000,000,000 */
1987 #define TODIGIT(u, cut, c) { \
1989 pow=powers[cut]*2; \
2008 Int cut; /* for counting digits in a Unit */
2048 /* calculate how many digits in msu, and hence first cut */
2049 cut = dn->digits % DECDPUN;
2050 if (cut == 0)
2051 cut = DECDPUN; /* msu is full */
2052 cut--; /* power of ten for digit */
2060 for (; cut >= 0; c++, cut--)
2061 TODIGIT (u, cut, c);
2062 cut = DECDPUN - 1; /* next Unit has all digits */
2111 for (; pre > 0; pre--, c++, cut--)
2113 if (cut < 0)
2118 cut = DECDPUN - 1;
2121 TODIGIT (u, cut, c);
2123 if (up > dn->lsu || (up == dn->lsu && cut >= 0))
2127 for (;; c++, cut--)
2129 if (cut < 0)
2134 cut = DECDPUN - 1;
2137 TODIGIT (u, cut, c);
2152 for (;; c++, cut--)
2154 if (cut < 0)
2159 cut = DECDPUN - 1;
2162 TODIGIT (u, cut, c);
2183 for (cut = 9; cut >= 0; cut--)
2185 TODIGIT (u, cut, c);
2190 } /* cut */
2746 Int shift, cut; /* .. */
3025 cut = -exponent;
3027 cut = DECDPUN - exponent % DECDPUN;
3028 decShiftToLeast (var1, var1units, cut);
3029 exponent += cut; /* maintain numerical value */
3030 var1initpad -= cut; /* .. and reduce padding */
3032 for (u = msu1; cut >= DECDPUN; cut -= DECDPUN, u--)
4372 uInt cut; /* .. */
4392 cut = 1; /* digit (1-DECDPUN) in Unit */
4398 uInt quot = QUOT10 (*up, cut);
4399 if ((*up - quot * powers[cut]) != 0)
4402 if (*up % powers[cut] != 0)
4416 cut++; /* next power */
4417 if (cut > DECDPUN)
4420 cut = 1;
4452 Int cut; /* odd 0's to add */
4463 cut = (DECDPUN - shift % DECDPUN) % DECDPUN;
4466 target = source + D2U (shift); /* where upper part of first cut goes */
4473 uInt quot = QUOT10 (*source, cut);
4474 rem = *source - quot * powers[cut];
4477 rem = *source % powers[cut];
4478 next += *source / powers[cut];
4482 next = rem * powers[DECDPUN - cut]; /* save remainder for next Unit */
4510 Int cut, count; /* work */
4517 cut = shift % DECDPUN; /* odd 0's to drop */
4519 if (cut == 0)
4528 quot = QUOT10 (*up, cut);
4530 quot = *up / powers[cut];
4535 count -= (DECDPUN - cut);
4541 quot = QUOT10 (quot, cut);
4542 rem = *up - quot * powers[cut];
4544 rem = quot % powers[cut];
4545 quot = quot / powers[cut];
4547 *target = (Unit) (*target + rem * powers[DECDPUN - cut]);
4548 count -= cut;
4667 uInt cut; /* cut point in Unit */
4738 cut = discard - (count - DECDPUN) - 1;
4739 if (cut == DECDPUN - 1)
4751 cut = 0; /* bottom digit of result */
4757 if (cut == 0)
4759 else /* cut>0 */
4762 quot = QUOT10 (*up, cut);
4763 rem = *up - quot * powers[cut];
4765 rem = *up % powers[cut];
4766 quot = *up / powers[cut];
4781 cut++; /* update cut */
4785 /* cut is the division point for each Unit */
4787 /* Unit, unless cut==0 in which case it's still in *up */
4799 if (cut == 0)
4812 count -= (DECDPUN - cut);
4818 quot = QUOT10 (quot, cut);
4819 rem = *up - quot * powers[cut];
4821 rem = quot % powers[cut];
4822 quot = quot / powers[cut];
4824 *target = (Unit) (*target + rem * powers[DECDPUN - cut]);
4825 count -= cut;
5608 Int cut; /* .. */
5646 for (cut = DECDPUN - 1; cut >= 0; cut--)
5648 d = u / powers[cut];
5649 u -= d * powers[cut];
5651 } /* cut */