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Makefile (64049) Makefile (66071)
2# $FreeBSD: head/Makefile 64049 2000-07-31 09:26:59Z alex $
2# $FreeBSD: head/Makefile 66071 2000-09-19 11:15:40Z markm $
4# The user-driven targets are:
6# buildworld - Rebuild *everything*, including glue to help do
7# upgrades.
8# installworld - Install everything built by "buildworld".
9# world - buildworld + installworld.
10# buildkernel - Rebuild the kernel and the kernel-modules.
11# installkernel - Install the kernel and the kernel-modules.
4# The user-driven targets are:
6# buildworld - Rebuild *everything*, including glue to help do
7# upgrades.
8# installworld - Install everything built by "buildworld".
9# world - buildworld + installworld.
10# buildkernel - Rebuild the kernel and the kernel-modules.
11# installkernel - Install the kernel and the kernel-modules.
12# reinstallkernel - Reinstall the kernel and the kernel-modules.
12# update - Convenient way to update your source tree (cvs).
13# upgrade - Upgrade a.out (2.2.x/3.0) system to the new ELF way
14# most - Build user commands, no libraries or include files.
15# installmost - Install user commands, no libraries or include files.
16# aout-to-elf - Upgrade an system from a.out to elf format (see below).
17# aout-to-elf-build - Build everything required to upgrade a system from
18# a.out to elf format (see below).
19# aout-to-elf-install - Install everything built by aout-to-elf-build (see

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79# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82# Define the user-driven targets. These are listed here in alphabetical
83# order, but that's not important.
85TGTS= afterdistribute all buildkernel buildworld checkdpadd clean \
86 cleandepend cleandir depend distribute everything hierarchy includes \
13# update - Convenient way to update your source tree (cvs).
14# upgrade - Upgrade a.out (2.2.x/3.0) system to the new ELF way
15# most - Build user commands, no libraries or include files.
16# installmost - Install user commands, no libraries or include files.
17# aout-to-elf - Upgrade an system from a.out to elf format (see below).
18# aout-to-elf-build - Build everything required to upgrade a system from
19# a.out to elf format (see below).
20# aout-to-elf-install - Install everything built by aout-to-elf-build (see

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80# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83# Define the user-driven targets. These are listed here in alphabetical
84# order, but that's not important.
86TGTS= afterdistribute all buildkernel buildworld checkdpadd clean \
87 cleandepend cleandir depend distribute everything hierarchy includes \
87 install installkernel installmost installworld libraries lint \
88 maninstall mk most obj objlink regress rerelease tags update
88 install installkernel reinstallkernel installmost installworld \
89 libraries lint maninstall mk most obj objlink regress rerelease \
90 tags update
90PATH= /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
91MAKE= PATH=${PATH} make -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1
94# Handle the user-driven targets, using the source relative mk files.
96${TGTS}: upgrade_checks

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92PATH= /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
93MAKE= PATH=${PATH} make -m ${.CURDIR}/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1
96# Handle the user-driven targets, using the source relative mk files.
98${TGTS}: upgrade_checks

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